SuperWhoMerLock Oneshots

By angelwiththeblue-box

3.7K 196 48

These are oneshots from the TV shows Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Merlin. Sometimes there will be Supe... More

not so bad (supernatural au) (edited)
Doctor Who-AU
Sherlock- Highschool AU
Supernatural AU
Supernatural AU
Supernatural AU
Supernatural AU
Doctor Who Song!Fic
Sherlock BBC AU
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock BBC AU Pt. 2
Supernatural Song!Fic
Supernatural Soulmate AU
Supernatural AU
Supernatural AU Pt. 2
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock UA
Supernatural AU
Doctor Who Song!Fic
Amortentia Pt. 2 (Supernatural)
Supernatural Song!Fic
You're In Love With Me? (SPN)
You're In Love With Me? (SPN Pt. 2)
The Darkest Hour (Merlin)
The Darkest Hour Pt. 2 (Merlin)
Let's Run Away Together (Supernatural)
Happy Halloween!
The Boggart (Sherlock)
We're Closed But You're Cute (Supernatural)
Early Morning Confessions (Merlin)
It's Only Ever Been You (Supernatural)
Bring Him Back (Supernatural)
Wayward Love (Supernatural)
Truth (Merlin)
Aphrodite Ships Destiel (Supernatural)
Blame It On Me (Merthur Song!Fic)
A Merry Christmas Indeed (Supernatural)
Motivation (Supernatural)
Happy Birthday, Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Buried Alive (Supernatural)
lover fighter (spn)

Supernatural AU

82 5 1
By angelwiththeblue-box

Wow, Valkyrie, another SPN AU? 

Well, I like them so suck it. Also, this is a Sabriel highschool AU, and it has self-harm mentioned, so please, if that makes you uncomfortable please, don't read. 

In this, Sam is 16, and Gabe is 17

Cas and Dean are both 20 but they're side characters. 


Sam's POV

The car finally pulls into the driveway. I let out a sigh of relief, and scramble out the back seat.

Dean meets me at the trunk, grinning.

"How's it feel to be back?" Dean asks. I shrug, pushing down bad memories.

"Are you looking forward to seeing Cas again?" I ask, changing the subject. Dean shakes his head excitedly. He and Cas had been best friends since birth almost. They kept in touch when we moved, and Dean had been texting him obsessively in the car here.

"Yeah. Actually, if we ever finish unpacking, I'm gonna head over to the Novak's. You wanna come?" Dean asks. I shake my head.

While Dean and Cas kept in touch, me and my best friend had a major falling out. Gabriel Novak. Cas's younger brother, my former best friend.

"You sure?" Dean asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. I nod, and grab a box from the trunk and make my way to our house.

I set my stuff down in the first room with a bed, and bring the rest of my boxes in, before collapsing on the bed, letting the memories envelop me.


"Hey, Dean, have you seen Gabriel? He hasn't answered any of my calls, I'm worried about him." I ask. Dean looks up from his phone, where I'm pretty sure he's Skyping Cas and shakes his head.

"Sorry, little bro, I haven't," Dean replies apologetically. I nod and head down to the kitchen to ask my dad, who hasn't seen Gabriel either.

I grab my coat and walk out the door, determined to find him.

I go to all our favorite places, behind the school, the park, but no sign of Gabe. I'm just about to go to the Novak's, ask around when my phone starts ringing.

Unknown number. I shrug and answer it.

"Is this Sam Winchester?" A lady asks.

"This is him?" I reply, nervously.

"I'm Dr. Ellen, I work at the Lawrence Hospital. I'm calling because you're listed as your brother's emergency contact." My breath leaves my lungs.

"Wha-what happened?" I stammer.

"He's been in a car accident. He'll be alright, but he's still unconscious." Ellen informs me. I nod, before realizing she can't see me.

"I'm coming now," I say and hang up the phone.

On the way there, I call Gabriel.

It goes straight to voicemail. "Hey, Gabe. I just- Dean's been in a car accident, and it's not serious, bu-but I would really like you to be here, and I- I just, please. Meet me at Lawrence Hospital." I end the voicemail and run the rest of the way to the hospital.


I push open the double doors and skid to a stop by the receptionist's desk.

"Sam Winchester, I'm here to see my brother." I pant.

"Second floor, room 221." The receptionist says. I thank her and run up the two flights of stairs. I find the room, and quietly push the door open.

A sob escapes my lips and I sit in a chair.

Dean has a bandage wrapped around his head, blood still seeping through. His ribs are wrapped, and his leg is in a cast. His face and arms are littered with cuts, and bruises.

A knock sounds on the door before the door opens, and a lady, who I'm assuming is Dr. Ellen walks in. She smiles at me.

"Sam Winchester, correct?" I nod, not trusting myself to talk.

"I called your father, he's leaving work now." I nod again. Dr. Ellen nods back, before exiting the room. I move my chair closer to Dean's bed.

I pull my phone out again, intent on calling Gabe.

I dial his number and wait.


"Gabe, p-please. I c-can't do this al-alone. I ne-need you." I stammer, tears rolling down my face. I set my phone down.

He didn't pick up. He doesn't care.

Next, I call Cas, I know he'll come.

"Cas, hey." Cas picked up. Castiel, my brother's best friend, picked up before Gabe.

"It's Dean, he's in the hospital. He got in a car crash." I sniff and wipe the tears off my face.

"I'm coming right now," Cas says and hangs up the phone. I smile weakly at my brother.

Seven days later, we leave for Missouri, where one of my dad's old friends is working, and invited him along.

I called Gabriel every day.

Every single day, but he never responded.


I look down at my phone.

Should I call him?

I don't think we're on speaking terms.

"Sam! Sam!" I shoot up.

"Dean, what the heck do you want?" I yell back.

"I'm going to the Novak's, wanna come?"

I walk out of my room and meet my brother in the living room. My eyes flicker up to the scar on his forehead, one that he wears proudly. He got that in the car accident, three years ago.

"Fine, I'll come, but I'm not talking to Gabriel," I say. And that's that.

He wasn't there. He said he would always be there and he wasn't.

Dean smirks at me and spins the keys around his finger, before leading me out to where Dad parked the car.

Dean slides into the front seat, and I in the passenger seat. I grin.

Dad never lets me ride passenger, it's always Dean.

Dean starts the car and we pull out of the driveway and drive the five blocks to the Novak's house.

Gabe and I would always after school, come to his house since it was big. Gabe did have a lot of siblings, but most of them had extracurriculars, so the house was pretty empty.

I breathe in the familiar sight. Dean looks over at me.

"Go talk to him." I shake my head. "Sam, I don't know what happened three years ago, but you need to talk, both of you. Cas told me Gabe has been moping around for three years and-"

"I don't care what Cas says! Gabe wasn't there! He wasn't. I was alone." My voice dies off, and the moment Dean stops the car, I jump out of the passenger seat, letting my feet guide me.


I ended up at the park. In front of the bench where Gabe and I would always sit in the summer and play with Gabe's dog, or we would study, or talk, or design pranks.

I take a seat on the bench, and wish, just once, that Gabriel would come.

"Hey, Sammy," A familiar voice sounds from behind me.

I stand up and spin around.

In front of me, after three years, stands Gabriel Novak, his hands stuffed in his pockets, looking at me bashfully.

"Gabriel," I breathe and run around the bench and hug my best friend.

Former best friend, A voice chimes.

I break away, and glare at Gabe.

"You piece of shit!" I cry. "I needed you! I needed a friend, I needed someone to cry on! And you weren't there! And then I moved, and I lost everything!" Tears fall down my face, and I sink to the ground, wrapping myself up in a ball.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Gabriel says.

Gabriel's POV

I wrap my arms around Sam, and he melts into me, sobbing on my shoulder.

We sit like that for ten minutes, until his sobs die down.

"Do you watch Doctor Who?" Sam asks tentatively.

"Um duh!" I exclaim, grinning.

I shouldn't have ghosted Sam, I shouldn't have. It was a mistake, and I'm hoping, with Sam back in town, we can put that behind us.

"Wanna come to my house, we can watch the newest episode?" Sam suggests. I nod, and we stand up, Sam leading me back to his house.


"Dad!" Sam calls, as he leads me into his new house. I used to know Sam's house like the back of my hand. Now it's unfamiliar.

"Sammy, Dean texted me said you'd run off. I was worried." Sam's father, John, calls. I follow Sam into the kitchen/living room area, which is cluttered with boxes. John Winchester walks up to us.

"Gabe!" He says. "Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"

"Good. I'm glad you moved back." I say politely. John laughs, and moves out of the way, letting an embarrassed Sam lead me up to his room.

"It's not unpacked yet, but there's sheets on the bed, and my computer isn't dead." Sam looks at me apologetically. I shrug, and jump on the bed, instantly getting comfortable. Sam laughs, and pulls his computer out of his backpack, and sitting on the bed next to me.

He pulls up the newest episode and we start watching.

Twenty minutes into the episode, I feel my eyes start to close, and I fall asleep, leaning my head on Sam's shoulder.


I wake up with the sun shining through Sam's window, and aggrieved voices outside.

"Sam, I know I wanted you to make up with Gabriel, but he's here, and he's sleeping on your bed." That's Dean.

"Dean, c'mon, it's Gabe, of all people. Gabe. My best friend." I sit up slowly and creep over to the door.

"You got so mad once, that he didn't return your calls, that you threw your phone out the window." Dean protests.

"Dean..." Sam replies weakly.

"Sam you cut! There are scars on your arms, just like me." Dean replies, louder. Sam shushes him.

"Dad can't know, Dean, keep it down," Sam replies. Dean says something, but I can't hear him. I walk back to Sam's bed, my head spinning.

Sam cut, because of me? Because I wasn't there.

I had thought it would be better for him, if I was still there. I thought that it would be harder to say goodbye.

Maybe I was wrong. I shouldn't have ghosted him, he was my best friend, is my best friend.

In the corner of my mind, I hear the door open, and close.

"Gabriel," Sam says softly.

I sit up, concern shining in my eyes.

Sam sighs. "How much did you hear?"

"You cut, because of me?" I ask. Sam sits next to me on the bed. He pulls his sleeves up and shows me the light scars scattered across his arms.

"Well, you-you left, and I didn't know what to do. We grew up together, and then you were just gone. And that was harder than leaving you, is that I left, not knowing if I was ever going to see you, or talk to you ever again." Sam sniffs, and tears run down his face.

I grab Sam's hand in my own and rub my thumb on the back of his hand. Sam smiles at me gratefully.

"I'm so sorry, I never should have ever let you deal with any of that alone. I thought maybe, if we weren't friends, that you leaving would be easier. I was so so wrong, and I'm so sorry," I say.

Sam leans in and presses a quick kiss to my lips. I blush and forcefully press our lips together again, my other hand snaking around his neck.

Sam pulls away, breathing hard. His face is bright red, and his lips are swollen.

"I love you," Sam mumbles.

"You-you what?" I stammer nervously.

I spent three years realizing I loved Sam Winchester, but even when he came back, I figured my feelings were always going to be onesided.

"I-I love you," Sam says again, more confidently. I beam at him.

"I love you too,"

Sam wraps his arms around me and snuggles closer. I press a light kiss to Sam's head.

"Promise me, you'll never leave?" Sam asks, his voice muffled.

"Promise. You are never getting rid of me."

Happy Friday!!!

Alright, people, I know I just updated yesterday, but because I love you so much, I'm giving you another oneshot!! This is from my book on Archive of Our Own, so if you are on that sight and this story feels familiar that's why.

Also, I felt bad because the last oneshot was super short, so both this one and my Avengers Oneshots are getting updated!

Please, vote, comment share, ya'll know the drill. 

XOXO Valkyrie


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