Lost It All (Sequel To Lost I...

By RaisedByWuuves

1.5M 23.8K 9.1K

Sequel to Lost In Stereo! In this story, you follow Camryn, Brandon's thirteen year old daughter through life... More

Lost It All (Sequel To Lost In Stereo)
Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Band Practice
Chapter 3: What Happened To You?
Chapter 4: Hunter and Annabelle
Chapter 5: You What?
Chapter 6: You Broke Your Father
Chapter 7: Talk To Me
Chapter 8: Attack
Chapter 9: Chris
Chapter 10: I Ruled The World
Chapter 11: With These Hands I Shook The Heavens To The Ground.
Chapter 12: I Laid The Gods To Rest
Chapter 13: I Don't Feel Good
Chapter 14: I Held The Key To The Kingdom
Chapter 15: Lions Guarding Castle Walls
Chapter 16: Camryn's Birthday
Chapter 17: He Did It First!
Chapter 18: Hail The King Of Death
Chapter 19: Then I Lost It All
Chapter 20: Just Do It
Chapter 21: Dead And Broken
Chapter 22: What Is This?
Chapter 23: Let's Tell Them
Chapter 24: What Are You Doing
Chapter 25: Danielle!
Chapter 26: I Want To Change
Chapter 27: Hannah
Chapter 28: Telling Chris
Chapter 29: Therapy
Chapter 30: Dinner
Chapter 31: First Session
Chapter 32: My Back's Against The Wall
Chapter 33: What Is Wrong With You?
Chapter 34: Why Are You Doing This?
Chapter 35: Two Choices
Chapter 36: Danielle's First Session
Chapter 37: Ethan
Chapter 38: Job Offer
Chapter 39: Texas
Chapter 40: Decision
Chapter 41: Blade
Chapter 42: Cut Me Open
Chapter 43: Three Months
Chapter 44: Telling The Boys
Chapter 45: Telling The Family
Chapter 46: I'm Just Trying To Breathe
Chapter 47: Yours To Hold
Chapter 48: The Baby Is Kicking
Chapter 49: Public Displays Of Affection
Chapter 50: First Look For The Boys
Chapter 51: Warped Tour
Chapter 52: First Day At Warped
Chapter 53: Oliver
Chapter 54: Jealous
Chapter 55: Sleepover Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: I've Got It
Chapter 57: Just Trying To Figure It Out
Chapter 58: Dakota Melissa Jones
Chapter 59: Because I Built These Walls To Watch Them Crumbling Down
Chapter 60: Taking It Easy
Chapter 61: Anniversary
Chapter 62: I Said, "Then I Lost It All."
Chapter 63: Harper
Chapter 64: Breathe
Chapter 65: And Who Can Save Me Now
Chapter 66: I Stood Above
Chapter 67: Another War
Chapter 68: Grounded
Chapter 69: Another Jewel Upon The Crown
Chapter 70: Secret Admirer
Chapter 71: I Was The Fear Of Men
Chapter 72: I Have A Boyfriend
Chapter 73: Cheating
Chapter 74: But I Was Blind
Chapter 75: I Couldn't See The World There Right In Front Of Me
Chapter 76: But Now I Can
Chapter 77: Cause I Lost It All
Chapter 78: Creeper
Chapter 79: I Believe That We All Fall Down Sometimes
Chapter 80: Skyler
Chapter 81: Just Friends
Chapter 82: Winter Formal
Chapter 83: Suggestions
Chapter 84: Shopping
Chapter 85: Blonde
Chapter 86: I'm My Own Person
Chapter 87: I'm Not Hungry
Chapter 88: Parties Are A Bad Idea
Chapter 89: Can't You See That We All Fall Down Sometimes
Chapter 90: Stupid Boy
Chapter 91: Back To School
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Bowling
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105: Italy
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112: Football
Chapter 113: Prom
Chapter 114: Graduation
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 118
Chapter 119: Baby Shower
Chapter 120: Colton Brice Longsworth
Chapter 121: Home
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129: Christmas
Chapter 130: Wedding Dress Shopping
Chapter 131: Wedding
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: Funeral
Chapter 135: Sydney
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143: Heart Attack
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146: Dating?
Chapter 147: Andy's Date
Chapter 148
Chapter 149: Jessica
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158: Danielle's Wedding
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Names
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172: Erin Gabrielle Adams
Chapter 173: Caitlyn Audrey Longsworth
Chapter 174: Eli and Eddie's Graduation
Chapter 175: Popping The Question
Chapter 176: Off To College
Chapter 177: Andy's Wedding
Chapter 178: Elizabeth
Chapter 179: Eddie's Graduation
Chapter 180: Eli's Graduation
Chapter 181: Eli's Wedding
Chapter 182: Eddie's Wedding (END)

Chapter 117: Moving

4.6K 124 50
By RaisedByWuuves

Chapter 117: Moving


*One Week Later*

"I think that's the last box." I said as Chris walked out of my room. This was it. I was finally moving in with my boyfriend.

"I'm going to miss you." My mom said, hugging me tightly.

"I'll miss you too mom." I said, hugging her back.

"Camryn! Don't leave!" The boys exclaimed, hugging my waist. I bent down and hugged them tightly.

"I promise I'll always come back. I'll make sure to go to your football games when football starts up again and I'll call you, okay?"

"Okay." They said and I smiled, kissing their foreheads. Danielle walked up to me and hugged me.

"I think I'm going to miss you most." I whispered. 

"I'm not ready for you to leave Camryn." Danielle cried. I wiped her tears with my thumbs and kissed her nose. 

"If you have any problems, just call me. You have two more years and then you're graduated. You're my sister Danielle and you always will be. Just please stay strong, for me?"

"I will." She said.

"Good, and let me know if I have to kick Casey's ass."

"I will." She giggled.

"Where's dad?" I asked my mom.

"Downstairs somewhere." I nodded and walked down the stairs to see Chris.

"Car is all packed." He said.

"Okay, give me a minute." I said and walked into the living room to see my dad with his head in his hands.

"Dad, I'm leaving." He sighed and rubbed his face. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He put his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm going to miss you so much Camryn." He said and held my face in his hands. "You may have given me ulcers, but you're still my first daughter and my first kid, and I will always love you. You're a great person and you're going to be an amazing mother."

"Dad, you're going to make me cry." I said, wiping the tears that were falling from my eyes.

"Join the club." He laughed as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I love you Camryn." He said, hugging me.

"I love you too dad." I said. I stood up and walked over to Chris.

"Okay, let's go before I change my mind."  I said, wiping my eyes. I got into the passenger side and Chris got in on the driver's side. My family came outside and waved to me as Chris pulled out of the driveway.

Chris reached over and rubbed my thigh as he drove.

"I know it's hard, but it'll get better. Now we get to start our own family." He smiled.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." He said, leaning over and kissing my cheek.


We made it to our apartment and I took the lighter boxes while Chris carried the heavier ones since I wasn't supposed to do any heavy lifiting. We just piled all of the boxes in the corner and took out the necessary things for the night.

"Now we have to make this place ready for a baby." He sighed and I nodded. He held me close and kissed my lips. "I can't believe we finally have our own place."

"I know."

"And one day, we'll have a house."

"I can't wait."

*One Week Later*

"Camryn Biersack." I stood up and followed the nurse down the hallway, Chris following me. Today was my first appointment to check up on the baby.

"Just lay down on the table, the doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse smiled before leaving. I got up on the table and layed down, Chris pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.

"You realize in a few short months, I'm going to be huge." I said as he grabbed my hand.

"I'll still love you." He said, rubbing my belly that was already starting to stick out a little.

"You're sweet." I smiled.

"Hello Camryn, how are you doing?" My doctor asked, walking in.


"Who's this?" She asked, gesturing to Chris.

"This is my boyfriend, Chris." I smiled.

"We'll, it's nice to meet you." She said, shaking his hand. "Shall we take a look at your baby?"

"We shall." I smiled. She sat down on a stool and turned on the ultrasound machine, picking up a tube of gel.

"Now, this is going to be cold." She said as she squeezed it onto my belly. I cringed and gripped Chris' hand. I quickly got used to it and she started moving the ultrasound wand around.

"There's your baby." She said, pointing to a little figure on the screen. "You're about one month along and you should be able to find out the gender in two months."

"Awesome." I smiled. She printed out a picture and gave me a towel to wipe my stomach off with. 

"Congratulations." She said before leaving.

"Wow." Chris said, looking at the ultrasound picture. "I can't believe we're actually going to be parents."

"I know." I said, leaning down and kissing his lips.


What do you think they're going to have?

Listening to Get Out Alive~ Three Days Grace


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