I Want You

By amateurwriterlisa

37.8K 1.2K 476

FanFiction - Amourshipping A girl grown up living a lie. Innocent she didn't know any different. There's a gu... More

How Do I Look?
Walking To The Edge
🍋In The Moment🍋
So I've been thinking
🍋Morning After🍋
Meeting a Friend
It's Your Choice
The Past is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery. Thats Why Today Is A Gift
I Can Give Her Space
New Start For Me
Heart to Heart
No Remorse
What Have I Done?
Lonely Hour
Entire Empire
Rising Sun
Questionable Intent
First Night in Alola
The Plan
Surprise! Part 1
Surprise! Part 2
Surprise! Part 3
The Day Has Almost Arrived -- Ash's POV
The Day Has Almost Arrived -- Serena's POV
'No Need To Thank Me'
Special 1K Chapter
New Book
Special 1K Votes

Endless Torture

614 30 0
By amateurwriterlisa


My heart was broken in two. Frozen still in the same place, I couldn't move an inch. My hands brought up to hide myself. Hide the hurt I was feeling.

Ten minutes later, my best friend Gary had entered the hospital,

"Ash!" He yelled from a distance.

He picked up his pace to quickly reach me. I felt the tug of brotherly reassurance on my shoulder. It only caused me to break down again.

Inconsolable, Gary had to literally dragged me over to the waiting areas. He understood. All he could say to me was "never give up hope Ash, she is strong."

I felt like in that time of the unknown. I did feel a familiar comfort resting on my shoulder. I remembered my dad, what he went through. He was shot by the same fucking cunt, that shot Serena.

I hope for all our sakes he is dead. I can't see anyone surviving anything like that, the bullet went through his heart. Maybe just maybe, we will be lucky and the world is so much safer.

Some time later, we hadn't got any word yet about Serena. I had forgotten that Calem was in the room with us until he cleared his throat.

"I'm, going to head outside... I need some air..." he slumped his shoulders, and dragged his feet along with him, leaving Gary and I alone.

I suddenly felt a jolt of pain go straight through me. My head was constantly throbbing, I brought my hands to my face, gripping my hair tightly in anguish. I then lent on my knees trying to ignore the voices around me. The room was turning red. I couldn't stop myself. I had the urge to pound him till he was dead.

To describe the pain I had felt. This was much worse than my dad dying.

Absentmindedly, I stood up. Gary glanced up confused, "Ash? Where you going mate?"

Pausing to collate my thoughts, for a moment, Gary was my rock holding me to the ground. Keeping me sane from making rash judgments.

"Gary, thank you for getting here as quickly as you did. I honestly don't know what could have happened. But... my girl is in here... because...of...him..." that last part I spoke with my teeth clenched tightly. "It should be him in that bed." I noticed my voice getting louder, Gary's eye widened response. "It should have been him... it should have... been... him."

With that I took my leave, I gave into the submission of my body's rage. My head was cloudy to give reason, but my heart was guiding me.

Ignoring shouts from Gary. He already knew what I was going to do. He tried to get in my face to stop me that way. He knew it was no good. He sighed deeply and let me go.

Walking through the automatic doors to the outside.

The cold air from the early hours of the morning hit me. Focusing my gaze on finding him, my vision rested on him, sitting on a bench. Hands gripping his hair to pull them out, only to bring them down over his face to hide his tears and repeating his actions.

I couldn't care. This was his fault.

Quickening my pace. Steering my direction towards him. I lunged at him, taking him completely by surprise. With one hand I grabbed his collar and I pulled him up with no difficulty. The adrenaline was kicking in. No way was I going to stop. I brought him in enough so that our noses were just brushing.

"This. Is. Your. Fault. It. Should. Be. You" I angrily said through my teeth. Calem cowered, he was gripping onto tightly my hand which was on his collar of his shirt; failing miserably to release my grip.

I receded my free arm, turning my hand into a fist. Clenched so tight, my nails began to cut through my skin. I could feel my own blood piercing through. I couldn't stop. There was no voice of reason that came through.

Just about to take my opportunity to make myself feel better. And to give him what he deserves. I put my valid reasons on repeat inside my head.

He fucking orchestrated this.

He put my girl in harms way.

He put her through this misery, faking even having a relationship with her.

Seeing her in that room when brought me in. Tied up, fear etched deeply in her eyes.

When he shot that guy in cold blood for trying to make Serena stop screaming. He put her there.

When he pointed the gun at our heads.

When he shot Gio. He wasn't quick enough.

The emotion I read in his eyes. To my surprise and confusion, he wanted me to punch him. Not because it would make me feel better knowing that I beat him to an inch of his worthless life, and black and blue on the cold pavement.

No. He wanted me to hit him. He wanted to feel the pain and suffer that I was feeling... what she was feeling. After everything he did to her. He felt that he deserves every ounce of pain, from me, he never spoke, didn't egg me on. He waited in fear.

I hesitated. All that rage I built up, was slowly going, for the first time I saw someone who had suffered more at the hands of Giovanni. Endless torture.

I could feel her warmth, kindness, forgiveness flowing through me. She had such and influence on me. Giving up on the idea of hitting him, I let go. Not for him. Not for me. I did it for her.

"It would have been messy if we had intervened" a stranger appeared from the side of us. Dressed in a beige trench coat with a dark brown suit underneath. He looked middle age, he was accompanied by a young woman, probably half his age, with aqua blue hair tied neatly in a bun with a navy blue suit on.

"I suggest you let him go... Ketchum" the guy said again.

No intention of doing what was I was told. I eyed him cautiously, almost squinting my eyes as a warning. Neither of the flinched, let alone remove the stern look from their faces.

"Ha... and why would I listen to you?" I said with blatant annoyance and sarcasm in my voice.

"Coz if that man dies by your hands. We can't find Giovanni" a softer feminine voice came over. My gaze fell onto the young girl. Wide eyed in shock, I didn't believe the words that came out of her mouth.

"Come again love?" I asked in disbelief. Shaking my head as I said it.

"We won't be able to find Giovanni again" she repeat her words. There was no joking, sarcasm nothing. Complete fact.

Fully getting my complete attention, I released Calem and he fell to the floor, clutching his throat. Coughing and gasping for breath. I ignored him.

I hurriedly walked over to both of them. "I saw that he was facing down on the floor. Dead. That cunt over there shot him!" I I pointed at Calem on the floor.

They both shook their heads.

"Bulletproof vest. And now we can't find him." the guy said.

I stood there in disbelief. I swear on Se's life we saw him get shot. The guy causally place his hands in his pocket as he took a deep breath. " the name is Agent Looker and here is my partner in training. Officer Jenny."

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