
By readsbynae

44.6K 2.4K 1.8K

By the faults of her ex, she was meant to be killed by the infamous Ghost. Only thing stopping him? The inten... More

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Happy Birthday Chris!
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Happy Birthday Pac!!!
Ghost's Safehouse
Ghost's Safehouse (con.)
Get it together!!!


757 45 68
By readsbynae

1:14 pm
Charles 's House

Keyshia grabbed her suitcases, throwing them onto the bed, unzipping then filling her clothes in the bags. "What are you doing?" Charles questioned as he stood in her door way.

Keyshia scoffed, not bothering to turn around, "What does it look like? I'm getting the fuck away from you." She answered, zipping up her first suitcase then starting on another.

Charles walked further into the room, chuckling a little, "Don't you think this is a little extreme? You're being dramatic." He commented, trying to walk closer to her.

Keyshia had shot him a warning glare, picking up one of her heels to throw at him. "Leave me the fuck alone. Putting your hands on me just cause I answered your phone is extreme, bitch. Now if I woulda fought yo ass for bruising up my fuckin wrist I woulda been wrong cause you barely touched me right? Right? Fuck outta here, goofy ass nigga." She raised her voice, aiming her shoe towards Charles chest, rolling her eyes as he groaned from being hit in the chest.

Charles threw her shoe down, not caring that she had grabbed another one, he swiftly took it out her hand. "I'm sorry, baby. I was just dealing with something so I woke up already pissed off. I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear I didn't." Charles tried to grab her but she pushed him away, starting to grab her suitcases off the bed and walk towards the front door.

She laughed at how insensitive he was for putting his hands on her, "You woke up pissed off? So that means bruise me up? That means take yo anger out on me? Hell no. I'm not dealing with this shit." She spat at him, reaching to unlock the front door.

Charles has stepped in front of the door, lightly moving Keyshia hand off the knob. "Keyshia, I'm sorry. You have nowhere to go, so I'm not letting you leave just to sit out on the streets. I promise I won't hurt you again." He grabbed Keyshia's suitcase and walked it back to her bed room.

Keyshia grabbed her car keys off the counter, rolling her eyes at his actions. "Where you going?" Charles questioned, wondering how she was leaving without her bags.

Keyshia ignored him, as he followed behind her, "You can't hear me?" He gritted, grabbing her arm.

Keyshia raised her eyebrows, looking from him to her arm about three times, "Nigga I ain't yo average bitch that's victim to yo abuse, you put yo hands on me......... I'll damn sure return the favor." She spoke, snatching away from him, she smirked as she walked out the door, hearing Charles suck his teeth.

Los Angeles
10:14 am
Ghost's Warehouse

Trigga walked into Ghost's office with a file folder with Keyshia information inside along with a picture paper clipped to the front. "She's nowhere to be found they searched all over Chicago. She's not enrolled in that college out there anymore. Quavo even went to her condo, well old condo." Trigga informed, throwing the folder down on Ghost's desk.

Ghost leant back in his chair, resting both his hands behind his head, "Uhhh, try Atlanta. Look into their colleges. You should probably try Clark Atlanta first." He insisted, thinking about the day he had seen Keyshia face to face.

Trigga nodded, picking the folder back up off the desk. He opened it up and grabbed a pen, writing down the next location to look for Keyshia.
"You're not going through all of this to kill Champ. You're doing all of this to be with that girl." Trigga smirked pointing at Ghost with the folder in his hand.

Ghost smacked his lips, swatting his hand away. "I don't know what you're talking about." He scratched his chin, resting his arms on the desk.

Trigga's eyes widened, as he nodded his head, "Nigga, I heard your ass talking in your sleep wen I came over the other day. You said her name not once, but multiple times." Trigga crossed his arms, giving Ghost a knowing look.

Ghost shrugged, grabbing his phone off the table before cracking a smile. "Nigga, get yo ass on. You don't know what you talking about. Okay, I'm planning on kidnapping a girl, I might have a dream about doing the shit." He shrugged, making sure sarcasm was laced in his voice while talking.

Trigga waved him off, looking up at the ceiling then back down at him. "Nah nigga, I heard a lil convo, told the girl you'd protect her and everything." He spoke, easing his way to the door as Ghost shooed him away while chuckling.

Once Trigga had left out I sat back thinking to myself, I picked up the picture of her from off my desk, "You're driving me crazy and we don't even know each other." I chuckled, admiring the picture.

I snapped myself out the trance I had got from staring at the picture. "Come on Ghost get your shit together. You pussy whipped without getting the pussy." I mumbled, rubbing my hands down my face, putting the picture down on my desk.

I looked up from my desk as I heard someone walk in, a female to be exact. "What do you want Coco? I don't feel like arguing with your ass." I frowned, smacking my lips at the look she had plastered on her face.

Coco rolled her eyes, waving me off, "I ain't come to argue either, I just wanted you to know that......... Whatever we did have, is over and that's it. I'll see you around or whatever." She turned on her heels to walk out the door but I stood up, walking around the desk and out the door with her.

I chuckled following behind her, I pulled her to me by her arm. "That's cool and all you ain't gotta fuck me no more. We don't gotta have any of them interactions. But you do realize, you still work for me, right?" I questioned her, she pulled away from me.

I crossed my arms while furrowing my eyebrows, waiting on her response. "No I don't, I have you what you wanted. You had me steal from the club owner I was fucking, I paid my debts. I get you saved my ass cause he was finna put me in some pimping type shit but that's over with." She replied, rolling her eyes, putting her hand on her hip.

I laughed hysterically causing her to frown, I leant down to her ear just so she could understand me. "I'll see you tomorrow night at the club babygirl............... you don't want me to come looking for you. Trust me." I grabbed her jaw, piercing my eyes through her as she nodded.

I let her face go, she took one more glance at me, "I fucking hate you, I can't believe I got myself caught up in this bullshit........................." She ranted on and on while walking downstairs and out the warehouse doors.

That bitch out her goddamn mind if she thought she could get out of this just by saying she's done fucking round with me.

I mean, I can't make her continue to fuck around with me, but she better know she's not getting out of OHB.

Getting pussy from her, I can care less. Her making me miss out on money cause she wants out, will definitely get her ass killed.

5:34 pm
Trina's House

Keyshia sat on Trina's couch, graciously thanking her that she had moved down here. "I'm so glad that you moved down here. You're the only person I can talk to right now." She got up off the couch to hug Trina, her friend of three years, going on four.

Trina giggled, hugging Keyshia back, "Whats going on? How did you get down here anyways?" She asked as they pulled away from each other.

Keyshia huffed, snaking her head, "It's such along story, lemme see if I can shorten it............ Well, I met a guy, my parents ain't like him, they said I either break up with him or stay with him and they stop paying for my condo and college tuition. So as you can see.............." She sounded off, grabbing a Backwood off the table.

Trina rubbed her temples, in the years of her being around Keyshi, Beyoncé, Ariana, and Tae. She was always the friend to speak sense into people. "No, no, no. Keyshia, are you out of your mind? Why would you do this to yourself?" Trina had quickly put together the outcome of Keyshia's recent actions towards her life.

Keyshia frowned while dumping the tobacco in the Backwood into the garbage. "I know I'm very young but, I don't want my parents to feel like I can't me independent. They always put this burden on me and I'm getting tired of it, I'll be 18 next year." She tried to explain in the best way of why she made her foolish actions, although she hasn't fully realized how foolish she really is right now.

Trina put her hands on her forehead, in much worth of her 16 year old friend. Yes, Trina is 23 and her rap career has just taken off. But Keyshia is 16 and still hasn't earned her degree in business and entrepreneurship just yet. "Keyshia you've gotten yourself into some shit, like some real shit. I'm not gonna say too much cause I know how you are. But what's his name?" She questioned, pulling out a clear jar of weed from out her cabinet in the front room.

Keyshia walked back into the front room, sitting the blunt down she unintentionally had a bitter look on her face. "Champ. His real name is Charles." She informed, crossing her right leg off the left.

Trina's eyes widened, as her mouth dropped. "You need to get the fuck away from him. I mean like, pronto like go back to his house, grab your shit and come stay with me. He gonna hurt you, really badly." She informed causing Keyshia to frown.

Keyshia reaches over for the jar Trina held in her lap, she laughed, feeling Trina was just being a hypocrite. "No he ain't, trust me. That nigga will get his ass killed, the notorious 2Pac is my brother. Scratch that, my family is "The Moretti's" that nigga ain't slow. At least I don't think so. Shit his ass do act off at times." She shrugged starting to roll the blunt up, paying Trina's warning no mind.

Trina crossed her arms, rolling her eyes at Keyshia's naiveness, something she did every time she got a boyfriend. "Yes, that's the fucking problem, you're a goddamn Moretti." She mumbled to herself, shaking her head at the trouble that awaits her friend.

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