Stealing the bad boys heart

By AyrGal89

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When Amelia moved to stay with her Aunt and Cousin for her last year of high school due to problems at home s... More

A/N And Cast
Chapter one - Meeting Ethan
Chapter 2- The Bad boy wants me
Chapter 3- Busted
Chapter 4- A.M Visitor
Chapter 5- Talking and falling asleep
Chapter 6- Giving in
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8- Bonfire part 1
Chapter 9- Bonfire part 2
Chapter 10- Hanging out and making out
Chapter 11- Willing to try and messing up
Chapter 12- Making up
Chap 13- Making plans and feeling guilty
Chapter 14- Sneaking out and making out
Chapter 15- Sharing feelings and spending the night
Chapter 16- Falling
Chapter 17
Chapter 18- Movies and exploring new things
Chapter 19- Next Level
Chapter 20 - Confusion and jealously
Chapter 21- Putting it all out there
Chapter 22- Making it official
Chapter 23 - Close call and wanting alone time
Chapter 24 - New Limits
Chapter 25- Trying New things
Chapter 26- "I am crazy about you."
Chapter 27- Hiding
Chapter 28
Chapter 29- Date Night
Chapter 30- The next level
Chapter 31- Something no one else will have
Chapter 32- First day of school
Chapter 33 - Caught in the act
Chapter 34 - Matt's P.O.V
Chapter 35- Sorting things out
Chapter 36- The talk
Chapter 37 - Hanging out and playing cupid
Chapter 38- Hanging out, part one
Chapter 39 - Hanging out part two
Chapter 40 - Lies, doubt and making plans
Chapter 41- Road trip and girl talk
Chapter 42 - The one?
Chapter 43 - Thinking about the future?
Chapter 44- The last person I expect to see
Chapter 45 - Discussing the future
Chapter 46 - The unexpected
Chapter 47- The answer

Chapter 48 - Happy Ending

4.6K 163 18
By AyrGal89

Amelia's P.O.V

"Can you believe we are officially graduated and done with school?" Matt said excited as he came towards Ethan, Paris and I after getting his diploma

"I know it is crazy." I said smiling

It was official, today we graduated, all ready for the next chapter of our lives, that being seeing the world together. If you asked me where I thought I would graduate a couple of years ago I never thought it would be with three of the most important people in my life. My cousin, my best friend and my fiancée (fiancée? That is still strange to say) Though technically we were not official yet, we decided to wait until after we graduated before he spoke to Matt and my father...unofficially I was graduating with my husband to me. Another thing, I never thought I would be engaged at eighteen years old, I never planned to have any of that until after college but things change and that was perfectly OK. Ethan and I were meant to be, I could feel it.

"Yes and now we get to travel the world." Paris said exciting

Matt pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head

"And I couldn't imagine doing any of this without you." He said to her

Paris giggle blushing and burying her face in his chest. She still blushed like crazy around him it was very sweet.

"It has been a crazy year hasn't it? Good and bad." Ethan said pulling me into him

The four of us looked around, smiling. We really had been through a lot but I think that is what has brought us all this close. I can't believe we are done with high school. I smiled, rested my head on Ethan's shoulder and he reached down kissing my forehead

"I never thought we would all be here like this together. It is perfect. We need a photo just the four of us before our families come and take over, you know they are gonna be freaking out and flashing cameras in our faces soon." Ethan said laughing

Ethan did finally have that chat with his parents, he told them how he really feels, what they have done to him and they were OK, still not great but OK. I was afraid they were not gonna show today but they did. I was glad no matter how their relationship is they pushes all that aside to be here together for him.

The four of us got in close, taking a photo. This is a memory I always wanna have. We looked at the photo and it was perfect. We all looked happy and proud. I was glad we were not all heading separate ways after high school, my life wouldn't be the same without them. And just like Ethan said, in moments our families were rushing over to us. They were all emotional, hugging us and taking photos.

"I am so proud of you Amelia." My father said hugging me

"And I am too." Sharron said hugging me

My father managed to contact my mum, telling her I was graduating today but she never showed. I am not gonna like I was hurt by it but if she wants to be that way she can. I have my father, Sharron and my Aunt here and that was enough. We all got photos with our families, them looking very proud in them. I couldn't help but smile watching everyone around us, everyone was happy. It was perfect.

"The four of you get together now, let us get those photos." My father smiled

The four of us laughed, rolling our eyes playfully at them but done as they asked, we must have stood for about ten minutes to let them all take their photos.

"I will be back in a minute baby." Ethan said once the photos were done "I love you." He added reaching in to quickly peck my lips before heading off

I never had a chance to say anything before he rushed off. I don't even know where he was going, maybe he was away to see one of his friends or something. I let him be, turning back to the group as we chatted. We spoke about our travels, the four of us were excited for it. It was gonna be a great experience and we are doing it together makes it even better.

"Today everything changes." My dad smiled at me

"That it does. I am glad you are happy daddy." I smiled back at him

As we chatted, Matt looked at me, smirking. Why is he smirking at me? I burrowed my brow at him, confused and then one by one, everyone was looking at me the same way. What the hell is going on?

"Why are you all smirking at me? Have I missed something?" I asked looking between them all

I soon feel a warm body behind me, a hand placed on my hip and I knew it was Ethan by the way my entire body shivered. I felt his warm breath at my ear

"Wait a minute and turn around my love." He whispered causing another shiver to shoot through me

I was still confused on what was going on but I done as he asked. I waited a minute and turned around but I could see first. I soon looked down, Ethan was down on one knee in front of me, a small box with a beautiful ring in it.

"Oh My God." I manged to stutter out

"Amelia I know I asked this a week ago but I wanted to do it right. Amelia I love you and I don't ever wanna stop. You have only been in my life for a year but it feels like I have known you forever. You are best friends, the love of my life and the only girl in the world I would want to make my wife. I never knew it was possible to love this hard until you. Meeting you was the best thing it ever happened to me. We have been through a lot this year but I think it made us stronger. You have been there for me through some of the hardest days of my life and without you I think I would have fell apart. I can't wait to see the world with you. I can't wait to make you my wife and one day the mother of my children. Amelia I love you with everything I have in me. Will you make me the happiest guy alive and agree to marry me?" he said the biggest smile on his face

I stood there shocked and crying. I was not expecting this but it was beautiful

"Yes. Oh My God yes baby. I love you so much and I couldn't imagine my life without you." I said through my sobs

Ethan took the ring from the box, placing it on my finger, it was stunning before getting to his feet. He pulled me into him, lifting me from the ground and swinging me around before putting me back on my feet, kissing me over and over again, resting his forehead against my mine once we stopped kissing

"I don't think I have been as happy as I am right now. I love you Amelia, with my whole heart." He said

"I love you much." I said crying kissing him again

He pulled me close to his chest, hugging me tightly and next thing there was cheers, whistles and excitement surrounding us, making me remember there was other people here. All eyes were on us. I buried my face in his chest, my face bright red with all the attention on us. Ethan chuckled, kissing the top of my head again. Once we pulled apart I turned around to face everyone and I could see it on all their faces, they knew exactly what was gonna happen today.

"Dad you knew Ethan was gonna do that?" I said

"Yes sweetheart, Ethan came to Matt and I the day after he first proposed, telling us what happened, how he felt like it was the perfect moment but wouldn't make it official unless we gave him permission and we both did." My dad smiled

" are OK with me getting married at this age? You said I should wait." I said

"And when I said that I meant it but that was before I met Ethan, before I see the two of you together, seen how much the two of you love each other. The first time I seen you both together I knew it was meant to be. I am perfectly OK with this cause I know he loves you and will look after you." He said "I am happy and so proud of you sweetheart." He added pulling me in and hugging me

Everyone around us were soon hugging and congratulating us. Matt was the last one to hug me

"This alright with you cuz?" I asked

I know my dad said both Matt and he gave Ethan permission but I wanted Matt to tell me himself. His blessing along with my fathers was important to me

"Of course I am dork. I know I was not happy when I first found out the two of you were together but I am glad you both never listened to me cause I know the both of you are meant to be and are crazy in love with you. I know he will look after you. I trust him with my life and you Amelia are one of the most important people in my life. I am happy for you both." He said hugging me

I was an emotional wreck by the end of it all. I never thought it was possible to feel this happy. Ethan was soon by my side again, smiling at me

"I love you." He said

"I love you too." I said

I snuggled into him as everyone gushed over our engagement...over my ring.

" has been perfect." I whispered

"Yes it has been. The happiest day of my life sweetheart and it is all because of you. This is a day I am never gonna forget and I can't wait to tell our kids about it." he said winking at the last part

"Me too too. I am excited to see where life takes us...our next chapter in life." I said

I had a feeling from here on out everything was gonna get even better as times goes on. I can't wait to travel the world, go to college, get married to the love of my life, see where life takes us all. I could not ask for anything more than what I have right now. Ethan was a guy I knew I was gonna love for the rest of my life. The day I met him I never realise how much everything was gonna change and now I can't wait to see. 


Well everyone, this is the last official chapter :( Epilogue coming later tonight. 

I am sad this has come to an end, loved writing it but know it is the right 

time to end it. I wanna say thanks to everyone who has supported this 

book in any and every way, I really appreciate it, you are all awesome. 

What do you think about it ended, did you like it? 


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