Born Blue

By HoneyMabel

30.2K 330 14

This starts off at the end of the season 10 finale. (Which was amazing!) The interactions with the baby Jamko... More

Starting a Family?
Baby Blues
It's About Time
Sick Day
Telling the Family
Cloudy Judgement
Operation:Family Stakeout
Not in Church
Christmas Day
Unwanted Visitor
Getting Ready
Mood Swings
Baby Time
First Night Home
Meeting her cousins
First Mothers Day
Joe Babysits
Nicoles Interview
Eddie Goes Back to Work
Know your place
Settling the Dispute
Learning The Ropes
Night Adventure
Eddie Goes Out
Hashing it out
Blast from the past
One thing to the next
More puzzle pieces
Take them down
The double date
Pregnancy brain
What does it mean
The reagans 2 cents
Everything happens for a reason
Could've been worse
Run down
Cheater cheater
Now What?
New Game Plan
The Truth
The Old Flame
Unnecessary Visitor
Weighing the options
Professional conversation
So sweet
Case closed
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
Quality time
New Partner
Seems Familer
In Need of Love
Over The Edge
One on One
The One That Got Away
Making Amends
Still His Little Girl
An Honest Mistake
High Tensions
To be fair
Going to the Chapel
Drama at the 2-9
Bringing work home
Water Under The Bridge
Finally Some R&R
Battle Scars
Kiss and Makeup
A New Addition?
New Dinner Guest
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Big News
Deja Vu
Trouble in Paradise
Spicy Night
The 2 Week Wait
Ryans 1st Birthday
Seeing Double
The Big Announcement
Gathering Intel
Well This Is Awkward
Who's The Father
Officially Outnumbered
Another Reagan Is Born
Babies Left and Right
Just Another Day- Final Chapter


1K 15 0
By HoneyMabel

Saturday July 4th Danny recruited Eddie to help him with an undercover case, Jamie refused to sit out on it. They were set out to arrest a sex trafficking gang targeting young women walking home alone at night. This wasn't Eddies first assignment like this.

It was 10:45 pm, Danny was set up in a van sitting out on the street with Jamie, Baez, and another officer who was controlling the computers with surveillance and microphones Eddie was wearing. Out on the ground and up on rooftops the PTU (police tactical unit) was in place throughout the area this was all going to go down.

"All units be advised our officer is on the move." Danny radioed.

"Danny you said this was a low key gang bust." Jamie said getting impatient as they watched Eddie exit the bar she was at, starting to "walk home". A few guys that matched the description followed her out, keeping there distance at first.

"Well we don't know completely. They don't have a set technique to their crime. Some suspects were drugged, some suspects were attacked, and some they coax in with no initial battle wounds, going in willingly." Danny told him nonchalantly.

"Woah, attacked!? You said this was just gonna be a coax operation, you never mentioned assault!" Jamie said freaking out.

"Jamie relax, she's gonna be fine. See this is why you can't be in on these things." Danny said. Jamie bit his tongue before he got kicked out of the van.

The men got closer to Eddie and called out to her. They started talking to her, flirting, trying to get her to come party with them. Typical. She agreed like she was told and followed them down an alleyway where they said the place was.

"Um Danny.." Jamie said worried, this wasn't the normal plan, usually they take the girls to a house a block over hence why they were set up where they were.

"Just hold on. I don't know where they're going." Danny said picking up a radio.

"Someone needs to have eyes on her, you wait for my command" Danny said to the tactical unit on the ground.

"I need a visual on that alley." Danny told the tech. He typed and clicked on the computer trying to get into the cameras.

"There she is." Baez said. Jamie could hardly watch. Danny picked up headphones to listen in as it looked like they were talking.

"Where are we going?" Eddie asked them.

"We just gotta take a quick drive down town." The one guy told her as a van pulled up at the end of the alley and the side door opened. Eddie started to try and get away, but they stopped her and grabbed a hold of her trying to get her to the van.

"Move in!" Danny commanded over the radio, this whole thing took a little bit of a turn. Danny, Jamie and Baez busted out of the parked van they were in to arrest the guys.


Shots were fired, the 3 of them ran to take cover not knowing who was shooting and where they were. Danny told Jamie to cross over and take the back while him and Baez came from the other direction. Danny ordered the tactical unit to stand down after he saw the guys dead on ground expect one, he had Eddie held up against him with a knife and gun to her. Danny approached at gun point ordering him to drop the gun and the knife. He didn't. Jamie approached slowly behind him with his gun drawn, knowing he couldn't take the shot or he could hurt Eddie. Danny still trying to talk the guy down, he made eye contact with Jamie. The perp got suspicious and turned around quickly to see what he was looking at. He drew on Jamie and shot at him, hitting him in the arm he dropped to the ground as Danny fired off a shot right to the guys head.

"AGH!" Jamie yelled.

"JAMIE!" Eddie screamed witnessing him drop, she ran after him as the perp got shot who had a hold of her, letting go dropping dead behind her. Danny kicked the gun and knife away from the guy and then ran over to Jamie.

"Baez call a bus!" Danny yelled. Eddie was crying putting her bare hands over the gunshot to stop the bleeding.

"Ah easy easy!" Jamie said to her wincing in pain.

"Central we got a 10-13 we need a bus to this location, and put a rush on it, we got an officer down!" She said over her radio.

"Hey, you're good kid you're good, it was just one shot you'll be fine!" Danny said flustered.

"They're two minutes out." Baez said approaching them. Eddie felt like this was all a dream and couldn't really be happening, all those years of being partnered together Jamie never went down infront of her. He was in a lot of pain and losing a lot of blood.

"I'll be fine Janko." He told her as he was witnessing her being very overwhelmed by the situation. They heard the sirens coming in the distance.

They got there and rushed the gurney over to Jamie checking him out, taking over Eddies spot she backed up and let the professionals handle it. They wheeled him to the ambulance and she followed.

"Ma'am you'll have to stand back, do you know who is next of kin is?" the EMT asked. Eddie looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm his wife!" She shouted.

"My bad, hop in." He said feeling stupid. They got in the ambulance, Danny said he'd meet her over at the hospital and ran off to get in his car with Baez.

They rushed Jamie right into surgery forcing Eddie to wait in the waiting room. Danny and Baez were right behind her, Danny gave her a hug and told her to sit down and try to relax.

Fellow officers on and off duty were showing up left and right out of respect. Eddie was anxiously awaiting for Frank to show up. She could hardly sit still, people kept coming over to her giving her hugs and saying he's going to be okay and she was tired of hearing it like he was dead. Her husband wasn't dead.

Frank entered the waiting room and found Eddie right away, he wrapped her into a hug before he said anything. She let go completely into his shirt, leaving mascara marks and makeup to stain.

"Everything's alright." He told her. She let go and wiped her tears as best she could. Frank patiently waited for her to collect herself. She took a deep breath.

"What are they saying?" He asked her.

"Nothing yet, he's in surgery. He was bleeding a lot but that's just cause I was trying to stop it. I don't know if it was more then normal or not." She said. Danny got up and came over to talk with them.

"He's gonna be okay. I know it." Danny assured.

"What happened?" Frank asked him. Eddie couldn't relive the situation again in her head, it's already been replaying over and over. She tried to think if she could've done anything different that could have prevented this. Danny started to tell Frank the whole story. Eddie felt sick to her stomach, she couldn't handle hearing it, she hurried off to the bathroom.

When she came back out from dry heaving to sit down and try to relax. Erin has showed up, she got a hug from her. The doctor came out to talk to all of them. He said they removed the bullet with no complications and he was recovering now, he was awake and asking to see Eddie. Eddie followed the doctor back to his room. She rushed to his side with a face of fear. Jamie smiled when he saw her.

"Jamie!" She gave him a strong kiss, thanking god he was alive and able to kiss her back. She rested her forehead against his.

"I'm okay Eddie." He told her. She just stared at him at a loss of words, her emotions caught up to her again, this was one of the scariest things that's ever happened to her. Her eyes filled with tears which made Jamie start to get tears in his eyes watching hers.

"Come here" Jamie told her opening up his good arm for her to give him a hug. She cried into his chest, he rubbed back reassuring her that everything was okay and he was still here.

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