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Second part to:
Heartbeats Through Different Worlds.

I made a fanart that inspired me to write this part. Which will be posted later.


I sit upon the steps in my winter wear and the steaming cup of hot chocolate in my grasp brings a calming atmosphere with the chocolatey aroma.

It had snowed the night before and leaving everything in a blanket of snow glittering under the bright moonlight.

There are these nights like this which I cherish most because it reminds me of you. I may be alone and it does make me sad, but I always I have to remember you and it makes my heart melt.

When I look up at the stars, it always reminds me of the place we first met. The very thing that will always be a part of you that's with me.

My eyes stare at the steaming drink.

Don't get me wrong, but I do wish you were here with me. Enjoying this night with the hot chocolate warming your hands and the sweet smell that I always imagine you burning your tongue at your impatient want to drink it.

I chuckle quietly and bring the cup to my face, smiling softly as the heat warms my face. Especially my nose.

Another thing I imagine; is when you notice my red nose, you would reach over to pull my scarf up and tell me to cover my nose, calling me a dum-dum.

I blow onto the hot chocolate before cautiously taking a sip and smile warmly while the sweet flavor runs across my taste buds. Even after I wake, I still feel your lips after a sweet kiss.

I do try find ways, any possible ways, to have you here with me.

I sigh.

So far?

No such luck.

Though maybe. Just maybe…..I can find answers out there somewhere and I'll even believe in magic in order to have you here.

I wonder if you have cold nights like this where you are or at least calm nights where you just think about all the endless possibilities of everything. Maybe you have days like that as well.

I do hope you realize how much I love you, even from this far away. I want you to know you're special to me. That you have my heart set on only you. I really, absolutely adore you.


I can feel my heart soar just thinking about that and even when you're not here, you make me blush.

They all still think I'm crazy or in your words you like to use: Bonkers.

I'm completely and utterly bonkers for you.

I laugh to myself and nearly choke on my hot chocolate. Do you see what you do to me? I hope you do. It may not seem like we're real, but we do have a special connection that might be rare to our realities.

I may think you're just some imaginary character made in my mind and you may think the same thing as well.

But then we dream and my doubts about that go away.

I go to take another sip of my drink, but I feel none reach my lips. The cup was empty and the cold night finally makes me shiver.

I wonder what it would be like to cuddle with you right now. Either here outside or inside by the fireplace.

The smile upon my face is the look of a lovesick fool and I couldn't help it. You bring me to live everyday.

“I know this sounds really weird.” I start. My voice drifting through the silent night. “You know, talking to you when you're not here, but I do hope you somehow hear me.”

I hold my head in my hands and stare at the sky.

“You're special to me. I sound like a hopeless romantic, but…...you're the sky to my whole world. My only wish that I will always believe in, is that you would know how much I love you.”

I stand up and pull my coat closer to myself.

The front door opens and my dad smiles softly at me, “Everything alright, Son?”

I glance back and I thought I saw your eyes gazing warmly back at me. Did you see me? I won't know, but I hope you see the happy expression I have at knowing you're there.

“Yeah…..Everything is more than alright. It's fantastic.” I say cheerfully and go inside.

The warmth immediately embraces me while I hang  my coat. I know somehow you're there, it's a weird feeling, but it's you.

For you, I smile lovingly and hold my hand out as it touches the wall. I imagine you're on the other side and I want to say this to you.

I love you, (____).

You will always be my special love because YOU are Special to Me.

Lovely Possibilities (Varian x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now