Sterek One-Shots Book One (Bo...

By adult_disneyprincess

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This is where I will post all of my Sterek one shots. Be a doll and request one. Either comment on this page... More

Sterek One-Shots (Taking Requests!)
Fox Tails and Nursing Majors
Furry Tails and Bothersome Brothers (Sequel to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Mac and Cheese and Boyfriends (Part Three of FT&NM)
Cat Ears and Medical Files (Fourth Part to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Parks And Red Vines (Part Five of FT&NM)
Christmas Trees And Final Exams (Part 6 of FT&NM)
Strangers And A Spoiled Fox (Part Seven Of FT&NM)
Tell Me This is Just a Dream
Black Hair and Whiskey Eyes
I'll Always Be There For You (Mature Content)
The Kidnapped Mate (Mild Mature Content)
Nothing But a Note
Nothing But A Note (Part Two)
Just Give Me a Reason (Brief Mature Content)
Blame It On The Hormones (Mature Content)
It's Just Two Cliche (The Sequel to Cliche)
Tell Me No Lies (Mature Content)
The Kitten Likes Derek More
Stiles Needs Space
You Were Supposed To Be My Normal (Mature Content)
Love Finds A Way (Mature Content)
Coming Home
Stay Out of the Forest
We're Just Friends, Dad. (Mature Content)
All These Maps Lead Me To You
He'll Be Here (Mild Mature Content)
Stop Spying on Stiles (Slight Mature Content)
You Belong With Me (Mature Content)
Derek's Insecure, Stiles Doesn't Know What For (Mature Content)
I See Fire
And a Kid Makes Three
No Need to Jump to Conclusions(Mature Content)
Under Construction
Mr. Hale (Mature Content)
You and I Collide (Mature Content)
I Fell In Love With You For The Same Reason You Watch The Rain
Stop With The Blame Game (Mild Mature Content)
Not In Isaac's Bed (Mature Content)
Derek Hates Disney (But He Really Doesn't )
Boot Camp
Killer (Part One of Hale's Investigations )
Murder (Part Two of Hale's Investigations)
Unknown Artist (Brief Mature Content)
Detention (Mild Mature Content)
Sweet Sentiments (Sequel to Detention)
Stiles And Derek Join The Mile High Club (Mature Content)
To Be A Child Again
Wake Me Up When It's All Over
What Happens At Glastonbury, Stays At Glastonbury. (Mature Content)
What Happens In Dorm 3C, Stays In Dorm 3C (Sequel to WHIG, SIG)(Mature Content)
I Just Know (Part One of Lovers In The Woods Series) (Mature Content)
Red Hoodie (Part Two of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Author Questions: Answered!
Rainy Day (Part Three of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Lydia Knows Best (Brief Mature Content)
Stilinski's Sweets (Mild Mature Content)
Blue Eyed Baby (Mature Content)
His Love Keeps Me Warm
Happy Anniversary, Derek. (Mature Content)
The Choices We Must Make
If You Go Out To The Woods Today
A Pirate's Life For Me
Two Werewolves And An Animagus
You're Not The One I Want
Don't Soul Mate Me (Mild Mature Content)
All That's Missing Is The White Picket Fence
The Spoils Of War
Christmas Time Is Here
Werewolves Are People Too
Until The Very End
The Elevator
Secrets and Lies (Mature Content)
One Big Happy Pack
Accidental Magic (Part One of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Practical Magic (Part Two of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Strange Magic (Part Three of The Fox and The Wolf Series)(Mature Content)
Tutors and Cheeseburgers (Part Eight of FT&NM)
The Radical Adventures of Hellfire and Icicle
Pocket Watches
Foxes Don't Follow Wolves
Bruised Lips (Mature Content)
Derek Doesn't Have Time For This
The Thing Is
Like A Promise (Mature Content)
Little Circus Of Horrors
Two Worlds, One Family
Anniversaries and New Semesters (Part Nine of FT&NM)
1 Million Reads!!!!!!!!!

Beacon Hills Blank

19.7K 401 86
By adult_disneyprincess

Hello, Stalers!! This one shot was requested by Alphawolfspang. It's pretty dark, so be forewarned.


"New assignment, Stilinski." Stiles hears, and he looks up to see his pretty, dark skinned best friend throwing a thick file on his coffee table. Stiles puts away his phone to look at her.

"Hey, Braeden. How was Florida?" Stiles asks, and Braeden takes the seat next to him on the couch before slamming her feet on the coffee table of their shared apartment.

"The usually. 'Please don't kill me. I'll do anything you want.'" Braeden says, and Stiles snorts.

"Or my personal favorite: Why are you doing this?" Stiles says, and Braeden scoff in agreement before talking a drink of straight vodka. Stiles pats her leg before looking at the file folder on that Braeden slapped down. "Where I am going, Brae?" Stiles says, and Braeden looks over his shoulder at the file.

"Beacon Hills, California." She says, bored and Stiles sputters before looking at her in shock.

"I can't go to Beacon Hills!" Stiles screeches, and Braedon doesn't even look like she cares.

"Why the fuck not?" Braeden says, and her words are already begins to slur. Stiles is tempted to wait until she is sober, but he knows that his best friend is in a constant state of drunkenness.

"My dad is from there." Stiles says, and he drops the files. "He thinks that I'm at some stupid school for geniuses in Europe, it's why I haven't been home in three years." Stiles says, and he takes the bottle of vodka from Braeden before she finishes it by herself.

"Oh? Does precious Daddy not know that his son kills people and robs for a living?" Braeden says, and Stiles loudly before picking up the file again. Stiles flips though the files of about eight different people.

"Not to mention the Sheriff. These are kids." Stiles says, slapping the file down to look at Braeden who looks more sober now. She takes the files to look them for herself, and when she finishes she looks at Stiles.

"Easy targets. One of them is an adult. And they're the same age as you." Braeden points out, and Stiles scoffs because although he only turned eighteen a few months ago he had long since stopped being a child.

"Why am I killing seven teenagers? I usually only kill bad guys." Stiles points out, and Braeden shrugs her shoulders before leaning back on the sofa to rest her head on the edge.

"This is will be an easy assignment. You'll get to visit your dad, live as an actual high school student for a while, and maybe you'll even get laid." Braeden says, and Stiles glares at her.

"Ugh, fine." Stiles flips through the objective page before widening his eyes. "Holy shit, Braeden. These kids are worth a million dollars each, and this Derek guy is four million. Who the fuck wants these teens dead so bad?" Stiles wonders, and Braeden looks uninterested.

"You know better than to ask questions, Stilinski, but there might be a name." Braeden says, sternly and Stiles sighs but nods his head at her. "So get a flight to California. Make sure to pack all of your toys." Braeden smirks, and Stiles grabs the folders.

"So it looks like I am going to go back to high school. Great. " Stiles says, sarcastically and Braeden snorts.

"Please, you're so fucking persuasive you'll probably talk them into killing themselves." Braedon says. "Maybe you'll even charm the pants off of someone." Braedon says, and Stiles laughs before placing his hand on her thigh.

"Haven't been able to charm the pants off of you just yet." Stiles says, and Braedon slaps his hand.

"You could. If you weren't gayer than an unicorn riding a rainbow to a Lady Gaga concert." Braedon says, closing her eyes and Stiles laughs loudly.

"Who hired the hit?" Stiles asks, and Braedon sighs in annoyance before opening her eyes.

"Her name is Kate Argent." Braedon says, and Stiles nods before pulling out his phone to get plane tickets to California.


"I can't believe you're back, kiddo!" Stiles' father, John, says before pulling his son into a painful hug. Stiles doesn't even feel guilty anymore about leaving his father out of his life, he is safer this way, and Stiles just smiles at him.

"Well, I wanted to graduate from Beacon Hills just like you, Dad." Stiles lies, and John easily believes him. Stiles is good at lying now that he has made it his job since he was sixteen. "I'm sorry to just spring up on you unannounced." Stiles says, but John just waves him away.

"I'm just so happy to see. The last time I saw you was last Christmas." John says, and Stiles smiles at the vacation that he and his father had last Christmas. John had flown to England to visit Stiles on his break from "school", and Stiles had told him that school paid for everything. Stiles knows that his Dad still struggles finically and he makes deposits into his account every month, but tells his father that he has a good job as an editor of a local paper just outside of London and has no use for the money.

"I'm sorry about that, Dad. Been busy with school and all that." Stiles says, and John nods his head in understanding. John will never understand the life that Stiles lives though, and Stiles knows that it is for the best.

"Just happy you're home, son. I had a feeling you weren't happy at that school. I noticed at Christmas but I didn't want to say anything." John says, and Stiles tries to give him a reassuring smile. "Just happy you're home, son. I had a feeling you weren't happy at that school. I noticed at Christmas but I didn't want to say anything." John says, and Stiles tries to give him reassuring smile. Stiles makes a mental note to watch how he acts around his father since the older man could read him a lot better than Stiles thought.

Stiles threw his things down onto the floor before walking back to his old room. He hasn't lived in this room since he was fifteen, and the room still looks exactly the same. Stiles figured that his father hasn't even touch anything from his room since Stiles left to go to school. "I'll go tomorrow to register at Beacon Hills High." Stiles calls, and his father walks into his room pausing at the doorway.

"It's okay if you want to take a couple of days." John tells him, but Stiles shakes his head. The sooner he kills his targets, the sooner he can go back to his apartment in London.


Stiles has never been to a proper high school in his life, so he really isn't too sure what to except. He called Braeden the night before to ask her what he should expect, and she immediately hung up on him so he figures high school wasn't her thing. Stiles obviously isn't worried about bullying or anything, he just isn't sure how long it is going to take him to kill nine people as inconspicuously as possible without his father finding out.

He slams the door of his Jeep that his father kept all of these years, he can already feel all eyes on him, and he makes his way to the front office. Stiles is impatiently waits for the receptionist to finally notice him. When she does, he tells her his name and she smiles brightly at him. Apparently, all of the Beacon Country had eagerly awaiting the Sheriff's son. Stiles manages a fake small smile at her before she hands over his schedule, and Stiles waves over his shoulder as he makes his way to his first class.

By the end of first period, Stiles is pretty sure he knows more than the teachers. He listens bored as the teacher talks about something he learned when he was fourteen. Given that Stiles technically has the IQ of a genius, it isn't too surprising to himself. Stiles trying to see if anyone from the file is in this class, and unfortunately no. When the first bell rings, Stiles is already done with school. He turns a corner to climb the stairs for his next class, Stiles sees a group of boys shoving another one to the floor.

Stiles maybe a hired hit man, but he knows that bullying is wrong. "Hey, assholes. Leave the kid alone." Stiles says, bored and one of the boys that Stiles assumes acts as the leader drops the kid and Stiles recognizes the boy as Isaac Lahey. Excellent, Stiles thinks to himself and the boy gets in his face. Stiles smirks at this kid who obviously doesn't know who Stiles is, and what he is capable of.

"Oh, yeah? What are going to do about it, prick?" Asshole jock tells him, and Stiles scoffs before kneeing him in the stomach. The guy goes down, and Stiles kicks him in the side.

"You should be nice to people, asshole." Stiles says, and the guy doesn't even look back at him before his crawling away from Stiles as his friends run behind him.

"Freak!" One of the boys call over his shoulder, and Stiles just snorts. He is used to harsh names, and the worst he has been called has not been freak. Isaac, Stiles isn't supposed to know his name yet, is looking at him in awe. Stiles is about to say to something when he hears someone come up behind him.

"Isaac!" A boy calls, and Stiles recognizes him as Scott McCall. His estranged father is an FBI agent, and a thorn in Stiles and Braeden's side for more than two years not to mention Stiles own father's. Stiles gives him a small smile, and Scott glares at him.

"What the hell did you do to him?" Scott accuses, and Stiles smiles wide at him. He likes the ones that have fight, it's fun to watch it drain out of their eyes. Ridding his head of those thoughts, Stiles just holds his hands up in defense while Isaac pushes passed him to get to Scott.

"He didn't do anything to me, Scott! He helped me." Isaac says, and Scott gives him a suspicious look that Stiles just smirks at while the others swarm around Isaac. Stiles instantly recognizes them all as members of the list, and Stiles grins because he didn't think it was going to be this easy.

"Yeah, Scott." Stiles says, and Scott gives him a hard look that isn't the least bit threatening to Stiles. "I was just walking to class and I saw some assholes hassling Isaac." Stiles says, and Scott narrows his eyes before turning his attention back to Isaac.

"Isaac, you promised that you would tell me or Derek if you kept getting bullied." Scott scolds, and Isaac just looks at his feet. It is an odd site to see for Stiles because he has never had anyone care about him like that. Sure, he and Braedon are friends but only out of convince. Stiles knows that if her life were in danger, Braedon would leave him without guilt and Stiles would do the same to her.

"Sorry." Isaac says, under his breath and he sounds ashamed. Isaac stares back at Stiles before smiling. "Do you want to have lunch with us?" Isaac asks, and Scott looks like he wants to tell him to shut up. Never one to pass up an opportunity to piss some on off, Stiles agrees instantly.


Stiles has always found it strange to listen to people tell him about themselves when he already knows everything there is to know. He knows why Jackson doesn't talk about his parents much except telling Stiles that they are lawyers. He knows that Jackson real parents are dead, and he knows that they were murdered.

He knows that Lydia is on the short list for recruitment at the agency for her high level of intelligence, and it's really is a pity that he has to kill her because she would be so valuable to him. Stiles knows that she will be the hardest to kill since she might know something is up with him.

"So, Stiles, what brings you back to Beacon Hills? You father told everyone that you were studying abroad in England since forever." Scott says, and Stiles gives him a charming smile while trying to remember to keep his story straight. The hardest part of the job has always keeping the lies straight.

"I was. I just wanted to graduate from BHH." Stiles says, and Allison, father constantly changes jobs and mother committed suicide last year-Stiles can almost relate his mother is dead too-gives him a smile. Stiles gives her a fake one back, and the conversation passes easily.

They rest of the gang of friends, Erica, Boyd, and, Danny, are remarkable uninteresting. They have mundane lives that for the life of Stiles he cannot realize why anyone would want these kids dead. "Hey, you want to come over tonight to do homework? You can sleep over." Isaac says, and Stiles snorts.

"Are we going to paint each other's nails and talk about boys? Just throwing it out there Zayn is cuter than Niall." Stiles says, and everyone chuckles except Scott.

"Do you want to come or not? Don't be an ass." Scott tells him, and Stiles really wishes he didn't have to off Scott because Stiles is starting to like his off putting personality.

"Sure, I'll be there." Stiles says, and the bell rings and he heads off to class.


He almost forgot about the whole thing when he finds Isaac waiting for him by his locker with a giddy smile on his face. Stiles quirks his eyebrow at him, and his mind flashes to Isaac's file. Isaac was abused by his father until Derek Hale took him in. What was more interesting about that is that Derek's file had a huge chunk of it blacked out. An entire year without a parking ticket or use of a credit card.

It annoys Stiles to no end that he cannot seem to find out what it is, and he has a feeling that it might have to do with the person that is paying over twenty million dollars to get rid of ten people. "Isaac." Stiles says in greeting, and he shoves his backpack into his locker. He really doesn't need to do homework, and he finds the entire school part of this plan to be to be a waste of time.

"Ready to go?" Isaac says, and Stiles gives him look before he thinks of a way to back out. Then again, he could burn down the house around them to kill all of them in one go but that still leaves Derek Hale. Isaac is still talking when Stiles opens his mouth to cancel. "Plus, Derek totally promised to make us pizza." Isaac says, and Stiles gives him an over the top smile that Isaac easily returns not understanding the context. If Derek Hale is going to be there, then that makes everything all the more better.

"Lead the way." Stiles says, and he shoots his dad a text saying he is spending the night at a friend's.


Stiles isn't sure what he is excepting, but it definitely wasn't nine teenagers piled on a king sized air mattress on the floor of Derek Hale's loft. Stiles was strangely out of place, and he almost texted Braeden to ask how one acts at social gathering but he knows that she will mock him to no end.

The first time Stiles sees Derek Hale he has the sudden urge to mumble 'son of a bitch' under his breath. The picture that is in Hale's file does him no justice to what he looks like now. Hale is a good looking man that Stiles really regrets that he is going to have to kill, but Stiles doesn't see the harm in getting to know him first. "Who is this?" Derek says, pleasantly and Stiles grins at him.

"Stiles Stilinski." Stiles says, sticking out his hand and Derek gives him a strange look before taking it in his. Derek's hand is warm, and Stiles feels tingles in his hand long after Derek has let go.

Derek, Stiles finds, is one charming asshole. He is funny with his dry, sarcastic wit that has Stiles laughing as genuinely as he has in years. Not long after dinner and homework are through, Derek excuses himself to go to his room, and the rest of gang of friends pile on the air mattress.

Jackson and Lydia on the far right edge, Lydia is laying on top of him, and beside them are Erica and Boyd. Allison is sandwich in between Isaac and Scott, with one of Scott's leg thrown over her so that he can still touch Isaac. Stiles finds himself in between Isaac and Danny. Stiles closes his eyes for a second, and when he opens them it is the middle of the night. He figures he sneak to the kitchen to find an accelerant, and light the loft on fire. He would watch it for a while to make sure it didn't spread to other buildings. He tries to get up, but he looks to see that Isaac has his hand tangled in his shirt. Not mention that Danny has leg thrown over him, and is currently nuzzles his head into Stiles shoulder.

A warm feeling passes through Stiles, and he decides to just go back to sleep.


Everything is going to well for Stiles, so he figures after being in back in Beacon Hills for a month that everything would go to shit. He is laughing at one of Isaac stories about Derek, who Stiles has gotten too close to, when he almost when he sees that his regular History teacher has been replaced by a familiar dark skinned beauty.


"Hey, you alright?" Isaac says, gently touching Stiles' arm. Stiles gives him a soft smile to answer, and he sinks into his seat. He isn't surprised when Ms. Barrow, Stiles literally snorts when she introduces herself, calls him back after class.

Stiles waves goodbye to Isaac, and he easies up to the teacher's desk. "So, teach, where'd you get your degree?" Stiles says, and he isn't that surprised when Braeden punches him in the face.

"You huge dumb fuck. How hard is it to kill ten people. You've been here a month, and all you're doing is playing teenager." Braedon says, harshly and Stiles finds himself cowering at her tone. He isn't afraid of Braedon, it's just that she is the closest thing Stiles has ever had to a friend, and it's hard for him to hear that she is disappointed in him.

"I'm working on it." Stiles spits, and Braedon's face softens.

"If you don't want to do this, they can send someone else." Braedon says, and Stiles feels rage in his stomach of someone else trying to do his job.

"I'll do it." Stiles says, and Braedon nods.

"We're robbing the First Bank of Beacon Hills tonight. Wear black." She says. and Stiles walks out of the classroom briefly wondering what happened to the old history teacher.


Bank robberies are something that Stiles is good at. It's also what got him into the business of killing people. He robbed the wrong person, and now he had to pay the price of greed. Stiles never wanted to steal, it's just he was a sixteen year old in England going to a non-scholarship academy for geniuses while his father sat at home drowning in tuition bills and the medical bills from his mother's cancer treatment.

He and Braedon are sitting in silence when he gets a text from Derek asking him to dinner, and Stiles grins as he texts back a quick yes. Braedon is watching him curiously, and after Stiles shamelessly text flirts with Derek for twenty more minutes, she says something. "You know you're contract expired when you turned eighteen. Why are you still doing this?" Braedon says, and Stiles puts his phone down.

"Why are you still doing this?" Stiles snaps, and Braedon gives him a patient smile.

"Because the pay is good, and I get off on shooting pedophiles in crotch before I kill them. Answer the question." Braedon says, and Stiles snorts. He honestly doesn't know why he is doing this, he has enough money for he and his father to leave comfortably for the rest of their lives, Stiles thinks he doesn't know how to quit.

Stiles doesn't know what to do with himself when he isn't chasing down people, and planning the perfect murder. The thrill of taking down people who think that money will let them beat the system numbs all of the other feelings. "Do you think Derek Hale is still going to love you when he finds out that you were paid to kill him?" Braedon says, and she isn't being mean she's being realistic. Stiles inhales sharply before he turns towards her.

"This assignment doesn't make sense, Brae. Derek has a year of his life totally taken out of his file, and none of those kids have a record except Danny and that was for hacking into the schools system to change his grade on an English paper. It doesn't make sense." Stiles says, and Braedon knits her eyebrows together.

"So find out." She says, and they watch the lights turn off inside of the bank. "Let's go." Braedon says, and Stiles gets out of the car.


"Did you guys hear that the bank got robbed last night?" Isaac says, slamming his tray down onto the lunch table. Stiles looks at him with years of practiced innocence, and that's when he notices Derek walking towards them.

"Derek!" Stiles calls, and Derek grins at him before walking over.

"Der, what you doing here?" Isaac says, and Derek rips his gaze away from Stiles before looking at Isaac.

"Oh, I was just in town and wanted to see how you guys were doing." Derek says, and a faint blush appears on his cheeks that has Stiles staring at him. Stiles had taken up Derek on his offer of a date, and it went well.

"Guys! This is Alexx, he's my English class." Danny says, and Stiles looks up to see a boy who looks too old for high school looking back at him. He has rookie and sadist written on his face, and Stiles knows that the person who is paying was growing tired of no services being performed yet.

"Hey, it's Alexx with two x's. Makes it sound cooler." Alexx says, and Stiles stares at him until Derek calls his name softly.

"You okay?" Derek says, gently and Stiles can't handle the level of affection in Derek's voice right now.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I need to go talk to Ms. Barrow." Stiles says, and he rushes towards her class. He throws the door open, and Braedon is pacing the room. "We have a problem." Stiles says, and she looks up.

"Is it Alexx with two x's because it sounds cooler?" Braedon hisses, and Stiles looks her before nodding his head. "He's here to finish your job, Stilinksi."

"What do you know about him?" Stiles demands to know, and Braedon waves her hand.

"Nothing, he's new." She says, and sits in her seat. "Find out before your precious friends get hurt." Braedon says, and Stiles sprints from the room back to the cafeteria. He sees Alexx chatting up Danny, and Stiles rushes over.

"I'm going home." Stiles says, vaguely and he grabs his things. Everyone gives him a questioning look, but he just brushes it off as he rushes back home to find out everything he can about this Alexx guy.


The search proves useless. Alexx has no records because this is his first mission, and Stiles had no time to deal with a rookie out to kill his friends. It was in that moment that Stiles realized he was in too deep these people. He should have killed them before they got under his skin, and loved him. Lydia and Allison told him all the time that he was the misses piece of their life, and even Scott had begrudgingly come around.

Stiles is brought out of his trance when the doorbell rings, and he stumbles downstairs to see Derek. "Hey." Stiles says, opening the door and Derek walks into his home looking around nervously.

"I need to tell you something." Derek says, and Stiles looks at him carefully before gesturing towards the couch. Derek sits, and looks around nervously as if he is excepting someone else to be in the room with him. "Isaac told me that if I wanted to move on with you, I need to tell you what happened to me six years ago." Derek says, and Stiles wants to gasp because that is the year of Derek's life that is blacked out. "I was in an abusive relationship with the woman named Kate Argent. I broke it off with her, and she started stalking me. She left me letters and messages, and finally." Derek stops, and Stiles reaches out to put a comforting hand on Derek's shoulder. He isn't very good at comforting, but Derek seems to appreciate it.

"Take your time." Stiles says, gently. Derek rubs his cheek over Stiles' hand before he answers.

"She burned my family alive." Derek whispers, and Stiles takes in a shocked breath. Stiles moves his hand to the back of Derek's neck before he can say anything. He wasn't sure what he was excepting, but he knows that he has to stop this Argent bitch.

"I am so sorry." Stiles whispers, and Derek just looks at him before he leans in. Stiles' phone buzzes ruining the moment, and he gives Derek an apologetic smile before he looks at it to see it is from Braedon and all it says is "Firefly." Stiles feels panic deep in his stomach because that is their code word for trouble. Stiles stands quickly to make his way to his room to grab his things before he can help Braedon.

Before Stiles can leave, Derek is slamming him against the wall to kiss him breathless. Stiles melts into the kiss, but he also knows that this is neither the time nor the place. Stiles opens his mouth to protest, but Derek just sticks his tongue into Stiles' mouth. Stiles knows that he can never let Derek know what he has done because Stiles is going to fix this. He reaches into his back pocket to pull out handcuffs, and he latches Derek to the fireplace.

When Stiles pulls away from the kiss, Derek's eyes flutter open. Stiles gives him a sad smile before he walks towards the door. "Stiles!" Derek calls when he finds that he is latches to the fireplace.

"Sorry, Derek. I need to take care of something, and I can't have you following me." Stiles says, and Derek looks at him in confusion before Stiles shuts the door behind him.


Stiles goes to the school. It is eerily quiet, and it unnerves Stiles just a little. He draws his gun before stalking quietly towards Braedon's class. He doesn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. Stiles walks cautiously with his gun out in front of him when he finally makes his way to Braeden's room. "Brae?" Stiles whispers, and he doesn't get a response.

Stiles makes his way into the classroom where he sees Braeden laying on the floor with blood pouring out of her side while a woman with brown hair stand over her. "Back the fuck off, bitch." Stiles commands, and when she turns he recognizes the woman as Kate Argent. She grins at him threateningly before stepping on Braeden before making her way over to Stiles.

"Hello, Stiles. I must admit, you are really shitty at your job. I just want Derek to be all alone in this world. All you had to do was kill ten people, and you haven't kill one yet. I guess it's like the old saying: if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. I must say that I am going to regret that I have to kill my own niece, but she should have better taste in friends." Kate says, and Stiles raises his gun higher. Kate just laughs.

"I will kill you, Argent." Stiles says.

"Really?" Kate mocks. "Because I don't think you have the fucking bal-"

Stiles cuts her off by shooting her in the head.

Braeden manages a weak laugh before it turns into a choking noise, and Stiles crouches down beside her. "Stay with me, Braeden." Stiles begs, and Braeden gives him a fond look.

"Alexx has some of your friends." Braeden coughs, and Stiles drags her in his lap while he chuckles weakly.

"Friends? What friends, Brae? You're my only friend." Stiles says, and she rolls her eyes.

"He was the one that stabbed me, so I would appreciate some theatrics when you kill him." Braedon says, and she grabs his hand. "Are you crying? Stop being a little bitch, Stilinski." She says, and Stiles tearfully laughs.

"Stiles!" Stiles hears, and he doesn't even have to turn to know that it is Derek. Braedon looks across Stiles shoulder to look at him.

"You can't die, Braedon. You are my best friend, and the only person that knows that I am not a monster." Stiles sobs, and Braedon shushes him.

"You do good in this world, Stiles. Never forget that." Braedon says, and Stiles holds her tighter. "You're the closest thing I have ever had to family, Stiles." Braedon says, and she watches as Derek stares in horror at the body of Kate Argent. "You need to live a normal life. Forget about me, and this." Braedon says, and her eyes slowly start shutting.

"No! Braedon! I love you, Brae. You are the sister I never had, and I will never forget you no matter how much you tell me too." Stiles says, and his tears drip on her face as she closes her eyes for the last time. Stiles buries his head into her chest as he sobs soundlessly for a second before he gently lays her body down, and stands in anger.

"Stiles." Derek says, and Stiles whips his head around to look at him. Derek is looking at him in shock, and Stiles doesn't have time to explain anything to him while the desire for revenge coursed through his veins. Stiles grabs his gun, and stalks towards where he thinks Alexx is going to be.

He finds Alexx standing over Lydia, who he has tied to a chair and he is running his gun over face. Alexx turns around to see him, and he makes a delighted noise. "Ah, Stilinski! Come to join the party. Or maybe you want to kill them yourself." Alexx says, and Scott makes a confused noise through his gag. Alexx looks at him with delighted look before he can say anything, Stiles stalks towards him. "Easy, Stiles. Do you want me to kill you with Braeden's gun? You know that she tried so hard to save you, and I bet you would just leave her to die." Alexx mocks, and Stiles rushes him.

Stiles grins in satisfaction when Alexx points the gun at his head before pulling the trigger only to find the gun empty. "You haven't been in the game long enough to know what a loaded gun feels like, Alexx. Braeden never carried a loaded gun, she always carried the ammo with her so asshole like you couldn't shoot her." Stiles says, and a look of pure terror flashes across Alexx's face. Stiles punches him across the face before climbing on top on him before punching him repeatedly. "You think you can come after my friends? My partner? You think you can kill me?" Stiles yells, and he shoves his gun underneath Alexx's jaw. "I am going to fucking kill you."

"Stiles, stop!" Derek yells, and Stiles freezes before looking at him. Derek is untying Lydia, Scott, and Isaac. Derek walks closer towards him, and Stiles watches him with weary eyes. Stiles just wants this to be over. He just wants his life back without death and murder. "Braedon knew you weren't a monster, we know you aren't too. I know that you did the right thing, and that you would never kill an innocent person. He killed your friend, but you need to be the bigger person and turn him into the cops." Derek pleads, and Stiles can already hear the sirens in the distance. Derek must have called the cops before he came. Stiles stares down at Alexx who is looking at him with hate, and when Stiles turns to nod at Derek the police are already storming into the room.


Stiles hasn't talked to anyone yet. He tells his father that he is in shock, but he really just wants wait to hear what the others say happened. Stiles knows that they are going to turn in him, and he is responsible for numerous deaths in over four countries. "Son?" John says, and Stiles looks at him. "Ready to tell me what happened?" John says, and Stiles nods.

Stiles tell him that he was meeting Ms. Barrow here for tutoring when he showed up in her class and she and an unknown woman were already dead. He ran to find Alexx holding his friends at gunpoint, and he just acted. He felt like he was tainting Braedon's memory, but no one but himself knew what she was really like. John records his statement, and nods at times.

"Scott said that he, Isaac, and Lydia were just leaving when Alexx tied them up at gunpoint. You saved their lives." John says proud, and Stiles tries to smile. "Alexx hasn't said anything yet, but we'll get him to talk." John says, and Stiles wants to scoff because they won't.

"I'm going home, Dad." Stiles says, and John nods before pulling his son into a bone crushing hug. Stiles hugs him back fiercely before he grabs his jacket to head out. Stiles knows that Scott, Isaac, and Lydia will have question, he knows that he won't answer them, and he knows that he has to call his boss to cancel his contract.

Stiles doesn't know what he is going to do tomorrow, but Derek is waiting for him out of the station and he stretches his hand out for Stiles for to take.

Stiles figures it's a start.

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