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The wind washed over the colorful land and green hills. It made the leaves upon the trees dance and rustle like very gentle bells. While the wind rushed like a wave across the grass and flowers, a figure stood on a small hill to gaze out across the fields.

There on the grass, someone laid in a relaxed position with the breeze slightly pushing on their clothes.

Varian made his way over to you and never knew you'd be out this far from the Kingdom walls. Honestly, the view he'd seen from the top brought a sense of beauty.


Your eyes were staring up at the blue sky and watching a few clouds pass by here and there. “Hm?”

“What are you doing all the way out here?” Varian sits beside you and ends up laying down as well.

“Nothing.” You simply say and continue to listen in on the nature around you.

He had no idea what to think at your simple reply, so he said nothing back and yet he knew you'd understand why he didn't answer. That and he didn't want to ruin whatever moment you're having.

The breeze brushed your hairs against both your foreheads like it was a gentle kiss. The sunlight touched upon your bodies and wrapping in a blanket of warmth. Again the wind washed over, causing the leaves to rustle and the grass to whisper.

Every now and then a few birds would chirp when flying by, then it would go quiet. A peaceful sound of nature.

Varian ended up doing nothing, but lay there and watching the sky while listening to the peaceful sounds. Until he felt his eyes getting heavy and sighs in content before completely shutting his eyes.

You felt your body relax so much that you grew sleepy and yawned. Your attention now went to the young teen beside you. The sight you see brought a smile to your face.

Varian's head was lulled to the side toward you and he had an arm drape across his stomach as he napped.

It was very cute.

You shift closer and wrap your arm around him, yawning and sighing happily. You laid your head against his side and relaxed again.

This time, the sounds of Varian's steady breathing and heart beats and lulled you to sleep.

Another fan of the wind blew across the field that you two relaxed on and it caused a butterfly to land on Varian's nose, making his face scrunch before it fluttered off. That effect made Varian shift and drape his arm around you.

Lovely Possibilities (Varian x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now