Sterek One-Shots Book One (Bo...

By adult_disneyprincess

1.8M 46.1K 8.9K

This is where I will post all of my Sterek one shots. Be a doll and request one. Either comment on this page... More

Sterek One-Shots (Taking Requests!)
Fox Tails and Nursing Majors
Furry Tails and Bothersome Brothers (Sequel to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Mac and Cheese and Boyfriends (Part Three of FT&NM)
Cat Ears and Medical Files (Fourth Part to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Parks And Red Vines (Part Five of FT&NM)
Christmas Trees And Final Exams (Part 6 of FT&NM)
Strangers And A Spoiled Fox (Part Seven Of FT&NM)
Tell Me This is Just a Dream
Black Hair and Whiskey Eyes
I'll Always Be There For You (Mature Content)
The Kidnapped Mate (Mild Mature Content)
Nothing But a Note
Nothing But A Note (Part Two)
Just Give Me a Reason (Brief Mature Content)
Blame It On The Hormones (Mature Content)
It's Just Two Cliche (The Sequel to Cliche)
Tell Me No Lies (Mature Content)
The Kitten Likes Derek More
Stiles Needs Space
You Were Supposed To Be My Normal (Mature Content)
Love Finds A Way (Mature Content)
Coming Home
Stay Out of the Forest
We're Just Friends, Dad. (Mature Content)
All These Maps Lead Me To You
He'll Be Here (Mild Mature Content)
Stop Spying on Stiles (Slight Mature Content)
You Belong With Me (Mature Content)
Derek's Insecure, Stiles Doesn't Know What For (Mature Content)
I See Fire
And a Kid Makes Three
Under Construction
Mr. Hale (Mature Content)
You and I Collide (Mature Content)
Beacon Hills Blank
I Fell In Love With You For The Same Reason You Watch The Rain
Stop With The Blame Game (Mild Mature Content)
Not In Isaac's Bed (Mature Content)
Derek Hates Disney (But He Really Doesn't )
Boot Camp
Killer (Part One of Hale's Investigations )
Murder (Part Two of Hale's Investigations)
Unknown Artist (Brief Mature Content)
Detention (Mild Mature Content)
Sweet Sentiments (Sequel to Detention)
Stiles And Derek Join The Mile High Club (Mature Content)
To Be A Child Again
Wake Me Up When It's All Over
What Happens At Glastonbury, Stays At Glastonbury. (Mature Content)
What Happens In Dorm 3C, Stays In Dorm 3C (Sequel to WHIG, SIG)(Mature Content)
I Just Know (Part One of Lovers In The Woods Series) (Mature Content)
Red Hoodie (Part Two of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Author Questions: Answered!
Rainy Day (Part Three of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Lydia Knows Best (Brief Mature Content)
Stilinski's Sweets (Mild Mature Content)
Blue Eyed Baby (Mature Content)
His Love Keeps Me Warm
Happy Anniversary, Derek. (Mature Content)
The Choices We Must Make
If You Go Out To The Woods Today
A Pirate's Life For Me
Two Werewolves And An Animagus
You're Not The One I Want
Don't Soul Mate Me (Mild Mature Content)
All That's Missing Is The White Picket Fence
The Spoils Of War
Christmas Time Is Here
Werewolves Are People Too
Until The Very End
The Elevator
Secrets and Lies (Mature Content)
One Big Happy Pack
Accidental Magic (Part One of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Practical Magic (Part Two of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Strange Magic (Part Three of The Fox and The Wolf Series)(Mature Content)
Tutors and Cheeseburgers (Part Eight of FT&NM)
The Radical Adventures of Hellfire and Icicle
Pocket Watches
Foxes Don't Follow Wolves
Bruised Lips (Mature Content)
Derek Doesn't Have Time For This
The Thing Is
Like A Promise (Mature Content)
Little Circus Of Horrors
Two Worlds, One Family
Anniversaries and New Semesters (Part Nine of FT&NM)
1 Million Reads!!!!!!!!!

No Need to Jump to Conclusions(Mature Content)

12.8K 295 31
By adult_disneyprincess

Hi!! I combined two requests from TheThingInYourCloset and pepperpie27. I hope that it turned out alright, so this dedicated to both of them. This is also my 30th one shot!!!


        "No, Stiles." Derek says, and Stiles rolls his eyes to the ceiling. He was tired of having this argument especially with Derek. Stiles was more than capable of handling himself, if Allison could fight so could he. He had just as much weapons training as she did.

"I can handle it. In case you have forgotten, I've run with wolves for years." Stiles points out, and Derek glares at him. The pack is gathered around in Derek's loft trying to come up with some kind of plan about the new wolves in town. They haven't out right done anything to Derek or the pack, but enough humans have gone missing and that is enough to cause alarm.

"I don't care. You're staying here while we talk to them, and try to get them to leave." Derek hisses, and Stiles fights the urge to smack him.

"I think we both know that that isn't going to happen." Stiles says, and Derek growls at him. Stiles presses his lips together to keep from saying anything, but he glares as best he can. Stiles walks as far away as he can from Derek as he can in the medium sized room, and Derek huffs before he turns to his betas.

"Scott, I want you and Isaac to inform the Argents about everything." Derek says, and Scott and Isaac nods as Derek speaks. "The rest of you are going to train while I try to plan out a better stagey then running into to their pack house without any idea how strong they are." Derek says, and the meeting is unofficially over. "Stiles." Derek says, and Stiles stops from where he is gathering up his jacket.

"What, Derek?" Stiles says, and Derek sighs at the harsh tone that Stiles uses with him. It isn't new, Stiles always gets terse with him, but Derek was hoping that he would try to see this from his point of view.

"I don't want you to think that this is about your physical abilities." Derek says, carefully. Stiles pauses on the way out of his door before he turns half of his body towards Derek.

"I will not watch my friends die." Stiles says, and Derek can see the determination in his eyes that makes Derek admire all that Stiles does. "Goodnight, Derek." Stiles says, and he slams the door behind him. When the door shuts, Derek tries not to jump at the harshness of the action because he knows that Stiles isn't going to drop the subject.


            The other pack has officially made a threat against the pack. Erica was walking home with Lydia after they got some ice cream, when a member from the other pack approaches them. He tells them that it would be a shame if something were to happen to happen to them, and Erica growls while shoving Lydia behind her. The other beta laughs before sauntering off, and the girls rush home to tell Derek.

            Derek doesn't not that the threat lightly, he breaks another set of plate by throwing them at the wall luckily no one else was home, and he is ready for an attack. He calls the pack to the loft at once, and Derek tries to rally them into action. "Our pack has official been threatened. It is time for an attack." Derek says, and everyone nods.

            "What did they do?" Stiles asks, and Derek fights the urge to snap at him. He feels himself drifting away from the human, and he cannot lose Stiles any more than he already has.  

            "They indirectly threatened Erica and Lydia." Boyd supplies, and he growls a little when he says it. Stiles gives Lydia a look to ask why she didn't tell him, and she shakes her head at him as a way to apologize.

            "So what's the plan, Alpha?" Stiles says, and Derek sighs loudly. He knows that Stiles is sarcastically calling him alpha, and its moment like this that Derek doubts his life choices.

            "Surprise attack." Derek says, simply. Stiles opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but Scott gives him a look that has him closing his mouth with a frown. "Me, Erica, Lydia, and Scott will approach the pack saying we want to talk while the rest of you sneak behind the building they're staying in. At my signal, we attack to take out the betas." Derek says, and everyone nods.

            "Let me guess. I stay here waiting for the conquering heroes to return." Stiles says, crossing his arms while he glares at Derek. Stiles knows that none of the pack want him to fight, they've made it clear. He just doesn't like being told what to do especially when his friends are the real ones in danger.

            "Stop." Derek snarls at him, and the pack flinches. Stiles just stares at him before he speaks.

            "I don't you to die, Derek. I don't want anyone to die." Stiles yells, and the pack flinches even more violently than when Derek yells. Stiles is always calm, he's tough as hell but always gentle, and to hear him yell is alarming.

            "Stiles." Scott says, gently. Stiles whips his head up before looking at everyone. Erica and Lydia are looking at him uneasily, and Stiles sighs. He grabs his jacket off of the couch before storming towards the front door. Derek doesn't say anything, he just lets him go. He'll deal with a pissed off Stiles just as long as it's an alive Stiles mad at him.

            Stiles storms out, and when he gets out to the jeep he finds the urge to slam his head against the steering wheel.


            Derek regrets his plan as soon as the rival wolves don't let them get one word in before slashing him across the stomach with elongated claws. At the sight of their Alpha in need, the betas take it upon themselves to take out the others.

            Derek easily takes out the beta that slashed him, and the others are fighting. The rival betas aren't as trained as the Hale pack, and they are losing fairly quickly. Derek briefly thinks that the others think that just because most of his betas were changed in high school that they lacked experience with fighting. The other betas looked well into their twenties, and the other Alpha hasn't done anything yet.

            He was just watching the fight, and he didn't even look upset that Erica and Boyd literally just ripped the head off of one of his betas. Derek takes his red eyes off of him for one second to dig his claws into the back of a beta that's trying to decapitate Isaac. It's all it takes for the Alpha to scratch three even wounds down Derek's back. Derek roars in pain, but before he can retaliate he hears a familiar heartbeat.


            Except Stiles' eyes are filled with anger and hate as he twists double blades around in his hands. Blood drips from the blades as Stiles ducks as the other Alpha swings at him. The thought of Stiles being hurt gives Derek the motivation to stand up to fight back.  Stiles, however, doesn't need help. He is stabbing with precise placement faster than the Alpha can heal, and the Alpha hasn't even got in one hit before Stiles shoves the blade into his neck.

            The Alpha sinks to his knees in the middle of the building, and he gives Stiles a red eye look before his eyes turn their normal brown before he falls over. The rest of the pack stares at Stiles in amazement, and Stiles cannot seem to catch his breath. Derek is filled with sudden anger as he sees that Stiles is fine, and he hates that this human has wormed his way into heart so much that the thought of losing him makes Derek sick down to his soul.

            "Stiles." Derek snarls, and he stands as best he can with his wounds still healing. Stiles looks up at him, his expression is unreadable to the pack, and Derek can sense that he is shaken but unharmed. "I told you to stay at the loft." Derek says, and Stiles drops the knifes as if they burned his skin.

            "Yeah? Tell me that when you stop bleeding!" Stiles hisses, and he storms away to leave the building. Derek tries to walk after him but the first step brings waves of pain in his entire body, but he keeps walking after the younger man.

            "Stiles." Derek calls, and Stiles looks behind him for a second before he keeps walking towards his jeep. "Stiles, stop." Derek shouts, and Stiles sighs before he turns around to look at Derek with guarded eyes.

            "What?" Stiles says, and Derek finally catches up to him. He figures that in a few minutes he'll be fine, but right now it hurts to breathe.

            "Why did you come when I told you not to?" Derek says, and Stiles scoffs as he shifts uneasy on his feet. Derek can smell his uneasiness, but he figures it is just the aftermath of the fight.

            "You can't tell me what to do, you know." Stiles says, and Derek fights the urge to growl at him. Derek can tell Stiles what to do, but Stiles doesn't listen to anyone but himself and occasionally his father.

            "I want to know." Derek says, and Stiles huffs. Stiles turns back around to get in his Jeep, and Derek rushes after him. "Tell me. I gave you an order to stay where you were safe, and you didn't listen to me. You never fucking listen! Do you know how annoying you are? Why cannot you just do as you're told?!" Derek growls, and Stiles turns around to look at him with angry eyes.

            "I saved your sorry ass, Alpha." Stiles spits, and Derek feels his eyes bleed red as he tries to stay in control of his anger.

            "Why did you save me?" Derek hisses.

            "Because I love you, dumbass." Stiles yells, and as soon as the words come out of his mouth he looks at Derek in shock. Derek is momentarily stunned, and he staggers back from Stiles.

            "Stiles." Derek says, and Stiles shakes his head while he gets in his car to drive to his house, leaving Derek standing alone in parking lot with mouth opening and close while his betas begin looking for him.


            Stiles cannot believe he just burst out with his declaration of love for the Alpha. He knows his feelings for Derek are true, Stiles knows he truly loves Derek. He loves the way Derek always tries to protect everyone, his snarky comments, and the way he looks at the betas with fondness when he thinks no one is watching. Stiles loves all of those things, and now he has ruined everything.

            Stiles is brought out of his self-pity when he hears the sound of his window opening, and he stops pacing when he sees Derek staring at him with an expression that Stiles cannot place. "I don't want to talk about it. We can pretend this never happened, and I'll stop coming to pack meeting, okay?" Stiles says, and Derek growls at him.

            "You can't leave the pack, Stiles. It is like that." Derek says, and Stiles turns his back to him to avoid looking at him. Stiles just wants Derek to leave him alone with his own thoughts, and he never wants to have the confrontation about his love blurt.

            "You need to leave." Stiles whispers, and Derek takes a step forward.

            "Were you telling me the truth? Do you love me?" Derek asks, and Stiles tries to think if he can make it to the bathroom to lock himself in until Derek leaves. Stiles knows he cannot lie to Derek even with the werewolf super hearing, so he sighs before turning around.

            "Yes, I love you. I love your stupid fucking snarkiness, the way make me feel like I can't breathe when you look at me, the way you tried your damnedest to protect the pack, and the way you're starting to see that the world isn't dark anymore. Derek Hale, I just love you." Stiles says, and he turns to try to make it as quickly as he can to his closet or something so he can hide in peace from the resident Alpha.

            He doesn't get far before Derek is tugging him towards himself.

            Stiles briefly thinks that Derek is going to slap him or something but instead he is kissing him. Stiles makes a noise of surprise before cupping Derek's face with his hands to break him in to a biting kiss. Derek nips at Stiles bottom lip before letting him go, and Stiles chases his lips for another kiss causing Derek to chuckle softly. "I love you." Derek whispers, and Stiles doesn't know if wants to laugh or cry.

            "I couldn't let you die." Stiles whispers, and Derek wants to whine in pain because he understands. The thought of losing Stiles is too much for him to bare as well. Derek kisses him again before lightly pushing him in the direction of Stiles' bed. Derek isn't sure where the kissing is going to go, but he isn't going to do anything that Stiles doesn't want.

            Derek climbs on top of Stiles as he drags his hand along Stiles' shirt, and Stiles twists his hands into Derek's shirt. Derek rolls his hips against Stiles, and Stiles makes a satisfying moaning noise. "Do you like that?" Derek says, as he rolls his hips again.

            "Yes." Stiles breathes, and Derek latches onto his neck to suck a love bite. He doesn't care about what the pack will say, he's pretty sure they all know that something is up with him and Stiles, and Stiles just keeps making noises that spur Derek on. "Want you." Stiles groans, and Derek moans into Stiles' neck.

            "Shouldn't we have a date before you get in my pants?" Derek says, but he is already yanking Stiles' shirt off of his head. Stiles sits up slightly to make it easier to take off his shirt, and he rips off Derek's jacket before pulling at his shirt. Stiles tries not to think or even look at the blood stains and claw marks that litter Derek's shirt; instead,  Stiles just runs his hands up and down Derek's tone torso before making hot kisses from Derek's chest to his jaw.

            "I love you, you love me. Take your fucking pants off." Stiles demands, and Derek gasps out a surprised belt of laughter that is cut short when Stiles cups him through his jeans. Derek makes a moan of surprise before he pulls at the buttons on Stiles' jeans. Stiles lifts up his hips to let Derek take them off. Derek licks his lips at the sight of Stiles getting harder in his boxers, and Derek runs his palm over Stiles' growing dick. "Fuck, Derek." Stiles says, buckling his hips up to get more contact.

            When Derek pulls his hand away, Stiles pulls into a shockingly surprising open mouthed kiss as he licks at all of Derek he can taste. "Stiles." Derek sighs, and Stiles grins at him while he runs his fingers in the waistband of Derek's boxers.

            "Want me to blow you?" Stiles says, and Derek moans loudly before he rips off his boxers to let his cock spring free. Stiles gets on his knees on the bed before leaning down to lick at Derek's cock. "Try not to choke me." Stiles says, and he goes back to licking at Derek's cock going from the base to the tip before taking as much of it as he can in his mouth.

            "Fuck, Stiles, your mouth." Derek says, he cannot escape the feeling of Stiles' wet, warm mouth swallowing him whole. Stiles interlocks his hands behind Derek as he moves his head up and down. Derek tries not to look at him because he knows if he does, he'll come and he needs to fuck Stiles. "Wait." Derek says, and Stiles pulls off with an obscenely loud 'pop'. His lips are swollen and his cheeks puffy.

            Derek lays his hand on Stiles' chest to push him down gently so he can crawl on top of him. "I don't think it's fair that I am naked, and you aren't." Derek whispers, as he drags his lips across Stiles' jaw. Derek pulls down Stiles' boxers to gently stroke at his hard dick. Stiles makes an 'oh' noise as Derek greedily watches Stiles' face contort in pleasure.

            "Derek, baby." Stiles whines, and Derek slows down to a torturous pace.

            "Pet names already, Stiles?" Derek teases, and Stiles just nods his head as he tangles his hands into the sheets. Derek smirks before leaning down to suck a bruise on Stiles' chest, but he stops when Stiles impatiently ruts his bare cock against Derek's. Suddenly, the realization that Derek is naked on top of Stiles about to fuck him. Stiles, the same man that has been responsible for more than one of Derek's wet dreams, is underneath him scratching markings that disappear as soon they're made.

            "I'm going to need you to hurry things up." Stiles bites out, and Derek would laugh if he wasn't just as desperate. Derek digs into Stiles draw where he hopes the eighteen year old has lube or lotion, just anything that could make this happen quicker. He is kissing Stiles when he hand brushes over something cold and metal as he finds the bottle of lube. Derek lifts up the lube, and he picks up a pair of shiny, metal handcuffs.

            "Stiles, what the hell?" Derek gasps  as he looks at the shiny objects. Stiles looks at him with wide eyes before answering.

            "Those are some that I stole from Dad for when Scott became a werewolf in those first few full moons." Stiles tries to explain, but he is busy trying to get friction between his and Derek's dicks. Derek suddenly feels his mouth go dry, and he looks at Stiles with lustful eyes.

            "Can I?" Derek says, and Stiles stills his movements before looking at Derek. His normal browns eyes have gone almost black with lust, and Stiles makes a hungry whining noise.  

            "You kinky fucker." Stiles says, and he puts his wrists on one of the bars of his bed frame. Derek grins down at him before loosely putting the cuffs on Stiles. He just doesn't want Stiles to be able to touch him, but he doesn't want Stiles to actually feel trapped.

            "If you want to take them off just tell me." Derek says, and he begins to trail kisses down Stiles' arms as he nips at all of the skin he can reach. Derek pulls away to pour some of the lube on his fingers as Stiles watches and he squirms with anticipation of what's to come. "Have you done this before?" Derek asks, and he tries to keep the jealously out of his voice at the thought of someone else touching Stiles as intimately as he is now.

            Stiles takes in a shuddering breath as he shakes his head. "No, only fucked myself." Stiles admits, and Derek lets loose a wanton moan at the mental image of Stiles riding his own fingers. Derek enters a well lubed finger inside of Stiles, and Stiles arches his back at the sudden, but welcomed, intrusion.

            "I bet you thought of me, huh? I bet you thought of all the ways I could make you so good with my fingers or my mouth or my cock. Tell me, baby, when you came did you wish it was me inside you instead?" Derek whispers into Stiles' ear, and his hot breath sends shivers down Stiles' spine.

            "I couldn't look at you for days after the first time I thought about you. I thought about how you would hold me against the wall as you fucked into my tight hole as I begged for more until I almost cried, and when I came I screamed your name." Stiles says, and Derek growls by his ears as he takes his finger out only to push another one in along with it. Stiles groans at the stretch, but soon Derek finds that one spot that Stiles seeing fucking stars. "Fuck!" Stiles moans, and he briefly wishes that his hands were free so that he could tangle his hands into Derek's hair or scratch at his back.

            "Ready?" Derek asks, after he stretches and scissors Stiles open as best he can. Stiles is panting and writhing under him, and he is twisting his wrist together to gain some kind of perches as he plants his feet flat.  Derek applies some of the lube to his dick before he spreads Stiles' legs as wide as they can go comfortably.  He has a clear view of Stiles entrance, it is a glorious sight all puffy and pink as it twitches with the anticipation of being filled with Derek's cock, and Derek pushes in as gently as he can.

            "Ah." Stiles moans, and Derek bottoms out but doesn't move just yet. He knows that Stiles isn't ready for him to move, and to distract the younger man from the unpleasantness he kisses all of Stiles that Derek can reach. Stiles returns the affection the best he can, and soon Stiles is thrusting his ass up to try to get Derek to move.

            Derek pulls out some before he shoves back in with gentle precision. Stiles makes a satisfied moaning noise that spurs Derek on more and more. "Fuck, you feel so good." Derek says, and Stiles breathless laughs but it turns into a throaty moan as Derek hits his prostate.

            "So good." Stiles says, and Derek trails his hands all over Stiles.

            "Look so good, Stiles. I can touch you all I want, but you can't touch me. You trust me so much that you let me do this. Would you let anyone else do this?" Derek says, and he stills his thrusts until Stiles gives him an answer.

            "Only you, Derek, only you." Stiles promises, and with his insecurities found to be false, Derek pulls out almost completely before shoving back in again. Stiles is clenching around him, and Derek finds himself close to the edge. Derek nips and bites at all of Stiles while he continues his merciless assault of Stiles prostate. "So close." Stiles moans, and Derek grabs his dick to pump into in time with his ever growing sloppy thrusts.

            As soon as Derek runs his thumb over the tip, Stiles falls over the edge. He spill all over Derek's hand and stomach as well as his own. He closes his eyes as Derek manages to get in a few more thrusts before he comes deep in Stiles, and the overwhelming scent of himself in Stiles is almost enough to make him hard again.

            Derek digs for the key for cuffs because he needs Stiles to touch him, and as soon as he releases Stiles the younger man tangles his hands into Derek's messy hair. Stiles wonders his hands all over Derek's now sweaty body, but he is still panting too hard to kiss him. "Shit, you're amazing." Stiles says, and Derek laughs into Stiles' collarbone where he is beginning to make another love bite.

            "You are too." Derek says, honestly and Stiles sighs in happiness as he runs his fingers over Derek's back feeling at the place the other Alpha scratched him just to feel the now smoothed, healed skin. Derek pulls out of Stiles before searching around for something. Stiles begins to think that he is looking for his clothes to leave right after they've just fucked, and that everything that was said before was just a lie.

            Derek suddenly smells the anxiety coming off of Stiles, and it taints the sweet smell of happiness, arousal, and home that was filling the entire room only seconds before. Derek isn't sure what happened, but he grabs his shirt to wipe off Stiles' come off his hand before rubbing down Stiles. He can see his own come slowly trickling out of Stiles' hole, but he doesn't wipe it up out of fear that Stiles is too sensitive.

            When Stiles sees that Derek isn't leaving, he is just cleaning up, Stiles takes a relived breathe in. Derek raises an eyebrow at the sudden change of Stiles' scent that went from calm to panicked to calm again, but doesn't say anything. Derek crawls back underneath the covers before pulling them over Stiles, and he lays on his side just watching Stiles. Derek leans forward to kiss Stiles, and Stiles sigh into his mouth before kissing him back. "I really love you." Derek says, and Stiles grins sleepily at him before tucking his head into Derek's chest.

            "Good. Because I really love you too." Stiles says, and Derek kisses the top of head before the feeling of Stiles tracing non-symmetrical patterns on his back lulls him into a restful sleep. 

I love you guys!

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