The Star Maiden (Fairy Tail N...

By BrunoMari155

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(A/N: I'm re-writing the story due to a bug and because I don't like how I wrote it originally.) Layla didn't... More

Lepus and Lupus
Orion and Layla's keys
Meeting Natsu and Happy
Opening Up
The Dream
Kairi Dragneel and Black Cross base
Bathtime Gone Wrong
Hanging out
Relief and Memories
Doubts about Lucy's actions
Kairi and Freed
Weird Friendship
Unpleasant Encounter
Unpleasant Encounter pt.2
Boiling Anger and Near Death Experience
Mating Season
Mating Season pt.2
Finally Together
The End of Summer
At Fairy Tail
Meeting Kairi and Tina
Natsu's paranoia
In the forest
Meeting Gray
Fairy Tail
The Mission
Eisenwald and Lullaby
The Demon from Book of Zeref
Return to Fairy Tail
The Match and Erza's Arrest
The S-Class Job
The Investigation
The Cold Empreror
Lucy's Spell
Return of Ur
Phantom Lord
The Guild War
The Element 4
Laxus and The Job at Lupinus
Truth about Loke
Saving Loke
Akane Resort
Tower of Heaven
Destruction of R-System
Return To The Guild
Miss Fairy Tail Contest
The Battle Of Fairy Tail
The Punishment
The Celebration
Allied Forces
Wendy Marvell
Oracion Seis
The Hunt
Lucy vs Angel and Natsu vs Venom
Old Friend
Ur vs Jellal
Double Trouble
Erza vs Ayato and Lucy vs Venom
The Nirvana
Return to Fairy Tail and Arrival of Terror
The Siege of Magnolia
The Great Guild War
Margaret Town

Gajeel and Jose

419 10 3
By BrunoMari155

A/N: Well. Here is the new chapter for you guys. Hope you enjoy.

(Natsu p.o.v)

Lucy and I walked into the room that looked like a workshop. We looked for Jose but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Did he got scared and ran away?" I asked Lucy.

"I don't know, but let's hope not be-cause he might come back later and we won't be able to fight them again since we have too many injured." She replied.

"Aye." Happy said.

I sniffed the air and sensed that there were two familiar scents. Someone tried to attack me from the above but I blocked the attack and punched the guy with my other fist.

He landed at the other place. I saw that it was Gajeel and his feline panther appeared right next to him.

He smirked evily "Well, I have been waiting for you, Salamander. It seems you brought your mate to the fight, how sweet. Jose is already dealing with the rest of your friends now and he asked me and Pantherlily to take you out and capture The Star Maiden. Too bad you won't have any offspring. HAHAHA!" He laughed.

I glared at him and so did Lucy. She looked at me and said "I believe you have some unfinished business with this asshole. Let me handle that big cat of his."

I nodded and she transformed into her Taurus Star Dress and attacked the giant cat. As those two were fighting, I glared at Gajeel.

"The skies aren't big enough for three dragons. After I'm done with you, your beloved sister Hydra is next." He said with evil smirk.

I gritted my teeth "You destroyed our guildhall, hurt our friends and allied with the dark guild that not even mercenary guilds would work for! And you have some nerve to call us scumbags?! I'll turn you into ash once I'm done with you!" I said as I set my fists on fire.

We started fighting, exchanging punches and kicks. He attacked me with an iron pillar, but I jumped over it and kicked him in the face.

He took few steps back then turned his right hand into a sword and attacked me with it. I dodged his swings then the sword started to spin and he attacked me again, this time causing damage to the ground.

He attacked me with Iron Dragon's Hard Fist. I managed to block it, but it sent me few steps back and bruised me a little. Then he covered his whole body in iron scales and I tried to stru-ck him, but it only hurt me in the pro-cess.

I held my fist as he laughed "What's the matter? Is my iron body too sturdy for you? Hahaha!" He said while laughing.

Angered, I attacked him with my roar while he countered it with his own. An explosion etrupted when our dragon roars clashed. With that, his metal face cracked and he was shocked.

Ignoring that, we both charged at each other swinging our fists. After our fists came into contact with our faces, another explosion etrupted and we took our fight in the air.

(Lucy p.o.v)

After seeing that Natsu and Gajeel took their fight in the air, I turned back to the large feline before me who swung his oversized sword against me. Luckily I dodged it in time.

"I was expecting to fight Titania in this war. It's a pity she is too injured to battle me." He said looking at me.

I glared at him "Erza would never lose to someone who is a pawn to Black Cross, not in a million years!"

Wings came out of his back and he flew into the air "You think I actually enjoy working for those monsters? Jose has become nothing but a despe-rate fool who just wants to prove that Phantom Lord is the strongest guild in Fiore by wiping Fairy Tail off the map. He lost my respect and from other few members ever since our guild allied with Black Cross. Do know that even Gajeel, Juvia and Totomaru are also not pleased with his action, even though they do not show it." He said attacking me with his sword. I dodged it again and asked him.

"Then why don't you just leave Phan-tom Lord if you don't like working for Black Cross? Why do you even endure it?!" I asked in angry tone.

"Because if we do, The Black Cross leader Kuraim wiil send his men to track us down and kill us. Then he would use his magic to reanimate our corpses to serve him. Every of his men that you killed, he raised their corpses to do chaos even in death. Once you become a Black Cross member or the-ir pawn, you have no choice but to serve them for enternity." The Pant-her told me.

I can't believe what I was hearing. Ra-ising corpses? Enslaving souls? Deny-ing them their rest? What kind of monster would do that?!

Does that mean all that killing was for naught? Did I just waste six years of my life murdering those psychopaths only for them to be brought back to life through undeath?

The panther swung his sword towards me again. And I dodged it then coun-ter-attacked him with kick in his gut, making him lose control of his wings and hitting his head against the wall.

I saw that Gajeel ate some iron and Natsu was frustrated. I transformed into my Phoenix Star Dress and shot flames towards the latter.

He ate the flames and something was happening to him. He put his hands on his head and started to yell in pain.

Oh, no! What have I done?! I should've asked Phoenix about the consequences of eating his flames!

Natsu fell on the ground and an image of the dragon was formed behind him then he dashed towards Gajeel who attacked him back.

The former dominated the latter. Shattering his steel iron scales, stoping his roar with his own bare hands, attacking him with strong punches and kicks.

Happy and I watched in awe as Natsu completely destroyed his opponent, finishing him with his Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's fist. This has caused huge explosion and it destroyed Phantom Lord's headquarters.

Natsu fell down, but I quickly caught him. He rested his head on my lap and I looked at him with loving look in my eyes.

"You seriously wrecked that guy! That was so cool, Natsu!" Happy exclaimed.

I smirked "Well, that's Natsu for ya."

My boyfriend grinned and I helped him get up. He looked at what I was wearing and blushed.

He whispered into my ear "Next time when we have sex, you better wear this Star Dress. It's gonna be very hot!"

I blushed at what he said, but smiled and kissed him anyways. I don't know what I see in this idiot, but I fucking love him.

(Erza p.o.v)

Being in my Black Wing Armor, I was in fight against Jose who took down Gray and Elfman with single attack.

When there was a noise coming from upstairs, Jose spoke "My. Your Dragon sure loves going on rampage."

I glared at him "Don't underestimate Natsu. He is powerful. In fact, he is just as strong as I am, if not stronger."

The Phantol Lord Guildmaster only smirked at me "Oh please, enough with the modesty, Titania. Your power is truly magnificent. If you were not hurt by Jupiter, this would a very entertaining battle.

However, I can't stand the thought of having someone like you in Makarov's guild." He said attacking me with a beam that pushed me towards the wall.

Then he spoke about the reason why he didn't kill Master right away, be-cause he wanted to make him suffer by murdering everyone in Fairy Tail.

I got angry and charged towards him, but he only teleported away and appeared behind.

"As long as I can remember, Phantom Lord was the most powerful wizard guild in Fiore. We have the most powerful wizards with powerful spells that no one could best us.

However, Fairy Tail has been recently able to catch up with Makarov in lead. The names Erza, Laxus and Mira became widely known. Along with the stories of the Dragon Twins of Fairy Tail: Salamander and Hydra spread across the kingdom like wild fire.

Then Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail were considered equals to the king representinh his kingdom. Hmph! That thought disgusts me, I refuse to share the title with such feeble guild!" Jose told me.

I was angry and attacked him only for him to dodge it again. When he rea-ppeared on the rubble, I pointed my sword towards him.

"So, we fight for out lives just because you have a little jealousy?!" I yelled at Jose.

He smirked "Jealousy? We only want to prove to this kingdom that we are the strongest in this kingdom."

I glared at him "All this and allying with Black Cross for such petty rea-son. Even Laxus wouldn't stoop that low!" I yelled, attacking Jose with my sword multiple times in vain.

He knocked my sword from my hands and trapped me with some spell. I tried to free myself from his grasp to no avail.

"I wouldn't resist if I were you my dear. It will only be more painful!" He told me sending the two ghost-like skeletons that started to torture me.

I screamed in pain as the skeletons continued to suck my soul out and Jose planned to show everyone my state so that they would surrender. Then I decided to kill myself by using my sword with telekinesis so the others could still fight on.

As the sword was about to stab my back, the shades were frozen and I fell down along with my sword. I turned around and saw Ur.

She came down from the rubble and glared at Jose. Then she spoke to me "Honey, go get Gray and Elfman out of here. Let the grown-up take care of this asshole."

I was hesistant, but nodded and went towards the two boys. Then after telling Gray to believe in his master,  we left the Phantom Lord building.

(Ur p.o.v)

After Gray, Erza and Elfman left, I prepared to fight against Phantom Lord's Guildmaster.

He smirked "Ah, The Great Ur. Never thought that such a powerful wizard would be a part of such despicable guild as Fairy Tail. It makes me want to destroy those weaklings even more!" He said as his eyes became black, sending some shades towards me.

I used Ice-Make: Shield to block his attack. After blocking it, I casted Ice-Make: Dual Swords and two swords appeared in my arms.

I charged at the man trying to slash him, but he just dodged my swings with no problem. Then he tried to trap me with the same spell that he trapped Erza with, but I used Ice-Make: Kamikaze Clone to avoid it and after the ghost came in contact with the clone, the latter exploded upon the impact and I reappeared infront of the man and slashed him with Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur, managing to hit him.

He stumbled back a little and shot dark tendrils from his hands towards me. I casted Ice-Make: Lance destroying the tendrils one by one.

After that, I used Ice-Make: Battle Axe to strike him but he teleported away again.

He reappeared behind me and tried to strike me again, but I casted Ice-Make: Kamikaze Clone again and exploded right when he striked the clone again.

He flew towards the stairs and got up, casting a spell called Dead Wave that shot some sort black laser at me but I blocked it with Ice-Make: Shield.

When the laser was getting too strong to block it, I used Ice-Make: Clone to evade it. Then I reappeared behind the Phantom Lord Guildmaster few feet away from him.

I casted a dynamic spell that takes much harder to learn. One that makes human beings out of ice. Those that I fought beside and against.

"Ice-Make: Gray!" An ice clone of Gray appeared and striked Phantom Lord Guildmaster with Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur from behind.

"Ice-Make: Erza!" An ice clone of Erza appeared in that same armor I saw her when I came here and she slashed the man with her sword.

"Ice-Make: Lucy!" An ice clone of Lucy appeared and summoned her lightning spirit to electrocute the guildmaster.

"Ice-Make: Natsu and Kairi!" The clones of Fairy Tail's Twin Dragon Slayers appeared and attacked the guildmaster with their fists, making him fly towards the wall.

After that, I casted Ice-Make: Ice Vol-cano severely attacking the Guild-master and finishing him off, making him lose consiousness and destroying the entire hall.

I walked up to him and said "You won't harm Fairy Tail anymore, you scumbag." Then walked away.

Then I felt someone's presense behind me. I casted Ice-Make: Kamikaze Clone one more time and it explode with the contact of the massive man that flew on the other side of the hall.

I shook my head and said "The war is over. There is no need to fight anymore. If you ever come and harm Fairy Tail again, I'll freeze your entire guild by myself. Now take your guild-master and get out of here!"

As I said that, I heard the cheerings of Fairy Tail wizards. I climbed up and looked at them.

I just can't thank Lucy enough for saving me from the Iced Shell. But this is me repaying that debt.

"Friends, never have I met such strong-willed and powerful mages! You all fought well in this war! I'm glad to be a member of your guild!" I said showing a dark blue Fairy Tail guildmark on my right hand, making everyone from Fairy Tail cheer.

I got second chance at life thanks to Lucy. And I sure as hell won't waste it.

A/N: And that my dear friends is the conclusion of the Phantom Lord arc. Well, almost. Just have to do a little more in the next chapter. As for my new fanfiction, it will be posted soon. Just need to finish the first part. See you all next time. Bye!

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