Love Rivalry

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“All I have to do is ask her….one date, right?” Varian says to himself and tosses the rose into his other hand. He groans, “One….day to hang out. Yeah, that sounds better.” He nods and strolls into the castle.

There was no sign of her, but Varian still continued to walk around until he asked one of the guards who directed him to the horse stables.

“You can do this. Just ask her and hope she says yes.” Varian walks to the horse stables and spots the one who he fell in love with.

She was brushing her horse gently, seeming that she gave her horse a bath earlier.

“Cassie!” Varian calls out happily and jogs over before hiding the rose behind his back.

Cassandra silently groans and forces a smile, “Hey, Kid. What brings you to the castle?” She knew already, though she didn't want to be mean to him.

Varian felt his heartbeat pick up in nervousness and he plays with one of the petals of the rose behind his back. “Uh...well-”

“There you are Cassie!”

A hand shoves Varian away by the face and Cass blinks at the bouquet of flowers held out to her.

“I wanted to drop these off at your room, but I thought it would be better to give it to you personally!” You say happily. “Plus, I thought the flowery smell would keep Eugene out.”

Cass laughs and ruffles your hair while smelling the flowers, “Maybe you're right. Thanks, Kid.” She tucks in her belt and stretches. “I need to start on my chores. See you later kiddos.”

You watch her walk off and you feel your heart skip a beat.

“YOU.” Varian glares at you.

You smirk. “Me. Once again getting closer to Cassandra's heart than you. Still think a girl can't win another girl's heart?”

“Yes, especially you. You're getting in my way!” Varian crosses his arms, “What do you see in MY Cassie anyway?”

“Come on, Var-Var.” You boop his nose and sigh dreamily, holding your hands over your heart. “MY Cassandra is a Goddess. Everything about her is amazing.”

Varian snorts and rolls his eyes, “Uh-huh.”

You huff and place your hands on your hips, “What are you doing here?”

“Well before I was RUDELY interrupted.” Varian pulls out the rose and smiles at it, “I was going to ask Cassie to….hang out with me.”

“She's gonna say no.” You state.

“What? You already asked?” Varian sassed.

You smirk, “I did.”

Varian's eyes widen, “Don't tell me she said yes!!”

You glance away and bite your lip while laughing sheepishly, “Well…” You pout, “She said she was busy.”

Varian felt relieved and turns to walk away.

You growl and catch up to him, pushing him into a bail of hay before running. “FIRST ONE TO WOO HER AND GET A  KISS FROM HER WILL BE HER LOVER!”

Varian pops up from the hay and growls, “(___)!!!!!” All he hears is your laugh of mockery. “I can't let her steal Cassie's heart.”

You skip through the castle halls and spot Cass trying to open the door to a room while holding a giant basket of clothes. You rush over and hold the door open, you bow slightly, “Miss.”

Lovely Possibilities (Varian x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now