Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

By camrenkordied

911K 29K 11.5K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... More

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9.7K 328 197
By camrenkordied

"Dinner is ready!"

Y/N's mom yelled out the back door and everyone popped up as Isaiah helped me up from the grass. The sunset was setting nicely over the flat land and naked trees. The pile of leaves that were once raked up now spread on the ground again from the twins jumping into them...or when Anthony pushed Y/N into them.

Y/N's arm wrapped around my shoulders for a brief time as we all headed into the warm home. Plates were set out at each available seat with more pulled out tables to fit everything onto. My stomach immediately growled at the smell of the food. I had starved all day just for tonight and I knew it was most likely because it was thanksgiving. My family was the same way; you don't eat all day until the feast later that night.

A/N: For better visual purposes

"Get in your throne, pops." Anthony snickered as he patted the man's shoulders while the man sat right at the end of the table.

"Oh- Donny why don't you get the high chair? Shit, I didn't put it together-"

"No, it's fine mom I got something better." He snickered before he disappeared behind the kitchen to walk down the hallway.

I hesitantly sat down in between Y/N's mom and her while everyone fought over a seat. Sophia sat next to Y/N and I bit my lip keeping the moodiness deep inside. I suddenly heard Isaiah whine out as he stomped his small foot.

"I was supposed to sit next to Camila." He whined and almost instantly he got a stern look from his dad.

"Sit down boy." He had a type of snippiness to his voice that was sort of impressive.

He just ducked his head and pouted while he picked the closest seat to me which was next to Sophia. I cleared my throat and looked over at him as he pressed his fists against his cheeks in a pout.

"Tomorrow morning you can sit next to me." I whispered jokingly and he cracked a smile when I winked.

He happily sat up in his seat and Don appeared once again with a baby carrier strapped to his torso. He smiled happily and slid Dante right in while he just chilled on his stomach.

"Perfect! I can eat and I get to feed this little fat boy." He joked and sat right across from his mom with Dante giggling with each little movement.

"Oh my babies." Sam cooed next to them and giggled while I looked over at them.

Did they say grace? I was starving and I fucking did not wanna wait any minute longer. But I looked at my girlfriend when I felt her hand softly play with the baby hairs on the back of my neck. She listened in on something Sam was going on about while Y/N's mom looked over all the food hoping she wasn't missing anything.

"Will you just sit down? You're fine, relax." The dad gently looked up at his wife and she just waved him off with an eye roll.

"Hush up." She sat down and looked over at me.

"These boys don't know the first thing about cooking and don't get me started cooking for a family." She scoffed out jokingly causing me to laugh along softly.

Even if it wasn't as funny as she thought it was the first immediate thought I had was mostly a revelation. I had noticed that whenever they talked about their kids as a whole they said boys. Maybe I was reading too much into it but it had made me wonder were they still not over the fact she was intersex? She identified and is a female she just didn't have the same anatomy. Pretty easy concept for me, but was it still not for them?

"Tell me about it, she cooked prebaked chicken strips for us both last thanksgiving." I went along with it anyway with a subtle correction and she chuckled to herself.

"They're always so easy when it comes to food I'm surprised they haven't turned into blimps." She reached over to grab an unpopped wine bottle.

"Anyone?" She called out and they all looked over at her mid conversation.

"Ooh yes, please, mama bear." Sophia grabbed her glass that was already set out and Y/N denied and slightly rose up her beer bottle.

"Jess?" Y/N's mom asked and Anthony looked at causing them both to shake their heads.

"What? You never pass up a time to drink." Antonio feigned shock while Isaiah and Elijah raised their hands.

"We want some! I want wine!"

"Yeah please mama."

The boys begged and she grabbed a sparkling red grape juice wine type bottle. I laughed softly knowing my sister and I did the same and she innocently winked down at me catching my laugh. She poured them a glass while she poured me a real wine glass. I smiled in return and thanked her while she clapped her hands.

"Alright, shut up!" She yelled then lightly laughed when they all stopped talking.

We all looked up at her and she smiled to herself while I noticed her husband drink his fourth beer of the night.

"So! For all the ones that are new here..." She then spoke causing them to all look at me and I started to feel hot in my seat.

I breathed out a laugh and wet my lips nervously while Y/N chuckled softly with the rest of them.

"...we go around and say what we're thankful for this year instead of praying. We're not that religious, I suppose." She basically told me only and I nodded as I felt my anxiety peek out a little.

I didn't wanna fucking speak out right now, I wanted to eat-

She then sat down and cutely smiled at all of us here, "You wanna start us out?" She asked me and I cleared my throat with a nod.



"Uh, I'm thankful for... being here, honestly, I'm from Miami and it gets crazy down there but being here beats that." I joked and they chuckled at me, "But uh yeah, I'm grateful for meeting new family and getting to know where your oh so beautiful daughter came from. Shoot, I'm thankful she didn't come out like Anthony." I joked again and he smacked his lips while their mom laughed at the punchline.

The dad... got kinda tense when the word daughter left my lips and I just wanted to keep my eyes on him.

"Your turn." I playfully said to Y/N's mom and she giggled at my need to quickly get the attention off of me.

Y/N soothes me down as she caressed the back of my neck again and my heartbeat slowed down a bit.

"I am so thankful for all of y'all here, especially my baby grandson. Damnit, so damn cute." She shortly spoke and looked right over at her husband.

"I'm thankful for this beer in my hand." He joked causing us to lightly laugh and his wife to smack his arm, "Uh but no honestly uhm my kids... I'm always thankful for you all even if half of you have the personality of a moth in a cornfield and the other half is just... odd and confusing." He let everyone know and again I caught onto the subtle insult.

I knew which half Y/N was apart of because the way his eyes glanced over at my side. It wasn't enough to say, hey, you're a shitty dad don't talk like that about her- because there was no evidence behind it. You couldn't tell if he was just an asshole or he was an abusive person. He was still civil and smiley around her despite the obvious tension between them. They still had small conversations here and there... it was odd.

Now I understood why it was so hard to communicate growing up in this household. It felt like you couldn't because there wasn't enough "truth" even if that's all it was. Confusing, I know.

Don went on saying how he was thankful of his new family he had this year and how Sam was the perfect wife and how Y/N is a great help at the shop. I could see why Y/N saw Don as a fatherly figure he always knew what to say or how to include her in the right stuff. Sam followed up on Don's words and Anthony was quite tense when it became his turn.

He turned to Jess and we all wondered what was happening that was until Y/N squinted her eyes. She caught onto certain things quickly.

"Fuck it I'll tell them- so!" Jess suddenly smiled and looked over everyone.

"A new Y/L/N member is joining the family! Dante is gonna have a cousinnnn." She told us and then chaos just broke out.

"A BABY!" Isaiah gasped excitedly and I cooed over the fact Jess and Anthony were gonna be parents.

"Oh poor kid." Antonio joked and Anthony leaned over Jessica's shoulders and flicked his ear.


"You're havin' a kid... with him?" The dad asked Jess his voice full of sarcasm and amusement while she chuckled.

"I'll put him in check with these upcoming months." She looked over at the wine bottle, "I will miss that though." She sighed and I giggled knowing she was like the drunk aunt at any family gathering.

"Don't let us take all the spotlight, keep it going, sheesh!" Jess ever so softly smacked Elijah's arm and he suddenly smiled widely.

"Uhm oh! I'm thankful for all my toyssss, all my friends at school, and all this food, mommy." He gasped and Y/N chuckled at him while he turned to Isaiah.

"I love you mom and dad." Isaiah hummed cutely and he was my absolute favorite, "Thank you for buying me all my video games-"

"That too!" Elijah cut in then quickly pressed his hands over his mouth when his parents scowled briefly.

"My new bike, and Y/N! Cause she's more awesomer than you guys." He giggled cutely while Y/N cooed as his older brothers all started to talk over each other.

"You're awesome too little man." Y/N smirked as her hand remained on my shoulder softly caressing here and there.

"Sophiaaaa, ooo-"

"Shut up." The woman rolled her eyes at Antonio and Anthony who were both starting to tease.

I honestly had no idea why the hell she was even here I thought she would've left by now. I get she was a very close family friend but fuck let me breathe-

"Uhm for one, I'd just have to say I'm super thankful for being here and breathing, smelling in all this delicious food, mom." She winked and the mom covered her heart as she had stars in her eyes.

I swear to God I will not compete with this girl because the parents love her more-

"I'm thankful for whatever life has brought me til today and haven't taken life for granted. Thankful for learning all the mistakes I've made in my past." She raised her glass as she finished up what I could see was an obvious hint at Y/N.

Fucking bitch I will throw this turkey at you-

"So beautiful." Their mom smiled and turned to Y/N who was now awkwardly scratching her neck.

She looked at me and I didn't really know what kinda look I had on my face, it most likely wasn't a good one. She could read me faster than a children's book and I didn't know if it was a good thing anymore. I looked ahead at Sam and she discreetly rolled her eyes and gestured she was gonna puke over her speech. I kept back a small laugh and waited for my girlfriend to speak.

"One thing I'm thankful for... or grateful for uhm...easy.." She then cleared her throat and shyly smiled at everyone, " don't judge me, okay? I'm gonna get real sappy here." She nervously popped her knuckles and looked at me.

"You." She answered herself and I could see her family have a soft content smile on their faces.

"Yeah, I'm thankful for being an aunt and having all my friends and success in Don's shop and school and I'm thankful for having loser ass brothers and a cool long time friend but Camila." She paused and I felt my heart in my throat as I looked up at her.

"You have made my entire year better, because when I even see a glance of you after having a shit day I always feel better. You are like one of the best things that has happened to me. Side note I'm being this sappy so I don't have to for our anniversary tomorrow-"

I cut her joke off with a small smack and her family laughed deeply, "I'm kidding, but, honestly, it's a miracle I've ever met you and you're the one thing I'll forever be thankful for." She looked me in my eyes and I just felt so lost for words I felt almost embarrassed.

"You're not pregnant too right?" Her mom suddenly asked jokingly causing us all to laugh again and I shook my head.

"No, I'm not." I laughed as I grabbed Y/N's hand.

"Not yet." She joked again and her mom rolled her eyes.

"You keep your dick in your pants until you finish school." She spoke up all the while everyone started to move to get food and they laughed.

"Jesus, mom." She itched her neck again and I giggled at her while my hand rested on her thigh.

"I love you." I mumbled as plates and silverware clinked together.

"I love you." She smiled and pecked my lips softly while everyone started to converse amongst themselves.


Mid dinner I had finally got my time to shine as her mom started to ask me all these questions regarding myself personally. It was as if Y/N's little speech got her thinking I was gonna be here for a long time. As if I was like Sam or Jess.

"So, what are you going to school for? What field?" She asked as she slid a spoon full of mac and cheese into her mouth.

"I'm majoring in music like music production and uhm I'm gonna have a minor in creative writing." I spoke up mid swallow and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"It was actually the other way around but I changed it before it was too late."

"Which was rough on her- you should've seen the way when she'd walk out of her last class-" Y/N cut in as she started to laugh to herself, "Poor baby was so exhausted with all the changes."

"I actually have a song I need to finish within the next three days." I snorted knowing I was gonna be late with the assignment.

"Do you sing?" Jess asked me and I immediately shied away from revealing that part of me.

I did, I always did but I didn't wanna sing in front of people.

"No." I breathed out a laugh and Y/N looked my way with a look.

"Liar." She giggled at the fact she exposed me and I shrugged with a small smile.

"She has such a nice voice." Y/N then added with a cute little sigh as she wiped the excess food from her lips.

"You've never even heard me sing a full song." I giggled at and she gave me a pointed look.

"That's the thing, I don't need to hear a full song- your voice is perfect to me."

"Do you make your own music?" Sophia cut in with a small smile and I looked over at her and nodded.

"Yeah, mostly for classes and overcoming the awkwardness at first-"

"She obviously hasn't gotten over the awkwardness since I've never heard one." Y/N cut me off and for some reason I felt kinda hurt at that.

I felt a small twinge of uncomfortableness and cleared my throat when Sophia gazed my way along with Y/N's mom.

"You've never heard one of her songs? Crazy." Don then asked Y/N and my girlfriend shook her head slowly as she happily ate her food.

"What?! That's insane-"

"Not really it's just most of them are very... uh, cringe." I chuckled as I grabbed my wine glass feeling a lot more nervous than before.

"Give us a little taste." Jess shimmied her shoulders lightly with a small laugh.

"Uhhh I don't know, I don't think so-"

"Oh come onnn, this is super cool, Y/N might have a future popstar as a girlfriend." Antonio wiggled his eyebrows at me and soon enough they all were just waiting for me to sing.

"One little lyric?" Sam convincingly asked and I sighed causing them to hoot.

I downed the rest of my wine causing them to laugh and I shyly laughed with my pink cheeks, "Now, now... don't tease me if it's cheesy."

"Scouts honor." Anthony crossed his heart while mine was pounding against my chest.

"Okay so... it uh goes like..." I stammered while Y/N discreetly reached over and comfortingly rubbed my thigh.

"Hello, how are you? How you been? Lately I wonder how it feels to steal your kiss." I sang lightly as my cheeks burned with each word I sang.

This was so fucking embarrassing.

"Nothing much, just fine, I'm doing well and you can read between the lines but God, I fell." I then laughed gently when I noticed the cute little smirk on my girlfriend's face.

"I only told the moon, tonight up on the roof, I told her that I'm scared that all my thoughts they look like you. I only told the moon about the way you move, I asked her to please tell me if you tell things to her too." I then mumbled off and squeezed my eyes shut feeling extremely uncomfortable and shy.

"Annddd yada yada yada." I giggled with deep embarrassment as they hollered around.

I felt Y/N's arm wrap around my shoulders and her lips pressed against my head for a brief kiss.

"When did you write that? That was really good, Camila."

"Uh about a year ago when I was crushing on this weirdo over here." I nudged my girlfriend and she softly laughed as Anthony snorted.

"So weird how you thought this dumbass was attractive enough to even develop a crush." He innocently taunted her causing her to flip him off.

"A year ago? When did you two meet-"

"Ooh I love these stories! How did y'all meet?" Jess interrupted Antonio while Sophia listened closely.

"Pftt uh we met around mid to late August? Then I introduced myself in early September and we kinda started to date mid September... well, I already considered her my girlfriend after the first date. Then officially I asked her to be my girlfriend thanksgiving last year." Y/N informed everyone with less details than what was expected and Jess just rolled her eyes.

"How did you two meet?" She repeated and Y/N chuckled to herself when she thought back on the day we kinda met each other.

"I was late for class and decided well shit, I'm already late let me stop by to get a coffee. What's the harm, right?" She chuckled and I looked up at her as she anxiously traced the table markings.

"I walk in and I notice it was pretty dead and I go up to the counter just to stand next to this girl who was asking about a job." Y/N then laughed to herself and glanced my way as I smiled at the story.

"Then the girl standing next to me looks up at me when she realizes I'm ordering and she just chokes on her coffee." She then laughed at the memory causing my cheeks to burn up even more.

"Ughhh don't remind me." I groaned and her family members just listened to the small story.

"Turns out it was Camila, uh, I left for class after about like twenty minutes though and didn't see her again for a couple weeks. I remember I kept coming back though because she was super pretty and I wondered if she ever got the job. So, anyways, the next couple weeks go by and I walk back into the coffee shop just to see her making coffee. I swear I had never been so damn happy to get a coffee in my life."

"Oh yeah." I laughed, "All my friends- well my coworkers were telling me how much I messed up on my first day and she came over after I made her coffee-"

"Yeah! I just wanted to talk to you again so I told her the coffee was great. I hoped I calmed her nerves and make her remember me by that." Y/N and I basically talked over each other causing me to laugh lightly.

"To ease your worries, I guess." I mimicked her voice and she playfully nudged me.

"It went like that for a while though, I'd come in make small talk, wait around... then, yeah, uh, I asked her when her break was one day and asked her to hang out for the time being while I took a study break. We talked for a little and exchanged numbers then the rest is history." She shortened it a bit and I snorted.

"I was literally freaking out internally, I kept wanting to scream out, finally! Finally you talked to me." I giggled as she smiled down at the memory.

"You work at a coffee shop?" Her mom asked me and I turned to her with a nod.

"Yep, it's pretty nice, especially the tips."

"She's an amazing coffee maker." Y/N added in and I shrugged causing her mom to widen her eyes.

"Really?" She quickly asked and Don groaned along with the dad and Anthony.

"No! Mom is literally a coffee fanatic, she will keep you here against your will." Antonio cut in and I laughed gently with Y/N.

"Oh be quiet." Their mom waved them off just to bite a piece of a homemade roll.

"I only came in because of you- literally the only one I trusted with to make my coffee." Y/N continued as she also conversated with Jess and I turned to their mom.

"I'll make you some tomorrow- what's your go-to?" I asked Y/N's mom and her eyes shined with excitement.

"You know what sweetie? I actually have an espresso machine he got me for my birthday." She informed me and just as she said that I overheard what topic they were transitioning into.

"Oh God, don't even get me started on exes." Y/N's tone showed nothing but disinterest and her mom even perked up when she caught wind of the conversation.

All coffee talk out of the window and she looked over at her daughter to see what she was talking about.

"Her ex boyfriend is literally in a famous band!"

"What?!" The table jumped at me and I groaned internally.

"You dated a famous person and end up with Y/N?! Unbelievable?"

"What band?"

I rolled my eyes at Antonio's outburst and Jess' little giggle while I just grabbed my wine glass that was now refilled.

"5 Seconds of Summer."

"Fucking bullshit, no way! The She Looks So Perfect song?" Don spat out as he softly chewed on a piece of meat.

"Yes sir... the guitarist." I sipped my wine and Y/N just stayed silent not even touching what was left of her food.

Jess, Sam and I then started to laugh at her, "Aw don't be such a pouty baby." Sam cackled as she leaned in to feed Dante who was still strapped to Don's chest.

"Trust me, him being in a famous band is the only good thing about him." I snorted into the glass and drank some more while I leaned into Y/N's arm.

Soon enough they were all investing themselves into a conversation that was all about me dating a very small celebrity. That was until her now drunken dad started to chuckle along to nothing.

"A guy? An actual boyfriend... just to end up with our Y/NN. Funny." He chuckled deeply as he closed his eyes and rubbed his head.

The conversation died out awkwardly at the insinuating tone he had towards the fact Y/N wasn't an "actual" boy. Obviously. The smiles around the table faded away slowly as the air thickened a bit.

I softly cleared my throat just to wet my lips, "And your Y/NN is a great girlfriend." I tried to smooth over but it just even more awkward when what I wanted to say didn't come out right.

He chuckled again and hummed just to reopen his hazed over eyes, "Or maybe you're just as confused as she is." He then mumbled and the mom softly dropped her fork back onto the plate as she wiped her mouth with a cloth.

"Excuse me?" I frowned and Y/N just tensed up before gripping my thigh.

"Pft she." He then ever so softly chuckled at that too and Y/N leaned up knowing I would speak my mind.

"What are you on about this time? Can we have one family dinner without it turning into a shitshow?" She clenched her jaw harshly and he just looked at her with a firm stare.

"Insane." She lightly let out a small laugh, "You're still a prejudice dick." She mumbled mostly to herself and stood up with a firm stance.

"I'm not hungry anymore." She spoke a little more louder than her previous mumble but not much.

I watched her walk away and not one soul tried to stop her while we all felt so stuck and didn't know what to exactly do. My anxiety was full on raging at this point and I noticed Antonio playing with his food. Her mom now gulping down the last quarter of her wine glass while her dad just remained sitting. His eyes closing again and Sam quietly ate. I wanted to get up and go after her... and right when I decided I would I felt a small poke.

I looked over to the empty seat and saw Sophia teaching for me again then she mouthed, "Can I go?" She nudged her head towards the way Y/N went.

I battled myself quick and hard over my answer, I didn't want her to go because I wanted to go and see. But I also didn't wanna seem like a bitter girlfriend because she was an ex- even though I had a right to be in a way. I just knew deep down maybe I could get this stupid feeling of closure over with if she just went.

"Yeah." I mumbled and she nodded with a small smile.

At least she asked.

"Just know I'll be there in a few." I whispered and she nodded again as she gave my shoulder a small squeeze.

Shit, shit, why was that so hard? This definitely wasn't the right time- goddamnit Camila what the fuck-

"Don, no." Sam growled and I took notice of Don slipping Dante out to give to Sam.

"You know... this is the reason I moved away." He spoke up as he too stood up and I sighed to myself.

Goddamnit, Don.

"I'm glad Y/N moved too and you know what? I will never be a father like you. You're a horrible fucking person." Don spat viciously to his own dad and I felt the tension rise rather fast.

His dad tried to get up ready to fight but he was too drunk and he ended up falling on his ass. His chair falling as hard as he did right onto him, he groaned as we all jumped. Don chuckled in disbelief and looked down at him, "You're pathetic and I hope you go to hell remembering that you are." He then turned on his feet and walked away while Dante cried from the crash he heard.

I had felt way too awkward and stood up just to quickly excuse myself to walk to Y/N's room. I figured they'd be in here but from the looks of the empty bed... I was wrong. So, I just sat down with a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling.



Totally unrelated but I'm gonna say this now so I don't have to later... Shawmila will NOT happen at all in this story. The only shawmila content you will see is a friendship. I am 100000% sticking to this and I am not lying this time. Also no cheating will happen either.

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then

Had to put this meme up here again because I made it and it's golden 🤡

Hope you have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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