Hunting the Creator

By JamJamLov

477K 29K 4.5K

Dejected and free, he seeks out in hunting the one who enslaved him. (A/N: None of the pictures are mine, you... More

1st world A Trillionth Beginning
Chapter 2 Finally Awake
Chapter 3 Meeting the Male Lead
Chapter 4 Doubtful Mind
Chapter 5 A Simple Pout
Chapter 6 Choosing A Suiter
Chapter 7 Unbroken Bond
Chapter 8 Sanity
Chapter 9 Mentally
2nd World Chapter 10 Commence
Chapter 11 Feeling
Chapter 12 Prepare
Chapter 14 Thoughts
Chapter 15 A Friend
Chapter 16 Progress
Chapter 17 First Move
Chapter 18 Accomplish
3rd world Chapter 19 Go
Chapter 20 Shelter
Chapter 21 Possession
Chapter 22 Obsessed
Chapter 23 Determined
Chapter 24 Fixated
4th world Chapter 25 Forward
Chapter 26 Accordance
Chapter 27 Scheme
Chapter 28 Mask
Chapter 29 Helper
Chapter 30 Hui
Chapter 31 Odd Prince
Chapter 32 Finish
5th world Chapter 33 Advance
Chapter 34 Pet
Chapter 35 Travel
Chapter 36 Destination
Chapter 37 Déwei
Chapter 38 Castle
Chapter 39 Mission
Chapter 40 Imply
Chapter 41 King
Chapter 42 Lust
Chapter 43 Baby
Chapter 44 Birth
Chapter 45 Toy
6th world Chapter 46
Chapter 47 Admiration
Chapter 48 Cope
Chapter 49 Hubby
Chapter 50 Jealousy
Chapter 51 Lustful
Chapter 52 The Creator
Chapter 53 Amulet
7th world Chapter 54
Chapter 55 Master
Chapter 56 Orphanage
Chapter 57 Charity
Chapter 58 Villains
Chapter 59 Charm
Chapter 60 Sticky
Chapter 61 A Day Out
Lost 6.9
Rest 6.10
Planning 6.11
Closure 6.12
Accept 7
Power 7.1
Cabin 7.2
Harshen Valley 7.3
Adventure 7.4
Progress 7.5
Surprise Bitch 7.6
Stick With Me 7.7
Death 7.8
The Creator 7.9
Puzzled 7.10
Till Death Do Us Part 7.11
Babies Babies Babies! 7.12
Give me three more 7.13
Battle for the Crown? 7.14
World Backlash 7.15
Dash 8
Winds 8.1
Bravery 8.2
Danger 8.3

Chapter 13 Face To Face

7.6K 496 116
By JamJamLov

"I'll explain the plan." Mizui began as he retold what his boss told him. "The boss said that you will have to befriend a person named Kenchiki Yoshitake, gain his trust and learn his weakness, so far, we know his weekly routing, every Monday he stops at the same cafe and orders a cup of coffee and goes to work soon after. The rest of the week he goes straight to work, from six am to 10 pm, a normal workaholic's schedule. He has no love interest from what we've gathered-"

"Waaiiit, wait, wait, wait, wait." Junichi butted into Mizui's debriefing. "Why are you even sending out a kid towards a grown up? Is this Ken doll guy a child molester or something? Does he get his kicks off touching cute little kids? Cuz if he gets a hold of me, he will never let me go, I'm too beautiful." Junichi shivered at the thought while Mizui looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"He's not a pedophile."

"I didn't say that, if he was just a pedophile, I wouldn't worry, those types of guys only have sexual urges or fantasies for kids, they don't touch them."

"What are you even talking about kid?" Mizui was now confused.

"A pedophile is someone who thinks about screwing a kid and would not dare touch one. If he does, he'll become a paedophile, now those fuckers are nasty, they like kids under thirteen years old. If he likes children over thirteen to sixteen, then he'd be a Hebephile, where kids are at the cusp or their puberty. Anything during their puberty or has already hit their puberty would be called a Ephebophile. Now do you get it?"

"..." Mizui stayed silent after the information. "Then why does everyone say Pedophile?"

"Because no one wants to go through all the trouble or researching the meanings of distinct stages of sickos, so they just jumbled the sickos with the most harmless ones that there are... Well mostly harmless, they're still sick for thinking about that."

***If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of pedophilia, seek medical attention immediately***

"Well thanks for the lecture but back to the plan-"

"Yeah yeah, seduce him until I have him by his c-"

"Please refrain from your usual speech, we will need to hire you a proper linguistic teacher to help your etiquette." Mizui mumbled under his breath.

"Speech teacher?" Junichi scoffed. "I'll have you know I'm able to switch from my normal speech to a much more disciplined form of speaking. I can even sound like a young genius from a well-established family."

Mizui was left speechless as he took in the proper language. This boy has many secrets, many more than the boss had discovered on his own and that included Junichi's entire story from the paper trail the kid would leave everywhere he traveled. Even so this boy is completely different from the files and foster papers.

How did he become this way?

Is it all an act?

Is someone covering his true tracks?

Whatever it was, Mizui is suspicious of this mysterious boy with a too lonely background. But even so he'll keep a close eye and do as ordered from the boss.

"Here we are, do you need help in creating an opportunity?" Mizui said as they stopped the car.

"No, just wait somewhere else, I'll call ya when I'm done." Junichi dismissed the man and exited out of the car.

Straightening out his suit he walked forward, and a chime of the bell sounded above him, notifying the guests and workers inside which in turn greeted him for entering.

He was now being stared at by the guests and the workers. Who wouldn't? He was handsome for a young boy. No that wasn't the right word to place on this angel like boy which held a pleasant smile. He's otherworldly. His hair was pulled up but strands fell down to frame his face elegantly. The first thought that everyone inside came to conclude was that he was a well brought up young master from a wealthy family. And who doesn't like seeing children in cute suits?

"Welcome young master, please sit, what would you like to order?" The waiter guided Junichi towards a table and sat him down.

On the way there Junichi connected his golden orbs to brown ones that held a calculated and guarded look. Kenchiki turned away first as Junichi widened his smile. He placed his order and waited patiently for his drink. His gaze connected once more with Kenchiki but this time he was the one to turn away. His gaze looked out the huge window looking out at the light traffic outside, people minding their own business, going back and forth from their everyday lives. As he waited someone sat across from him.

"Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Junichi said as he turned his eyes to meet with the exact same brown eyes as Tachino, but these didn't hold killing intent, in fact they held distrust for the cruel world.

"I'm here to get you off my back." Kenchiki began. "The other women that have tried to get information all failed, now they send in a young boy, how calculating of my competitors and embarrassing." Kenchiki hummed. "But I'll have you know that you won't get anything from me, so it's better to give up now than waste both of our time.

"..." Junichi didn't say anything for a while, his eyes were still connected with brown ones. "Sir I'm simply waiting for my drink"

"People like you disgust me, you won't fool me so easily." Kenchiki glared with a sneer.

With a deep breath Junichi's figure finally made a move, but standing up and leaving with an apologetic look as Kenchiki had imagined wasn't so. The young man tilted his head, his smile disappearing as he gave a thug like look to the man sitting across from him.

"Punk ass bastard, who do ya think yer talking to? Huuuh~?" Junichi's expression was all broken down as he surprised the man before him. "What kinda shit for brains do ya have eh? Ya think ya so high and mighty because ya wear a suit, and that automatically assumes that I need to know ya?" Junichi stood up with a twitching brow and looked down at the now stunned man. "Shit fuckers like yer self piss me off the most."

And with that Junichi stood up, paid for his drink, and left the coffee shop, but not before sticking his middle finger out towards Kenchiki along with his tongue in a childish manner. He was walking for a while as his thought began to process.

This was part of his plan, if he has his theories correct about the pure but shut off Kenchiki it was that he will assume everyone is an enemy, and only by proclaiming that he's like every other greedy and evil corporal man out in the world he will cower and try to do right. He doesn't want to become like those men who play dirty and try to play by the rules. Junichi was true to the T, by the time he was sitting down in a park bench, he heard footsteps behind him, then a hand landing on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." Kenchiki started as he began to explain to the young boy. "I needed to grow up fast, and then learned that when it comes to holding power people will try to bring you down. That I shouldn't trust others so easily. Even so I didn't realize that I-"

"Why the hell are ya telling me ya backstory for?" Junichi glared menacingly at the man who now looked like a kicked puppy. "Get outta my face before I break it!"

"Sorry I didn't-"

"There ya go again, go buy me an ice cream or scram!" Junichi pushed the man with his irritated gaze and wasn't surprised that he saw Kenchiki going to an ice cream stand and buying him a cone.

He laughed internally, if his competitors were to see their enemy buy an ice cream cone for a kid he just met because he didn't want to be misunderstood they would cry tears of blood.

"Uh... Here." Kenchiki handed the cone to the boy who looked at it in disgust.

"Who the fuck eats mint ice cream?"

"Sorry I didn't know what flavor to get you-" Kenchiki smiled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"And ya thought mint was something a twelve year old would like? What about vanilla, maybe chocolate? Hell! Even banana is a better flavor!" Junichi scoffed.

"I-I didn't – I was-" Kenchiki stammered, not knowing what to say.

With a pity filled sighed Junichi licked his ice cream and let it go. "Whatever, anyways thanks for the cone even if it is a shit flavor."

"Yeah, sorry for assuming that you were some plan of someone who wishes to bring me down." Kenchiki smiled nervously as he cleared his throat, not at all noticing the internal laughter the young man was brewing inside his own head after hearing that statement. "My name is Kenchiki Yoshitake."

"Did I ask for yer name?" Junichi sighed. "Mizusawa Junichi, give me your phone."

"Huh, why?" Kenchiki asked confused as he pulled out his cell phone.

"Cuz I want to learn yer weaknesses and ruin ya." Junichi said as he tapped away at the man's phone who went rigid. "I'm kidding ya moron, I'm saving my phone number, here." Junichi called his phone number which was bought for him by the big bad boss and saved the man's phone on his own. "I'll be calling ya whenever I need something to eat."

"Didn't I already compensate you with an ice cream?" Kenchiki pondered confused.

"A shitty flavor, but ya still need to compensate for my state of mind." Junichi smirked a mischevious smirk, his vocabulary now changing back to his refined one. "What will happen when I try to make friends and suddenly think about what you had proclaimed recently? I'll be traumatized for the rest of my life, mistrusting everyone, growing old with no friends or family and filled with regrets. Maybe I'll be thinking of death to save me from this cruel world." His eyes became watery and like a switch he turned back into a rebellious young master as he texted nonchalantly for Mizui to come get him and what to say when he sees him.

"Then I'll take full responsibility." Kenchiki sighed and felt anxious at the amazing switch of emotions the boy could do.

"Whatever." Junichi waved off the man as he saw Mizui walk towards them.

"Young master, your father is very worried, we've been searching everywhere for you." Mizui sighed with a tired look as he bowed to his "young master".

"Guess this is me, see ya later Mint guy." Junichi waved as he left a Kenchiki behind with a dumbfounded look, he had just been labeled an ice cream flavor.


"Any progress?"

"He owes me a favor." Junichi are the last piece of mint ice cream cone.

"The boss basically owns you now, this is your job he doesn't owe you anything-" Mizui began but was cut off.

"Moron, Kenchiki owes me a favor now, not the boss." He sighs. "Why are all adults idiots?"

"He does?" It was a rhetorical question, since he simply shut his mouth as he thought about the kids response, the boss had always hand picked people for the mafia, if you weren't recognized by the boss you simply sat in the outside and carried out ordered from his inside men. Technically speaking even thought Junichi is twelve years old, he was a senior to anyone who wasn't handpicked by the boss. The ones that are currently trying to curry favor towards the handpicked ones to be inside the Mafia family as fast as possible.

Tachino was always one who picked people with talent, when Mizui saw his boss pick this child, he was confused, but then again didn't question his boss, Tachino had a talent of picking someone useful. And seeing this child beat the hundreds of women and men that were simply trying to grasp at an opportunity to simply be an acquaintance to his acquaintances was scary in its own way. Junichi wasn't even out for a full two hours before he called Mizui to come pick him up.

The people that were sent to Kenchiki before wouldn't be able to grasp a look towards his direction for more than two minutes before being escorted out. What kind of abilities did that boss see in the child was beyond Mizui's comprehension. No wonder, Tachino was the big boss after all. 

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