Take My Hand

By boyloveangel

345K 14.4K 2.7K

Lukas is not the best at being good, and with friends and parents like his is it any wonder? The only good th... More

The Winner!
1 Every Breath He Takes
2 Every Move He Makes
3 Every Bond He Breaks
4 Every Step He Takes
5 Every Single Day
6 Every Word You Say
7 Every Game You Play
8 Every Night You Stay
9 Every Vow You Break
10 Every Smile You Fake
12 I'll Be Watching You
13 Oh Can't You See
14 You Belong to Me
15 My Poor Heart Aches
16 With Every Step You Take
17 Since You've Gone
18 Lost Without A Trace
19 I Look Around
20 It's You I Can't Replace
21 I Feel So Cold
22 I Long For Your Embrace
23 I Keep Crying
24 Baby, Please
25 It's A Lot, Like Life
26 There's A New Game
27 We Like To Play You See
28 A Game With Added Reality
29 You Treat Me Like A Dog
30 Get Me Down On My Knees
31 We Call It Master and Servant
32 This Play Between the Sheets
33 With You On Top
34 And Me Underneath
35 Forget All About Equality
36 Let's Play Master and Servant
37 That's what's appealing
38 If you despise
39 That throwaway feeling
40 From disposable fun
41 Then this is the one
42 Domination is the name
43 Of The Game
44 They're Both Just the Same
45 Except In One You're Fulfilled
46 At the End of the Day
47 Master and Servant
48 There will be times
49 When My Crimes
50 Will Seem Almost Unforgivable
51 I give in to Sin
52 Because you have to
53 Make this life livable
54 But when you think I've had enough
55 From your sea of love

11 Every Claim You Stake

7K 323 73
By boyloveangel

Now it was broken. I just knew it. I woke up feeling worse than I ever had in my life. I was in an uncomfortable hospital bed with a cast on my leg, bandages stuck on my head and a rather unattractive nurse glaring at me. I coughed and my chest felt like it had been crushed.

"You are awake? Good. Doctor wants to have a talk with you." She left the room and I closed my eyes wearily. I heard footsteps come into the room and I blinked the heavy lids open.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor stared down at me and I wanted to shrug, but realised it was probably a bad idea.

"Like crap." I managed to growl out. My throat felt dry and my mouth like a sewer.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked me.

"Yeah, no. I was pretty hammered." I replied honestly. He nodded and looked down at his chart.

"I'll say. We pumped your stomach, and we couldn't give you any pain killers. At least until we know for sure the alcohol is out of your system. The more water you drink, the faster that will be. Okay?" He leveled a look at me.

"Okay. How bad is it?" I was sweating from the pain that was rushing through my system.

"Broken leg, bruised ribs, lacerations on your head and hands. Looks like you managed to protect yourself from worst though. You must have an angel on your shoulder." He shook his head. I laughed and then felt tears stream down at the pain of it.

"Ow, ow, ow. Don't make me laugh. Please." I wheezed.

"Sorry. Well, rest as much as you can. I will let your parents know you are awake and seem to be fine. You can start your meds later today once we check your blood." He sauntered out after that and I stared at the ceiling.

"That was stupid." I muttered to myself.

"Yes it was." I heard the deep voice with a feeling of both shame and joy. I tilted my head and saw his large form glaring at me from the door. He was so quiet I didn't hear him even come in.

"Hey Sir." I croaked. "I think I messed up." I could feel the tears in my eyes starting and looked up at the ceiling again to try and make them stop. They didn't. When I felt the sob rip from my chest, I gasped at the same time at the pain it caused.

"Don't do that. You will hurt yourself." His soothing voice came from a bit closer.

"I-I-I c-can't stop." I gasped as tears ran unchecked down my cheeks and sobs wracked my body. It hurt so much that I was gasping from it. I felt strong arms wrap around me.

"Shh. It's okay. You are okay. Just breathe. Follow my lead, Lukas." He soothed me, and then I felt his hand on my chin. I looked at him and he was doing that breathing thing again. I tried to follow along. It was starting to work, slowly.

"I'm sorry Sir." I whispered after a few minutes.

"I can't leave you alone for one night, hmm?" His dark eyes had a glint of humour in them, aside from the stern tone of voice.

"No Sir." I admitted sheepishly. "I'm a disaster."

"Yes you are. Just look at you. If you were trying to punish yourself, I think you went a little overboard." He joked with me. I huffed a little laugh and shook my head.

"No... I drank too much. Then there was this girl, and I tried to leave but she wouldn't leave me alone. I didn't know the stairs were there." I stumbled a little as I confessed to him. His eyes were stern now.

"And what would have prevented all this." He stared down at me. I sighed.

"Not drinking in the first place." I admitted. I was tired and thirsty. I looked around and spotted the cup of water on the table nearby. He picked it up and held the straw for me. The cold water trickled down my throat soothingly.

"Your punishment will be postponed, but you will be receiving one. Do you know why?" He asked me with a demanding tone.

"Because I was really bad?" I asked. I was pouting a little, but it was hard not to with all the pain and self pity I was feeling.

"Not just because you were bad, Lukas. Because you worried me. You did not just get drunk, but you got very badly hurt. This is not punishment, this is consequences. Therefore, you will still receive punishment." He was horribly logical. I sipped the water some more first.

"Yes Sir. Can I get some sleep now please?" I looked up with sad eyes and he nodded. I felt his hand brush my forehead tenderly and closed my eyes. It was with some surprise I felt his lips brush the skin on my temple.

"Get some rest, Lukas."


Crutches are the worst. No wait, casts are the worst. The one I had on my leg was itchy and I got glared at each time I fussed with it. I couldn't sit or lay down without my leg up in the air. It got in the way. Worst yet, I couldn't shower.

"How long do I have to wear this thing again?" I whined as I sat in the back of the limo.

"Eight weeks. You broke it. What did you expect?" Sasha said in a dry voice. He was being mean. I glared at him and tapped my hand on my lap.

"When can I have more drugs?" I pouted as I looked out the window.

"Not for another two hours." He passed me a drink from the cooler and I took a long swig of it. It was juice. Ew. I felt like I was being treated like a kid. It sucked. I crushed the can when I was done and handed it back to him.

"Can't I just...?" I tried yet again to get him to relent.

"No. I will give you your medication when it is time." His stern voice was hard as stone. I sighed.

"What about...?" I tried again with a hopeful look. He shook his head.

"No. You cannot have any marijuana either. Wait until you are off hard drugs before you get into that again. It is not good to mix." He was starting to sound aggravated so I let it pass. "We are here."

I looked out the window again as my house came into the view. There was no one waiting for me out front. I sighed under my breath and waited for the door to open. Sasha brought around my crutches from the trunk. I worked my way out the door, and then he steadied me while I put them into place.

"Thank you Sir." I said quietly. Then I worked my way to the front steps. It was hard to get up and down them, but I managed.

"Welcome back, young master." I looked over at the butler with some surprise.

"Ah, thank you." I nodded as he spoke to Sasha quietly for a minute. Then, after a dark look, Sasha came over to help me up the stairs. This involved picking me up again, much to my embarrassment. "I should try and do it on my own."

"Not today. You have had a long day." He rejected my words and took me to my room. I kept quiet and avoided the sympathetic looks being directed my way from the staff.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I whispered as we went inside the door. He looked down at me for a second and I could see the internal debate of him trying to decide whether or not to tell me.

"They are worried about you. Some feel sympathetic as to what occurred. That is all." He said shortly. I could hear an undertone of anger in his voice.

"What occurred... tell me Sir, please, what happened after I fell? Are my parents angry with me for disrupting their party? Is that why they haven't...?" I looked up at him after being placed carefully on my bed.

"No. That is not why. They are pretending it never happened." He said with a grimace.

"What? But... how? I mean it must have created a disturbance when I fell. They hate it when I cause a scene." I was confused.

"Which is why they did not allow one to be made. One of the staff told your parents what occurred, and they called me to handle it." He said to me with an angry look.

"They... they didn't call an ambulance?" I was a little stunned.

"No. I took you to the hospital with Matthew." He told me flatly. I stared at him. I looked away after a second and blinked.

"Wow." I muttered under my breath. No wonder the staff were all looking at me like that. My parents refused to stop their party to help their own kid. Who fell down a flight of concrete stairs. And broke his leg. "Permission to say something bad Sir?"

"Permission granted." His growl almost made me feel better.

"Those fuckers." I whispered. My eyes closed and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. No wonder no one was here to greet me or even scold me. I didn't even matter enough to do either. I felt a hand on my head, patting me and it just made me want to sob harder.

A warm body came close and I turned into the warmth awkwardly. His strong arms wrapped my shuddering body and I let the tears spill down in full force as I squeezed my lids closed. His hands rubbed tenderly and took a deep shuddering breath of his wonderful cologne.

"It's alright Lukas. I am here. I care." I heard his deep voice rumble against me and I nodded to let him know I heard him. I reached out with both arms and wrapped them around the strong body, holding him even more tightly against me.

He let me. If anything I felt him hold me just as tightly. It was a relief to have this kind of comfort. I couldn't remember the last time I had a hug from my mother or father. I couldn't remember the last time I felt this safe. This loved.

Did he though? Did he love me? Did I care if he did or not? The thoughts tumbled through my brain as we stayed pressed against each other. Me, seeking comfort. Him, giving it unquestioningly. Maybe it wasn't that important. Maybe it was enough to just be cared for.

It would have to be enough. For now.


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