The Star Maiden (Fairy Tail N...

By BrunoMari155

63.4K 1.4K 373

(A/N: I'm re-writing the story due to a bug and because I don't like how I wrote it originally.) Layla didn't... More

Lepus and Lupus
Orion and Layla's keys
Meeting Natsu and Happy
The Dream
Kairi Dragneel and Black Cross base
Bathtime Gone Wrong
Hanging out
Relief and Memories
Doubts about Lucy's actions
Kairi and Freed
Weird Friendship
Unpleasant Encounter
Unpleasant Encounter pt.2
Boiling Anger and Near Death Experience
Mating Season
Mating Season pt.2
Finally Together
The End of Summer
At Fairy Tail
Meeting Kairi and Tina
Natsu's paranoia
In the forest
Meeting Gray
Fairy Tail
The Mission
Eisenwald and Lullaby
The Demon from Book of Zeref
Return to Fairy Tail
The Match and Erza's Arrest
The S-Class Job
The Investigation
The Cold Empreror
Lucy's Spell
Return of Ur
Phantom Lord
The Guild War
The Element 4
Gajeel and Jose
Laxus and The Job at Lupinus
Truth about Loke
Saving Loke
Akane Resort
Tower of Heaven
Destruction of R-System
Return To The Guild
Miss Fairy Tail Contest
The Battle Of Fairy Tail
The Punishment
The Celebration
Allied Forces
Wendy Marvell
Oracion Seis
The Hunt
Lucy vs Angel and Natsu vs Venom
Old Friend
Ur vs Jellal
Double Trouble
Erza vs Ayato and Lucy vs Venom
The Nirvana
Return to Fairy Tail and Arrival of Terror
The Siege of Magnolia
The Great Guild War
Margaret Town

Opening Up

2.2K 46 19
By BrunoMari155

A/N: Greetings readers. Chapter 4 is here. I hope you enjoy.

(Lucy p.o.v)

I was still running with pink haired guy in my arms with his flying cat following us.

After we managed to escape, I stopped looking back and said "Phew, that was close."

I looked at the guy in my arms and he was asleep. Really? We were running away and he fell asleep in my arms?

I sweatdropped and his cat landed on my head and fell asleep too.

The guy cuddled closer to my chest, I blushed and began to walk towards my house.

When I arrived, I layed the guy gently on the couch and his cat on the love seat. Then I returned to my normal outfit that consisted of blue sleeveless jacket, black fingerless gloves, white skinny leather pants and black knee-high combat boots. My hair is also short and tied into a small side ponytail with blue ribbon (A/N: It's Edo-Lucy hairstyle.)

I brought the guy a blanket and a pillow. I took his clothes off (A/N: Don't even think about it, pervs) and I covered him with the blanket and placed the pillow under his head.

After that, I went to bedroom and I was going to sleep. But I stopped next to the mirror and I requipped into my underwear.

I looked into the mirror, I developed slender yet muscular body. Those crunches and push-ups have really paid off. I also managed to collect six more keys, one golden and five silver.

The golden key was Taurus the bull, while the silver were Lyra the Lyre, Horologium the Clock, Crux the Southern Cross, Phoenix the Firebird and Draco the Dragon.

I decided to go to sleep since I'm tired, I layed on my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning by the sound of birds singing.

I requipped in my usual outfit, then I went to the living room and the pink haired guy and his cat were still sleeping.

I decided to make them breakfast since they might be hungry

(Natsu p.o.v)

I woke up by the smell of something cooking. Then I turned around to see the blonde haired girl cooking something and she was wearing a different outfit other than her ninja outfit.

I approached behind her back while she was cooking and tried to scare her, but she stuffed a bacon in my mouth and I ate it quickly.

Then she turned around and sat on the counter "Haven't your mother thought you not to sneak behind girls? That's not very nice, you know." She told me

God dammit, those muscles that she has on her arms are so intimidating and sexy if you ask me.

Wait, what!? Did I just said that she has sexy muscles? Come on, brain! Work with me!

She touched my chin with her right hand, speaking "I'm not a simple girl, just so you know. When some guy flirts with me, I just walk away uniterested. When a perv looks at my boobs instead of my eyes while talking to me, I just punch him in the face. When there's a stalker, I just break his legs. But you, I don't know what to do with you." she said the last sentence to herself, but I heard it.

I yelled in defense "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not a perv or a stalker or anything like that. Who do you think I am!? Ice Princess or Macao and Wakaba or even LOKE!?"

She was confused "Are you talking about that playboy? Pfft! I could never date a guy who flirts with every hot chick he sees. And I don't know who are these guys or girl you just mentioned, but go back to the living room so I can make you and your cat breakfast."

Wait, did she just called Gray a girl? I supressed the urge to laugh.

I went back to sit down on the couch. And she brought me eggs and bacon, and fish for Happy.

"Here you go. By the way, I never got your names." she asked

"I'm Natsu Dragneel and the cat is called Happy. What's yours?" I replied

"I'm Lucy." the girl named Lucy said

"What about your last name?" I asked her

"Don't have one." she replied

I raised an eyebrow, but quickly shrugged it off and started eating.

(Lucy p.o.v)

Natsu went back to eat from his plate and his cat woke up and started munching on the fish.

I decided to go outside the house and I layed on the grass. Watching the clouds and thinking what happened last night. Those two witnessed me killing Black Cross members and they might tell someone.

Then I saw Natsu and Happy coming out of the house with the former in his clothes. They walked up to me then stared at me with normal looks on their faces

Then I got my upper body off the grass and crossed my legs, looking in the ground, unable to look at them.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Natsu asked, but I didn't replied

I know that they are from Fairy Tail and that guild frowns upon ending a human life, no matter how cruel the victim is.

Natsu sat right next to me. He was quiet for few seconds before asking "Why did you kill those guys last night?"

I don't know what came over me, but I felt anger inside of me. I turned to Natsu and spoke "Why? Those bastards murdered a lot of innocent people and you ask why I did that?! Isn't the answer damn obvious, you fairy?! And why should I even say anything to you two?! I don't even know you! Now leave me alone and get out of here before I do something I will regret!"

Before he could say anything, I got up and went back into my house then in my room. After that, I fell on the bed and started to cry.

(Natsu p.o.v)

Happy and I followed Lucy back inside her house and she went to her room.

I heard crying coming from her room. I want knock to hear what was she crying about, but I decided to give her a little space.

I sat down on the couch and started to think about Lucy. I thought to myself 'There is no doubt she is the victim of Black Cross. She must've lost someone who was close to her and wants to get revenge. But what could it be'

"I wouldn't stick my nose in someone else's business if I were you." A female voice spoken

Then I turned my head towards Lucy's door open to see a half-naked woman with blonde wavy hair and blue sky eyes with brown wings on her back looking at me.

Wait a minute, brown wings? Is that one of the celestial spirits Lisanna was talking about? Is Lucy the celestial wizard that saved Lisanna's life?

She closed the door behind her, approached me and stared at me with a glare that could match Erza's "You can judge Lucy all you want, but know one thing. She is just a broken little girl who lost everything thanks to those sick bastards. And you would do the same thing if you were in her shoes. If you add salt to her wound, I won't hesitate to kill you."

I was scared when she said that, then she disappeared in a golden light.

'Broken little girl?' I thought

Then it hit me, she was the daughter of that rich married couple that was killed by Black Cross.

"Natsu, what did that celestial spirit meant to say?" Happy asked

"She meant that Lucy was the victim to Black Cross." I answered

(Lucy p.o.v)

After few hours, I came out of my room.

I saw both Natsu and Happy sitting on the couch "I thought you left."

"Well, we can't leave you all emotional, can we? Right, Happy?" Natsu said

"Aye, sir!" Happy replied

I smiled at both of them. Then Natsu asked "Lucy, your spirit told me everything. However, I know who you really are."

I was little nervous. Does he know about my past?

"You are the daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia. They both were murdered by Black Cross and you were assumed to be killed along with them or disappeared since your body was never found. I know why you did that. You were angry and wanted revenge against Black Cross for what they have done to you. My guild doesn't like killing, but it's not in our place to judge you. I would have done exact same thing if my parents were murdered infront of me too."

I resisted the urge of crying. But I failed and Natsu and Happy both hugged me.

"Look, we can bring you to Fairy Tail if you want. You don't need to feel alone anymore." Natsu suggested.

I shook my head "I'm sorry, but I can't."

They both were shocked and Happy asked "Why? Don't you want to have friends?"

I seperated both of them from me and said "My celestial spirits are my friends ever since my parents were murdered. I don't want to meet new people just yet. Please, don't tell anyone I live here. However, you two are allowed to come here if you want."

They both looked at each other before Natsu spoke "Alright, we won't tell anyone. But know that both of us will be with you no matter what. When you are ready to join Fairy Tail just tell us."

I nodded and hugged them both tightly. They both groaned in pain and I let go of them, apologizing for squeezing them.

After few hours, Natsu and Happy were ready to go back to their home. But not before I packed them some food in case they were hungry.

After they both left, I sat on the couch and thought about Natsu and Happy. They might be idiotic, but they aren't so bad. It seems I can have friends besides my celestial spirits. But what is this strange feeling I have when I'm around Natsu.

'Could it be love?" I thought to myself.

A/N: There, done with this chapter. I was thinking how to write this chapter. It took me sometime, but I did it at the end. I really wish to stop writing for a day. It's not because I can't, I don't freaking want to. I'm just bored in my free time, alright? See you in the next chapter. Bye! P.S: the video is not mine. It belongs to Cherry

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