More than just a friendship

By Stydia_Vanessa10

91.7K 1.3K 3.1K

Stiles is your best friend, not to mention your older brothers best friend as well. Ever since your early tee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N Please Read
New fanfic Left Unspoken ANNOUNCEMENT

Chapter 26

937 12 11
By Stydia_Vanessa10

Third person POV

A few weeks have past by when the four friends decide to hang out as a group tonight . Once agin they follow through with their weekly movie night at the McCall house. However Scott had something else that he wanted to do with his friends so he awaits for his mother to come home. Throughout the film Y/n and Allison keep having disagreements about the characters. Both boys are bothered and annoyed with the constant talking so Stiles takes it upon himself to grab ahold of his girlfriend only to kiss her. Pulling away she seems slightly confused by the sudden kiss. "Silence please." Y/n begins to smirk before shouting out incoherent words.

"Shut up" Scott groans

"Nope!" She yells

"Y/n...angel I love you but if you don't shut up right now I might have to break up with you." This shuts her up right away as sadness "seems" to appear within her eyes.

But as quick as that sadness appeared it soon disappears when he blurts out "It's okay it would save me from the heartbreak when you leave me." Y/n, Scott and Allison start to laugh at the sudden comment when Stiles begins to glare at them. Y/n quickly notices the change of atmosphere when she slowly starts to get up and run away from Stiles when he too follows her. Her quick movements leave her breathless as she looks around to make sure Stiles isn't behind her when she takes a break. But like most things that are too good to be true Stiles rounds a corner and lifts Y/n up before pinning her against a wall.

"You don't mean that." Stiles leans his forehead on her own as they stare intently at each other.

"Guess you'll never know." She shrugs her shoulders playfully as Stiles looks at her more stern this time.


"Stiles I don't want to talk about it now." Nodding his head in understanding she moves away from him and begins to walk out into the living room when Stiles pulls on her wrist. "What?"

"We can't walk in like this." Exhaling she opens her arms for Stiles to lift her over his shoulder. "Okay we probably have an hour before she starts to yell again so don't get your hopes up."

They all groan in annoyance when Y/n starts to smirk up at them from her position on Stiles shoulder.

"Can we all just watch the movie in peace now." Y/n rolls her eyes at Allison before slipping off of Stiles.

"I guess so." And just like that all four friends begin to watch the movie without any disturbance as each couple cuddle up close to one another; specifically Stiles and Y/n. Ever since the two slept with each other they have been extreme touchy and inseparable as if they fear that a little separation will harm their relationship.

Two hours, Two movies and four bags of popcorn later and Melissa McCall  finally returns home after a long day at the hospital. Immediately sensing their mothers arrival Scott and (Y/n) get off the couch and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey mom how was work?" (Y/n) gives her mother a kiss on the cheek as she smiles politely.

"Exhausting my feet and back are killing me." Melissa groans and places both her hands on her lower back. 

"We wanted to-" Scott is cut of by his two friends yelling.

"Allison stop!" Stiles screeches and takes the remote back from her grasp.

"Go for a walk." Scott finishes his sentence from before and picks at the dry skin in the corner of his thumb.

Before Melissa could answer there was another yell coming from the two as Allison jumps from a sudden jump scare seen in the movie while Stiles bends over wheezing at her. "Really Allison? That was a pathetic jump scare and you got scared because of it."

"Stiles shut up at least I didn't get scared from the lord of the rings. And another thing no one loves you!" Allison pushes on his shoulders as she two tries not to surpass a laugh.

"Hey that was one time! And Y/n does love me she just won't admit it; which I'm fine with." Melissa and Scott huff out a breath of frustration while Y/n stands still with the guilt heavy in her chest.

She knows it has impacted Stiles greatly as every day he tries to hold it together when she responds with "mmh". Y/n knows the disappointment she has caused him every time her eyes land on him and that one statement proves that Stiles is anything but fine.

"You do know how much you screwed up right?"

"I know and I'm doing everything I can in order to repair the damage." Stiles leans back on the couch and eyes Y/n who is standing in the kitchen.

"And how is that going Stiles." Allison never expressed towards Y/n her anger she shares with the boy who broke her heart. Y/n won't ever admit it but Allison watched her best friend that night sob over Lydia kissing Stiles with a bottle of alcohol in her hands. "I mean when was the last time she actually told you I love you?"

"Allison what's your problem?"

"Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just trying to see if my best friend has given in to you yet."

Stiles rolls his eyes as he rewinds the movie. "Four weeks Allison, four weeks! You know what that does to a guy when his girlfriend can't even look him in the eyes to say 'I love you' because she fears me. She fears that I'll do it again and you know what so do I. But I also can't control how I feel about her."

"Than tell her how much she means to you."

"Allison I have...gosh have I tried but she won't break. You're her best friend what do I do?"

"Honestly I've never seen Y/n so set on something until this whole 'I love you' issue." Alison's twists her body to the side to talk to Stiles as her eyes move between the two.

"I'm screwed." Stiles groans and Allison nods.

"Hate to say it but yes you are."

"It's dark outside Scott, you're not going on a walk." Melissa walks near the fridge to get herself a bottle of water before sitting down and putting her head against the table.

"But that's the whole purpose of it being called a 'midnight walk'." Scott walks up to the medicine cabinet and pulls out a bottle of Advil for his mother.

"Why would you guys want to go on a walk now anyways?" Melissa tilts her head up only to see the bottle placed in front of her. "Thank you." She mumbles

"Because it's fun mama." Y/n says uncalled for as her brother gives her a weird look.

"Gross, you're not five anymore don't say that." Melissa slaps Scott's arm while Y/n shoves him. "Mom I promise I'll protect both of them and we'll be safe."

"Oh yeah because you're such a good protect. I swear if you were an Alpha you would suck at it and get everyone killed." This time Scott glares at her and shoves her shoulders slightly.

"This is Beacon Hills anything can happen Scott."

"Mom you do realize by letting us go out you're getting a silent household right?"

"I-fine but take care of your sister and Allison or so help me-"

"Okay, okay I understand I'll tape them to my side if I have too."

"What about Stiles?" Y/n raises a brow at her mother before Melissa shakes her head. 

"He's got his bat."

"Thanks Melissa love you too."

Your POV

Once we got outside Allison and I take it upon ourselves to walk in front as we navigate the way. The two of us are just talking amongst ourselves when Stiles speaks up from behind us.

"Why are you guys walking so fast?"

Turning my head slightly I say over my shoulder "We're not walking fast you two are just walking slow."

"We are suppose to be protecting you not the other way."

Raising my brows I scoff "Allison and I are fully capable of protecting ourselves, he'll if we wanted to we could defend your honors." Allison giggles beside me before I turn my head back to the front.

"I'll get the extra bow and arrow in my trunk." She pats my shoulder as I smile.

"Thank you I appreciate it." A few minutes go by and not a word is spoken between Scott and Stiles making me look curiously at Allison. "You think their up to something?"

"Wouldn't doubt it." The soft sounds of our feet hitting the grave are heard along with the slight crickets within the dark. Suddenly as if I didn't expect it Stiles comes running behind me and launches me up over his shoulders. "Stiles!" I slap his shoulders when he looks up.


"Put me down." Shaking his head he continues to walk ahead of Allison, almost as if he wanted some time alone with me. His cold and calloused hands wrap themselves around my thighs as he holds me up the best he could. "Stiles."


"I guess now is the best time to discuss everything huh" My fingers twist within his hair as my heart beats against my chest.

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong? Are you okay?"

"It's me I'm the problem." At this Stiles stops dead in his tracks and bends down for me to get off. Once I get off Stiles cups my face and looks at me.

"What's going on in that head of your's?" Stiles whispers when I shrug my shoulders.

"You know that I-" I cut myself off and wrap my arms around his neck while I stand on my tippy toes.

"Yeah I know." Stiles presses his lips firm on my forehead before pecking it softly.

"And you understand why I can't say it right now right?" He nods his head while my eyes slowly sting with tears.

"Hey, hey it's alright I'm fine with with it baby."

"No you aren't. You try to put on that fake smile every day but I know it hurts you when I don't say it and I feel guilty for putting you through it. But I can't let my guard down again a-and-" Stiles kisses my lips as the two of us stumble back from the our feet stripping one another.

"I love you Y/n and I always will and I promise you nothing bad will happen but I will patiently wait until you are ready again." He wipes my tears away with the pad of his thumbs before gripping my hand and dragging me behind him.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"You are always welcome to stay with me." Smiling at him I gaze behind us to see Allison and Scott on either side of the side walk.

Why are they so distant with each other all of a sudden? I swear they were fine just an hour ago.

Running my fingers through my hair I release a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. "Scott tell mom I'm staying with Stiles tonight."

"Yeah I'll let her know. Goodnight n/n"

"Goodnight Scotty."

Stiles pulls me in front of him as we start to get closer to his house. The endless thoughts once again invade my mind as the palm of Stiles hand fits perfectly on the small of my back. Looking up at Stiles my heart begins to pound against my chest when I'm met with his beautiful golden brown eyes. Grinning at the goofball of a boyfriend I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.

"What was that for?" I shrug my shoulders before slipping away from his grip and exhaling a deep breath.

"Because I am -" Stiles puts a hand onto my mouth to prevent me from saying the very words I just moments ago said I couldn't express.

"I don't want you to say it if you're not ready." Removing his hand away from my mouth I lower it down to my side and grip his hand tightly.

"I am." Shaking his head once again; Stiles raises his hands back to my face.

"You're not because if you were ready to say it you haven't have said anything regarding it ten minutes ago." Both our eyes well up with tears as Stiles pulls us back inside to get away from the cold nighttime air.

Hey Everyone! I hoped you all enjoyed the double update!!

Let me know what you all think about from the past two chapters and take your guess down below on what's going to happen next!


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