Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys...

By ThatYandereAuthor

1.2M 47.9K 71.4K

(Y/n)'s life has been uneventful since she's transferred to a new school a few months ago. However, with the... More

The Visit
New Experience
New Situations
Dilemma in the Dorm
Unknown Numbers
Mystery Plan
Chance To Talk
The Top Class
Art and Dates
The Park
Good and Bad News
Expulsions and Enmity
Surprises Everywhere
The Effect
Unknown Enemy
Doctor Xander
Puzzle Pieces
Your Reality
Car Ride
New Environment
Living Conditions
Decisions and Drawings
Breakfast and Breakdowns
Actions and Answers
Night Two
Potential Plans
Pool Time
New Meeting
Getting To Know You
Who is 'G'
Start Over
Change of Plans
Some Fresh Air
Car Accident
Watching Over
An Act
Wait it Out
Speed Up The Process
The Final Moments
Ending: Xander
Ending: Elijah
Ending: Vincent
Ending: Sean
Ending: Mason
Ending: Alternate
Authors Note

Frustration and New Friends

15.3K 592 1K
By ThatYandereAuthor

You shifted on your side and murmured something, feeling the comfort of sleep slowly drifting off. Not wanting it to go, you squeezed your eyes shut further and flipped your side again, becoming increasingly frustrated.

Eventually, you opened your eyes and squinted, trying to stop the view of sunlight. It was late afternoon based on the golden glow the room was in, and everything was eerily silent. You sat up, the plush comforter falling off you and you looked around. You were back in your room.

You silently recalled what had happened before you fainted and you winced. That was not on your list of desirable situations. Especially not in front of all of the boys.

You slid off the bed and silently walked over to your door. Peering out into the hall, it was deserted except for the random paintings and tables holding vases. You went down the hall towards one room and knocked. You shifted from foot to foot until the door opened.

"(Y/n)! You're awake!" Sean said as he smiled down at you.

"Yeah...How long was I out?" You asked quietly.

"A couple hours. Do you feel dizzy? Any nausea or headaches?" His eyes scanned over you.

"No. I'm fine." You responded, forcing a smile to your face.

He sighed in relief, "I'm glad." His eyes wandered over your face as if searching for something. You looked back at him curiously.

"Oh! Um, was there something you needed?"

You nodded slowly, "I had a few questions about the house since you never explained anything to me."

"Oh. You're right I didn't. I got so caught up with taking you to the gardens-" He cut himself off and looked at you sheepishly.

"It's fine, but can we just forget that ever happened. I'd prefer to erase it from my memory." You said, looking at the ground.

"Of course. What do you want to know?"

"Well, since you guys kind of kidnapped me-"

"We did not kidnap you. We brought you to a better environment." He said in an annoyed tone

"Against my wishes." You shot back coldly.

"Whatever. Continue."

"Since you guys...brought me here and you had rules before about me being in the dorm, are there places I can and can't go here? Am I free to just walk around? Can I do anything?"

Sean looked at you for a moment before a laugh burst from him, "Oh (Y/n), there were rules there because there were people who could take you away. No one can find you here silly. You can do whatever you'd like except go in the forest or my parents bedroom. Everything else in this house is open to you."

You nodded slowly, a feeling of disgust rising in you.

Take me away...? They're the ones who took me away from my normal life.

"So I can go down to the kitchen and get something to eat?" You asked

"Of course, but you don't know where that is, do you?"

You shook your head.

"Okay, I'll take you down there in a minute, just let me fix my hair. It's a mess from lying in bed for most of the afternoon. You can come in, don't just stand out in the hall."

He stepped away from the door and you slowly stepped inside, looking around. His room was similar to yours with the layout and color scheme, except his had a giant tv mantled to the wall. A tv show you didn't recognize was playing on it.

"Do you like it?" You heard him call from the bathroom.

"It's nice." You answered, going over to his bed.

You grabbed the tv remote and flipped through a few channels on tv and landed on the news. A woman with black bobbed hair sat in front of a desk with a picture of Northview Academy behind her.

"Northview Academy, the most prestigious school in the country, has suffered quite a few misfortunes in the past few days. Sixteen-year-old Layken Whinsle, a 3rd year student, was found dead outside of campus with multiple stab wounds and now seventeen-year-old (Y/n) (L/n) has been reported missing by peers. (Y/n)'s father William (L/n) is asking for any information on her whereabouts. (Y/n) is described as a (y/h) tall female with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes." A picture of you from last summer flashed on screen. "She was last reportedly seen on the campus of Northview by peers, but hadn't been seen since. Multiple search parties have been sent out but-"

You watched as the tv was shut off and turned to see Sean glaring at you angrily as he threw the remote down on the bed.

"And that is why you're not allowed to have a tv." He started walking towards the door, "Now come on."

"But Sean! They're looking for me! I don't want to be here, I want to go home! You guys could just drive me back and act like you found me and there would be nothing against you! Please, can't you see that I don't want to be in this place!" You ran after him.

He stopped abruptly, causing you to run into him. He slowly turned around and you backed up a little.

"(Y/n)...You're not going back." His tone was cold and menacing, "You're here now. You belong to us, to me. Everyone in that damn town was trying to keep you away from us, do you understand me? I dont give a f*ck if you don't like it here. You'll learn because I'm here and that's all you need. Do you understand?" His green eyes stared at you intensely.

Your eyes widened slightly at his sudden mood shift. He was talking crazily and seemed like he would snap any second.

"Do you understand?" He repeated.

You looked at him angrily for a second before you brushed past him. "I get it. Go back to your room. I don't want to be around you right now."


"I mean it Sean." You turned back to him, your (e/c) eyes filling up with tears. "Go back to your room or I will try to escape."

You turned back around and walked down the hall, wiping at your eyes. You didn't hear Sean behind you so you assumed your threat had done the trick.

Venturing down the stairs and down a hall, you wandered, looking for the kitchen. A good snack would help right about now.

You're not going back (Y/n)... Sean's voice echoed through your mind.

Your lip quivered and you started walking faster, peering into rooms and turning down other hallways.

You belong to us

A tear fell down your cheek.

You belong to me

You collapsed to the ground, hugging your torso. Tears streamed down your face and your body shook with each intake of breath.

It's so unfair. What did I do to deserve this? I was a good kid!

You leaned against the wall and pulled your knees up to your chest, burying your face in them.

This is some sick and twisted nightmare. I want to go home....I want to go home!

"Um, excuse me...Miss?" A timid voice said.

You peered up to see a black hair, green-eyed male with glasses staring down at you.

"Are you alright?"

You stared at him for a moment before you shrugged, wiping away the tears on your cheeks. The male sat down beside you and looked at you in sympathy.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You opened your mouth to say something, but shut it. If you said things about the boys to this guy, it probably wouldn't end well.

"Its okay. I won't tell anyone what you say." He said softly.

You shook your head slightly, "I can't"

"Hm, thats a shame." He said as he leaned his head back. "You came here with Young Master Roe right?"

You nodded silently.

"Are you a friend of his?" He inquired.

"I wouldn't call us friends." You said faintly.

"No one would call their friendship with Young Master Roe a friendship," The male said with a smile.

Something clicked in your brain, "You're the dog person who came in when I was eating breakfast."

He laughed, "Yes, I take care of his dogs. I'm surprised you remember me."

You shrugged, "I happen to like dogs."

He smiled even more, "Then I might have something to cheer you up."

You watched in curiosity as he pulled a small metal object from his pocket. He blew into it and a high-pitched sound echoed down the hall.

He glanced at you, "Wait a few seconds."

You strained your ears to hear any sound, but heard nothing. Suddenly, a crashing sound echoed down the hall and the two dogs appeared in front of you.

Immediately they jumped at your face, trying to lick you and get your attention. You laughed and reached out a hand to pet one as the other attacked your face with kisses.

"You know their names right?" He asked.

"Sean told me, but I forgot." You admitted as you scratched one's ears.

"This one's Orion and this one's Shiro." He pointed to the one you were scratching and then the one that was sitting beside you.

"Hello Orion and Shiro." You said with a smile.

Shiro barked and wagged his tail happily.

You turned back to the guy, "What's your name? You can't just be the mysterious man who summons dogs for the teary-eyed girl."

He smiled sheepishly, "Wouldn't that be a cooler way for you to remember me."

You laughed, "You'd have to get a cloak and appear from fog before I would take you seriously with that."

He grinned, "Alright, I guess I have to go buy a cloak and a fog machine now."

You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance, "Just tell me."

He stood up and held out his hand. "My names Gale. Gale Odell."

A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner! I've had a stressful couple of weeks but we're good now! For any of you that read One Desire, I updated it with a halloween special that I think you'll enjoy if you haven't seen it already. I'm gonna try harder to update Advanced Plans more regularly now that a lot of school and friendship stuff is behind me so yay! *cue the determined music and that shiny anime eye thing* Thank you for all the support you show this book! It means a lot to me <3

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