Just Dudes Being Guys (or gay...

By intiintiinti

259K 18.6K 15.6K

Everyone thinks Jeno and Jaemin are hot guys who have been friends since childhood. They're like, bros? Call... More

1. friends with benefits
2. fetish
3. confusion
4. mission failed
5. cooking? cooking!
6. a real deal
7. movie night
8. straight as a ruler
9. jolly ride
10. fluttering
11. the moon
12. experiment
13. realisation
14. confession
15. encounter
16. consequences
17. q&a
18. extreme gayness
19. moomin boy
20. secrets
21. ashamed
22. planetarium
23. babysitting
24. the waltz
25. heartbroken
26. high hopes
27. talent show
28. complicated
29. acting
30. drunken love
31. prelude
32. first time
33. visit
34. date
35. friendship
36. awkward
38. destructive
39. love&hate
40. lust
41. mystery of love
42. new page
43. fangirl
44. nocturne
45. priorities
46. forever
47. changes
48. prom night
49. monogamy
50. aftermath
51. epilogue

37. boyfriend

3.3K 267 173
By intiintiinti

i hate my life. yayyy, not a big deal.
enjoy the chapter.

"Jaemin did you see them? Oh fuck, oh shit, Jeno, Oh my god, that fucker"

Renjun rants shaking the boy's body, clutching his arms when they meet in the corridor the following day.

"What's the matter?", Jaemin doesn't get mad or shocked hearing the name of his true love, staying calm and apathetic. Apparently he's too tired of everything, especially those romantic roller-coasters in his life, so he decides to accept whatever trap the destiny pushes him into.

"He's dating with Minjoo now! I just saw them holding hands.. What the fuck is this? Freaking playboy"

Jaemin smiles at his friend and chuckles, "So what? I told him to, because she's kind and pretty"

Renjun scratches his head and just stares at the boy for a while,

"You must be kidding me.. Jaemin, you are such a stupid whiny ass, and you throw your life into a pile of shit with your own hands"

"And you are being salty because you aint have guts to get a girl", the younger winks at Renjun and pinches the boy's cheek, blowing a kiss to his face.

"Wha-, No!", the younger turns to him and eyes the boy judgingly, causing him to sigh in defeat, raising his arms, "Okay, I am jealous. It's unbelievable how the fuck he always gets the best girls without even trying! Besides he must realize he's gay. Shit, it's his own life, not his dad's"

Jaemin just shrugs, "We can't be sure. Maybe he's more like straight. If he were so gay, he'd be more confident about it"

"He was confident to have his first kiss and sex with a guy, doesn't that mean he's confident about it? ISTG, he's stealing all of my girls out there"

Jaemin caresses the older's hair and laughs, "They're not yours at the first place. You can have me, I'm single"

Renjun rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Yeah, sure..Wha-", his eyes widen as they meet Jaemin's playful gaze,
"Wait what? WDYM you're single? But Hendery? What's his deal?"

Jaemin pouts and inhales loudly, examining the wall at his friend's side,

"I said some shit which sounded like 'you're a clingy, cheesy and annoying nagger' and I love another guy, and true love never dies. So let's just wait until I die, then everything's gonna be fine I guess"

"Jaemin, ISTG-"

Renjun loses his temper and starts choking his friend, gaining everyone's attention around.


"Hello, Jaemin-ah"

The said boy feels a warm hand on his shoulder and turns his head to be met with familiar eyesmiles .


The older looks at him with those guilty eyes again but tries to hide it with a grin,

"Are you doin ok?"

"Kinda, I heard you're dating Minjoo now?", Jaemin smiles wearily staring at his friend.

Jeno tries to shrugs it off as if it were something casual,
"I don't know, we're just spending more time together these days. She's nice"

"It's good news", Jaemin looks down at his connected hands and Jeno looks at him as if he wanted to say something but was too afraid.

"Jaemin, I miss you so much. Why don't you come and stay over like you always did? I'm so lonely, I just can't handle it", his voice croaks a bit and the younger looks up and gazes at the boy with care.

"Okay.. Squirrell misses his acorn too", teases the younger and pinches the boy's side slightly.

After the lesson they return home together, cheerfully joking and teasing each other, discussing their future plans. They step inside the older's house and continue their discussions, heading towards the kitchen.

"I'll be an actor. Not just a dancer, I'll be stealing everyone's heart out there", Jeno dreamily smiles munching potato chips.

"You're gonna play those thirdwheeling guys, who mingle between the main couple", Jaemin wiggles his eyebrows and stick his tongue at his friend.

"Hey, STFU I'm gonna be a male lead only", the boy frowns and crosses his arms pretending to be offended.

"I changed my mind, you're gonna play that stupid guy in every drama who falls in love with the pretty girl's flirty bestie. But wait, you're not funny at all to play even that role", Jaemin pushes him and scrunches his nose at the boy mockingly. Then he runs away as the older starts to chase him.

"You bitch are messing with me again, I thought you got kinder to me"

Unluckily Jeno stumbles upon a ball on the floor while running after Jaemin and slips, falls down on his face and stomach as a result with a loud thud and groan. Jaemin stops running immeadiately, turning to the boy with terror in his eyes. He rushes to Jeno, falling on his knees in front of him.

"Oh my god, Jeno, I'm sorry..", he grabs the boy by his spine and turns him over to look at his face,
"What the-", Jaemin stares at him and covers his gaping mouth with hand, "Your lip is bleeding!"

Jeno touches his swollen lower lip and his fingers turn bloody,
"Fuck, it hurts.. I can't stand up"

"Oh shit, baby boy.. I'm so sorry", Jaemin grabs the older's body, wrapping his hand around his shoulders and helps him stand up. They head to the boy's bedroom and he carefully lays him on the bed.

"Shit, lemme grab some tissues and band aid"

Jaemin dashes downstairs and returns with medical tissues and aids. He rubs on the boy's lip with a tissue and the latter winces from pain.

"Now now, dear", he sticks a band aid on the boy's cut and rubs on it gently with his thumb. Jeno clutches his palm and holds it over his tummy pouting for some time from pain.

"Still hurts?", the younger raises his eyebrows looking guilty. Jeno rubs his palm with his and looks into the boy's eyes causing him to blush a little.

"Not that much. But stop messing with me!", he frowns and pinches Jaemin's nose, "And go bring me some water, my butt hurts"

"Okay, sir", the younger complies and rushes downstairs.

It's when Jaemin's phone rings and Jeno picks it up,

"Jaemin-ah, pumpkin. Don't say it's over, I love you. I love you I love you I love you. I won't live happily if I don't get to kiss you, my little apple"

The moment he picks up a boy starts ranting love confessions non-stop in a sweet tone. Jeno's eyes widen and he feels totally speechless.

"Wh-what? Who-, who is it?"

The boy on the other line falls silent for a moment,

"Um.. who are you? I'm Hendery, Jaemin's boyfriend"

so dramatic.

y'all go and read my other books as well, pwease (and thanks for the votes and comments)

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