Born Blue

By HoneyMabel

31.1K 330 14

This starts off at the end of the season 10 finale. (Which was amazing!) The interactions with the baby Jamko... More

Starting a Family?
Baby Blues
It's About Time
Sick Day
Telling the Family
Cloudy Judgement
Operation:Family Stakeout
Not in Church
Christmas Day
Unwanted Visitor
Getting Ready
Mood Swings
Baby Time
Meeting her cousins
First Mothers Day
Joe Babysits
Nicoles Interview
Eddie Goes Back to Work
Know your place
Settling the Dispute
Learning The Ropes
Night Adventure
Eddie Goes Out
Hashing it out
Blast from the past
One thing to the next
More puzzle pieces
Take them down
The double date
Pregnancy brain
What does it mean
The reagans 2 cents
Everything happens for a reason
Could've been worse
Run down
Cheater cheater
Now What?
New Game Plan
The Truth
The Old Flame
Unnecessary Visitor
Weighing the options
Professional conversation
So sweet
Case closed
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
Quality time
New Partner
Seems Familer
In Need of Love
Over The Edge
One on One
The One That Got Away
Making Amends
Still His Little Girl
An Honest Mistake
High Tensions
To be fair
Going to the Chapel
Drama at the 2-9
Bringing work home
Water Under The Bridge
Finally Some R&R
Battle Scars
Kiss and Makeup
A New Addition?
New Dinner Guest
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Big News
Deja Vu
Trouble in Paradise
Spicy Night
The 2 Week Wait
Ryans 1st Birthday
Seeing Double
The Big Announcement
Gathering Intel
Well This Is Awkward
Who's The Father
Officially Outnumbered
Another Reagan Is Born
Babies Left and Right
Just Another Day- Final Chapter

First Night Home

736 4 1
By HoneyMabel

3 days later

Jamie carried the diaper bag and car seat up to their apartment with Eddie following him. They couldn't wait to be home and relax on their own couch and sleep in their bed.

"Alright home sweet home." Jamie said setting the car seat down on the table, Alaina was asleep.

"Well she's excited." Eddie laughed and stood there looking at her.

"I'm gonna go grab the rest of the bags, will you be okay?" He asked.

"Jamie yes. I'm fine." She said and started to get the baby out of the car seat. He left to go back to the car. Alaina started stretching and pouting when Eddie got her out.

"Oh I know, I'm sorry. You want to sleep over here?" Eddie whispered to her and walked her to the swing in the living room nice and slowly. She was still recovering and sore, she had to take it easy. She buckled her in and turned it on, she fell back asleep like it was nothing. She sat down on the couch to soak up the quiet peacefulness, life was perfect.

Jamie came back with his hands full of bags and set them on the floor. Eddie got up and wanted to unpack.

"Eddie why don't you sit and relax and I'll make you something to eat? We can unpack later." He said.

"Oo! Okay. What are you gonna make?" She asked excited for a home cooked meal.

"Whatever you want, we got burgers, chicken, tator tots, lot of frozen vegetables." He rambled off looking in the freezer.

"I would like a burger, with tator tots, and corn." She said looking in the freezer with him.

"You got it." He winked and set it out on the counter. Eddie went to sit back down and watched Alaina sleep. She took a few pictures of her, and sent them to the family.

Jamie had finished making the food and brought Eddie her plate, he sat next to her and they started eating. Of course the second she took a bite of the hamburger Alaina woke up and started crying. She put her food down and got right up to get her out.

"Okayyy shhh okayyy, whats the matter sweetie?" she said scooping her up and bouncing her back and forth.

"I think she needs her diaper changed." Eddie said after feeling it and walked with her to the nursery. She laid her down on the changing table and started to undress her, she cried more as she was naked and cold.

"Oh I know sweet girl...shhh. You're okay..." she said trying to hurry and change her. Jamie came in and stood next to Eddie looking down at the screaming newborn, he put her binky in her mouth to see if that helped and it did. She stopped and sucked on it for a few seconds, but then she started crying again.

"She's like shivering cold." He pointed out.

"I know I think I'll try and feed her though." Eddie said buttoning the sleeper back up.

"Yeah she must sucked in the binky pretty hard there for a second." Jamie said watching Eddie pick her up and carry her up on her shoulder out to the living room.

She got settled and comfortable and started nursing her. Jamie felt bad Eddie couldn't eat so he fed her a few tator tots while she nursed.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked watching her facial expressions change feeding her.

"Yeah a little." She said.

"I think I remember putting that cream in your bag." Jamie got up to look. He found it and came back over with it.

"Oh right I need some of that." She said.

When Alaina was done eating Jamie offered to burp her so Eddie could eat. She watched him walk around the room patting her with a rag draped over his shoulder to catch anything that would come back up.

"Baby looks good on you Mr.Reagan." She said in love with the two of them.

"Is that right?" He asked with a laugh.

"Mhm." She said grinning.


9:30 rolled around and they were getting ready to get to bed. Jamie had changed Alaina's diaper, put her into a new sleeper (beings she spit up on the last one), and then together they figured out how to use these fancy swaddles they had with velcro. He handed her to Eddie who sat in the rocking chair in the nursery and nursed her to sleep.

"Are you putting her in the bassinet in our room though right?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah I just wanted to rock her." She said.

"Okay good I was just making sure." He said.

"Jamie I think you should just go to bed, it's gonna be a rough couple nights, get a head start." She kinda laughed and said. He agreed with her and went to get some sleep knowing she'd be done soon and join him.

He must have just passed out as soon as he laid down because he woke up at 11:30 to the baby crying, not remembering Eddie coming to bed. He sat up quickly and brought her into bed with him, trying to get her to stop with her binky. Eddie was exhausted but she whipped her boob out and laid down with her to nurse. Jamie watched her close her eyes again, so tired. He wished he could help but knew this was just how it was right now.

Eddie sat up when she was done eating to burp her. You could tell she was just so tired. Jamie watched her sorta struggling to get her to burp, she began to fuss and rub her face around Eddies chest.

"Honey let me try..." Jamie said and went to take her. Eddie didn't mind she laid down and fell asleep. Jamie walked around bouncing up and down patting her back, shooshing her. He got to the nursery to sit down in the rocking chair but before he could he heard the burp...and then he felt it on his naked chest.

"Ha...oh thank you sweetie." He said smiling, he stopped and laid her down on the changing table. He pulled out some wet wipes and wiped it off him as best he could and then wiped her mouth.

"What's that for? Huh?" He said brushing her hair to the side gently with his fingers as he looked at her, she let out a cute baby yawn and then kept her eyes closed.

"See you're tired too. Let's see if we can let mommy sleep a little bit longer, she's pretty tired." He whispered to her as he walked her back to their room and put her in the bassinet.

He watched her stay sleeping and then walked away to go back to bed.

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