It's Christmas Time (Chibi Varian x Chibi Reader)

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Chibi Varian had on his goggles and carefully started to mix dangerous chemicals together. It had to be a very steady pace and he made sure not to pour too much. “Mmmm.” His face has an expression full concentration and it almost looked like he was pouting.

The glowing drop of chemical is painfully slow at going over the edge of the glass tube.


The door to his lab door slammed open and Chibi You screamed happily, “KHAAAAH!!”

Chibi Varian screamed in fright and dumps the whole tube into the glass vial. An explosion goes off and makes his face turn black from the smoke. He blinks.

Chibi You skips over and yanks him from his seat.

“Gah!” Chibi Varian is dragged out of his home.

Once outside, you stop and dig around in your pockets. This gave Chibi Varian time to stand up and dust himself off and he fixes his goggles.

A list is shoved into his hands and he raises a brow at the things written in messy handwriting. A question mark appears above his head when he looks at you.

Chibi You grew excited and you waves your arms happily as a thought bubble appears above your head, which shows you decorating your home with Christmas stuff. You nod in determination.

“Hm.” Chibi Varian shrugs and tosses the paper away before turning to head back inside. Suddenly, your hand grabs the collar of his shirt. “Ah!”

In the town of Corona, lots of people bustled and got things ready for Christmas. Everything was Christmas Themed. The wreaths, colorful lanterns, holly, Christmas Trees, and baked goods.

“SQUEEEEE!” Chibi You hops into town and you spin around to take it all in. You giggle and couldn't wait when it would start to snow later.

Chibi Varian has his arms crossed and a look of annoyance on his face. Clearly he didn't enjoy this at all.

A bell loudly rings out by his ear and a small vein appears on his head to show that he was now mad.

Chibi You laughs and continues ringing the bell as you two make your way toward the shops. Your eyes grow big and they sparkle at all the gifts in the windows. “Haaaaaaa!” You squeal and zoom back and forth between all the shop windows, waving your arms excitedly.

Varian just stood there with a blank look and watched your figure jump everywhere. His expression slowly grew irritated as you pull him into every shop and threw the things you buy into his arms.

Chibi You hummed Christmas Songs and not noticing the steam puffing from Varian. Your eyes widen when everything is shoved into your arms. “Hm?”

Chibi Varian angrily starts complaining about how he hates Christmas and growls, breathing heavily.

“Ooh…..” You glance down then smile again. “Heh!” The stuff is held up and your thought bubble shows you and Varian happily putting up the decorations together.

Varian shakes his head no and stomps off back home.

Chibi You stands there heartbroken and your lips quiver as you sniffle, holding back tears. Your gaze shifts to the decorations and to Varian.

A snowflake falls and kisses your nose.

How much fun would it be without Varian? You live alone, so no one else to help. With a deep and sad sigh, you start giving everything back and make your way home.

By the time you got home, you flop onto the couch and whine. “Hmmmm….” You were hoping to get Varian here so you could decorate until nightfall and have him sleepover. Maybe enjoy hot chocolate in front of the fireplace….

A dreamy sigh left your lips and you smile with little hearts popping around your head.

….Chibi You and Chibi Varian could have snuggled in a blanket too.

Soon, you start to doze off and immediately snore loudly with drool coming from your mouth.

Not long after and as always, you didn't lock your door when it open quietly.

A dark figure tip toes in and glances around before going over to your sleeping form. They gently place a blanket over and head back to the door.

“Eh! Rrrrr!” The dark figure struggles pulling a pine tree into your home and continues to drag it to a bare corner. Once they stand it up, they wipe a sweat from their forehead, “Phew.”

Unfortunately, Chibi You had woken up and you had magically pulled out a frying pan from your couch. “HAAAAH!”


The dark figure is hit on the head and they stumble, landing in the light of the fireplace.

You peak around the pan then gasp, throwing the pan away when you see a ditsy Chibi Varian laying on the floor.

“Hehehe.” He giggles and sees stars spinning around his head.

Chibi You picks him up to hug him close in concern. “Ah. MM!” You pout angrily at him and he snaps out of it, giving you a sheepish shrug.

Chibi Varian sighs and looks down. He starts explaining that he realized he was being a jerk and wanted to apologize by bringing a tree he chopped down, so that you two could decorate it.

His big blue eyes look up at you and begging for forgiveness.

You stare at himself then groan, rolling your eyes with a smile. “Mm!” You hug him tightly.

Chibi Varian hums happily then pulls away to hold up boxes of decorations. “Ha?”

Your eyes sparkle and you squeal, jumping up and down. Your head nodding excitedly.

The bare tree began to build up with many glimmering and colorful ornaments, ribbons, tinsel, and candy canes. The last thing to be placed on the tree was the star.

Chibi Varian lifts you to sit on his shoulders and Chibi You holds the star happily. “Whoa~oa!” Varian stumbles everywhere until you grab the tree to steady both of you. He chuckles sheepishly and you smile.

“Tada!” You throw your hands up.

Suddenly, both your eyes widen when Varian starts tipping backwards.


There a crash and your eyes are swirling in dizziness while your body is upside down on the couch. Varian had flipped over the couch, disappearing behind it.

You shake your head and look around. “Hm?”

Chibi Varian pops up with a big grin and holding up two mugs of hot chocolate.

You blink at the two mugs and your eyes sparkle as you whine in happiness. “Oh!” You take one and get comfortable on the couch.

Varian sits next to you and sips his drink in content. “Hm?” He feels warmth cover him and sees a blanket before feeling small weight leaning into his side.

Chibi You curls up to his side after pulling a blanket over both of you. “Ah.”

With a gentle smile, Chibi Varian pats your head and wraps an arm around you.

In your head, you imagined that you burst into a firework of hearts while on the outside you were calm and had a cute little smile.

Lovely Possibilities (Varian x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now