More than just a friendship

By Stydia_Vanessa10

90.4K 1.3K 3.1K

Stiles is your best friend, not to mention your older brothers best friend as well. Ever since your early tee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N Please Read
New fanfic Left Unspoken ANNOUNCEMENT

Chapter 32

754 12 124
By Stydia_Vanessa10


Third person POV
Redirect hope:                                                                                                                                                                             Unable for one  to let go after a break up.                                                                                                          As they are too afraid to let go and spend a new life without that one person.

Monday morning has begun horribly as Y/n struggled to get up out of bed. Ever since the breakup she's been feeling numb, no tears just anger as she refuses to take off Stiles's maroon sweater. In some odd way she feels comforted with it on. But she knew she no longer needed it on so with a deep breath she removed the sweater and looked at the mirror.  Y/n see's unfixable and destructive as she tugs on her loose clothes and observes her dark eye bags. For a few days now she hasn't been able to eat anything, not because of Stiles but because her depression is slowly overcoming her. However Y/n will not show that side of her to anyone as she want's appear tough to the rest of the world.

Walking downstairs she ditches breakfast all together and begins to open the door when Scott calls her. "N/n where are you doing?"

"Too school." She gives her brother a dumbfounded look before twisting the knob.

"You didn't eat and you don't have a ride to school." Scott walks closer to his sister and grabs her shoulder.

"I'm not hungry and I'm also very much aware that I don't have a ride, which is why I was going to walk their." Y/n rolls her eyes and shuts her eyes for a second before opening them again.

"You haven't eaten anything since Saturday c'mon I made you Nutella toast just how you like it." She gulps down some bile and shakes her head.

"I can't." Scott sighs out a breath before bringing his sister in for a hug. "Mom said you don't need to go to school if your not ready." She scoffs

"I can handle myself. I'm not going to sit around all day and cry because some guy decided to cheat on me. I'm better than that and I don't need a man making me feel like shit." And as she shrugs her brother away from her she walks out the door and stomps her way to school.

But as Y/n was already on her way to school, Stiles was pulled out of bed by his father while multiple questions remained floating around. Stiles hasn't been out of his room since the breakup, leaving Noah to be worried for his son. He tried calling Y/n and Scott but neither one of them seemed to answer as things at their house was also rocky. But being the concerned father he is Noah knew that if he nudged his son just enough he would get up and start living life again.

"Stiles I'm not doing this today. Grab something in the fridge to eat and get your ass to school." Nothing else but a groan is release as Noah continues to grab Stiles arm.

"Can't I stay in bed for the rest of the week...I don't have much energy dad."

"Give me an answer to one of my million dollar questions than maybe I'll let you stay in bed." And with just a simple response Stiles lifts his face from his pillow and climbs out of bed before making his way into his bathroom.

"I'll be out in a second." Sheriff smirks and mentally high fives himself while shifting the badge on his chest for a job well done.



Making my way inside the school I walk to my locker and retrieve all my belongings for my first two periods. While I'm standing I can hear the distant voices of Allison and Liam bridging their way towards me.

"Y/n?" Surprised by my arrival at school I manage to fake the biggest smile and wave them over. "What are you doing here?"

"To get an education, what does it look like?" Allison and Liam share a look before slowly nodding there head.

"But Stiles is here." Allison whispers and I roll my eyes. Can't a girl go about her life without having to be thinking about her ex's whereabouts?

"And I care why? We're done...he loves someone else who isn't me and I'm not going to sulk around just because of him. He's irrelevant to me." Slamming my locker I clip my lock back on before turning around completely. Liam's eyes widen as he squints his eyes at me.

Why is everyone looking at me as if I'm a ghost? Sure I haven't slept or had a proper meal within the past few days but I don't look bad do I?

"Woah!" Immediately Allison slaps Liam across the head while I glare at him. "I'm leaving...first period's going to start." Clenching my jaw I stride down the hallway until I'm stopped in the middle by my two my best friends colliding into me. We all fall down onto the floor as there staggered on top of me. "You can't go into first period." I groan and push them off of me.

"I appreciate you guys protecting me but I don't need, I'm fine really. I understand he's going to be in my class but I'm not going to look in his direction. I'll see you at lunch alright." Waving goodbye I make my way to the third floor and enter my English class. Taking my usual seat near the window I watch as the students pile in before shifting my gaze out the window. I hadn't realize class started until Ms Blake called out my name for the third time. And I did, only to notice Scott sitting next to me and Stiles sitting with Lydia. Quickly tearing my eyes away I clear my throat and sit up straighter .


"I'm fine Scott, just open up your textbook and actually try doing your homework for once." He sigh's out a breath before doing as I say. And just like that I scribble down whatever nonsense Ms Blake is writing within my notebook.


First period went by painful as on occasion Stiles and I would make eye contact with each other. And I wanted nothing more than to exist the classroom without an explanation. But somehow, someway I stood my ground and proceed doing my homework as it was the only distraction I needed. Second period Allison and I shared notes and copied off each others work as our hatred for the teacher increasingly grew throughout the year. But as soon as lunch time rolled around the two of us raced into the cafeteria to be first in line to greet our favorite lunch lady. "You're shoving me Allison."

"No I'm just trying to see the options." This time she rolls her eyes before pushing me into the glass slightly.

"Allison I swear-"


"Mary!" We shout just as the doors to the kitchen open. "How are you girls?" Fluffing up my hair Allison and I make contact with each other as suddenly my breath is caught in my throat. Gulping down some saliva I motion for Ally to speak.

"We're doing good." I bite the inside of my cheek as Allison tells her the biggest lie of the century. The two of us together got our hearts broken from the ones we loved the most. I know Allison was trying to remain okay inside for me but I knew she was hurting as well. She never told me the reason as to why my brother and her broke up but I respect her privacy too much to actually ask her because when Allison is ready to share that's when I will know.

"Sweetie I know the two of you better than that." She eyes us for a moment before she furrows her eyebrows. "Where's your arm candies?" Once again Allison and I share a look when I look down briefly after.

"We um broke up, Allison broke up with Scott too." And in a instant Mary tells the other students to go to the other line when she rushes out from behind the counter and embraces us. Mary is much taller than the two of us combined but it didn't matter as she always held her heart on display for everyone to see. Mary isn't just a lunch lady who serves and makes food but she a second mother to every single student in this school. When someone is hurt she'll lend a hand the best one can and will offer free food to anyone who doesn't have a lunch or can't afford something. Kissing our heads she gracefully pulls away from us and rubs either one of her hands on each of our arms; in a soothing motion.

"And this is why us girls must stick together, what would you girls want to eat?" Giggling at her comment, Allison is the first to say she wants pizza with fries while I simply ask for a chicken salad wrap. Of course this wouldn't stand a chance against Mary as she packed us up with more fries and three more slice of pizza's. We thanked her endlessly, but when it came to paying for our meals Mary insisted that it would be free of charges. We didn't try to reason with her because we knew better than that, instead we thanked her again and again before leaving the cafeteria kitchen.

"Original table?" Allison asks and I huff out a breath before scanning around the room until my eyes stopped at our table we would sit at together as a group. The old trio was back at it again but this time things seemed different, they were too quiet and gloomy while Allison and I proceeded to distract ourselves with random things that happened throughout the day. "Just like old times."

"Just like old times" I mutter and stare at my food, the food I only got because I didn't want to make it obvious that I wasn't eating.

"Hey Y/n."


"Who is that?" She points in the direction of the popular kids as one in particular sticks out the most, shaking my head I chuckle at the dork with the scarf.

"Isaac Lahey?" I laugh as I remember us being best friends when we were kids; but somehow popularity got the best of him and the two of us slowly became distant.

"Yeah him." She rests her chin on the palm of her hand and continues to stare at the curly hair boy.

"Allison no." Raising a brow at me she gives me a dumbfounded look.

"Why not? He's cute." Allison seems to ponder off into her own world for a moment before turning back to me. "You know today he actually spoke to me... to me n/n and by the end of class we didn't even realize what the assignment was because we were talking for so long. Shit don't look back, he's looking right at us." Rolling my eyes I chuckle at her.


"N/n just don't look."

"Okay." However I did not obey as a certain person grabs my attention immediately.


His laugh and contagious smile brings me to remember when I first met him 3 years ago, everything about him seemed mysterious and intriguing. I couldn't help myself until it progressively evoked over time. But even now his blue gray eyes allure me and bring me into a deeper trance, maybe it was the unfinished business speaking but I couldn't look away until my phone buzzed against the table. And just like that I quickly shift my eyes away from Theo and look at the odd text. There was no caller ID but the message alone allows me to process that it's Theo.

You're staring sweetheart
-Unknown read at 11:40 am

How do you have my number?
-Y/n read at 11:41 am

Summer of freshman year
-Theo Raeken read at 11:43 am
We're you thinking of that summer or we're you mesmerized by me?
- Read at 11:44am
Or was it the parties and my tender hands wrapped around you so tightly? Our bodies were magnets that night as our bodies were drawn to each other's...don't you agree?
-Read at 11:46am

My hands begin to sweat as my pulse increases with every passing message, that night will forever be remembered as the night I completely fell apart.

If you don't start answering I'm going to sit at you're table sweetheart.
-Read at 11:50 am

What do you want?
-Y/n Read at 11:51 am

I noticed you and Stilinski broke up
-Theo Raeken read at 11:53 am

The rapid beating against my chest progressively evokes while my eyes scan the multiple messages. H-how do I respond to something like this? How do I respond to a someone I haven't spoken to in years?  The answer can be a simple yes but than again I don't want him to know about my personal life.

What's your point Theo?
-Y/n read at 11:55 am

I want to talk to you again
-Theo Raeken read at 11:56am

And with little pressure I write the words I didn't expect myself to type.

Meet me at Coaches office
-Y/n read at 11:57 am

Quickly getting up from my seat I turn to Allison and nudge her shoulder. "I'll be back, go talk to him." But when I take a single step Allison grabs me by my wrist. "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." I simply reply before leaving the cafeteria. However from the corner of my eye I swear I saw Stiles looking between Theo and I but I chose to brush it off as I had to sit by and watch Lydia's hand brush against his arm. The walk to Coaches office was filled with anxiousness as I couldn't seem to grasp an understanding of what I just started from a simple action. Speaking to Theo Raeken alone is never a good idea.

"McCall." I didn't get a chance to turn around as I'm suddenly pinned to the door.

"Raeken." Arching my brow at him I continue. "Why didn't you delete my number?"

He shrugs his shoulders "Because I didn't feel like it."

"Why are you back?" I grunt as his grip on me becomes tighter.

"I told you I got expelled." His hot breath is felt against my ear as Theo's muscular figure presses against my back.

"I know but why here...why Beacon Hills?"

"Because I wanted to see you again." Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear Theo twist me around so I can face him.


"Do you ever stop asking questions?" Shaking my head side to side I glare at him while a smirk still remains upon his perfect lips. The lips I want roaming and caressing on my body until I am- Y/n no don't you dare continue that sentence. "You look good Y/ you still drink until your passed out on the floor; crying until it's dawn?" My jaw immediately clenches when I shut my eyes tightly.

"I've changed Theo, I'm not that person anymore."

"But I miss the girl who stayed at her father's house over freshman year and rebelled every night. I miss Y/n McCall who wanted to have sex with me no questions asked. I want to see the wild girl who does not give two fucks." His face inches closer to me as I look between his eyes and lips.

"You want the broken girl who doesn't exist anymore." I spit back but he continues on with his speech.

"You weren't broken, you were just displaying your inner feelings and that's what I want. I want the girl who couldn't get the guy, I want the girl who was only loved by me. Because that summer was the dream and I want to relive it with you. Sweetheart trust me I'm not the same guy you knew and that's why the two of us now would make a power team." The beating increases within my heart as I lick my lips nervously while I think about this decision...a decision that can change everything again. I try to listen to my heart but the wandering thoughts from my mind are stronger.

"You left me in the hospital practically dying, why would I want anything to do with you?"


"Because I can make you happy again, I can make you feel something you have been missing out on." Theo inches his face closer to me when I finally decide to make the first move because he's right...I need someone to make me feel again. All the bad seems small to all the benefits that will be rewarded my way.

He is something that will make me feel less numb
He's the one who won't ask any questions
He is my distraction from the loneliness
I shouldn't but I need too.
This is not because some guy that I love, loves someone else...this is for me.
I'm done with the typical relationships because I'll always be the one left broken and betrayed, I just need someone who comes and goes when I please or when he pleases.

No connection

Just a friends with benefits kind of relationship.

My hands wrap themselves around his neck while he pushes me closer by my hips. Our lips move aggressively against each other as I am remembered about all the other times we have kissed prior to this moment. His rough lips trail down my neck as he sucks a little too hard on my skin...definitely leaving a mark in the process it I could care less. "Theo." I call out before removing his face from my neck.

"What?" Without saying anything I twist the knob to Coaches office and step inside. "You coming?"

"I won't...but you will." And with that being said Theo slams the door behind him before throwing all the papers off the desk. I lick my lips as I admire the way his chest heaves up and down, my legs tightly shut together when Theo's eyes hungrily scan my body. His hands suddenly grip my waist and sets me down onto the desk before I tug on the blue material that clings to Theo's body like a fucking magnetic. Following my actions Theo practically rips off my shirt and tosses it somewhere around the room.

"Holy fuck you're beautiful." He says when he notices my breasts.

"Told you I've changed." Smirking I lean down against the desk, I watch as Theo quickly hovers over my body. "Coach is going to kill us." I giggle while Theo rolls his eyes.

"I won't let where we're we." Immediately Theo leans down and presses his lips to my own while I tug on his hair tightly. I push his head to the side and suck onto his skin while my lips slide down his bare neck. "Fuck Y/n" With my sharp nails I scratch down his arms slightly before Theo pins my arms above my head with just one hand. "I like this knew you...a little more dominate now aren't we?" I however don't get a chance to reply when Theo starts to unbuckle my jeans but before he slides them off he meets my eyes. It seemed as though a switch was set off inside his brain while he looks between his hands and my face.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to reopen this again?" I never seen this part of him before, it was always lets do it no questions asked...not that we ever did it but we almost had sex that summer. I told him I couldn't do it yet since I wasn't ready but he didn't want to believe me, it was one of the reasons why I left my dad's house so quick that summer. Bringing a hand up to the side of his face I nod my head and gulp down some saliva.

"I'm sure Theo." Narrowing his eyes at me I grind my hips up to create some friction against his dick.

"If you want me to stop at any moment let me know."

Maybe he did change after all. Once again I nod my head and watch him quickly slide down my jeans. He grabs me by my legs and pulls me down under him when he begins to pepper kisses from the valley of my breast to the v line. Teasing me he presses harder kisses up my legs until they meet my crotch. His hot breath is felt against it while his gaze once again meets mine with a large smirk. "Theo I swear-" I'm suddenly cut off when he places both my legs around his neck and dips down to set aside the black underwear. Theo's teeth bite slightly at the skin in my inner leg making me moan loudly, he than moves down to lick between my folds in a horizontal position before Theo takes my clit within his index and thumb. My body immediately jerks up while he chuckles against me which only send vibrations up my body.

"Theo." I moan as I bring his face back to meet mine. "I still hate you." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I still hate you too." Glaring at him I add "You're still not forgiven."

"Don't care." Connecting our lips together they move in a rapid paste when I open my mouth and let his tongue explore inside. The two of us fight for dominance when I tug at pants. Instantly obeying Theo stands up and removes his jeans before throwing it across the room. This time my eyes hungrily roam his body as I bite down on my lip.

"Greenberg shut up!" Our eyes both widen as he tosses back my clothing. The two of us scrabble to put on our clothes while we're left breathless after. I look out the small window within the door to see Coach approaching his office.

"Fuck where do we go?" I whisper yell and turn around too see Theo placing the papers back on the desk. "What are you doing?!"

"Covering up our tracks." He mutters and walks over to the window. Unlatching it he pushes it out further before jumping down onto the floor. "Okay jump down." Furrowing my brows I look at him like he's crazy.

"Theo I'm not jumping!"

"We're on the first level, it's not even far from the ground." I shake my head.

"No." Rolling his eyes he groans and runs his hand through his hair.

"I'll fucking catch you just hurry up!" Shifting my gaze from the window to the door I huff out a breath of air before jumping out. And just like Theo said...he catches me within his arms. Gently setting me down we walk back to the entrance of the school in complete silence until we reach the large blue doors. Theo's about to walk in when I pull him back by the collar of his shirt. "What"

"Not a single word is allowed to be exchanged amongst your buddies. What we were about to do back their is strictly between the two of that Raeken?" I practically growl when Theo nods his head.

"Okay McCall." I watch as he walks down the hallway and makes his way into his class. My breathing becomes unsteady as my vision begins to get blurry.

What am I doing?

Without a second thought I run out of the school and walk as far as I can to clear my head. After hours of finally holding it all together, every single thought seems to flood it's way back into my mind. Our first Kiss, our first date, our first I love you, our first disagreement, Our first original spot brings me to yell out in pain.

I'm so sick of crying
I'm so sick of feeling broken
I'm so sick of chasing the same thing
I hate him
I hate her

I didn't know where I was heading until my eyes wander up to notice the little cove surrounded with palm trees. Exhaling a deep breath I sit down on a rock and bring my head between my knees. The fear of letting go was impossible and painful since my life is about to head into a completely new direction. It almost seemed possible to forget about everyone in my life but I couldn't because everytime my phone would light up it displayed all my friends and family that cared about me. I thought my life had changed compared to three years ago when my anxiety and panic attacks were at their worst, especially when my eating disorder took over me. But now it seems like that journey within my life is coming back and I absolutely hate it. He was my anchor that stabilize me but now that's gone too. The next few hours went by slowly as I watched the sky slowly drain from it's purple and blues. I remained silent as I listened to the crickets and soothing wind. My eyes are focused on the sand beneath my feet whenI hear someone exhale deeply in front of me.

"Oh thank God, we thought you ran away." Stiles's shoes step into view when he bends down in front of me and takes my hands within his. "It's getting late...why don't we head home." I shake my head side to side and shut my eyes.

"A few more minutes." I whisper and breath out anxiously.

"Okay." With a delicate hand Stiles tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead. "I missed you today." A single tear falls from my eye before I wipe it away.

"I don't want to hear that Stiles."

"Why not?"

"Because you were sitting with her today at lunch." I knew they rejoiced after we broke up. Allison informed me about it when she ran into them at the grocery store.

"Scott was their too." He points out making me scoff.

"He was only their because it would be awkward if he sat with us." I run a hand through my hair.

"Well I was only sitting with Lydia because I had no one else to eat with. Y/n I'm telling you I will forever love you and only you. Everything with Lydia was a mistake." Quickly standing up I glance at Stiles for the first time.

"I'm ready to go now." If he thought I was about to sit around and listen to his bullshit than he was wrong. Stiles doesn't ask any more questions as we walk to his jeep silently. Once we get inside the small space remains tense and silence as some sort of void exist between us. No moment has ever felt this awkward...even when we were just friends this would have never happen. When we argued before hand and entered the vehicle the ride would contain a song or small sniffles in the background while apologizes were exchanged.

Bringing my knees up to my chest I sit in ball formation and look out into the dark. "Where did you and Theo go during lunch?" Stiles breaks the silence as he continues to looks at the road.

So he was looking

"Are you stalking me now?"

"No I just noticed the two of you leaving the cafeteria at the same time."

I don't bother speaking back as I just want to hurry home quickly and forget all about Theo and Stiles. "You know-" I cut him off when I turn around to meet his side profile.

"Just drive Stiles."

"Can I at least finish my sentence?" Groaning I roll my eyes and smack my head on the seat. "If Theo tries anything on you and you're not comfortable with the way he is know I'm always here for you."

"Thanks." I mutter before reaching towards the radio dial. A few minutes of silence go by once again until Stiles speaks up. "No one is telling you to make conversation with me so shut up." Stiles instantly pulls his jeep onto the side of the road before pressing on the breaks.

"What's your problem?" I shrug my shoulders and lean my elbow on the chair.

"You're my problem, your acting as though everything is perfectly fine between us when we both know it isn't. I barely  said anything when you pulled up to our spot while I bit my tongue to prevent any sarcastic comment from coming out of my mouth. But now Stilinski you're just pushing it so I'm done biting my tongue." Unbuckling my belt I open the door and step out.

"Where are you going?" He says after I shut the door.

"Home dumbass." I begin to walk with Stiles driving right behind me.

"It's going to take you at least an hour to get home so just get back into the car!"

"Than I'll walk an hour." Groaning he continuously honks his horn so I can face him. "What?!"

"I'm not letting you walk this late at night by yourself Y/n!!"

"I'll be fine just go home Stiles, I'm no longer your responsibility." I shout back when I hear the engine stop and Stiles's door open. I begin to walk faster knowing damn well Stiles wouldn't be able to catch up to me, although unexpectedly my prediction was wrong as I feel his arms around my waist. I thrash around in his arms when he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down Stilinski!"

"Fuck no!" I hit his back lightly and wiggle my legs as I try to escape from his grasp. "Stop moving!"

"Not until you fucking put me down!" He groans and holds me tighter.

"In your dreams n/n." Biting down on my lip to surpass a scream I become still in his arms until he opens the passenger door. "If I put you down will you run off again?"

"Probably." Huffing out a deep breath Stiles positions me in a bridal style before placing me into my seat.

"You're annoying." He mutters and I smile for the first time in hours.

"You sure you still love me than?" Stiles nods his head before buckling me in. "Haven't been more sure about anything else. Stay here." Breathing out into his face, Stiles flutters his eyelashes in annoyance before stepping aside to shut the door. "She's going to be the death of me." Wiggling my eyebrows I put the plan in motion and unbuckle myself while I watch Stiles heading towards the back of his car.


Opening the door I sprint down the road while Stiles takes his time to realize I'm gone. "Hey!" Stiles shouts.  "Come back here!" He tries to catch up but fails as I am a few steps in front of him. "Y/n McCall get your cute little ass back inside the car!"

"No." I breathe out while I place my hands on my knees when I realize Stiles stopped chasing me.


"Because I hate you." I spit out as tears begin to run down my face. No more words were exchanged as the only sound that is heard is his car door slamming shut. His engine roars back to life before he drives away from me in a hurry. "Good be gone bitch!" I wave my arms out in the air and continue to walk for the next few minutes while the cold air engulfs me. I run my hands up and down my arms to bring me warmth when sirens go off behind me. My speed picks up as I gulp down some bile within my throat.

"Y/n McCall?" My hands begin to shake at the sound of Sheriff Stilinski's voice.

He called his dad so I wouldn't be walking alone at night. Even after I said I hate him he still wants to make sure I'm okay.

Tears well up in my eyes when I stop walking and completely fall apart. No amount of pain I've experience will ever  equal to how heart broken I am. He was suppose to be the one and now he isn't. The feeling of Sheriff's hands wrapping around my shoulders breaks me out of my trance before he brings me into an embrace. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He pulls my body away from his and scans me while I stay silent. Anger rises within him when he runs a hand down his face. "What did my son do?" Catching me off guard I look down at my shaking hands. The uncontrollable tears answer his question when he ushers me inside his car. "I'm going to kill him I swear." Chuckling slightly, he takes off his coat and plants it over my shoulders.

"Thank you."

"Mmh, I called your mother so why don't you get some sleep and I'll wake you up when I reach your house." His voice softens as I obey and curl up in the corner of the car door. "Everything is going to be okay." Sheriff whispers before I fall into a deep sleep.


Hey Everyone!

Sooo what did you all think about this chapter? I personally have to say it is my favourite chapter I have written. Give me your predictions and thoughts in the comments down below and don't forget to follow me to get updates! Also please go check out my book Peyton it would really mean a lot to me. Too add, I might have a problem, so I'm rewatching the sixth season (which isn't bad at all, like yes Dylan isn't in it but 6a's story line is just beautiful!!) and after it I'm planning to rewatch it all again because it's just that good. Butttttt I want to spend a week in the summer where I don't sleep and just pull a big ass marathon. Is this a good idea? Lmaoo probably not.

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