More than just a friendship

By Stydia_Vanessa10

91.7K 1.3K 3.1K

Stiles is your best friend, not to mention your older brothers best friend as well. Ever since your early tee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N Please Read
New fanfic Left Unspoken ANNOUNCEMENT

Chapter 22

1.3K 22 59
By Stydia_Vanessa10

Stiles POV


"Stiles?" Her groggy voice is heard through the other line as confusion laces her voice.

"How are you doing?...You know after the whole Jackson thing." Even when we weren't together I always wanted to make sure she was okay because it seemed as though I was the only one she truly had.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Typical Lydia for assuming I wouldn't catch on.

"Lyds I'm being serious." I huff out a breath of air while I run my hand through my hair.

"So am I."

Silence consumes us for a few minutes while I weigh my options, one I try getting it out of her or two help distract her mind. I lay down on my back and stare up at the ceiling where a small glowing dinosaur sticker is.

She's going to kill if she ever finds out.

"Lydia would you like me to come over? We can work on the project." My fingers tug on the plaid collar while I wait for her respond knowing whatever happened earlier was eating at her.

"It's almost eleven Stiles." Her delicate voice announce the fear within her as she tries not to sound desperate.

"I don't mind."

"What about Y/n?"

She actually doesn't know about this call in fact she has no clue I am meeting up with you when just a few hours ago I was holding her.

"Lydia we're going to be working on the project Harris assigned us ...nothing else." I say as I ignore the small growing pit in my stomach.

"Okay." That small "okay" was all it took for me to jump out of bed and into my jeep. Today in the hallway I wanted nothing more than to smash Jackson head into the wall for touching even a strand on her hair. I've known her my whole life and loved her since but things are different now, I have a wonderful girlfriend whom I cherish greatly. Although she would probably kick my ass if she found out what I am doing it is the only way to get this heavy weight off me.

A few minutes later and I find myself parked in front of Lydia Martins house. Last time I was here everything ended ugly.

"Stiles! Wait let me explain!" Her dainty hands pull at my sweater as she tries to stop me from walking off.

"Lydia I fucking saw it with my own two eyes I don't need to hear your pathetic explanation." I gently move her hand away from me as I continue to walk away.

"Stiles just let me-" She whimpers which makes turn around.

"You were doing a lab Lyds he was too fucking close." I run a hand through my hair as she takes a step closer to me. "For god sake his hand was practically on your damn thigh stroking it up and down like some wild animal!" Tears pricked my eyes while my heart shattered with each look the strawberry blonde passed towards me.

After that everything is just a blur...the only thing I do remember is her running out into the ran to follow me while yelling my name.

Taking a deep breath I get out of my jeep and knock on her door. Just as I look down at my phone the door opens only to reveal a petite little Lydia with grey shorts and black hoodie. Her hair tied up in a messy bun as a pen sat against her lip with a notebook in hand.

"Come in it's cold outside." Shaking my head I flutter my eyes and walk inside. The same familiar red rug laid underneath my feet just when I am taking off my navy blue converse.

"There are about ten slides we have already completed." Her hand moves fast against the thin white paper as words are underlined with red and ideas are labeled with stars. "Computer, books and pens are over on the coffee table. I can make you coffee or-" Placing my hand on top of hers I gently remove the items from her hands and rest them against the front table.

"Lydia." Looking up at me from her eyelashes a weary look consumes her eyes. "You said we can work on the project." I slowly nod my head before I am pulled into the living room with all the material. "I'll go make some coffee while you work on Cell Divison." A slight groan is released upon my lips as Lydia chuckles.

I hate biology and I hate Mr Harris

Within the next few hours the two of us have gone through three cups of coffee and almost half a notebook filled with key notes. My hand cramping every five minutes as I try to shake the painful feeling off, only four more slides I remind myself every hour before Lydia finds some new information to piece together. My eyes land on the little digital clock at the bottom screen as it read 2:30am. I turn my head to see Lydia powering through the assignment almost like it was her rope pulling her up so she wouldn't fall and break.

Without so much of a warning I lean across and face her laptop in my direction. Making sure to save all her work and tabs I close her computer off and begin to clean up all the papers into one pile.

"What are you doing?" Lydia yawns and grasp my arm.

"Cleaning up." Arching a brow she squints her eyes at me. "Stiles I mean-" Waving Lydia off I reach for the blanket beside her before draping it over her body. I don't even have the chance to turn around when she says "I can't I need to finish it Stiles, it will irritate me all night."

"Lydia you'll be fine I promise." Looking over my shoulder I decide the table is cleaned enough before I plop down right next to her. "I'll always be here if you want to talk regardless about who's around." Lydia lets out a shaking breath as she looks down at her hands.

"H-he hasn't come near me in months since we broke up and than all of the sudden he walks down the hallways and thinks he owns the place. I'll tell you this Stiles if you hadn't walked in when you did I don't necessarily believe I would be looking like this right now. Everyday I regret ever cheating on you with him, you were everything a girl needed and in just a moment I managed to screw up the one good thing in my life because take a look around I'm all alone. My mom barely makes it home without being drunk and my father is off in Europe probably with some twenty seven year old skank. I almost-" The dim light of the kitchen light highlights her features perfectly, bowed head in defeat and her trembling hands said it all. "I can't do it Stiles I-" A choked out sob escapes her lips when she brings her knees close to her chest.

My heart ached at the sight in front of me, she rarely ever cried even when we dated. "Oh god I'm such a mess." Lydia chuckled just when I scooted closer. "You know you shouldn't worry about if people see you cry." I whisper as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. The glimmer that is evident in her eyes seem to pop more at my statement as we both remember too well what it does to us. "Come here." I open my arms and embrace her in a tight hug. Her hands wrap themselves around me and almost instantly she fits her head in the crevice of my neck, the wonderful smell of lavender and strawberries flows through my nose as she cries.

"I've got you Lyds...I've got you." Rubbing a comforting hand along her spine I suggest putting a movie on so she can relax as all her muscles are soar and he brain is off running some sort of track. Of course allowing the movie to be within Lydia's hands was a bad idea as the Notebook appeared on the huge screen while a blanket is over both our bodies as we sit on the opposite side of the couch.

"Lydia why is he here? Isn't he dating that Y/n girl?" Hearing all the whispering I twist my body onto my side and peek my eye open just to take in the bright light.

Wait...why is bright out?

"Mom I'm telling you it's nothing, we did our project and watched a movie." Lydia's raspy voice echoed throughout the house.

What the hell happened I swear it was still three in the morning.

"Than why did I come home to see the two of you sleeping?" Lydia lets out a breath of air before continuing "Okay we slept is it such a crime?"

"He has a girlfriend Lydia."

"Yes I am well aware."

"Therefore he is taken so don't try anything."

"Are you calling me a whore mother?"

"No but than again I didn't say it." And that was all it took for her mother to turn back around from where ever she stood and slammed the door.

Slowly opening my eyes I glance over at Lydia's figure when I realized she was walking closer to me.

I quickly fidget back to my "sleeping" position before a hand met my shoulder.

"Hey Stiles we're going to be late for class we should probably get going." Meeting her eyes I nod my head and get up to start the day.

Not much happened yesterday except the awkward tension built between Lydia and I. We tried to keep our distance the whole day as we didn't want Y/n to get any ideas of what could of happened last night. But it was a one time thing that I promised not to pull again...she doesn't deserve it.

Leaning down I kiss her head as I watch her peacefully sleep. Her face is rid of all the worry while her lips are restfully open just the tiniest bit. I push back a strand of her hair behind Y/n's ear before leaning over and fetching my phone.

My eyes widen in complete shock at the very email that is written across my screen. Glancing down at Y/n I quietly slip out of the bed and make my way towards Scott's room. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in" Scott whispered before I opened the door and walked across his room towards the bed. His eyebrows are arched when I toss him my phone.

"Dude did you get in?" I bite my nails as I stare at my best friends face.

"Yeah here." He tosses me his phone to see the acceptance letter from our university we both applied to. Scott and I decided months ago that when this day did come we could rent an apartment with each other to save money and it's almost as though everything is going exactly as planned.

"Congrats Scotty boy."

"Dude congrats as well, we did it homie!" He whispered shouted before giving me a high five.

"We have to start searching for a place this summer you know that right." Scott nods his head.

"Yeah I know, we've got to start saving up." Looking down at my hands I nod my head as well when a thought...actually multiple thoughts invade my mind.

I should of gotten a job sooner.
How am I going to tell Y/n?
How is she going to react?
Where am I going to get the money for college? Dad already doesn't have enough for the two of us.

"How do you think they will react when they find out how far it is from Beacon Hills?" I nudge my head in the direction of Allison before he shrugs his shoulders.

"I have no clue man just get to sleep it's only six." Before I get a chance to turn around Scott squints his eyes at me. "Stiles are you getting enough sleep lately?"

"Yeah...yeah why wouldn't I?" I lied the nightmares, the guilt, the wandering hours of staring at the same old ceiling are coming back.

"Just thought I should ask." After that we both said our "Goodnights" before I walked off to Y/n's room and climbed underneath the blankets.

"Mmh where did you go?" Y/n hums and moves into my side while my hand traces her back.

"I just needed to go to the bathroom." I kiss the top of her head as Y/n places a hand onto my chest. "What time is it?" She sleepily says.

"Six so we still have time before classes start." A few minutes of silence go by until Y/n speaks up.

"I love you butterball." Y/n mumbles.

"What?" I chuckle

"I think you look good with ketchup on your no don't remove it" She laughs against my shirt as I raise an eyebrow. "B-Stiles can you toss the bacon I'm hungry...stop that you're not funny, give me the mango Stiles!" Quickly I lean over and grab Y/n's phone to record her talking.

"This is what I have to deal with every morning."

"Is the refrigerator running...haha it did didn't it" Muffling my laughs into her hair I flip the camera onto myself.

"So at the time you're seeing this I'll probably be away at university, I know this long distance thing is going to stuck but angel I just want you to know I love you and I'll miss you like hell but I know you will do great without me here. Enjoy your last year of high school and your summer but most importantly remember I will always come back whether that will be doing holidays and of course your birthday.  I know you go through your camera roll sometimes so I hope you stumble upon this video after I am gone.  Now I'm going to cuddle with your ass and wake you up." As soon as I click the stop button Y/n slaps my arm playfully.

"Who are you talking too?" Y/n mumbles once again.

"Nobody." Finally opening her eyes she tilts her head up to squint at me. I return a wide smile and move her hair back against her forehead.

Pushing her head against my chest she lets out a groan and picks up her phone to check the time. "Stiles" She yawns with annoyance laced in her voice. "You woke me up an hour before I actually have to."

"Hey you woke up by yourself I did not influence this behaviour." Leaning down I kiss her temple and slide my hands around her waist.

"I should probably get going now."


"No?" Y/n lets out a sigh before twisting her body around until eventually she was straddling my lap "You're leaving without me." She pouted, her classic pout that leaves me breathless even when she licks over her lips.

"Well I-um I figured you would want to stay here...ya know sleeping." I stuttered as I look between her eyes and lips.

"Thank you but no, just let me get dressed and than we can go." She places a hand on my chest and slowly starts to lean in when her eyes scan over my face. Something is behind her eyes, something's nothing I've seen hidden before. Nonchalantly she pulls herself away from me without a word and leaves to get dressed.

What the hell was that? One minute she's all over me and the next it's almost as though she can't even look my way. I know I screwed up but Y/n said she forgave me...didn't she?

"Get upstairs and put some clothes on so we can pass by the diner on our way to school." Y/n yelled from the bottom of my stairs as I walked my way up.

"Okay mom." I sarcastically said and playfully roll my eyes.

"Good son now hurry along." Arching my brows in disgust I glanced over my shoulder to see her mischievously smiling.

Once I stood foot in my room I walk over to my dresser and take out a black t-shirt paired with a flannel before getting jeans. As I quickly get dressed I hear the faint conversation between Y/n and my dad.

"So Mr Stilinski I came home last night to see your car in my driveway any ideas how that got their."

She is interrogating my father...the town's sheriff.

"Your mother wanted to discuss an event that occurred at the hospital yesterday, it's confidential so I cannot share it with you."

"Yeah I bet it was a case thing." Shaking my head I sprint down the stairs just as my fathers head turns in my direction.

"Son mind telling your girlfriend to stop it with theses conspiracies." My dad was fitting his work uniform as he walked into the kitchen to grasp his belongings.

"What did she say now." My dad raises his eyebrows at Y/n to tell me.

"All I'm saying is your dad and my mom went out last night."

Almost as if she notices the confusion in my features she specifies it. "Your dad went on a date last night with my mother Stiles." Between each of her words she paused to get the point across while my mouth widens in shock.

"Dad is this true."


"It is! It is look just look at his face! He only looks this annoyed when he is trying to hide something." Y/n jumps up and down frantically and grips my shoulder. Biting back a laugh my father rolls his eyes before they land on my chest...or rather my shirt.

"Stiles what the hell are you wearing? I thought I told you to get rid of that piece of crap." Slapping my hands to my side I look at him dumbfounded.

"What?" Y/n eyes my shirt before she erupts into giggles.

"I support single mom's, seriously why haven't I ever seen you wear this shirt." I nudge my head towards my father.

"Daddio over their never allows me to wear it."

Y/n squints her eyes before waving her hands around. "We are getting off track over here, okay so if you really want to impress my mom get her red roses, those always get her."

"Stiles get her out of here."

"Got it...going."I fidget with my hands as I point back at Y/n.

"Sheriff you need me though" Resting my head in my hands I look over at my dad.

"You're always here." He says as his phone starts to ring making me place a hand on the small of her back and guide her to the front of my house.

"Bye Dad."

"Yeah well you're going to be coming to my house more often since-" Dad glares at her

"I'll see you later." He nods his head just when I closed the door huffing out a breath of air.


Hey Everyone I'm back!

If you haven't already check out my book Peyton.It's about a 22 year old girl named Autumn who has recently had a difficult year, from her boyfriend falling in love with someone else as she tries to figure out who she is and the purpose of her life. All while dealing with anxiety.
A boy named Oliver who struggles to fight his past day by day as his past haunts him. From childhood trauma to dealing with depression he has a lot he still needs to figure out!

What will happen when Oliver and Autumn meet each other at a Library one afternoon?

I'm excited to announce we are getting closer and closer to the spicy spicy chapters. That means more tea, more drama and more secrets! I might be introducing a new character soon so stay tuned!

Thank you for all the love and support I appreciate it so much! Have a good day or night and just remember whatever battle you are up against it will get better!


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