Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys...

By ThatYandereAuthor

1.2M 47.9K 71.4K

(Y/n)'s life has been uneventful since she's transferred to a new school a few months ago. However, with the... More

The Visit
New Experience
New Situations
Dilemma in the Dorm
Unknown Numbers
Mystery Plan
Chance To Talk
The Top Class
Art and Dates
The Park
Good and Bad News
Expulsions and Enmity
Surprises Everywhere
The Effect
Unknown Enemy
Doctor Xander
Puzzle Pieces
Your Reality
Car Ride
New Environment
Living Conditions
Frustration and New Friends
Decisions and Drawings
Breakfast and Breakdowns
Actions and Answers
Night Two
Potential Plans
Pool Time
New Meeting
Getting To Know You
Who is 'G'
Start Over
Change of Plans
Some Fresh Air
Car Accident
Watching Over
An Act
Wait it Out
Speed Up The Process
The Final Moments
Ending: Xander
Ending: Elijah
Ending: Vincent
Ending: Sean
Ending: Mason
Ending: Alternate
Authors Note


13.6K 581 1K
By ThatYandereAuthor

All the blood drained from your face as you froze, not daring to make any movement.

"Trying to escape?" A voice asked. You held your breath, staring at the wall of the mansion.

Something pressed against your back and you flinched as a person wrapped their arm around your waist.

"Shhh, don't move or I might shoot." They whispered and you squeezed your eyes shut. "Now would you like to explain why you climbed down the side of the mansion?"

You could feel your heart rate increase with every second as you tried to figure out who was behind you and how to answer the question.

"Staying quiet? That's no fun. Justify your actions (Y/n). We figured you might try this eventually."

You opened your eyes slowly, "I'm sorry..."

The gun was pushed harder against your back, "That's not an explanation (Y/n). Don't think I won't pull this trigger. If you're bedridden you can't try to run."

You shook as you gazed up at your window, wishing you had paid more attention to your surroundings.

"Are you going to give me the silent treatment? I can tell you that this won't end well if you do."

You shook your head, "Would you believe me if I said I wanted to go outside but didn't want to run into any of you?"

They laughed, "I know that's not why, but nice try."

You let out a shaky breath as you looked down at the ground, "I was trying to leave."

"Ah, the truth comes out." They said as their grip around you tightened. "And tell me dear." The voice whispered next to your ear, "What do you think gave you the right to attempt this?"

Your eyes widened as you fought to keep yourself from visibly showing any fear. Even without looking at their face, the amount of malice and danger in their voice was enough to make you want to run away. "I...I got frustrated."


"You guys. I felt like I couldn't do anything and that you were restricting me with everything so I decided to do something for myself." You said, trying to keep your voice steady.

"I see."

There was silence for a few moments before the sound of the gun clicking hit your ears again.

You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling fear overtake you, "No! Please! I don't want to die!"

Nothing happened for a few seconds before the person started laughing, "You don't want to die?"

You shook your head as you tried to pry their arm away from you.

"You're so silly (Y/n), but stop trying to push me away (Y/n)." They said warningly.

"I'll stop when you stop threatening to kill me." You said hurriedly, glancing around for a possible escape route.

"I'll pull the trigger." They growled. You froze.

"There you go. You can behave. Now, I'm going to let go of you and if you try to run, I will shoot you. Do you understand?"

You nodded. Their arm disappeared and you fell to the ground, shaking.

"Come on. Let's go back inside the house."

You grabbed the grass beside you in fists, "I don't want to..."

"I don't have any patience left. Let's go."

"I don't want to go back in there." You whispered.

"That's cute. I don't remember asking if you wanted to do something, I told you to do something. So let's go." There was an air of finality in their tone. 

Slowly you stood up, still staring at the ground.

I was so close.... You thought, as you felt them grab your hand. They lead you in the direction of the front of the house.

"You're too rash." They said. "You do everything on impulse and don't stop to think about the consequences. You bring these things on yourself."

You stayed silent, watching the ground pass under your feet, trying to ignore their presence altogether.

"I hope you're prepared to face the rest of the guys and the punishment we give you." He continued, oblivious to your ignorance.

You scowled and looked at the stretch of forest to your left. It was about 75 feet away before you could get out of his line of sight. Was it worth it? Could you do it?

"I know you're looking at the forest. Don't even think about it. I can take aim in approximately 2 seconds, 2.5 for more accuracy. You won't make it in time."

You scowled more and settled for glaring at the ground until the grass gave way to white stone. The person dragged you up the stairs and shoved the front door open.

"Mr. Northview, weren't you in the garden?" You heard one of the butlers ask.

"Yes, but I had to retrieve something." You heard him say as he squeezed your hand.

"Of course. My apologies sir."

"It's alright." Mason said as he pulled you down the hall. The sound of running footsteps alerted you to another person's presence.

"Mason! What happened, why is (Y/n) coming through the front door?!" Someone asked, stopping in front of you. You continued to look at the ground.

"Why don't you ask (Y/n)." Mason said annoyedly.

"(Y/n)?" They asked, reaching out for you.

You stepped back and looked to the side, indicating you didn't want to speak.

"Love, I'm getting really tired with your refusal to talk." Mason growled.

You glared at the wall.

"Damn it just say something!" He shouted, whipping you around to face him and slapping you.

You stumbled back slightly from the impact and brought your hand up to your cheek. It stinged as  you tenderly poked at your skin, feeling your eyes slowly fill up with tears.

"Mas, calm down. Its o-"

"It's not okay. She climbed out of a second floor window with a makeshift rope to try to get away from us!" He yelled, turning his attention to the other person.

"Why are you shouting?" Another voice asked and you scowled. Were they all gonna show up?

"Go away Vincent." Mason snapped, turning back to you. You stepped back slightly, feeling the intensity of his gaze.

Vincent walked over to you, reaching out for your cheek, "What happened...?"

You shied away from him and took a step towards the front door.

"Oh no you dont. Come back over here right now (Y/n)." Mason snapped. "We have to discuss your punishment with everyone."

"Punishment?" Vincent echoed.

"She tried to escape." Mason said grabbing your arm and pulling you down the hall. "Lets go to the dining room."

"I'll go get Elijah and Sean." The other voice, who you assumed was Xander, said quietly and you heard footsteps going away from you.

Mason dragged you through the dining room doors and pulled one of the chairs away from the table. He shoved you into the seat and stood in front of you, his arms crossed. Vincent stood to his left, looking down at you in a mixture of sadness and anger.

"If you're going to stare, stare at the wall." You muttered, pulling at the end of your shirt.

You flinched as Mason came towards you again, but Vincent stopped him. The doors to the dining room opened and in stepped Xander, Elijah, and Sean.

"What is going on?" Sean asked, coming up next to Mason.

"I'll let her explain it this time." Mason said, giving you a pointed look. Elijah stood beside Vincent and Xander beside Sean.

Five pairs of eyes stared down at you, all of them a mixture of curiosity and anger.

"Well (Y/n)...would you care to explain yourself?"

A/N: Day 5 Lets goooooo. Thank you for voting and commenting <3 I read every single one and you guys make my day ^-^

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