Love Knot » Sakook

By stillwsana

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"No matter how many years will pass... No matter how many problems will block our way. I'd still shout your n... More

treinta y uno
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treinta y siete
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treinta y nueve
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sententa y cuatro
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setenta y ocho
setenta y nueve

setenta y siete

2.4K 86 8
By stillwsana


I'm so blessed, I have a good life. I have kids, I have a wonderful husband, I have a successful business, I have the best friends. My kids have their Favourite Uncles and Aunties, Jinwoo's favorite uncle is Namjoon and Taehyung his favorite Auntie is Soyeon and Momo, Jeongsan's Favourite uncle is Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok, her Favourite Aunties are Somi, Tzuyu and Dahyun.

Jeon Jeongsan, Jungkook named her Jeongsan because he said that ever since he was a teenager he wants to name his daughter 'Jeongsan' Jinwoo is very happy when I announced that he finally has a sister.

"Jeongsan....wake up sweetie..." I whispered in her ear and lightly shake her her. She opened her eyes, "Good Morning Eomma" she said and yawned, "Did you slept well?" I asked and smiled, she nod. "Let's go, we'll have breakfast" I smiled. I carried her and we both went to the kitchen.

"Good Morning Baby Sister" Jinwoo smiled, "Morning brother" she rubbed her eyes together. Jeongsan's nanny took her from my arms and started feeding her. "Good Morning baby" I kissed Jinwoo's cheeks. "And, Good Morning to you my hubby" I hugged him. "Good morning, babygirl" I looked at him. "Please don't say that in front of our children" I whispered in his ear and he smirked. "Why? That's the nickname I use to you when we made them" he pointed Jeongsan and Jinwoo who are eating peacefully, I put my palms in his lips so that he'll stop talking. I feel him smirk in my palm.

I sat on my chair and we started eating our breakfast. Jungkook's gang is so powerful, it's always powerful like before but this time, they became more stronger, and fearful.


Sana left for work already, Jinwoo went to school, "Jeongsan do you want to go shopping with Appa?" I crouched down and asked her. "Hmmm, okay" she smiled. She has Sana's features, her sweet smile, her small lips, her chubby cute soft cheeks.

We went to the mall and I let her buy everything she wants, I spoil my kids a lot, but I always teach them good manners, but I don't think Jinwoo will grow up as innocent as his Mom.

I have her in my arms as we are paying everything in the cashier. "Thank you Appa" she smiled, "Anything for my kids" I kissed her cheeks. We went straight to the warehouse, "Boss, we have a problem"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What is it?" I said coldly, "One of our warehouses in China has been attacked and over 20. 5 Million worth of drugs has been stolen to us" I clenched my jaw after my men said that. "Call everyone we're having a meeting in 20 minutes" I said coldly then went to the basement. "Appa, what happened?" She asked softly.

"One of Appa's houses in China has been attacked and robbed, sweetie" I said calmly to her. "Don't worry, Appa can take care of it" I smiled.

"Daddy, where is Auntie Somi?"

I chuckled, "Nu-uh, sweetie. Call me 'Appa' not 'Daddy, your Eomma has the only rights to call me 'Daddy' okay?" I smiled, she nodded. I took my phone and called Somi. And skies her something.

"Jeongsan, your Auntie Somi is going to look out for you, is that okay?" I asked her, she closed her eyes and nodded.

Meeting Room

Jeongsan is playing with her Auntie Somi in the living room, "How did they attacked the warehouse? It's fully secured" JB Hyung said and furrowed her eyebrows, as we are watching the projector play how the hell did they attacked my house.

"Someone from your gang members in China, Jungkook. Come to think of it, who the fucking hell would attack a BangTan's Warehouse knowing that it's fully secured outside" Soyeon said.

"I agree. Just look at the video. That video was captured by the very tiny camera that Jackson placed when we had a mission there" Namjoon said. "They also sent something Boss, it's more of like a letter. But it is written in Mandarin the hardest language in the world" my men said. I looked at the letter, it's really hard to understand.

"Well, Jackson is from China he can read this" Hoseok said, "That's the problem. Jackson is in Italy with Mark, they'll be back next week. We don't have time, they have our weapons from China" BamBam said. "Do you guys know someone who can speak this fucking language?" Yoongi asked coldly. We all started to think... It's been 30 minutes and we still don't know who can....

"Aishhh! We are so dumb! Sana speaks 11 languages right!? And one of those are Mandarin!" Taehyung said, and all of us chuckled. "Call your wife. Now" Soyeon said. I called her and she immediately answered.

I smiled after I ended the phone call. I noticed everyone looking at me, "What the fuck are you guys looking at?" I said coldly, "How the hell are you a marshmallow to her but a demonic demon to us?" Yugyeom asked.


30 minutes later

"Hey guys" we saw her enter the room, I stood up from my chair, "hey baby" I kissed her cheeks. "You speak Mandarin, right?" Youngjae asked and she nodded. "Yeah, why?" She placed her bag on the table. I gave her the letter. "Can you translate this for us?" Jimin said.

She furrowed her eyebrows while looking at the letter, "Yeah, yeah, of course" she said and sat down beside Yoongi. She focused,

Sana POV

"你好 ,杰登 ·朱古克 ,我以为你是世界上最恐惧的 ,最强壮的黑手党 但我想不是 我闯进了你的房子在中国没有任何人的帮助 ,只有我和我的帮派。 只是你知道这只是开始 ,我还没有完成。 我会确保我要成为一个谁杀了你。 我想看看你的美丽的妻子 ,真是个可悲的荡妇 我很开心 ,我会把你的狗屎 ,再见。"

I finished reading it. I wrote the translation of it in a peace of paper. I gave them the paper and Yoongi started reading it.

"Hello there Jeon Jungkook, I thought you are the 'Most Fearful and Strongest Mafia'..... But I guess not. I broke into your house here in China without anyone's help, just me and my gang. Just so you now this is just the start, I'm not done yet. I'll make sure that I,mooing to be the one who'll kill you. I would like to see that beautiful wife of yours, what a pathetic slut. I had fun taking all your shit. Bye bye"

After Yoongi finished reading it, Jungkook clenched his fists and jaw.

"Pack all your bags, we're going to China"

• • •

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