How Did This Happen? *A One D...

By Pandasrcool85

681K 7K 1K

I was just another regular Asian girl. Except I lived in a adoption center. I lived here for the past 11 year... More

How Did This Happen? *A One Direction adopted Story*
Chapter 1: My New Parents.. Well New Brothers......
Chapter 2: New Life, New Family
Author's Note
Chapter 3: Well.. Umm. This is interesting.
Chapter 5: What an ODD Life
Chapter 6: Getting a new start, WHICH I LOOOVEEE!! :)
Chapter 9: Let's get this party started!
Chapter 10: FINALLY!
Chapter 11: What An Interesting Day
Chapter 12: HURRY UP!
Chapter 13: The. Best. No. BETTER.
Chapter 14: Some poo is about to go down.
Chapter 15: YOUR A GENIUS!!
Chapter 16: A New Song
Chapter 17: Hospital Breakdown
Chapter 18: Waking up
Chapter 19: Starting again. HOLY FUDGE! I MADE IT IN?!?!?!?!
Chapter 20: Have a Celebration!
Chapter 21: What a wonderful surprise!
Chapter 22: I don't feel so well.
Chapter 23: TIME TO RECORD!
Chapter 24: A fun night
Chapter 25: FUN GAME!!!
Chapter 26: Not feeling too well
Chapter 27: Running Around
Chapter 29: It's the BEST DAY EVER!!
Chapter 30: Meeting Someone New
Chapter 31: So tired.
Chapter 32: What an interesting day...
Chapter 33: Practicing hurts....
Chapter 34: What a busy busy week....
Chapter 35: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!
Chapter 36: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Chapter 37: Just a Regular Day
Chapter 39: It hurts really badly..
Chapter 40: Back For You
Chapter 41: So nervous.
Chapter 42: NO WAY!
Author's Note
Chapter 43: PHEW. Tired.
Chapter 44: Airplane ride and a surprise!
Chapter 46: I Try Not To Let It Happen
Chapter 47: I'm Not letting it Get In My Way
Chapter 48: Yes, I am Truely, Madly, Deeply, crazy in love with you.
Chapter 50: WHAT?! Fine...
Chapter 51: It's already time to go?!
Chapter 52: OH MER GAWD!
Chapter 53: I'm pooped out
Chapter 54: Some exciting news!
Chapter 55: She's Not Afriad
Chapter 57: Coming back Home
Chapter 58: Having a Great Time till you came
Chapter 59: Shopping time!!!
Chapter 60: I know we only Met, but Let's pretend It's Love.
Chapter 61: The end of fun


9.2K 104 4
By Pandasrcool85

Annabelle's P.O.V.

I was so happy when Eleanor told me I was going to be the cover of COVERGIRL. I was fangirling hard. 

"You must be excited for tomorrow." Harry cuckled. I nodded and smiled at the same time. I heard the doorbell ring and I ran for it.

I opened the door and tackled Will before he could say anything. 

"Well someone is a little happy today." Will laughed. I laughed and got off him. "HELLO! I AM SO HAPPY!" I yelled. "Wanna tell me why? Oh. And I made you Bun Rieu. (some type of Asian noodle. but better.)" Will smiled. I gasped and kissed him on the cheek. I grabbed the bag from him and took his hand and ran with him inside. He laughed and he closed the door behind him.

"WELL. Hello!" Zayn said. Will and him did this handshake and I ran inside, opened the lid, grabbed some chopsticks and started to eat. I went back outside and I was savoring it. 

"OH MY GOSH WILL. You make the best bun rieu EVER!" I said. I was enjoying it so much. He laughed and kissed me on the forehead. "Glad you enjoy it Anna."He smiled. I smiled and drank my smoothie. I sat down on the couch and started to watch Victorious. GAWD. THEY ARE SO PRETTY.  

I heard someone going downstairs and saw it was Louis. "Hi Louis." I said while still eating. 

"Hi Anna. What is with all the screaming." Louis rubbed his eyes. "Oh. Eleanor got a call from her agent saying that she wanted me on the December Covergirl." I said. I looked at him and his eyes went big. I set down my food and I was soon tackled on the floor by him.

"OMG OMG OMG. WHY YOU TELL ME NOW?! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! OH MY GOSH! ANNA IS FAMOUS!!" Louis yelled. I laughed and he got off me. Everyone else went into the living room. "WHAT HAPPENED!? I HEARD YELLING!" Rachel yell. Ohh Rachel. She is always the one who.. umm. always use. PSH. I don't know. She is always there for me. 


"Sorry Lou. I didn't want to wake you up." Elanor pouted. Louis went to her and gave her a kiss. 

"GUYS! I'M 14! KEEP IT PG!"I yelled. Louis scoffed and I stick my tongue at him. SASS-ER. >:D

I went back to eating and see Will sitting next to me with a cup of smoothie. I pinched his cheeks and went back to eating. He was still sipping his smoothie. HE LOOKED SO INNOCENT. 

I was finally finshed eating and I felt so much better than before. I cleaned up my container and sat back down next to Will. We were both drinking our smoothies and watching TV. Don't tell this to anyone, but -looks around- he is my first boyfriend and true love. ;) 

We were getting bored so he said, "Want to do a twit cam?" "Sure. But what is that? I mean I see it everywhere, but I really have no idea what it is really." I shrugged. He gasped me pulled me upstairs making me almost dropping my smoothie. He pulled me into my room and closed my door. He then opened my laptop and started to press some buttons while I was just sitting on my bed reading and drinking. LOL.

I saw his face popped up and he said HELLO! All of a sudden, we had more than 20000 views!!!! HOLY CRAB. So many questions.

"HELLO! This is Anna! My girlfriend and One Direction's little sister!" He introduced me. I waved and put my book down. "Hi guys." I smiled. Instantly, there was so many questions like, OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE SO PRETTY! Is your hair that straight?! Your teeth are perfect! How?! How do you lose so much weigh!?!? I laughed and answered them. 

"Ok. Thank you for all the wonderful comments guys! Yes. This is my natural hair. No one believes it, but it's true. It is natural. No. I did not wear braces. Weight. Umm. Really. I just had to push my self and never give up. I didn't care for all those rude comments, so I just ignored them and here I am!" I put my hands in the air. 

 WE both laughed and continue to answer questions. 

*2 hours later*

"WOW! It is getting late! It is already 6! Ok. We gotta go guys! kLove y'all!" We both yelled into the camera and closed my laptop. We both sighed loudly and laughed. He got off the bed and I made him piggy back me downstairs. I giggled on the way down and he landed on top of me on the couch."YOU PIG. GET OF MEE."I laughed."NEVER! TICKLE TIME!" Will yelled. My eyes went big and I try to escape from him, but he grabbed me from the waist and started to tickle me."AHH! NOOO!" I started to laugh to death. "NEVER! Unless you give me a kiss."He smirked. "FINE!"I yelled. He stopped and I ran away from him. He picked me up and carry me on his shoulders."NOOO. WILLLLL."I yelled. He started to laugh and carry me to the living room. He sat on top of me untill I said, "FINE! I give up!" He got up and I gave him a kiss on the nose. HEEHEE. He pouted and I patted his head. 

I went into the kitchen and see Harry cooking. His apron said"KISS THE COOK." EWWW NO. Reagan can do that. -gags- 

"HI HARRY!"I yelled. He jumped and try to attack me. I ran from him."ANNA! You scare the chiz out of me." Harry yelled. I smiled and sat on the stool. "Sorry. Whatcha cooking?" I asked. "Chicken noodle soup." Harry tasted the soup."Should be ready in 10. Would you mind telling the others please?" I nodded and said,"Reagan wouldn't mind kissing my brother/cook." I winked at him and he looked down at his apron. He smirked and I ran away. I grabbed Will with me and we started to go to Niall's room first.

I didn't feel like knocking so I barge into his door. He was just watching TV with Rachel. AWWWW "NIALL! Harry said that the food should be done in 10.RACHEL. WHATCHA DOING HERE. ME TOLD YOU A NO NO." I smirked.She blushed and ran to the others. Everyone else was watching TV with their girlfriends. VICKI WAS OUT WITH JOHN!!! OOOOOOOO. I decided to go visit Lou's room last. I quietly came into his room without anyone knowing and pounce on him. He screamed like a little girl. BHAHAHHHAHAHA."HOLY CRAB ANNA. You scare the poo out of me."Louis held his heart. Eleanor and Will were ROFL. LITERALLY! I started to laugh and patted his head."AWW. Sorry Lou. Harry said that dinner should be ready in 10!"I yelled. I ran out of his room and into my room. Will came along and we started to watch Toy Story, Finding Nemo, The Help, The Vow, The Notebook, The Hunger Games, and Spider-Man. Out of all that we only watched The Hunger Games, The Help, and The Vow. Yeah. I started to sob in the movie. BHAHAHAHAHA.

It was almost 9 and Will had to go home. NOOOOOO. He started to walk downstairs and I went with him. He pulled me in close and kissed my cheek. WHAT IS WITH ME AND BLUSHING?! He walked outside and walked one house from me and HE LIVED RIGHT NEXT TO ME AND I NEVER KNEW?! 


"OH! I just moved in today! TA DA! Surprise babe!." He threw his hands in the air like a big surprise. I ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. I ran back inside and started to dance around. I went in the kitchen seeing everyone eating. 

"Well someone is a bit perky today." Rachel said. She wiggled her eyebrows. NO! WRONG PERSON."EWW NO. Will just moved in next to us today!" I yelled. Everyone was shocked. YEAH I KNOW. And we were all cheering. Mostly Me. Vicki said she was spending the night. USE PROTECTION! I texted her. HEEHEE. I grabbed a bottle of water and drank my medicines. I went upstairs to go take a shower.

*10 minutes later*

I was squeaky clean. La da da. I put my hair into a french braid and climbed onto bed. I turned off my light and instantly fell asleep. 

Tomorrow was going to be a GREAT DAY.

Ok. Guys. Today was one of the best days ever. I don't know why. Till someone had to ruin it for me. Stupid dumbbutt. Anyways, THANK YOU FOR GETTING ME TO 5000 reads! THANK YOU! Some more votes. THEN I WIL BE. SPEECHLESS! MEERRRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

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