Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys...

By ThatYandereAuthor

1.2M 47.9K 71.4K

(Y/n)'s life has been uneventful since she's transferred to a new school a few months ago. However, with the... More

The Visit
New Experience
New Situations
Dilemma in the Dorm
Unknown Numbers
Mystery Plan
Chance To Talk
The Top Class
Art and Dates
The Park
Good and Bad News
Expulsions and Enmity
The Effect
Unknown Enemy
Doctor Xander
Puzzle Pieces
Your Reality
Car Ride
New Environment
Living Conditions
Frustration and New Friends
Decisions and Drawings
Breakfast and Breakdowns
Actions and Answers
Night Two
Potential Plans
Pool Time
New Meeting
Getting To Know You
Who is 'G'
Start Over
Change of Plans
Some Fresh Air
Car Accident
Watching Over
An Act
Wait it Out
Speed Up The Process
The Final Moments
Ending: Xander
Ending: Elijah
Ending: Vincent
Ending: Sean
Ending: Mason
Ending: Alternate
Authors Note

Surprises Everywhere

19K 749 867
By ThatYandereAuthor

"Excuse me. Classmate? No. You're in the Variation B class, not this one. Go back before I tell my father." Mason scowled as he tried to pull you away.

"Funny thing. When the star player of the soccer team asks the headmaster for a favor, he can't say no." Xander said as he stood up. "Hello (Y/n). Are you alright?"

You stood there, staring. "U-Um...yeah...I'm fine."

"I'm glad." He smiled as he switched his attention back to Mason.

"Go back to class." Mason snapped.

"I am in class. Your class. Transfers are so fun!" Xander laughed and walked over to you.

"Xander I mean it. You don't know what-"

"Can you two stop." You said as you looked around. By that point everyone in the gym had stopped and stared at you. "I don't need any more attention than I'm already getting."

Xander and Mason glanced around before they went back to glaring at each other.

"If you want to check, go to your father." Xander said, crossing his arms.

"And leave you with (Y/n). No way." Mason scowled.

"Then I guess you'll have to take my word for it for now." Xander tuned to you and smiled, "We're classmates now. Isn't that cool."

You sighed, "Sure. It'd be cooler if you two could stop fighting and disrupting class."

"They're just staring at your beauty." He replied as he walked away towards the gym teachers.

Your face went red and you stared at the ground, scowling.

"Oh so you'll blush at his words but not mine?" Mason snapped as he looked at you.

"Shut up. It's embarrassment not flattery." You mumbled.

"Hey! Good news. I can join your group since you only have three people." Xander came back, grinning.

"Oh joy." Mason scowled as he went to walk back to Amber.

The rest of gym was uncomfortable. You felt as if you could physically cut the tension between Mason and Xander. Amber continued to try to get Mason's attention, but he ignored her and focused on you. Eventually the teachers told you to go back and change. The locker room was fairly quiet as you all changed, and you left before anyone managed to corner you again.

Xander and Mason were waiting for you outside.

"Hey (Y/n)." Mason smiled as you came out.

"Hey." You came up to them and looked around. There weren't any girls around so you didn't have to worry about pissing them off even more.

"You're really good at volleyball." Xander said as he gently grabbed your arm and guided you towards the exit.

"Oh...thanks." You raised your eyebrows and glanced behind you to see Mason angrily following.

"What's our next class?" You asked as Xander opened the doors and dragged you out into the hall.

"Lunch." Mason answered coming up on your other side.

You nodded, "So are you two going to follow me like dogs around there as well?"

Mason's mouth dropped open and Xander stopped.

"I think you have it the other way around (Y/n). You should be blindly following me." Mason smirked.

"is it a crime to want to be around you?" Xander asked, staring at you intently.

"No but its getting on my nerves." You muttered, "Not to mention making things worse for me." You started walking towards the cafeteria.

Xander shot Mason a look, "Are people giving her a hard time about the rumors?"

Mason watched you walk away and nodded, "Apparently no one will listen to her. They think she kissed Sean and not the other way around."

"Why don't you help her? You could shut everything down in an instant."

"I want her to ask for my help. I want her to realize I'm the only one who can help her." Mason smirked at Xander before going to catch up with you.

"Manipulative brat." Xander muttered as he went to catch up as well.

You opened the doors to the cafeteria and sighed. At least food would make your day slightly better.

"(Y/n)~!" A voice mused and suddenly arms wrapped around you and pulled you into the person.

"What in the-" You turned and caught sight of blond hair. "Sean let go."

"Why? I only get to see you during lunch and I want to-"

"Sean. Let go." You demanded, your tone cold.

He immediately let go of you and looked down at you worriedly, "Is something wrong?"

You took a large step away from him, "Yes. Don't come near me."

He furrowed his brow, "Why n-"

"Get away from her Roe." Someone snapped and you turned to see Elijah.

"This isn't your problem Estes, go eat lunch." Sean glared at him before turning back to you.

"It kind of is. (Y/n)'s already gotten hurt because of your actions and I'm making sure she doesn't cry again because of you." Elijah snapped as he came over and stood beside you.

Sean's expression softened, "You cried (Y/n)?"

"No." You scowled and turned away. "I'm done with this conversation. Don't come near me Sean."

Mason and Xander walked in and stopped, seeing Elijah and Sean glaring at each other.

"She doesn't like you anymore. Guess you're out of the game." Elijah said with a triumphant smirk before he turned to follow you.

"What happened?" Mason asked as he shifted his gaze between the two other boys.

"Nothing." Sean growled as he pushed past Mason and went back into the hall.

Xander raised his eyebrows but turned and ran up to you and Elijah.

You glanced at him briefly before you sighed and headed towards the lunch line.

"So what are you going to get?" Elijah said, smiling.

"I don't know. Something simple. Seeing Sean ruined my appetite." You mumbled as you grabbed a lunch tray and walked through the line. You ended up getting a (f/simple/f). You emerged from the line and headed towards the courtyard, needing some fresh air. Xander, Mason, and Elijah followed behind you.

You sat down at the picnic table you'd sat down at the first time you'd met them and sighed. You kind of wanted to be alone.

Elijah took a seat beside you and Xander and Mason sat across from the two of you.

"So how has your day been?" Elijah asked as he picked up his sandwich.

"Not the best." You sighed as you glanced down at your food.

"Can we do anything to make it better?" Xander asked, staring at you worriedly.

"No. I don't think you can." You attempted to smile but it failed.

Mason glanced at you and huffed, "I think you should just forget about the whole thing. Sean's an idiot which is nothing new and you didn't do anything wrong."

"It still hurts. My best friend won't even listen to me." You looked down at the table.

"She isn't your friend and I don't think she ever was. Get over it." Mason snapped.

You glared at him and stood up. "You don't have to be so rude all the time."

Elijah glared at Mason, "Why are you being mean to her?"

"I'm just saying. It was better she found out now rather than later on when they became actual friends."

"We were actual friends, something you probably don't know about. I don't know why I even bothered trying to hang out with you." You scowled and walked away from them headed towards the fountain. You wanted to be alone now.

"You made her angry." Xander scowled as he watched you storm away. Elijah sighed and bit into his sandwich.

"I did what was necessary. Sorry for speaking the truth." Mason muttered as he ate his lunch.

You sighed and sat on the bench beside the fountain, The sound of the water hitting the basin reached your ears and calmed you slightly as you held your head in your hands.

This is so stupid...I probably should've just asked dad to move somewhere else with all the drama that's happening.

You leaned back and looked up at the sky. The clouds were big and puffy and drifted around lazily, covering the sun every now and then.

It's so peaceful out here.

You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them. You had half a mind just to stay out here for the rest of the day.

Mason would drag me back.

You scowled and glared at the grass below you. That self-centered jerk was always the problem.

You sat there for a few minutes, letting the peaceful sounds soothe you. Eventually, you sighed and stood up.

They'll come after me soon if I don't go back. You thought as you turned to go down the path. 

You stopped and froze, your eyes widening.

"Well look who we have here."

A/N: It was storming really bad while I wrote this so if some things seem a little rushed, thats why. My anxiety increases when lightning increases 😔👊 . I'M TRYING TO GET A SECOND UPDATE TONIGHT OKIE? Okie. (That was me aggressively yelling at myself not you).

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