The Warm Hearted Feeling

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This Warm Hearted Feeling is very rare these days. No, not the feeling when there's great fondness and it becomes obsessive.

This feeling is one which makes you feel like you walk in right at home.

Just comfortable and relaxed, a sweet relief from the world of life.

Sure, there are many complications that form negativity which causes to leave home alone for awhile, but when coming back. It feels great again
This Warm Hearted Feeling is what Varian will always cherish.

And it came in many forms and actions.

Like when he would be sitting wherever, his lab, the kitchen, a random seat outside of his home, ect. You would hug his from behind or from his side. Varian loves the sigh of relief when you relax in the hold, nuzzling his hair the process.

“Did you miss me?” You playfully teased and giggle.

Varian hums in thought and smirks, “Possibly.”

“50/50, so I'll take that as a yes.” You smile happily.

Another gesture that you cherished yourself would be resting your head on the table near Varian or laying your head on his lap. Automatically, he would start to play with your hair. Combing his fingers through, braiding it no matter if it was a small lock, then being silly sometimes.

Your eyes were closed, feeling content as Varian's runs his fingers through your hair and you nuzzle your nose on his stomach.

It depended on his next action;

If your hair was long? Something tickled your nose and you see Varian holding strands of your hair above your lip and on your chin.

Varian laughs, “Hey (Y/n), you have a mustache and beard.”

You laugh too and gently shove his hands away, “Varian!”

If your hair was short? Something softly tucked on your hair multiple times and you raise a hand to feel a couple of your strands of hair standing straight up. All tied by thin ribbons.

“Varian!” You sit up and laugh, shaking your head while the do comes down easily.

Varian laughs as well, “No! My masterpiece!”

Or there would be times the both of you had that feeling when having family time with Varian's dad. A cooking competition between you and Varian, making Quirin the taste tester. Which ever one was the best, it would be eaten for dinner.

At times, you made decent food, but Varian cooked so much better than you. Alchemy had sure helped on that part.

“How do you cook so well?” You complain, but melt at the taste of Varian's dinner.

Varian grins smugly, “Can't tell you, Sunshine, buuuut since I love you. Cooking is just like Alchemy and less dangerous and more delicious.”

“Cheater!” You point.

Only this made you laugh and caused Quirin to join in. An amazing family meal and show is what Quirin would think.

The times apart were hard as well and sometimes these weren't any one's fault. There were times Quirin had Varian working to become village leader or when Varian works on projects in his lab. You sometimes would be taking long trips with family or helping them out all day.

In the end, during the separation it brought some sort of a homesick feeling and you missed one another, but that didn't stop the two of you to think about each other.

Varian laughed with his dad, “Dad, remember that time me and (Y/n) accidentally knocked you into the water when we were fishing?”

Quirin cracks a smile and chuckles, “Of course, I do. That was the first time in my life I had caught a fish in my shirt. And I recall, you two not able to breath from laughing so much.”

At the market, you walked with Eugene and talk happily, “I mean, don't you think Varian is just too adorable when fanboys over you and your adventure stories with Lance?”

“Ah, yes. The child you love so much.” Eugene chuckles and helps you place your food supplies on Max's saddle, “I wouldn't say adorable, but I do love it when I can gloat freely with him.”

When you two see each other again after the long way from each other, it's all better with a hug.

Varian melts into your embrace and pulls you closer. You do the same and love the warmth that radiated from him.

“I missed you, (Y/n).”

“I missed you too, Varbear.”

You feel Varian move his head to place a tender kiss to your temple. It was comforting and it made you smile happily.

“I love you.” Varian says very softly.

You slip one of your hand in his and hold it to your cheek after giving a soft kiss to his hand. “I love you more.”

Varian slowly sways you two like a cradle being pushed gently.

This Warm Hearted Feeling is coming Home to the one you deeply care for and the one you love with your heart. It's feeling comfortable, safe, welcomed, feeling trusted, having faith through anything that comes you way…..

….The Warm Hearted Feeling.

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