Sterek One-Shots Book One (Bo...

By adult_disneyprincess

1.8M 46.1K 8.9K

This is where I will post all of my Sterek one shots. Be a doll and request one. Either comment on this page... More

Sterek One-Shots (Taking Requests!)
Fox Tails and Nursing Majors
Furry Tails and Bothersome Brothers (Sequel to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Mac and Cheese and Boyfriends (Part Three of FT&NM)
Cat Ears and Medical Files (Fourth Part to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Parks And Red Vines (Part Five of FT&NM)
Christmas Trees And Final Exams (Part 6 of FT&NM)
Strangers And A Spoiled Fox (Part Seven Of FT&NM)
Tell Me This is Just a Dream
Black Hair and Whiskey Eyes
I'll Always Be There For You (Mature Content)
The Kidnapped Mate (Mild Mature Content)
Nothing But a Note
Nothing But A Note (Part Two)
Just Give Me a Reason (Brief Mature Content)
Blame It On The Hormones (Mature Content)
It's Just Two Cliche (The Sequel to Cliche)
Tell Me No Lies (Mature Content)
The Kitten Likes Derek More
Stiles Needs Space
You Were Supposed To Be My Normal (Mature Content)
Love Finds A Way (Mature Content)
Coming Home
Stay Out of the Forest
We're Just Friends, Dad. (Mature Content)
All These Maps Lead Me To You
He'll Be Here (Mild Mature Content)
Stop Spying on Stiles (Slight Mature Content)
You Belong With Me (Mature Content)
Derek's Insecure, Stiles Doesn't Know What For (Mature Content)
I See Fire
And a Kid Makes Three
No Need to Jump to Conclusions(Mature Content)
Under Construction
Mr. Hale (Mature Content)
You and I Collide (Mature Content)
Beacon Hills Blank
I Fell In Love With You For The Same Reason You Watch The Rain
Stop With The Blame Game (Mild Mature Content)
Not In Isaac's Bed (Mature Content)
Derek Hates Disney (But He Really Doesn't )
Boot Camp
Killer (Part One of Hale's Investigations )
Murder (Part Two of Hale's Investigations)
Unknown Artist (Brief Mature Content)
Detention (Mild Mature Content)
Sweet Sentiments (Sequel to Detention)
Stiles And Derek Join The Mile High Club (Mature Content)
To Be A Child Again
Wake Me Up When It's All Over
What Happens At Glastonbury, Stays At Glastonbury. (Mature Content)
What Happens In Dorm 3C, Stays In Dorm 3C (Sequel to WHIG, SIG)(Mature Content)
Red Hoodie (Part Two of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Author Questions: Answered!
Rainy Day (Part Three of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Lydia Knows Best (Brief Mature Content)
Stilinski's Sweets (Mild Mature Content)
Blue Eyed Baby (Mature Content)
His Love Keeps Me Warm
Happy Anniversary, Derek. (Mature Content)
The Choices We Must Make
If You Go Out To The Woods Today
A Pirate's Life For Me
Two Werewolves And An Animagus
You're Not The One I Want
Don't Soul Mate Me (Mild Mature Content)
All That's Missing Is The White Picket Fence
The Spoils Of War
Christmas Time Is Here
Werewolves Are People Too
Until The Very End
The Elevator
Secrets and Lies (Mature Content)
One Big Happy Pack
Accidental Magic (Part One of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Practical Magic (Part Two of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Strange Magic (Part Three of The Fox and The Wolf Series)(Mature Content)
Tutors and Cheeseburgers (Part Eight of FT&NM)
The Radical Adventures of Hellfire and Icicle
Pocket Watches
Foxes Don't Follow Wolves
Bruised Lips (Mature Content)
Derek Doesn't Have Time For This
The Thing Is
Like A Promise (Mature Content)
Little Circus Of Horrors
Two Worlds, One Family
Anniversaries and New Semesters (Part Nine of FT&NM)
1 Million Reads!!!!!!!!!

I Just Know (Part One of Lovers In The Woods Series) (Mature Content)

18.3K 413 74
By adult_disneyprincess

Hello, friends. This is the first part of a maybe three part series as requested by Baby_Gerken247. It's a bit different, so I hope you all like it.

Derek feels the need to run. It is like a constant burning in his bones- the need to run right now. He knows that it isn't a smart thing to do now, not when a murderous Alpha is on the loose and not when he is in heat. Derek wrinkles his nose at the reminder of being heat. It isn't like he is a slave to sexual urges or anything, it is more animalistic than that.

When Derek is in heat, he has the overwhelming urge to run and be naked. It isn't about mating or sex, although during his heat Derek and his right hand are very well acquainted, it is more about the desire to get closer to nature. He remembers during his first heat how he ran from his mother into the woods, and didn't come out until he finally felt himself again. The heat doesn't change him exactly, it just makes him more in tune with his wolf.

It almost feels odd having heat again, Derek hasn't had one since his sister died almost a year ago. He itches his arm absentmindedly at the feeling of ants in his skin when he decides he needs to run with or without an insane Alpha on the loose. Derek takes one step out of the burn shell of his family home before he strips of clothes to be one with nature, and he begins running.

He runs until he cannot seem to focus on anything else, and he catches the vague scent of the Alpha causing trouble. He follows it just to see if it leads him anywhere. The same Alpha causing all of the trouble for him is the same one that killed his sister. It is a burning feeling to be the last alive in a pack, and it wounds his soul. Sure, his uncle is technically alive but a coma is not something that werewolves have ever dealt with. The fire burned most of Peter, and Derek doesn't think he is ever going to wake up.

Laura often told him how it wasn't his fault what happened, but Derek still doesn't believe her. He told Kate Argent everything she needed to know, and now Derek will never trust again. When Laura enters his mind again, Derek runs harder. He runs until he hears another heartbeat beating wildly like his own.

Derek stops to take a deep whiff of the air, and the smell is intoxicating, so much so that he runs to see where it is coming from. He shifts his eyes into their bright, electric blue to see better. He hears the loud crunching of leaves, whoever this is isn't trying to be quiet, and goes in search of it. He knows that it isn't the Alpha, the smell is too pure and clean to be someone who has murdered, so he follows it.

Derek finds himself having fun without meaning too, and it becomes almost like a game. Find the person that smells so good, and then Derek isn't sure. He feels his skin being pulled tighter and tighter, and he pauses only briefly to smell at the air. The smell has almost disappeared, and Derek almost wants to howl in loss, when he hears loud footsteps to his right.

"Scott!" Derek hears, and it sounds loud to his sensitive hearing. He whips his head around towards the sound of the yell, and loud footsteps. He can finally see the outline of a male, and he is the same height as Derek. Derek takes a step forward, and the smell becomes consuming. "Scott! This isn't funny anymore." The man yells, and Derek races towards him.

Derek is mostly in charge of his wolf, but there is a part of his mind that is driven by the heat. The desire to fuck makes his eyes cloudy as he tackles the boy. They fall to the grown with a thump, Derek keeps most of his weight off of him to not crush the boy, and Derek stares down at him with his bright blue eyes.

"Oh my God, you are naked!" He yells, and Derek ignores him in favor of smelling him. It was the young man making the delicious scent that called Derek to him, and Derek finally recognizes the boy as the Sheriff's son. The boy, or young man since he was only seven years younger than Derek's twenty-five, is just awkwardly laying underneath Derek. "I have no idea what to do with my hands." He whines, and Derek struggles to remember his first name.

"Stiles." Derek rasps out, and Stiles gives him a weird look. Derek shifts his weight so that he isn't crushing Stiles. Mustn't scare him, Derek thinks.

"You're Derek Hale aren't you?" Stiles asks, and Derek lays his head back down to smell at Stiles. Stiles squirms underneath him, Derek doesn't know if he wants to leave or he is trying to get comfortable. "Oh, my God. You're hard. Yeah, that is definitely a dick poking me." Stiles says, and Derek catches the way that his scent spikes with arousal. Derek growls softly into Stiles' neck, and Stiles makes a gasping noise. "What is happening to your eyes?" Stiles pants, and Derek shushes him softly.

"It's nothing." Derek says, and Stiles snorts. Derek feels dizzy. All he can smell is Stiles, the combine scent of woods, comfort, and arousal. It invades his nose, and he just wants to taste.

"Yeah, because my eyes change color when I jump on strangers naked in the woods. Try again, Derek." Stiles says, and Derek drags his nose across Stiles' jaw taking greedy breaths as he goes. "And you're smelling me, so that's cool." Stiles says, and Derek huffs in amusement. He finds that he likes the way that Stiles is always talking, it is a drastic compared to his nonverbal way he has been recently. "Are you laughing at me? Get up!" Stiles hisses, and Derek reluctantly sits back. He is in the middle of Stiles parted legs, and he can feel Stiles' eyes on him.

Stiles still smells like arousal, and it makes Derek's skin even hotter. He knows that he is hard, but he doesn't care. He has never experienced this before, the desire to mate that becomes almost animalistic in nature. Derek surges forward to kiss Stiles because he just wants a taste, and if Stiles pushes him away he will leave. Stiles makes a surprised noise but he doesn't push Derek away.

Derek pushes his tongue into Stiles' mouth, and the younger man just makes a choking moaning noise and opens his mouth. Stiles tastes just like he smells, and Derek feels him curl one of his hands into his hair. Derek rubs his head in Stiles hand absentmindedly while Stiles rolls his heavy tongue over Derek's, and Derek puts his arms on Stiles' middle.

Stiles closes his legs tighter around where Derek is sitting to bring him closer, and Derek moves until he straddling him again. Stiles trials his hands over Derek's bare back, and he arches his spine when Derek runs his hand over his jean covered cock. Stiles opens his mouth as if to say something, but all that comes out is a strangled moan. Derek tugs at his shirt as if to ask for permission, and Stiles nods. "Yeah, take it off." Stiles says, breathlessly.

Derek pulls off his shirt to throw it somewhere randomly in the woods, and Stiles pulls at his own jeans. Derek pulls them the rest of the way off, and eyes Stiles cock which is curving towards his stomach in arousal. Derek pushes Stiles back down before he licks at his cock, and Stiles buckles his hips. Derek growls and grabs Stiles' hip to hold him down while he takes Stiles' cock in his mouth. "Oh." Stiles moans, and Derek moans at the heavy feeling of having Stiles in his mouth. Stiles tangles his hand into Derek's hair, not pushing him down more to just to have something to do with his hands, and Derek moans at the feeling.

Stiles arches his back, but his hips stay down under Derek's deliciously tight grip, and the sounds he makes are addicting. Derek pulls off to lick at the underside of Stiles' cock, and suck at the head. "If you don't stop I'm going to come." Stiles gasps out, and Derek pulls off with an obscenely loud pop that echoes in the dense forest. Stiles tugs Derek by his hair into a biting kiss to taste himself mixed with Derek on his tongue. "How are we going to fuck? I don't carry lube around with me everywhere. Though I might have to now." Stiles says, the last part under his breath.

Derek pauses before he throws Stiles' legs over his shoulder, and Stiles panics briefly thinking that Derek was just going to start pounding into his unstretched hole. Derek sense Stiles' instant panic, and he looks down at Stiles with gentle eyes. "I want to eat you out." Derek says, his voice sounds husky even to his ears. Stiles lets a wanton moan pass through his lips, and he relaxes.

"Okay, yeah, please." Stiles says, and Derek smirks at him. Derek rubs Stiles' legs soothing before he trials his lips down the back of Stiles' thighs, and he can feel Stiles shaking in anticipation. Derek licks tentatively at Stiles' hole, just to gage his reaction to see if he likes it, and Stiles whines high pitched and desperate in the back of his throat.

Derek continues licking before he pushes his tongue into the tight hole, and Stiles moans loudly. Stiles smells untouched, and Derek's wolf keens in delight. Derek pulls away to insert one of fingers along with his tongue, and Stiles hums in approval. "Derek." Stiles whines, and Derek moves so that Stiles can see him. "Just get one with it." Stiles say, and Derek plunges three of his fingers into him without warning. "Fuck!" Stiles keens, and places the hand not otherwise occupied on his hip to rub circles into the protruding bone with his thumb soothingly.

Derek pulls his fingers out Stiles with a slick sound, and Stiles digs his heels into Derek's back to make him move faster. "Are you clean?" Stiles asks, and Derek quirks his head to the side until he realized what Stiles was asking. Derek nods his head, Stiles breathes in relief, and Derek relishes the fact that Stiles already trusts him. "Then fuck me." Stiles says, and Derek lines up his cock with Stiles entrance before pushing in slowly.

Stiles makes a soft groaning noise, and Derek has to hold back from slamming into him. Feeling Stiles around him was almost too much, even without being in heat which was clouding his mind with lust, and Derek growls a little. Stiles' scent spikes with arousal when Derek growls, so Derek grins wickedly at him before leaning down to press their chest together. Derek kisses him before he leans next to ear and he growls causing Stiles to moan loudly.

Derek grins in satisfaction before pulling out some and slamming back in. Stiles whimpers softly and he squeezes his legs around Derek's head causing Derek to nip gently at his legs, and Stiles squeaks in surprise before trying to relax. He doesn't get a chance before Derek hits his prostate, and he yells in pleasure. "Derek!" Stiles yells, and Derek silences him with a sloppy kiss.

"So hot and tight. Feel so good." Derek moans, and Stiles grabs at any part of Derek he can reach. Derek grabs his hands to pin down at his side before he intertwines their fingers, and continues his brutal pace thrusting in Stiles.

Derek can feel himself coming close to his climax, and takes Stiles' cock in his hand to tug it in time with his sloppy growing thrusts. Derek suddenly feels his claws wanting to come out, so he lets go of Stiles leaking cock in favor of pressing his chest against Stiles' to give him cock friction that way. Stiles is gasping, writhing, and panting underneath Derek, and Derek doesn't think he has ever seen anything as beautiful as the pale young man looks now. "So beautiful." Derek tells him honestly, and Stiles gives him a small smile before he comes with a soft cry of Derek's name on their chests.

Derek manages a few more thrust before he spills into Stiles with a growl, and finally, he feels satisfied. He isn't sure exactly what is happening until he feels the tip of his dick swell, and he instantly realizes that he is going to knot Stiles in the middle of the forest. Derek groans quietly as he keeps coming, and Stiles shifts underneath him when he feels himself being stretched even more. Stiles whimpers softly at the feeling of overstimulation, and Derek tries to soothe him. "What the hell is that?" Stiles whines, and Derek kisses his face soothingly as he shifts his weight some off of Stiles.

"My knot." Derek says, and Stiles looks at in disbelief while shaking his head. Stiles wiggles a little underneath him as he wants to move, and when he finds himself unable to move, he gives Derek a hard look. Derek buries his head into Stiles' shoulder to smell the same scent now only mixed with his own. Stiles' heartbeat almost slows down as if he has fallen asleep, it doesn't register with Derek at the moment that Stiles is surprisingly calm about everything, and when Derek's knot goes down enough for him to pull out Stiles looks at him while Derek stands to his feet.

Stiles gives Derek. a small smile before sitting up to wipe his come off of his stomach with his shirt. "Lost my virginity in the woods to a naked guy. Awesome." Stiles says, and Derek feels his stomach fall. He didn't mean to take something so precious from Stiles while at the same time his wolf is sated and calm inside him about the matter.

"I'm sorry." Derek says, and he stands to leave. Stiles laughs makes him turn his head towards the noise.

"Dude, chill. I was a willing participant. Not like it's going to happen again." Stiles says, and Derek frowns but nods. Derek waves awkwardly over his shoulder as he runs away wondering what the hell he just did.


Stiles is doing his homework when Scott bursts into his room loudly causing the boy to jump almost out of his seat. He had been daydreaming again about Derek Hale and his stupid body and his stupid awesome cock and his just his stupid self. Stiles didn't mean it when he said that he only wanted it to be a onetime thing, but what was he supposed to say? I liked fucking you in the woods, let's keep doing it? Maybe for the rest of our lives? It was stupid to do something so irresponsible as that in the first place. It happened three weeks ago, he tells himself, he's over it.

"Dude!" Stiles says, grabbing his chest and Scott laughs at him.

"We need to back to the woods to find my inhaler." Scott tells him, and Stiles frowns. He feels his stomach lurch before he nearly pushes Scott to the ground while trying to make it to the bathroom in time. "Are you okay?" Scott asks, as Stiles vomits. Stiles manages to give him a dirty look before sticking his head back into the toilet.

"Something I ate. Just let me brush my teeth and I'll meet you at my Jeep." Stiles says, and Scott nods just happy to be away from Stiles' puke. Stiles brushes his teeth in a hurry, he is tired of having food poisoning he's had it almost a week, and rushes towards his car.

Scott is already sitting in the passenger seat, and Stiles gives into the Jeep to drive off. "Why are you just now noticing that you lost your inhaler?" Stiles questions, and Scott just shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, I haven't been needing it. I didn't even think about it until Mom mention getting it refilled. Those things are like seventy five bucks, she'd kill me if I lost it." Scott says, and Stiles snorts. His stomach already feels better.

"You did already lose it." Stiles points out, and Scott just huffs in indignation. Stiles takes one hand off of the steering wheel to slap at his arm and he keeps driving along towards the woods that he has been thinking about for weeks.


*kiss kiss, Stalers.*

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