A Wild Ride | AU Dabi Fanfic

By sup3rn0va_x

57.5K 1.1K 2.1K

"Look, Akira. There are a lot of things that you don't know. You need to realize that I'm not the one you sho... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three


2.2K 41 46
By sup3rn0va_x



Username: birdsofparadis
Playlist title: ‧͙⁺˚*。・:*˚:


*∞:.pls vote and comment .:∞*

Akira's POV

Ughhhh... who ran me over with a truck? I feel like shit.

I need a long, hot shower. I don't even remember anything from last night. I've never blacked out like that before. I don't remember getting picked up from Junichi, so how did I get home? How did I get changed?

After my shower, I head downstairs and find Suki making breakfast for us.

"Ugh, you're a life saver." I say as I grab a piece of toast.

"Rough morning, huh?"

"You have no idea. Usually, you're the one who gets hammered and not me. What even happened last night?"

"You don't remember any of it?" She says with a smirk.

"No... why are you smiling? Oh god, what did I do?"

"Oh, nothing. But Dabi was there. You danced with him, then disappeared for a while, he drove us home, carried you inside and that was it."

"Oh... that doesn't seem too bad. I need cof- wait... did you say I disappeared with him for a while?"

This can't be good.

"Oh, yeah," she laughs, "I have no idea what happened. I tried asking him about it but he brushed it off. He didn't say anything and neither did you, but I'm only going to assume that you guys hooked up."

I scoff, "He took advantage of me. And I want to say I don't believe it, but knowing him... it's probably true. He got exactly what he wanted. And I don't even remember any of it."

"Oh, shit. I didn't even think about that... you're right. But don't go storming off on him, it's just an assumption. I would just ask what happened before you flip out on him."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Suddenly, I get hit with a flashback of last night.

I remember going into a room with him, and we did in fact kiss. That fucker.

"I'm gonna kill him. I just remembered some of it."

"Like what?"

"I remember kissing him. And I remember him locking the door. There's no way we didn't have sex." I look out the window to see if he's home, and of course, it doesn't look like he is.

Whatever, at least I have time to make myself not look dead when I go confront him.

I decided to go in the jacuzzi after getting ready. Suki had to go back home, so I'm just relaxing by myself, drinking a smoothie.

I needed these super greens after last night.

I lay my head back and close my eyes, letting the hot water and jets send my body into pure relaxation.

It's when I hear the sound of loud music and motorcycles that my relaxation is quickly ended.

"You've got to be kidding me." I say to myself.

I'm getting déjà vu from the first night I met him.

I'm hoping that they don't see me, but knowing my luck that won't happen.

And it doesn't help that there's basically no separation between our yards.

I can see them through his windows, and hopefully no one sees.

God, I sound like such a stalker.

I see a few familiar faces, all except for one.


I keep watching, waiting for him to to be in sight.

Where the hell is he?

When all of a sudden, I'm startled by a voice that I couldn't mistaken for anyone else's.

"Looking for someone?" I turn around, and damn, is he looking good. I don't know how he does it, but something about his leather jacket and chains really get to me.

Why was I mad at him again?

Oh, right.

"You! Don't talk to me. Also, you can't just come into my backyard whenever you please."

"Ouch, why the hostility, princess?"


I get another flashback from last night of us sitting on a couch, and him telling me that I'm a princess.

"Don't you princess me. We hooked up last night. While I was completely blacked out. I should've known you'd be the type to take advantage of a girl. And of course, I couldn't stop it because I was hammered. How did we even get into that room? I remember it saying management on it."

I get out of the hot tub, only to realize that I forgot a towel.


"Slow down, Akira. First off, I am management. I own that club."

"You own a club?"

"Yeah, but that's besides the point. And it wasn't like that. I'll admit that yes, we did kiss. But then I realized how fucked up you were and I stopped it. You remember everything else but not that?"

Dabi's POV

When she steps out of the hot tub, it takes all the strength in me not to have my jaw drop to the floor. Watching the droplets of water drip down her perfect body... fuck.

Focus, Dabi.

"You... stopped it? Why should I believe you?"

"I might be a player, but I'm not the type of guy to take advantage of a girl like that. It's fucked up. Those are the kind of guys that I have no issue beating the fuck out of. I'm a little hurt you'd think so low of me, princess."

"Oh. I'm... sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. And I'm sorry for anything else my drunk, stupid ass did or said." She looks at the ground, embarrassed.

"It's fine. You weren't too much of a drunken idiot. I've dealt with worse. And if we're being honest here... you kept pulling me back after I pulled away."

Her cheeks flush, "Yeah, right. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go inside. I'm freezing."

"I could help warm you up!" I shout as she walks away, and she gives me the middle finger without looking back at me.

This girl is going to drive me crazy.

"You need to fuck her already," Hawks tells me. "I'm sick of watching the constant sexual tension and your inattentive ass. We have shit to do, and you just keep focusing on her."

"Do you not remember what I told you last night? I'm not focusing on her."

Hawks is really starting to piss me off. Any time something has to do with Akira, he always has some comment to make.

I know we have a job to do, and I am focusing on it. I just didn't think Akira would be this distracting. I don't know what it is about her, but no girl has ever made me feel like this before.

But I have a job to do. I can't let her get in the way. Not like this.

**A few days later...**

Akira's POV

"I can't wait to go home. I'm exhausted."

"We didn't even do anything today. It's actually been quieter than usual..."

If it weren't for Suki also working here, I'd have probably blown my brains out from how bored I always am.

"Can we go out tonight?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why do you sound so bummed? Still haven't heard from bad-boy biker neighbor?"

"His name is Dabi." I sink down into my chair, "And no. I haven't. Ever since that night after the club, things have just been weird. I mean, he talked to me the next day, and everything seemed fine. But then he stopped texting me back, and wouldn't talk to me if we saw each other outside. I know it's only been like, four days... but still. I really thought we were starting to become friends."

Aaand now I feel like an idiot for saying that out loud.

"Look, Aki... he's a guy. They think that ignoring you for days on end isn't a big deal. Especially someone like him. You said that you weren't going to get involved with him."

"Get involved with who?"


"Mother. What are you doing here?"

"To pick you up, actually."

I scrunch my brows, "For what?"

"The masquerade ball this weekend. Surely, you haven't forgotten, have you?"


"We need to go pick out a dress and mask."

"I can shop for myself, Mother. I'm grown woman after all."

"Akira, don't start—"

"Aki and I actually had plans already to go shopping after work. Right?"

"Uh, yeah. We do."

"Suki, dear, it's not polite to interrupt."


"Anyway... yeah, Suki and I have plans. You heard it. I think it would be best if her and I go shopping."

"Fine. I'll allow it. You better show up in something appropriate."

"Of course."


So glad I can have a nice and normal conversation with my Mother.

"Guess I'm going to the masquerade after all."

"And here I was planning on not going at all. Guess I don't have a choice."

"It'll be fun now that I'm there! And you know you wouldn't have had a choice either way."

"Yeah, you're right."

**Friday night...**

It's the night of the masquerade ball.

I was originally dreading it, but now that I'll have Suki by my side, I think it'll be bearable.

The only thing I like about this is the fact that you get to dress up all mysterious-like. Everything has sparkles or feathers on it, the women are all wearing corsets. The entire aesthetic is it's own. I actually find it quite sexy, if I'm being honest.

I fell in love with the dress I bought. It's a little over the top, but that's the whole point of events like these. There's no such thing as over-dressing.

And the biggest plus to a masquerade ball?

My mother can't arrange a date for me.

I'm free to dance and talk to whoever I'd like.

"This is exciting."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You're only saying that because you go to one every year. I've never been. Speaking of which... you never did tell me how you got me on the list."

"Do you really have to ask?"

She chuckles, "Sometimes I forget how famous your family actually is."

"Don't remind me."

"We've arrived, Ms. Kojima."

"Okay, really? Why the formality?"

He chuckles, "Sorry, kid. I had to. Have a great time. I'll be waiting whenever you're ready."

"Thanks, Jun."

Suki and I put on our masks before exiting the car, "Let's go."

As we step outside, it's as if we've just walked into a movie scene. There were people everywhere, dressed for the occasion, and the decor was stunning.

"Holy shit. This is insane."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool."

"That line to check in is so long, though. We better get on it now."

I chuckle, "You really do forget who I am sometimes."

I approach the guard standing on the other side of the entrance, "Sakura." I tell him.

"Pleasure to see you, Ms. Kojima. Go right on in."

"Thank you."

"Okay... what the hell was that?"

"The higher up guests don't have to wait on line. We're all provided a different code word for our families. Sakura was mine."

"Yeah, being you must get exhausting." She sarcastically says.

"Shut up. Let's go get a drink."


I've actually been having a good time tonight since Suki is here. She definitely has made it more bearable.

My Mother, of course, had something to say about my dress. I'm surprised she even recognized me. At least I don't have to stay around them tonight, or else it would defeat the whole "mystery" point of tonight.

Suki has been dancing with this one guy for some time now, and they seem to be getting along great.

"Care to dance?" A voice says from behind me.

I turn around, "Well, that depends. Can you even dance?"

"Let's find out." He holds out his one hand while the other remains on his cane.

This man...

He had gloves on both hands, as well as rings. His mask covered his whole face, and not just his eyes. And he stood in front of me, oozing confidence.

He hands his cane over to another man standing behind him and I reluctantly take his hand, but he immediately pulls me into position.

"It's odd for someone who needs a cane to be a pretty good dancer."

"It's just for show."

His eyes... they were beautiful.

"I could say the same about you."

"With what?"

"That it's odd for someone with a dress so big to be a good dancer."

"I've had lots of practice."

"I bet."

God... his voice is so sexy. And he really is a good dancer.

"So, what's your name?"

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

He chuckles, "I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Then I guess you'll never be capable of knowing my name."

His hand snakes around my waist and pulls me in tightly, pressing our bodies together, "You have no idea... what I'm capable of."

What the...

That turned dark. But also incredibly sexy.

"I'd say I'd love for you to show me... but how will you if you won't tell me who you are?"

The song finally ends, as does our dance.

"I'll find you again."

My hand lingers in his as he begins to walk away, "Wait... so you're really not going to tell me your name?"

He kisses my hand, while never breaking eye contact, "It's a secret."

I stand here, too stunned to speak, and watch as he disappears into the wave of people.

Holy shit.

"Who was that?"

"I have no idea."

**The next day...**

I haven't been able to stop thinking about that mysterious man I danced with last night.

His voice, his demeanor, the way he was dancing with me... everything. Our bodies moved in sync perfectly, as if we had danced a thousand times before.

I want to find him.

I need to find him.

"I'm boredddd. Can we go out?"

"You want to go out again? Haven't you ever heard of a night in?"


"I was just about to shower."

"No you weren't. Come onnn, we can just go to that laid back bar! Nothing crazy. They have good food and drinks. And it's pretty hidden, so it's never crowded."

I groan, "Fine."

"Yay! I'm gonna need to borrow an outfit, though."

"Yeah, yeah."


I hate to admit it, but I'm glad Suki dragged me out tonight. I'm actually having a really great time. I actually ended up running into some old friends who I haven't seen in a while.

One of them being this guy Niko.

We... have a bit of a history. And by history I mean he's one of the few guys I've slept with.

We were pretty good friends, and he's a lot of fun. It's nice to see him.

He squeezes my shoulder playfully, "So, tell me, Kira... what's new? Anything?"

"Actually, yeah. I moved out of my parents house and got my own."

"No shit, really?"

"Mhm. I know, it's a shocker."

"I was going to say that I was surprised to see you out here. Now I know why."

"Yeah, it's been nice having some freedom."

"And knowing you, it's probably a gorgeous house."

"It is," I chuckle, "I've been really happy there. I've actually been wanting to have a little housewarming party. Just haven't gotten around to it."

"Well, good... I'm glad. And if you do, I'll definitely be there." Suddenly, I feel his hand creep onto my thigh, but I don't remove it. "And I'm also really glad that we ran into each other. It's been too long."

Okay... he's leaning in a bit. And so am I.

Ah, fuck it. Why not?

As our lips are only inches apart, a voice stops me from moving any closer.


I look over, "Dabi?"

He looks back and forth between Niko and I, glaring at him.

The hell...

"Friend of yours?" He speaks again.

"Uh... yeah. This is Niko."

Niko nods his head at him, but doesn't say a word.

"Say, Niko... why don't you get lost?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Dabi." I say, sternly.

"What? I just want to talk to my friend... alone."

I scoff, "Dabi—"

"It's okay, Kira. I'll go." He stands from the chair, "Hopefully, I'll see you later."

"No, Niko..." I angrily sigh, "Why did you just do that?"

"He was boring."

"I was having a good time, actually. Don't you have your own friends to hangout with?"

"Ouch," He chuckles, "And here I was thinking we were friends."

I roll my eyes, "What do you even want?"


Thank you, Suki.

She comes over to us, "Oh, hey... didn't know you were here." She says to Dabi.

"You needed me?"

"Oh, yes! Let's play pool."

I sarcastically smile at Dabi, "I have to go."

As I stand from the chair and start walking with Suki, he steps in front of my body, "Play me."


"Play me in a round of pool. If you win, I'll leave you alone so you can get back to your little boyfriend."


"And if you win?"

"If I win..." Dabi takes a step closer, looks down at me and smirks, "I get you. For the night."

My heart is beating so fast... what the hell...

Was he actually being serious?

Why can't I speak?

Come on, mouth... say something snarky.

"You coming?"

Not yet.

Jeez... why did I just say that?

I better win this.

I'm not ready to have sex with him.

"Change of plans, Suki. It's going to be me and her playing. If you're okay with that."

I look at Suki and discreetly nod my head no, but of course she does the opposite of what I say.

"Yeah, go for it. I'll be over here... with your hot friends. I'm sure they can keep me occupied."


"You know how to play, princess?"

I glare at him, "Yes, I know how to play."

"Good. Then you break."

Here goes nothing.

Why did I even agree to this in the first place?

We go back and forth shooting the balls for about fifteen minutes, and I'm doing horribly.

God, this is embarrassing.

"Shit." I say after I shoot the ball, missing.

"Thought you said you were good."

"I said I knew how to play... not that I was good."

He takes his shot, surprisingly missing as well.

As I get into position to shoot the next ball, I gasp as I feel him press against me.

"Let me show you how."

Hooolyyy shittt...

That just gave me butterflies in a way I can't even explain.

Please... show me. Show me everything.

His arms were placed on top of mine and his body, pressed against me.

"Like this," He whispers in my ear, and shoots the ball, sinking it right in.

My heart was beating fast, and I'm too scared to even look at him because our faces are so close together.

He removes himself from me, causing me to feel much colder than I was a second ago.

I need to collect myself and calm down.

"Think you can do it by yourself this time?"

God... fuck. It is so not helping when he says things like that to me in that specific voice. And I can feel how intensely he's looking at me.

I don't respond, but instead take the next shot.

Aaaand I missed. Great.

"Hm. Looks like you do need me."

You have no idea.

And he only has the eight ball left. Fuck.

Dabi shoots the ball, making it in.

"Guess I won." He leans across the table to get closer to me, "Time to claim my prize."

"How are you so good? You were hitting shots that looked impossible."

He smirks, "Sorry... it's a secret."



Those words... they sound just like...

"I was joking, by the way. You're free to go."

"Oh, umm... thanks, I guess."

"That is, of course, unless you want–"

"I'm good."

So definitely not good.

He chuckles, "See you around, princess."


Last night...

That guy... he said the same exact thing as Dabi just now. In the same exact voice.

There's no way it could've been Dabi last night.


How could it have been? Why would he be at event like that?

Oh my god.

His eyes.

It was him.


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