The Collection (Varian x Reader)

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[WARNING: Scary/Creepy Story]

Nothing too horror, just….more of a thriller story? I don't know.




Lance's Story (Varian x Reader)




When the whole scenario with Shorty happened and the horrid smell leaving the campsite, the other's have picked Lance to go next.

His story was about a special kid with a very unique problem that involved their life-like doll collection.

Based on Episode 38, “The Collection”, of the Twilight Zone.


You yawned and felt a bit worn out after the horrors that Shorty happened to share not long ago. You and Varian moved away from Shorty now, so you began snuggling Varian's side to sleep a little again.

Varian chuckles. “So who's next?”

“I want to hear what Mr. I'm Scared Of Spiders has to tell.” Cass smirks.

Eugene pouts and crosses his arms, “Why does everyone keep skipping me?! I'm not that bad at telling stories!”

Rapunzel pats his arm, “It's okay, Eugene. I'm sure you do have a good story.”

Lance takes a breath, “Okay. I can handle this.” He glances around and speaks a little quietly, “Guys, I will only tell this once. This is just a rumor, but it always, WILL ALWAYS, creep me out.” He shivers.


There was a knock on the door as Quirin opened it to be greeted by the sitter, which was you. You were new around these parts and thought babysitting would help you get to know people.

“Hello, Quirin, right?.” You say politely.

Quirin smiles slightly, “That is correct. (_____), I presume. Come in.” He lets you in and leads you to the living room. “I'm going to be a gone for a day and I can't leave my son home alone, not even for a few hours.”

You smile, “Well that's how it is for kids.” You notice that Quirin seems hesitate. “What?”

“My son, isn't a kid. He's 14. It's just he has a problem with being alone and such. I hope that's okay with you.”

You hum, “I guess, I don't mind. I'll just keep watch over him then.” You smile reassuringly.

Quirin sighs and smiles gratefully, “Thank you. It's just been hard finding someone to just look after him for awhile. Most of the people just left before I get home which left Varian alone.”

That made you confused, yet slightly anger that those people just up and left his son alone. “Then you won't have to worry. I'll be here until you come back.”

He nods and calls out, “Varian! Come here for a moment!”

A young teen boy comes in and he seems shy at first. “Yeah?”

Lovely Possibilities (Varian x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now