Forever And Always Wolfstar F...

By SiriuslyLupinn

519K 9.8K 12K

Here are my fluffy wolfstar one shots. Some of them are really sucky, this was my first attempt at fan ficti... More

Bad Days
Harry gets caught.
when we fight
wolfstar wedding
Quitttitch jerseys and jumpers
I Missed You!
Some Preferences
DADA Class: Werewolves
Relax Baby
Your Perfect Imperfections
Please Stay With Me Baby
Waiting For You
Damn Snakes
With You Here Everthing's Perfect
Talent Show
If He Got The Trial He Deserved
Love Bites
Hope Lyra
Pet Names
Hospital Wing
New Year, New Relationship
Our Cub
20 Questions
DAMN IT JAMES, but thanks
Severus Snake
Damn Love Potion
When Padfoot's In A Bad Mood
Kissing In The Snow
Mary McDonald
murauders stick together. no matter what.
Road Trip
Boyfriend Tag
Outed By Another
Silver Spoons
Thoughts and Cuddles
Bad Days (remake)
Telling The Bros
Sickness Sucks (like a youre sick remake)
The Hunt
I Want You, Not Her
Summer Nights
Storms (Remake)
Without You
Jily Wedding (oh just wait for the wolfstar!)
Detentions Will Haunt Us (Harry Gets Caught Remake)
Kiss or Dare
Manipulative Moony
Instagram 2
Our First Time
Sleepynes leads to French speakingness
The Afterlife
Our Cub (Remake)
I've Got You
Ive Been Tagged. (AN at the end)
Single Dads
Untitled Part 93
What Did You Do?!
It's always normal, until it isn't.
Treasure Hunt
Untitled Part 101
... 'Happy' Birthday...
How Could You?
I missed you
Emotionless.. Right?
Wow... Emotions.
Getting older
Untitled Part 116
Lying Low
The Musician
Offer pt. 2
Offer Pt. 3
Offer pt. 4
Hurt: 12 Years Later
Happy new year
My Secret Valentine
Long Day
Late Night Ramblings
First Christmas

We Love you, Rem!

4.1K 77 88
By SiriuslyLupinn

I promise I'm working on a chapter for this book and my other one. I've wrote the os twice, but I didn't like the drafts so I'm going to write it one more time. It should be done soon. I'm so sorry about the wait on my other book. I have big stuff planned, and I haven't had time with school and sleep. Thanks for being so loyal. BTW, have you heard louis Tomlinson's new song? It's awesome! Here's some b-day Instagram/story because I started this os really late. I've got two day to finish this. Uggghh. 

Lily is Rem's sister in this. Post hogwarts. Rem is turning 21 Lily is 20, and so is Reg. 

~Sirius POV~ 

I wake up to the sun shouting in my face. I almost finch, but then I become aware of a warm chest pressed against my back. Remus has his head resting in the crook of my neck, and his arm tucked around my waist. His feet are intertwined with mine. 

I, very carefully, grab my phone off of my bedside table. I know today is important. Merlin, I'm bad at remembering dates. My eyes flicker to where the screen says 'March 10th'

Holy hell, it's Rem's birthday. I knew something was today. Well, at least I always remember to buy presents in advance. 

After waking up a bit more, I carefully wiggle out of Remus' arms. He whimpers in his sleep. 

"Shh, baby. It's okay, I'm right here," I whisper. I lay my hand on his cheek. Rem snuggles back down, leaning unconsciously into my hand. I smile and press a kiss to his forehead. 

~No POV~

SiriuslyPawsone Posted a new Picture! 

SiriuslyPawsome: Birthday boy is sleepy. Look how cute he is, I just don't think I can wake him Up! 😍

ReggieB: Don't wake him up! Poor guy never gets enough sleep. 

SiriuslyPawsome: I know. I won't wake him up. I have a feeling today is going to be lazy and clingy 🐨

JamesPronger: Aw, our sweet baby moony

SiriuslyPawsone: He's the sweetest, isn't he

LilyBug: Proud to call that clingy little ball o' fluff my brother.

ReggieB: If cligyness was heretitary, you guys would have the clingiest kids. 

SiriuslyPawsome: IKR? 

~Back to story, Sirius POV~

I get up, making sure Remus has no protests before walking into the kitchen. 

I make breakfast. Toast, eggs, and blueberry pancakes (With chocolate sauce of course), then set it on the counter to cool. I don't trust Remus with breakfast in bed, so I go back to our room to wake him up. 

"Remuuus," I sing softly, sitting on the side of the bed. "Good morning, moonshine," 

Remus just makes a soft noise in the back of his throat, burying his face deeper into the pillow. I smile and grab my phone, taking a picture. 

~No POV~

SiriuslyPawsome Just posted a new picture! 

SiriuslyPawsome: My sunshine won't wake up and smell the chocolate syrup. But, I can't complain. He's still adorable. 

ReggieB: Of course he's adorable. Why do you think we call him moonmuffin?

SiriuslyPawsome: To tease the hell out of him, reg. That's why we call him moonmuffin. 

ReggieB: True enough. But I believe it derived from you calling him that because he's 'The cutest little cupcake ever' 

LilyBug: Aw. Cutie.

SiriuslyPawsome: I know, right? 

JamesPronger: Sirius is just a big curly fuzz ball of fond right now. 

SiriuslyPawsome: Damn right! 

~Again, Sirius' POV~

I lay my hand on Remus' side. 

"Wake up, beautiful," I coo. Remus whimpers and shifts on his back. 

" 'S too early, Ri," Remus responds, slurring like he just chugged three bottles of firewhiskey. 

"It's eight, it won't hurt you to wake up, my love," I move so I'm sitting by remus' shoulders. 

"You're not gonna French at me today?" Rem teases, still slurred. He turns over on his other side, tucking his arms under him. 

"It won't hurt you to wake up, Mon amour. Is that better?" I slide my hand into his messy bed hair, taking another picture. A ball of fluff comes running into the room. The ball of fluff in question jumps up on the bed. 

"Good morning, Lyra. At least someone loves me today," I lift Lyra up and hold her like a baby so I can scratch her chest. Well, she is my fur baby. 

~no POV~

SiriuslyPawsome just posted a new picture! 

SiriuslyPawsome: He's responsive, but hasn't opened his eyes. Sleepy moony💤 

LilyBug: Aww, such a cutie pie! 

ReggieB: He's persistent. Just bring him the pancakes! 

SiriuslyPawsome: He doesn't know there's pancakes

ReggieB: Then tell him about the pancakes! 

SiriuslyPawsome: I'll try it. 

~Sirius POV~

"I made pancakes," I murmur, rubbing Rem's shoulder. 

"Blueberry pancakes?" Remus turns to he's facing me, but his eyes aren't open. Lyra is curled up against his side, with her fuzzy little head resting on his arm. 

"With chocolate syrup," 

Rem slowly blinks his eyes open. A sleepy smile curves at the corner of his lips. Lyra licks his cheek. Rem kisses between her ears 

"Hey there, sleepy head," I whisper, pushing my hands through his soft hair. 

"Mornin'," He whispers back. Remus stretches and lays his head on my thigh. I chuckle wen Lyra clambers up o top of him, curling up on his stomach.

"You have to get up, Moony!" I laugh. Remus groans. 


"Chooocolate sauuuuce," 


"And then, we can watch a movie. And snuggle," 

"You're such a cuddle monster," Remus teases. 

"Says the boy with his head in my lap, cuddling his dog," 

"tuche," Rem hugs Lyra and kisses between her ears again. 

"Come on, Baby. You're pancakes will get cold," I chuckle. Remus slowly sits up. He holds Lyra in one arm like a baby, wrapping his other arm around my shoulders, and tucking his head into the crook of my neck. 

"Uh-uh, you have to get up," I kiss Remus' temple. He giggles and kisses my neck. 

"Happy birthday, moons," I whisper when Remus calms down. He smiles against my neck, attacking again. He pushes me over, climbing on top of me. 

"Remus. Don't you dare," I warn. Remus raises his hands up. Lyra yips, dancing around on the bed.

"What? Do you really think I would tickle you when you're underneath me, trapped and defenseless?" 

"Of course you wou-aaaaah!" Remus attacks my ribs halfway through my sentence. Lyra yips and jumps around, licking both of us . Re tickles me until my face turns red. When he finally stops, I breathe. Rem pushes my hair away from my face, resting his hands on my cheeks. I smile and turn my head, kissing his palm. Lyra climbs up on my chest, licking my nose and cheeks.

"I love you," Rem whispers, bending down to kiss me, while making room for Ly in the middle. I wind my arms around his waist, pressing my lips to his. Remus always kisses me like I'm made of glass. Like if he kisses me any harder, he'd lose control. 

I pull away after a moment to breathe, resting my forehead against Remus'. 

"I'm hungry," He says. I roll my eyes and pull him into a hard kiss. 

~No POV~

SiriuslyPawsome Just posted A New Picture!

SiriuslyPawsome: Baby finally got out of bed 😘

LilyBug: Awww! 

JamesPronger: I'm surprised he got up before noon

SiriuslyPawsome: Me too, honestly.

~Remus POV~

After breakfast, Sirius and I head to the living room. I flop down on the couch, and Sirius takes an arm chair. 

"What's on the agenda today, babe?" I ask, my legs hanging off of the back of the couch, my back where my butt is supposed to be. Sirius laughs at me when I look at him upside down. 

"Dinner at mum's around four. But I think that's it,"

"I'm bored," I groan. "Entertain me,"

"And Im the one with ADHD," Sirius chuckles. "Do you wanna do something?" 

"But it's March. You'll get cold if we go out," 

"That's why I've got a personal heater. Let's take Lyra for a ride," As if on que, our baby German Shepard comes trotting into the room, her nails making soft clicking sounds on the wood floor. She jumps up on the couch, climbing onto my chest.

"Hey, sweetie," I kiss between her fuzzy ears. Lyra licks my nose, yipping happily. We got Lyra about two months ago. She's just starting to really understand potty training. 

"I still don't understand why she loves you more than me," Sirius says as Lyra settles herself on my chest. 

"She does not. She loves both of us. Lyra, go get daddy," Lyra jumps off of me and dances over to Sirius. She jumps up into his lap and stands on her back paws, licking his cheek. 

"I love you too, Ly. But I have a question. Do you wanna go," 

Lyra jumps down and barks. Her whole body is wiggling. 

"Let me finish, crazy girl. Do you wanna go.. bye bye?" Lyra dances in a circle, jumping in the air and yipping uncontrollably. 

"Re, I think she wants to go bye bye,"Sirius laughs. Lyra jumps up on top of me.

Sirius and I both get dressed. It takes longer than usual, though, cause we stop to kiss every now and then. I get done first, pulling a grey hoodie down over my t-shirt.

I whistle, and Lyra comes scampering into the room, tripping over her paws. She ends up sprawled out on her back by my feet. I crouch and scoop her up, cradling her to my chest like a baby.  

"Who's my good girl?" I coo.  Lyra licks my cheek,  wriggling.  I laugh and turn so I'm holding her with her head on my shoulder,  grabbing a doggy sweater out of the box lily gave us.  

"Hows about you do the moon one today?  It is the moon birthday,  after all," Sirius takes the sweater I have out of my hand,  replacing it with another one.  I sit on the bed and put the sweater on Lyra.  Her tongue lolls out of her mouth.  She is the only dog I know that loves wearing a sweater. The sweater is dark blue,  with a moon on Lyra's back. 

We make our way out of the apartment building and into the car.  I'm driving,  as usual,  because Sirius is scared of driving.  Lyra sits on the consul in the middle of our seats,  sometimes climbing into our laps.  We stop at the park for a quick potty break.  (For the dog).  Then were on the road again.  

"Where are we going?" Sirius asks.  

"I dunno," I say,  hanging a left.  Lyra  sees another dog and she jumps on Sirius,  stand-in with her front paws on the window,  barking her head off.  Sirius laughs and puts a hand under her chest,  pulling her back to sit in his lap. 

"That puppy could eat you,  Chiot, (puppy). He's bigger than you," 

"She like to socialize," 

"Don't all dogs?" Sirius asks, laughing when Lyra huffs out a breath and lays her head on his hand.  

"Good girl," He murmurs.  I smile over at him.  

"Oh,  are you jealous?  Good boy,  moony!" Sirius reaches over to pet the top of my head.  

"I'm a wolf,  not a dog,  chiot," I say the French word for puppy without even thinking about it.  Sirius squeals. 

"You frenched!  It sounded shitty but you did it!" 

"Oi,  I tried," I turn right. Sirius laughs.

"I know where were going," He chuckles.  I look at my surroundings and laugh.  I drove right to our favorite spot. 

"I swear,  I had no idea I was coming here," I laugh. I pull onto the gravel road,  driving back into the woods.  Forest.  They're not calm,  but at the same time they are.  Like,  the forest is alive with creatures,  but when I'm here I feel a wave of calm. 

I park the car and we all three get out.  Lyra scampers around,  sniffing everything she can get her nose on.  Sirius and I make our way to the edge out our cliff. It's about two hundred feet tall.  You can see the whole town from here.  Sirius sits down and I lay my head in his lap,  seeking cuddles.  Ri laughs and runs his fingers through my hair,  bending down to kiss my cheek.

"Happy birthday,  baby," He murmurs.  I smile and hug one of his arms.  

"I love you," I reply.  "And Lyra.  Where did she go?"


"Are you ready to go see grandma?  Are you ready?" Lyra dances around in circles.  Sirius and I laugh.  We're going to eat dinner at mums with James and lily in about a half hour.  

Sirius and I both get changed,  alternating.  I wear a black shirt,  Sirius where's white.  I where light jeans,  Sirius wears dark. I where black shoes,  Sirius wheres white. As Sirius fixes his eyeliner,  I wrap my arms around him from behind. I bow my head and kiss his neck, laughing when Sirius grumbles.  

"Be good or you don't get your present," He says.  I laugh against his shoulder. 

"But I wanted a taste of my present now.  Is that too much to expect?" I laugh.  Sirius rolls his eyes.  He closes his eye liner and puts it away,  then turns around in the circle of my arms.  

"How do I look?" He asks.  I look over his face. Big grey eyes,  popping even more with the highlight of the eye liner.  A very light dust of freckles across his nose,  contrasting to my darker ones. Jet black curls just barely brushing his shoulders,  bangs parted so they almost cover his left eye. 

"Beautiful," I answer,  ducking my head down for a kiss. Sirius smiles against my mouth,  wrapping his arms around my neck. I pull away slightly before we get too deep into the kiss. 

"No time," I murmur.  Sirius pulls my head down so our foreheads rest on each other.  He's all about physical contact.  Like,  he always has to be touching me in some way or another.  

We get back into the car.  Lyra sits on the center console,  yipping and wagging every time she sees a passing stranger.  Sirius is texting.  

"Who are you talking tooooo?" I whine.  "It's my birthday.  You haaave to pay attention to me!" 

"Prongs. And did you have too much sugar this morning?  My Merlin,  you're hyper," Sirius laughs.  He grabs my hand and dramatically kisses the back of it. 

"You made breakfast.  It's your fault," 

"I also let you get too much sleep,"

"No such thing,"

"And we didn't go on a run today,"

"That's true," I nod.  "And the sugar thing.  I probably shouldn't eat cake.  But mamas cake is the best.  Oh no,  what if lily made pudding?  Sirius, this is terrible!"

"Remus,  holy shit!  Calm down!" Sirius is laughing really hard.  His cheeks are red from lack of air.  Oh no,  it would be and if I killed my boyfriend on my birthday.  Even if it was because I made him laugh too hard. It would be bad if I killed him any day,  honestly. 

"You can have one slice of cake.  I'm not staying up until three in the morning with a hyper three year old," 

"Says the insomniac," I say.  "And I'm twenty one,  young 'un," 

"désolé, je ne pouvais pas vous entendre." (Sorry,  I couldn't hear you)" Sirius smirks.  I don't know what he said,  but he was being a smartass. I pull into Mama's driveway.  We must be the first ones here.  But we're ten minutes late.  Lily's always early. 

Sirius and I get out of the car.  I carry Lyra in one arm,  the other locking the car. 

We walk up the sidewalk.  Lyra wiggles in my arms.  I rub her ears. We walk up the three steps onto the porch,  and two steps across the porch to the door.  I turn the nob and open the door.  Wait,  back that truck up and run it over me again.  The doors locked.  

"I forgot my-" Sirius hands me my key. I laugh.  Sirius always remembers when I forget something.  I put the key in the door and turn it.  There we go.  I push the door open. 

It's dark.  

"What the hell?" I murmur under my breath.  I reach over out of memory and switch the light on.  Man,  it's dark. 

"SURPRIIIISE!" I swear I jump six feet in the air.  

"Holy shit!" I shout. Sirius wrap his arms around me from behind. 

"I'm pissed at you," I breathe.  Siri laughs.  He let's go of me.  

"Surprise?" He says. Lyra wiggles until she can lick my chin.  

"Hey,  we're here too!"

I freak out all over again. 

"Reg?!" I crouch and set Lyra down.  She runs around until she finds Mamas dog Bella,  then they run off.  I walk over to reg and hug him. 

"You aren't supposed to be home for another week!" I say.  Reg laughs.  

"I couldn't just miss my favorite brother's birthday!" 

"Oi,  you little shit!" Sirius says.  Reg laughs.  He needs a haircut,  but that's all that's different.  Reg left on an auror mission three weeks ago,  and he was supposed to be gone a month.  I hug him again.  

"Remus,  you're shaking," Reg chuckles.  I pull away from him.  

"He's a ball of energy today.  I have no clue what's wrong with him," Sirius laughs. 

"I'm exiiiiideeeeeeeed! And you fed me sugar,  pads!" 

"You fed the monster sugar?  On his birthday?  What a travesty!" And then I'm hugging the best woman in the world,  my wonderful mother. (AN: Can you tell I love hope Lupin? I hope so) 

"Mama!" I laugh.  We break apart. 

"Where's lily?" 

"RRRAWWWWRRR!" My little sister jumps on my back.  I laugh. 

"Get off of me,  you raspberry!" Lily jumps down then attack me from the front.  I almost fall,  but I steady myself.  

"Calm down,  lils!  Im not going anywhere!" I spin her around.  

"Happy birthday,  Remmy!" She squeals. I laugh and put her down.  

"She's also had sugar," James chuckles from the couch. 

"Y'all should know not to give my children sugar," Mama sighs.  

Sirius, "it's his birthday,  how could I resist?!" 

James,  "Have you seen the puppy dog eyes?!" 

Lily and I both laugh.  We both walk to our respective boyfriends.  I grab Sirius' hand. 

"You're so dead," I say in a light tone,  affection evident. Sirius' eyes widen. 

"SHIT!" He takes off. I run after him.  

I finally catch him in the backyard. I think lily was chasing us,  because I can hear her laughing right behind me.  

"No no no!  Remus NO!" 

I of course,  tickle him anyway.  Sirius squeals (Yes, high pitched and embarrassing),  struggling.  


I finally let him go when he stops yelling. Sirius sprawls out in the grass,  trying to catch his breath. 

"I don't..." He pants.  "... Like you.... Anymore," 

"I should hope not.  But you do love me,  right? We're far passed like,"

"....  Of course,"

"You guys are so weird," Reg laughs,  coming outside.  

"I got it on camera," Lily giggles. Sirius groans and turns on his stomach in the grass. I laugh and sit beside him. 

"Are you okay?" I ask.  Sirius nods.  He turns back over so his head is in my lap,  his eyes towards the sky. 

"You're mean," He says.  I chuckle and push his hair away from his sparkling eyes. 

"How can you go from mad tickle fight to 'oh you're so beautiful I love you so much mush mush mush'?"  Reg asks.

"Really easy,  actually. It's impossible for us to stay mad at each other," I explain. 

"Wanna see something really gross,  Reg?" Sirius teases.  He gets up really quick and tackles me into a kiss.  I brace my hand behind my so we don't fall over,  my eyes falling closed immediately. Reg 'uggh's and goes back inside.  I break the kiss to let my giggles out.  Sirius lays back down in the grass.  I lay beside him. 

"That cloud looks like a cat," Sirius says,  pointing at the sky.  We point out different shaped clouds for a while before Mama calls us inside for dinner.  

We all go inside.  Sirius and I next to each other,  lily across from me,  James next to her,  reg and mama on the ends. We dig in,  enjoying all of the lovely food.  

Somehow,  the conversation ends up being about Hogwarts. 

"You two got together in what,  fifth year?" James says.  Sirius takes my hand under the table.  I nod and keep my eyes trained on my plate. Whenever we talk about this,  nothing ever ends well. For me,  anyway. 

"I remember the first time Remus told me he liked you," Lily says to Sirius.  "He's all like 'Lily,  he likes girls!'," I cross my arms on the table and rest my head against them. 

"Aw,  babe!" I can hear the smirk in his voice when  he lays his hand on my back.  

"I'm going to sleep.  Goodnight," I say,  muffled by my arms.  Everyone continues to talk.  I'm actually almost asleep at this point. If Sirius keeps rubbing my back like that,  I'll be asleep in a flash. 

I hear a crash and I perk my head up sleepily. Lily is the first in the kitchen.  

"LYRA!" she shouts.  Sirius and I share a glance before we're out of our seats and in the kitchen.  Lyra is standing in the middle of the room,  a tray of broken cookies on the ground next to her.  Her ears are down,  and she has her tail between her legs. 

"Bad dog!" Lily says,  pointing at Lyra.  Lyra hides her eyes with her paws.  

"Lily!" I just about shout. I walk over to Lyra and scoop her up in one hand,  then cradle her to my chest. "You're scaring her!" 

"She did just knock over a tray of cookies,  Remus!" Lily points at the evidence. I let Lyra snuggle close to my chest while I examine said evidence.  I look at the counter where the tray was laying.  There is only room for about one third of the tray. 

"No she did not," I say. I set Lyra on the ground,  then crouch down to put the cookies back on the tray. Lyra whimpers and hides behind me,  keeping her belly low to the ground.  I stand up with the tray. 

"Exhibit A," I set the tray on the counter.  It sits there for a moment before slipping.  Bella whimpers and paws at my leg. 

"Exhibit B." I point at Lyra.  She's now freaking out from the loud noise and Lily yelling at her.  She yips at me. 

"Exhibit C," I crouch down by Lyra.  I scratch her ears.  

"Sit,  Ly," She does as told.  "Shake," She gives me her paw.  "Play dead," Lyra rolls into her back,  hanging her tongue out.  "Get up," She stands.  I Stand up.  "Now jump!" Lyra jumps.  She only reaches about my mid thigh.  The counter reaches my waist.  

"So either the tray slipped on its own,  which is what I think,  or Bella did it," I say.  I scoop a still skittish Lyra up again. She timidly licks my cheek.  

"Dogs don't forget,  you know," I say before walking out of the room.  Too many emotions at once. I walk outside,  then set Lyra in the grass.  She rolls over onto her side.  I sit beside her and rub her tummy. 

"Why does everyone always blame it on the dog?" I murmur.  "You're a good girl,  aren't you,  baby?  Yeah,  you're my good girl,"  I croon. "You're not a bad girl. you're a good girl," Lyra wags her tail.  I scratch her chest and she bites at my fingers playfully,  growling. I laugh and let her,  makin sure she doesn't get a chance to bite me too bad.  

The slide door opens.  I hear it close,  but I don't turn around.  I know I just snapped in there,  and I know it wasn't necessary.  It's not like me to snap at anyone,  especially lily.  But no body fucking messes with my dog. 

Sirius sits down beside me.  He pulls his knees halfway to his chest,  scratching Lyra's ears. 

"Are you alright?" He asks.  

"Yeah," I answer.  "Is lily?" 

"Not really,  but she'll get over it.  No one comes between a Remus and his dog. James is pissed.  If it wasn't your birthday he would be smacked you by now," 

"I don't know why I snapped like that.  It's so not like me," 

"Too many emotions at once.  I do it too.  And again,  Lyra was scared.  Your wolf instincts kicked in. She's your cub," 

"Yeah. I guess she is," I smile.  Bella rolls over onto her stomach,  Curling up in the grass.  You almost cant see her.  We're in the taller part of the yard. I scoop her up,  two hands this time,  real careful.  I look her over to make sure the pan didn't hurt her the first time it fell.  She looks okay.  Lyra yips,  licking my nose and cheeks. She buries herself in the crook of my arms.  

"Aw. Ly and Papa," Sirius chuckles. he kisses my cheek. 

"We should go inside," I say.  

"You sure?"

"What else will we do,  leave? Yeah,  let's go inside," I chuckle.  Sirius and I get up.  We walk inside,  Sirius in front of me. 

The first thing I see is a livid James being calmed down by Reg.  Then I see lily and Mama cleaning up the cookie crumbs off of the floor.  I pass Lyra to Sirius and crouch down to help them. Lily looks up at me and smiles.  

We get everything cleaned up.  No one is talking.  I think reg made James calm down. 

"I'm wondering something," Mama says,  jumping up on the counter.  

"Oh no," I groan. 

"Why,  by the great founders,  did we just do that?  We're wizards!" She laughs.  Lily and I share a glace,  then we laugh as well. 

"We're so stupid," Lily chuckles. I pull her into a hug. 

"I'm sorry I snapped," I murmur against the top of her head.  

"I'm sorry I yelled at your cub so close to the full," Lily says.  I pull away slightly and kiss her cheek,  then pull all the way away. 

We all sit down at the table,  enjoying Mama's famous chocolate cake.  

"What movie are we watching,  Rem?" Mama asks.  Oh no,  I forgot to pick a movie. On every birthday, we watch a movie.  Whoever is having a birthday picks the movie. They can't pass it on to another person,  and they only have five minutes to come up with one.  

"Shit. Um.  I dunno," Lily smirks and starts a timer as I struggle.  

"We just watched a really good movie.  What was it?" I mutter to myself.  

"Three minutes," Lily says.  I run a hand through my hair.  Sirius is sniggering.  

"A Dogs way Home!" I exclaim.  "That's what it was!" Lily stops the timer. 

"You cut it close,  Remmy," She says.  I let out a relieved breath.  Sirius snorts. 

"Shut up," I murmur. Sirius grabs one of my hands.  I roll my eyes.  

After doing the dishes,  we all get settled in the living room.  Mama sits on one end of the couch.  I lay my head in her lap,  and Lily curls up next to me with her head on my shoulder.  Reg takes an armchair.  Sirius and James,  being the hyperactive children that they are,  stay on the floor to play with the dogs. 

Mama starts the movie.  We all snuggle down and get comfy.  I love our birthday traditions. With the order,  and the war,  we never get to spend much time together.  We never have time to sit down to a family dinner.  We don't have Sunday dinner ever Sunday because at least one of us is always on an auror or order mission.  It's not fair.  We've had a few fights over it,  but we always seem to pull through.  Because at the end of the day,  we're a family.  A team.  And that's what matters. 

Eventually,  Sirius crawls up into the other armchair.  James is laying on his stomach,  looking up at the TV.  Lyra jumps up on Sirius.  He sits sideways in the chair,  his legs hanging off the side with Lyra curled up on his chest. I smile at my family.  My fiance,  my cub, my brothers,  my sister,  and my mama. I don't think I've been this calm for a long time.  Mama's fingers are combing through my messy hair,  but I don't whine at her like I normally would. Lily is falling asleep.  She's relaxed,  too.  It seems like Lils is always all over the place lately. She's either crying or laughing.  But,  I love her anyway.  She's is my baby sister after all,  and I'm always here when she needs me.  And if James ever hurts her,  Merlin hed better run.

By the time the movie is over,  Lily is asleep.  Sirius is too.  I'm pretty sure James is as well,  but he could just be crying.  Reg is awake.  So is mama. 

I gently move Lily off of me and stand up.  I stretch my arms over my head,  yawning.Reg gets up and heads to the bathroom. James turns over onto his back,  groaning. 

"You shouldn't let me sleep on the floor," James whines.  I hold out my hand to help him up.  He gets to his feet,  smiling when he sees Lily sleeping.  

"She's adorable,  isn't she?" I murmur.  James laughs. 

"The cutest," He chuckles.  I turn my attention to Sirius.  Lyra is still curled up on his chest.  His arms are wrapped around his stomach,  and his head is leaning on the back of the chair.  Sirius' legs are still over the side of the chair.  Man,  he's cute. 

Reg walks back into the room.  He looks over at Sirius. 

"Should I wake him up?" Reg asks. 

"No!" I say. "You're mean when you wake people up," Reg rolls his eyes.  I kneel beside Sirius' chair,  sitting back on my heels. 

"Ew. Love," Reg says. 

"Hey," I lay my hand on Sirius' arm. "Ri,"  Sirius shifts, then slowly opens his eyes.  

"M'ny?" His voice is rough and soft at the same time.  I smile,  pushing his bangs away from his eyes. 

"You ready to go home?" I ask. Sirius nods. 

"Really?  Because you're doing that thing where you're  responsive but you're not moving," I chuckle.  Sirius doesn't move.  

"I'm gonna have to carry you,  aren't I?" I stroke Sirius' cheek with my thumb. He smiles snuggles his head into my hand,  his eyes closing again.  I chuckle and lean forward,  kissing his forehead lightly.  "Okay, baby. Go back to sleep," I whisper.  

I stand up and turn to my family.  James is rousing Lily, Reg is texting,  and mama is looking right back at me.  I sit on the arm of the chair,  wrapping my arm around Mama's shoulders.  

"Thanks, Mama," I say.  Ma pats my arm.  

"I love you,  baby.  You should get Sirius home," I smile at my fiance.  I can't believe that precious boy is all mine.  I couldn't believe it in fifth year,  and I still can't believe it.  

"I love you too.  Yeah,  I probably should," 

"At least he's conked out for the night," Mama shrugs.  I chuckle. 

"Oh no he's not. He'll be awake before we get home. He just wants cuddles," To prove my point,  Sirius wiggles around,  whining.  

"That,  is my que," I say.  I stand up. 

"Reg,  grab Lyra for me?" I ask. Reg nods and scoops Lyra up. I pick Sirius up bridal style.  He tucks his head into the crook of my neck,  kissing my shoulder. I roll my eyes.  

"You're such a cuddle bunny," I murmur as I walk to the door.  Sirius smiles against my neck. 

"You're a pushover,  ya know that?" Reg laughs. 

"I'm not a pushover.  I just love my boyfriend," I kiss the top of Sirius' head.  

"Fiance," Sirius whispers. I laugh. 

"Fiance," I correct myself.  Sirius kisses my shoulder again. I walk the two steps across the porch and the three steps down to the sidewalk.  Reg opens the passenger side door on the car,  and I set Sirius down in the seat.  Reg sets Lyra down.  She jumps up into the car,  curling up with Sirius.  I chuckle and shut the door,  then pull reg into a hug. 

"I love you kiddo," I murmur.  Reg lays his head on my chest.  We break apart.  "It's good to have you home and safe,"

"I love you too,  Re.  I'm glad to be home," 

"If you need us,  we're right down the hall," I say.  Reg only lives two apartments down from ours. He smiles. 

"I'll be okay.  Thanks,  though,"

"Night,  kiddo," I laugh.  I kiss the top of his head,  ignoring his protests.  (Re,  I'm not twelve anymore!)  I walk around the car and get in.  I glance at Sirius and smile.  He's got his legs tucked up in the seat,  his head resting on his arms on the center consul.  Lyra is laying on the space left in the seat,  snuggled up close to Sirius' chest.  I start the car and pull out of the driveway,  plugging my phone into the radio.  I play my soft playlist.  We listen to it sometimes when one of us cant sleep.  

I pet Sirius' hair with one hand,  steering with the other.  

"You gonna wake up,  love?" I ask. Sirius groans softly. 

"Don't wanna," He whines.  I chuckle.  Sirius acts like a child when he's tired. He's either bratty or cuddly. 

"I know,  baby.  But if you sleep too much now,  you'll wake up too early. And I wanna sleep in tomorrow.  It's not very often that we both get a Monday off," I say gently. 

"I know," Sirius rubs his eyes,  but he doesn't get up.  He whines when I stop petting his hair.  Cuddle bunny. I comb my fingers through his hair.  

"I love you," I murmur. 

"I love you too," Sirius reaches up and takes my hand from his hair,  intertwining our fingers. I smile at him.  He turns up the radio.  A Blake Shelton song is playing.  We both love Blake Shelton.  I got Sirius turned on to him in sixth year. I hum to the words. Sirius sits up. He rubs his eyes like a kid,  pushing his hair out of his eyes.  I hold his hand slightly tighter. Lyra sleepily stumbles her way to the center consul. She jumps up and curls into a ball,  resting her head on our hands. Sirius laughs and picks her up with his free hand, kissing between her ears. 

I park the car and unplug my phone. 

"Do you just want to Apparate from here?" I ask.  Sirius nods.  He's still sleepy,  poor baby.  I take his hand and Apparate us into our living room.  

"Shit," I wrap my arm around Sirius' waist,  knowing exactly what happened.  Sometimes,  Sirius gets dizzy when he does side alongs. 

"You okay?" I ask.  Sirius nods.  He crouches and sets Lyra down,  then flops on the couch.  

"Merlin that's trippy," Sirius groans.  I chuckle.  

"I'm gonna go shower.  Get your shit together," I laugh,  bending down to kiss Sirius' nose.  "And feed Lyra,  please," 

~Sirius POV~

I watch Remus leave the room with a small smile on my face. He's so wonderful,  I can't believe he's mine.  He's so sweet and loving,  even when he has to deal with my bullshit. 

I glance down at my engagement ring.  It says 'star' in English on the outside in Rem's messy hand writing. On the inside,  it says 'moon' in French (Lune)  in my neat cursive.  Remus' has that exacting thing,  but 'Lune' on the outside and 'star' on the inside. 

I then get up and walk into the kitchen,  whistling. Lyra tumbles into the room,  tripping over her too-big paws. She rolls on to her back at my feet,  her tongue lolling out of her mouth. I chuckle and get a cup of dog food out of the bag,  then pour it into her bowl.  Lyra yips in appreciation.  

I walk out of the kitchen and make my way into the bedroom,  all of my tired-ness gone.  I change into joggers and a green jumper.  For some reason,  Remus loves it when  I wear this jumper.  Im not sure why. As I get Remus' actual present ready,  I hear the shower turn off.  I've got about five minutes.  

I put the present on the bed,  then crawl up there as well.  I cross my legs Indian style,  resting my hands in my lap.  And for those of you with dirty minds,  no,  I'm not trying to be sexy. It's too close to the full for that,  and we all know I'm naturally sexy as hell.  Remus likes this jumper because he says it's cute.  And it's soft.  Plus,  I'm still pretty tired.  But it's going away.  That's not good,  you know.  That usually means I'm not gonna be able to sleep good.  That's why I don't nap. 

I'm fully awake by the time Remus comes out of the bathroom. He's wearing joggers and no shirt. I smile at him. 

"Aw. You're such a cutie pie," Remus Coos.  I blush and duck my head. 

"I'm not cute,  Re. Im too cool for that. Now open your present," I mutter.  Rem crawls into bed next to me,  pulling my unceremoniously into his lap.  I chuckle and look up at him. 

"I'm not your present," I laugh,  kissing the side of Remus' neck.  He kisses the top of my head. 

"Do I have to? It scares me," 

"What would ever push you to not trust me?" I gasp,  pressing a hand to my heart. 

"Seventh year?  Snake?  Shower? On. My. Birthday." 

"In my defense,  it was meant to be for a prank we were going to pull on the Slytherins,  and it was Peters idea,"

"Do you Marauder swear that there is nothing in there that will scare me?" Remus asks. 

"I marauder swear," I say confidently.  Remus Accio's the present (that was at the end of the bed)  so he doesn't have to move. I crawl away so I'm next to him and not on him.  Remus takes out the Red tissue paper from the blue bag (our two favorite colors,  yes I know I'm romantic)  

Remus pulls out the chocolate first.  He glances at me like 'who are you,  James?'

"Keep digging," I say,  grinning. He pulls out the phone case next.  It has a moon on it.  The outside is black,  and the inside around the moon is blue. 

"Aw,  baby!" Remus says. 

"I figures with how many times you've dropped your phone,  it was time you get a case," I say. Remus smiles.  "There's one more thing in there,"

Remus pulls out the mug.  It's black with little moons and stars all over it. He grins and pulls me into a sideways hug.

"Thanks,  Babe," Remus murmurs. I lean up and kiss his cheek.  

"I love you," I say.  Remus pulls me into a short kiss.  When we break apart I just lay my head in his lap. Rem pushes his fingers through my hair. 

"You're not going to be able to sleep,  are you?" He asks. I frown. 

"Im not sure," I say.  Remus just smiles. 

"That's okay. Why don't we go watch a movie,  'cause I decided to be jittery this morning and we didn't get to watch one then?" Rem asks.  I nod. 

We get up and make our way into the living room,  setting up a proper place for a movie night.  Remus sits with his back to the arm of the couch. I sit criss cross in between his legs.  Rem wraps blanket around his shoulders,  wrapping it around me as well.  I shift so I'm on my side,  my ear pressed to Remus' heart. He combs his fingers through my hair. 

"Are you okay?" He asks.  Sometimes when my insomnia gets really bad,  I have panic attacks from thinking too much. And usually when I'm quiet,  I'm thinking too much.  I must be being too quiet. 

"Yeah,  I'm okay.  Just a lot of emotions,  is all," Remus let's out a sigh of relief like 'hell yeah, no anxiety!' He wraps his arms tight around me, rubbing my back soothingly with one hand.  Rem starts the movie,  and I snuggle closer.  He chose a sappy one.  Usually,  we would watch horror.  But when I can't sleep,  horror makes my anxiety act up. 

My eyelids start to feel heavy.  I let out a little whine and curl closer to Remus' warm chest. 

"Shh,  baby.  Go to sleep.  I've got you," He moves one of his hands and slips it into mine. I smile sleepily and tangle our fingers.  Remus moves so he's laying down,  with me on my side between his legs. 

"You get s'm sleep,  to. 'Kay?" I slur.  Man,  I'm tired. Remus chuckles fondly and kisses the top of my head. 

"Okay,  honey," He murmurs. "I love you" 

"I love you too,  M'ny. Happy b'rthday," Remus wraps his arms tighter around me, still rubbing my back in comfortingly slow movements. 

I close my eyes. 

How was that? I'm sorry this is sooo late!  I've been busy with school and sleep.  I really hope you understand.  I've got a lot of works in progress.  One of the ones I'm working on (I mentioned it up top)  I was not satisfied with,  so I'm rewriting it.  Thanks,  guys. 🦄

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