Lovely Possibilities (Varian...

By Midnight-Drawing77

202K 4.9K 2.8K

Varian One-Shots and Scenarios that come to my mind and that I want write down before its gone. These are ide... More

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Heartbeats Through Different Worlds
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Grá Go Geo (Love Forever) [Toddler! Varian x Babysitter! Reader]
As The World Falls Down
Possibilities (Varian x Shy! Reader)
Unleash the Magic (Moon! Varian x Reader)
Hiccup Fever
Hare Peace
Night Bite
Fatal Posy (Chibi! Varian x Chibi! Reader)
Rooftop Dinner (Chibi! Varian x Chibi! Reader)
Curiosity Killed The Cat (Chibi! Varian x Chibi! Reader)
What Do You Guys Think? (Varian x Pirate! Reader)
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Forget-Me-Nots (Varian x Older! Reader) Pt.1
Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Older! Reader) Pt.2
All Hallow's Eve (Varian x Reader)
Safe Haven (Varian x Reader)
✨Fanart of Mine (Varian dressed as Wirt)✨
✨Fanart of Mine (Varian and Hiro)✨
White Roses Painted Red (Varian x Reader)
✨Fanart of Mine (Precious Moments: "Let Me Make You Proud")✨
King Varian (Ice Skater! Varian x Reader)
The Demon Within (Varian x Reader)
The Collection (Varian x Reader)
Miss Scary-Boo (Chibi! Varian x Chibi! Reader)
✨Choose-A-OneShot ✨
Bewitched (Varian x Vampire! Reader) Pt.1
✨Fanart of Mine✨ (Varian enjoying Hot Chocolate)
Home (Prince! Varian x Queen/Mother! Reader)
I Won't Say (I'm In Love) Varian x Male! Reader
For Good (Varian x Male! Reader)
Married Life (Older! Varian x Older! Reader)
(Varian x Older! Reader)
✨A Question For You All.
Bewitched (Varian x Vampire! Reader) Pt.2
✨Fanart of Mine: Santa Senpai✨
It's Christmas Time (Chibi Varian x Chibi Reader)
Love Potion Accident (Hogwarts AU)
✨Fanart of Mine: Hogwarts AU (TTS/BH6)✨
When He Shows Affection
Give and You Shall Receive
All About Your Heart
Love Rivalry
✨TTS Character Birthdays and Zodiacs
Remember Me This Way (Platonic)
Abnormal (Varian x Albino! Reader)
The Warm Hearted Feeling
☆Fanart of Mine: Profile Picture☆
Vamparian x Reader
•°☆Day of Hearts☆°•
Star-Crossed (Modern! Varian x Reader)
*My Digital/Fanart from my Instagram*
Can't Stay Away (Vampire! Reader x Varian) 1
For Spinel or Steven Universe Lovers

Birthday Fever

2.6K 71 24
By Midnight-Drawing77


Short Story

(Slighty) Older! Varian x Reader



I drew the digital drawing up ahead. I hope you guys like it. Plus this was a request and I hope that it turned out okay.



The courtyard of Corona Castle was filled with many table which held very neat decorations and silverware for guests coming a very special event. At one of the tables, a dark hair teen kept angling silver utensils so they were perfectly aligned with the plates. 

Suddenly a black and grey fur ball jumps onto the table and making the stuff move out of place. 

"Rudiger!" Varian gasps and groans while gently moving his companion to the ground. "Stay off the tables." He began fixing the utensils again. 

"Relax, Kid. It'll be fine." Eugene says from the middle of the courtyard while painting on a big piece of paper. Max stood next to him and holding up the bucket of paint that Rapunzel kindly let them borrow. 

Varian sighs and smiles slightly, "I just want this to be perfect." 

Eugene hangs up the final letter of your name with pride, "Well check this out. My handy calligraphy has come into use." 

The teen alchemist stares at the dripping paint and messing words, except for the fancy looking A's.

"Of course, my accomplishment in my 3 days of schooling was a fancy A in writing so I'm sorry if I'm bragging." Eugene grins with charm. 

With a shake of his head, Varian walks over to pick up a decor that Rudiger had knocked over. "Are you sure I can leave you in charge here? Because I don't want anything to happen to this courtyard." He goes toward Shorty who say in a chair and fixed his tie.

"Absolutely. Besides, what could happen?" Eugene salutes. 

Varian sniffs and wipes his nose before the front gates open to reveal the Princess leading a giant cart with a giant layered cake toward the ice sculpture of your favorite animal. 

"The cake is finished!!! Just on time, especially with pieces of it having ice cream in the middle! Yum!" Rapzunel gazing dreamily at the cake. 

Varian exhaled calmly and examines the cake, "It looks amazing!" His eyes widen. "SHORTY! What are you doing?!" 

Shorty froze on the spot and stopped mid-chew with a handful of cake in his hand. He looks at Varian and smiles widely, "Uh, eating the cake. The princess said the cake is finished and I taste ice cream." 

Varian pinches the bridge of his nose in stress, "Shorty, that cake is for (____)." 

A light bulb seemed to go off in the little old man's head, "Right, right, I have to save some for the Little Lady." He spits the chewed cake onto the piece he had in his hand and goes to put it back onto the cake. 

"Wait, wait, WAIT!" Varian, Rapunzel, and Eugene wave their hands to stop him. 

It was too late.

They grimace at the action and glance at each other before Varian sighs loudly. "Alright! Rapunzel, get Attila, Baker, and Uncle Monty to help make another cake. Please try to get it here before I get (____)." 

"On it!" Rapunzel says cheerfully. 

Rudiger digs in the small pouch that was strapped around Varian's waist and pulling out two vials. 

The clock dings in the distant and Varian looks to the pocket watch in his vest, "It's time!" His face lights up and he excitedly goes to the closed gates, skipping backwards. "You sure you got this, Eugene?" 

The ex-thief crosses his arms, "Sure." 

"Remember, don't let anyone in until we're ready. AND don't let any of the ruffians, ESPECIALLY Shorty, touch ANYTHING." Varian peaks in front halfway out the gates.

"Don't worry, Max and I handled them before and we can totally keep an eye on Shorty." Eugene reassures. 

Varian shouts out one more time from behind the walls, "AND KEEP AN EYE ON THE CAKE WHEN RAPUNZEL GETS BACK!" Now, he was off to your house and he hoped you'd be happy by giving your first surprise for your birthday. Himself visiting you.


"Ha! I'm going to prove to Varian that I am NOT an idiot." Eugene sticks his arm out to lean on the table, only to tip the bowl of grape juice and splatter his top half with purple stains. "AHHHH!" Eugene screams dramatically, "No, no, no, no, no, no!! This can't be happening! Max! Pascal! You're in charge and I need of change of clothes STAT!" 

Max rolls his eyes and sits down. His gaze shifts to the empty seat…..which Shorty was supposed to be sitting in. The green chameleon and the Royal Guard Horse immediately jump up and panic while looking around. 


Today is your special day and Varian was going to make it perfect, especially after the trouble he caused years ago, but…..after your constant visits to his cell. He felt like he needed to make it up to you. On your birthday, you would always visit and bring him a cupcake to share. You were special to him. 

He had been set free yesterday and luckily, you didn't visit and he hoped it would be that way until this morning. The plans that were spent weeks in the cell were all his ideas and the whole kingdom with the Princess's help, wanted to pitch in to make your birthday special. 

Once Varian made it to your house, your guardian had answered the door and they were already in on this surprise party. "She's still asleep." 

Varian grins, "Good. I remember she gets very grumpy though I hope she feels better once she sees it's me." He walks to your bedroom after your guardian jokes for him to be careful. 

Your bedroom door slowly opens and Varian tip toes in, nearly laughing at your sleeping position on the bed. He kneels down next to your bed and pokes your forehead while speaking softly, "Hey! Happy Birthday!~" 

You hardly moved in your sleep and faintly muttered, "To You…", in your sleep and clearly not awake. 

Varian chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Uh, it's YOUR birthday." He gently shakes your arm. 

This time, you groan tiredly and turn away from him, "Then let me……." Your voice dozes off, "...sleep…" 

Varian pouts then stands and plops on top of you. His whole body weight squishing you. It probably wasn't a good idea but Varian wanted to set his plans into motion if he wanted your special day to be perfect. "GET UUUUUUUUP, (_____)!!!"

You groan and try to shove him off you, clearly wanting to sleep more. "Nooooo…..too tired. Go away, Varian…." You began to doze off again, until something slowly came to your mind. Varian was in your room. How was he here? Immediately, you look up at the older teen in front of you as he grins sheepishly. "Varian!" 

"Ow!" Varian grimaced at your sudden punch to his arm and he laughs softly when you pull him into a very tight hug. One that he was enjoying.

You pull away and notice he was slightly well dressed. A vest and a new and clean shirt. "Wow. You're very well dressed." 

Varian gets up and sniffs, "Well I wanted to look great for my amazing best friend on her birthday." He waves a gloved hand for you to get up, "So get dressed in whatever you're comfortable in because we are spending the day together. Meet me outside." Varian slips out of your room in a cheerful manner. 

Honestly, waking up so early in the morning wasn't something you liked, but having the chance to spend the day with just you and Varian? You'll let this sudden wake up pass and get up to get ready. 

A sniffle come from Varian as he runs his nose and he frowns, "I can't be getting sick….." He feels little dread fill inside of him. "No! Just don't think about it and let it pass. It never got so bad anyway." He pep talked to himself. 

"Okay! I'm almost fully awake, so what are our plans?" You slide beside him and gently bump his hip. 

Varian chuckles at your adorable behavior, "Well, you've never had a real birthday before." He smiles a bit, "Except, of course, the ones you spent outside my locked door." With a shrug, Varian steps forward and turn to hold out his hand, "So I'm here way too late; to help you celebrate and be your birthday date, if I may." He felt the tickle in his nose. "Achoo! Ugh…" 

The way you heard his slight runny nose kinda worried you because the only time he was like that was allergies or a cold. "Varian, I'm thinking you might have a cold." You place a hand on his arm.

Varian shakes his head and grins, "I don't get colds. Besides, a cold never bothered an alchemist anyway." He picks up a red string and places it in your hand. "Just follow the string!"

You see the string go very far and seem to trail around a corner. A smile spreads across your face and you hold on to it while following its lead with Varian staying close beside you in excitement.

"I've got big plans. I've got surprises for today!" Varian watches as you lift up the string from the waters nearby and a hand sized clam shell is pull out. "Nothin', but nothin's gonna get in our way!" He takes it and opens it. 

You look in awe at the eyris blue pearl bracelet before Varian clips it around your wrist. 

"I've worked for weeks, planned everything within my power." Varian leads you now while following the red string trail, "I even got the ruffians and Shorty to take a shower!" 

That surely surprised you and at the same time giggle at the thought of everyone trying to get the ruffians to clean up. A beautiful flower crown was placed upon your head with Varian smiling shyly. So far, today was turning out well.


Back at the castle, Max found Shorty stumbling around the table and talking to the chair as if they were people. "Excuse me, Sir. I LOVE your fancy coat." Shorty pulls on the table cloth and causing the silverware to move out of place. 

Max neighs and runs over to fix it while Shorty moves over toward the fruit pyramid. 

"I'm starving, so don't mind if I do." The short man grabs a pear from the bottom of the pyramid. 

The fruit tower starts to shake and Pascal squeaks, rushing over to hold up the empty space. His small arms shake at the weight. 


"If someone wants to hold me back. I'd like to see them try!" Varian picks you up in his arms with ease which surprised you. "I'm on the birthday plan attack!" He spins around and making you laugh. "I'm giving you the sun, the moon, and the sky!" 

Suddenly he stops and swiftly sets you to your feet when feeling that tingle in his nose, so he turns away to sneeze into his sleeve, "Achoo!" 

This you didn't see since your attention was toward the food stand that had your favorite food. "Oooo."

Varian flips a coin to the salesman and holds out the appetizer to you, "I'm makin' today a perfect day for you! I'm makin' today a blast, if it's the last thing I do!" This time Varian helps you up onto his shoulders as the two of you make your way through town and to another stand. "For everything you are to me and all you've been through!" 

A colorful pinwheel is handed to you and you make the colors spin as Varian skips onward. He looks up at you and you smile down at him while hugging his head. 

This gesture made Varian's heart melt, "I'm makin' today a perfect day for you!!!"

And that didn't last long. "Achoo! Achoo!" 

You raise a brow and tuck the pinwheel with your flower crown, "They come in threes!" 

Varian waves it off, "I'm fine. Achoo!" He continues on. 


Rapunzel shoves the front gates open, "Cake's done!" Monty and the Baker where pushing the cart in when the three of them gasp at the scene in front of them. "Oh no! I'm coming Pascal! Keep holding it up!"

Pascal squeaks and lost all his strength as the fruits all came rolling down. 

The ruffians all get up, "WE CAN HELP!" 

Rapunzel waves her hands, "No, no, no, no, no!" 

This causes all the ruffians slips and keep balance, only to knock each other accidentally and causing them to rough house.


Varian sets you down once you're at the docks and gestures to the small boat, "Surprise, surprise. This one is specially…Achoo!" He drops the paddle and mentally groans, feeling small headache. He couldn't let this be getting in the way.

You pick up the paddle to lean it against a crate and smile softly, "Wow! You've got me reeling, but I'm still concerned for you." You gently take his arm and pull him away from the docks because he's never sneezed this much before in a day. "I think it's time that you go home and get some rest."

Varian recovers and grins while stirring you in another direction. If the boating on the waters wasn't going to work, then he could at least finish this day with you. "We are not stopping ‘cause the next one is the be-Ah…." He tries to stop the sneeze, but- "Achoo!"

You follow close behind as Varian keeps moving, "Varian, you gotta go lie down." 

"No way, we have to paint the town." Varian feels it's a little hard to breath and his nose was stuffy. Luckily, you two were passing the blacksmith's and Varian leaned close to the steaming waters.

You watch feeling more concerned by the action as he fans the steam toward his face to breath, "But you need medical attention."

Suddenly, Xavier pops up beside Varian and smiles kindly, "Are you sick? How about a cold elixir of my own invention?" He holds up a small vial. 

Varian raises a brow at him and rolls his eyes, kindly waving a hand, "No, thanks." He walks toward the town square. 

Xavier glances at you and chuckles, which you smile and take the vial. "We'll take it." When you catch up, there's a group of kids singing and Varian is helping them as well. 

"Makin' today a special day for you!" They smile at you.

Varian looks back and grins cheerfully,  "Makin' today a special day!" 

You blush lightly and were happy that Varian planned this day with you. 

"We're singing a birthday song to make your wishes come true!" 

"Wishes come true!" Varian sings out then finally pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his nose while the kids sing more.

"We love your amazing friend, (___)." 

And Varian follows along without thinking and his head a bit heavy, "And I love you too!" He pulls you along before you could think about it too long.

"We're making today a perfect day! We're makin' this day in every way, makin' this day a perfect day!" You wave to the kids and glance at Varian. His cheeks were flustered. More than usual. 


"Alright, guys! Let's get this part-AY go- WHAT THE HAIR is going HERE?!" Eugene walks back into the courtyard to see utter chaos. 

Ruffians throwing fruit and tackling each other while Max is stuck in pink goo from Rudiger dropping a vial. Rapunzel is helping Monty and the Baker move the cart back and forth to avoid another hitting the cake.

At this point, Eugene wishes, Cassandra were here though she was busy gathering the townsfolk. "Okay, Fitzherbert. It's your time to shine. Put your thievery skills to use. Going in!!!" 


"Come on! Now we climb!" Varian slurs a little and he felt like his body was a little heavy, though he had to keep enthusiastic about this day.

Immediately, you notice the change and the way your best friend swayed. "Varian, that's too much, you need to rest!" 

He turns around and chuckles, "We need to get to our birthday chills. I mean, thrills!" He needed to make sure this day was perfect and clumsily made his way to the clocktower. "Making dreams! Making plans! Go, go, go go!" Varian had no idea what to say anymore though he did have the idea to keep going. "Follow the string to the end! You are my very best friend!"

You gulp and grew more concerned at his attempt to keep his eyes open as you two make your way up the stairs, especially when he stopped to lay his head on the rails. "Varian?"

"What? I'm fine~" He looks up at you and gives a lopsided grin. "We're gonna climb! We're gonna sing! Follow this string, to the thing!" 

You couldn't even keep up with him now, "Varian! Wait!" 

Varian burst through the door that leads to a rail less balcony and he swings around the small wooden beam. His feet stumbling back to the edge, "Happy, happy, happy, merry, merry, merry! Hot, cold, hot, birthday!"

Your hands shoot out and you grasp his shirt, yanking him back toward. With all your strength, you wrap your arms around his waist and stumble to the floor with him. Now that Varian's this close, you can feel the heat coming from his face. "Varian, look at you!" You touch the back of your hand to his forehead then his cheek which was burning, "You've got a fever. You're burning up!"

Varian sighs at the coolness of your hand and leans into your touch.

You frown and embrace him, "Alright, we can't go on like this. Let's put this day on hold. Come on, admit it to yourself."

Varian leans into you and sighs in defeat, "Okay." He glances up at you. "I have a cold." He shuts his eyes and sits up while holding his aching head, "I'm sorry (___). I just…..I just wanted to give you one perfect birthday." All those times you had birthdays with him behind bars came back to him. "But I ruined it, again." 

You squeeze his shoulder and smile softly, "Hey. You didn't ruin anything. Okay? Let's just get you home and to bed." Before you could help him up, Varian takes your hand.

"Wait. Can….can we make one more stop? Just one. Your last present I have for you is there." 

This was a tough decision. His health really concerned you and you hate that he had to go through this all day. "Maybe tomorro-"


There he goes with those big pleading eyes. With a sigh, you nod, "Okay. Just let me help you." 

The two of you make your way toward the castle gates with Varian having an arm around your shoulders and your arm around his waist. "This can't be too long okay?" You use your other hand to push the doors.

Varian sniffs, "Well-"

"Stop!" Eugene sees the door in panic and everyone freezes then they all smile. "Surprise!" The cheers even come from behind you. 

"Wow!" You laugh and see the ruffians holding up Eugene who is holding the cake over his head. Rapunzel, Monty, and the Baker had finished slicing the fruit and making them look like flowers. 

"Wow." Varian comments and surprised himself. 

"We're makin' today a perfect for you!" Cass say from behind with many other townspeople as they pick up you and Varian, taking you closer to the tables. "We're makin' today a smiling face that's shining in you!"

Eugene yelps as the ruffians move and he tries to keep the cake balanced, "There's a fine line between chaos!"

"And a hullabaloo!" Rapunzel waves her hands happily and helps him steady it. 

"We're makin' today your perfect day! Makin' today a perfect day! Makin' today a perfect for you!" 

Cass ruffles your hair and suddenly Varian songs loudly while embracing you. "Happy birthday. I love you, baby!" 

Your eyes widen and your face heats up. You gave Varian  look and wondering if he really meant that. 

"For everything you are to us, and all that you do!" 

"I do!" He smiles happily. "PERFECT DAY!" His nearly falls forward which you help him up again.

You chuckle, "Okay, to bed with you." 

All of this was, I guess a bit too much, but as long as Varian put everything he had into this amazing day, then you were happy with it. Though you questioned the banner and it's fancy A and the rest were not so fancy. It was quite amazing how the townsfolk all came for your birthday. Most likely for the free food and cake. 

"Wait, wait!" Varian pulls away and stumbles toward a covered cart. He throws off the tarp, "All that's left to do is for me to set off the fireworks." He starts to dig in the bag around his waist. "Where is-" 

Rudiger appears and holds out a vial. 

"Ah ha! Thanks buddy!" Varian giggle and his aim wobbles as he felt the tickle in his nose again. "Ah-ah-.."

Your eyes widen, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, n-" You rush over and only to reach out too late. 

"Achoo!" Varian drops the vial and it rolls under the cart with the cake. 

The violent shakes and last hit on the ground made the vial explode. The cart blew the cake straight in the air and everyone just watched it fly over…….toward Eugene. "NOOO-" He disappears under the giant layered cake, only to pop up from the very top with the top candle rolling toward the firework cart. "I JUST CHANGED MY CLOTHES!" 

You burst out laughing along with everyone else, especially Cassandra. 

Varian snorts, "Ha!" His head falls onto your shoulder. 

The candle oddly still had its flame and lites the string connecting to the fireworks. Tons of sparkling colors shoot up into the sky and burst into bright lights. Everyone is in awe at the kaleidoscope display. 

You glance at Varian and smile softly while running your fingers through his hair while watching his close eyed face light up with the colors of the fireworks. "Let's get you to a bed now, yeah?" 

Varian hums faintly and sniffs, his nose now stuffy. 

"Raps!" You call over the loud noise and she skips over. 


"Is there a spare room? Varian isn't feeling well." You ask and feel Varian's weight getting more heavy. 

Rapunzel nods with a caring expression, "I'm sure there's one. Let's have Attila help carrying him." She waves the metal face ruffian over. "I'll bring you some cake later." 


It didn't take long to get Varian settled in bed and going to the kitchens to get soup for him. Before you left, you had given him some of Xavier's cold elixir and it must've worked very fast, but not fully. When you step into the room, Varian's face was a little less red and he was sitting up with the blankets around him. 

Varian looks at you and gives you a small smile. 

"How's your head?" You take a seat next to him while placing the soup on the small table and put your palm to his forehead. The fever went down which was good.

"My headache isn't there anymore and I feel more aware now." He sniffs a little. 

"Today was the best birthday ever." You admitted.

Varian was confused and surprised, "Really? Why?" 

"Where to start…." You think all about the day. "I've got to spend the day with you and the gifts were amazing. The party was so- phew!" You make an explosion sound and giggle with Varian. "It was amazing too and ...I'm glad to be taking care of you." 

The teen alchemist blushes at your action of tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You know." He slips his hand into your own. "I never gave you your last present." 

You wait patiently and squeeze his hand so he could continue.

"Will you be my love?" 

Of course, you felt overjoyed, but you also felt so content that you finally have Varian back. You hold his hand and kiss your entwined hands. "I will, My Love. Best birthday present ever." 

"I'm guessing I have to wait for a kiss?" Varian's nose tickled again and he sneezes into a handkerchief that was nearby. "Achoo!"

You giggle, "Yeah. Being sick really sucks, but for now." While leaning over, you kiss the top of his head. "And possibly cuddles." 

Varian hugs you, "I love you, (_____)."

"I love you too, Varian." You melt into the embrace. 

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