The Imprinted Maiden (18+)

By Nimo-Neko

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All Lyra wanted was to see a werewolf up close despite the warnings of her village. She gets what she bargain... More

Content Warning!
Characters Pt. 2
Chapter One (Revised)
Chapter Two (Revised)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Coming back? - Not a Chapter
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Forty-Seven

337 15 0
By Nimo-Neko

Falling asleep in their arms wasn't a part of the plan, but when I cracked open my eyes to see them laying close to me, I figured it worth it. I could feel the warmth in their bodies slowly return but that was all that changed. Their wrists and ankles looked worse for wear, and there were bags under their eyes.

I should have figured they wouldn't get any sleep, but I never imagined they'd end up this bad. Tears threatened to reappear, but I blinked them away and stayed still. Even if I wasn't tired, I knew they were and I knew they deserved to sleep.

When my eyes closed, I fell asleep faster than I thought.

Tender caresses on my face and neck were what woke me up. I blinked slowly, looking up at Xain. He flashed me a tired smile, kissing my cheeks and forehead softly. "You've been sleeping a while, Darling."

I hummed happily, placing my hands over his as I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch. "Five more minutes?" I pleaded.

He chuckled and said, "In five more minutes your meal will be gone."

I huffed a little, opening my eyes and sitting up. To my surprise, there were two trays empty to my left, and the third filled with veggies and meat. My stomach gurgled but I immediately decided to just take an apple. "You two need it more than me," I said, looking up at Connor.

He wasn't facing me and I knew why. I slowly got up and approached him, crouching in front of him and gently gripping his chin. He tensed but didn't stop me as I turned his head toward me.


My lips quivered as I rubbed his cheek gently, pulling him to me and hugging him tight. "It's okay," I whispered, rubbing his back. "It'll be alright." Whether or not he believed me remained to be seen, but I knew for a fact that he needed comfort.

Xain joined our hug, resting on hand on Connor's head while he wrapped his free arm around me, resting his head on my shoulder.

For a moment, or maybe a while, we didn't say anything. Connor finally spoke, breaking away from the hug. "I'm sorry for getting us in this mess."

"Don't," I said, gripping his hands gently. "We had to have known something like this would've happened sooner or later. I just hate that it had to have happened now."

He tilted his head faintly, reaching and rubbing my cheek. I smiled softly, leaning into his hand as I said, "It's good to feel your hands again."

"It's amazing to just feel you," Connor muttered, playfully glaring at Xain when he grinned and wrapped his arms around me.

"You can say that again," he teased, kissing my neck. I shivered, enjoying their warmth before frowning a little.

"What's wrong?" Connor got closer, pressing his forehead to mine.

I shuddered, placing my hands on either side of his head. "Miles threatened me when I was staying at Jean's home. He tried to convince me that you both were with other women and that you wanted to overthrow him. It was stupid, but-"

"I should've known he'd approach you when we left." Connor didn't snap but his voice was dangerously low. His eyes met mine and I shivered impulsively. He looked ready to fight, ready to kill; it was freaky to know that without him saying so.

"I saw that reaction coming," Xain muttered, sounding no less angry than Connor was. "Don't worry Lyra, we won't let him touch you. We'll keep you safe."

I got free of Xain's grip to turn and look at him. "Not while you're in here! Nathaniel told me I couldn't speak on both your behalves and that someone from the village had to come to represent you. Otherwise-!"

This time Connor wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug and shushing me. "You worry so much. Someone is coming, I assure you," he muttered, kissing the back of my head.

Xain smiled crookedly, leaning over and kissing my lips softly. I sighed, feeling content as I reached to caress his cheek. He stayed still only for a moment before backing up and rubbing his lips. "Damn," he muttered, his eyes flashing gold before looking away. "Sometimes I hate the effect you have on me."

I giggled and said, "The feeling is mutual, Xain." I felt happy, beyond happy, just by being in one's arms and talking with another. I felt complete and content. I wouldn't tell him, but if they had to stay in prison for longer, I'd stay with them.

They'd hate my decision, but I knew that they would like the idea of being away from me even less.

As I looked at Xain and glanced at Connor, I remembered the question I had for them. "Why can't I hear Xau and Cliff anymore?"

Connor shifted behind me but didn't answer. Xain just smiled at me fondly, reaching out and holding one of my hands. "I don't know, Lyra. Why can't you?"

"Well," I started, leaning into Connor as I spoke, "normally werewolves can hear their own inner wolves, but their mates can as well if they aren't whole. So, are you whole?"

Before I could get an answer, I gasped as Connor shifted my body to cradle up against his. Xain had moved, looking down at me as he positioned himself next to Connor. The brothers glanced at each other before looking down at me.

I blushed, unsure of how to react. "Uh..."

Xain then grinned and attacked me with kisses all over my face. I squealed and laughed, trying to push him away. "Xain, stoooop! You didn't give me an answer!"

Connor chuckled faintly, raising my right hand and kissing it tenderly. "He doesn't have to. If you cannot tell, then what kind of mate are you?"

I giggled, closing my eyes as Xain kissed my forehead. "Alright, alright, I get it. You both are whole now."

"Thanks to you," Xain added, kissing my nose.

I smiled wide and asked, "How? I didn't do much."

"You continued to have faith in us despite the both of us being stupid and lying to you, you stayed with us instead of finding a way to break the bond, and you keep defending us when really we should be kept locked up," Connor answered, giving me a deadpan look. "I'm surprised, to be honest. I never thought someone else's wolf could bond to a different soul, but here we are."

"Here we are," Xain repeated, chuckling as he nudged Connor. "Way to sound like an old man."

Connor snarled at him playfully. "Says the one who still thinks he's fourteen."

"Hey, at least I know how to lighten things up," Xain retorted.

"Yes, always at the wrong times it seems," Connor snapped, returning the glare he was being given.

I smiled, watching the two interact quietly. I felt like even if I wasn't here, they still would have made it. They went through a lot, losing their parents and their way of life. It didn't help that their very souls were switched.

But for now at least, through the annoyance, they seemed content. That was all I ever wanted from them.


I was allowed to stay in the cell overnight. We were given dinner and extra blankets since it was especially cold that night. It honestly felt like I was out camping instead of being locked up with my mates.

In the morning Nathaniel came for me, stating that the council refused to have me in there with the brothers for more than a few hours, so I had to leave if I wanted to come back. It took some convincing to calm Connor down and Xain didn't want to let me go. I didn't blame them and I wish I could have said or done more for them.

Matthew was waiting for me at the guest house with Nick and his family. While I did miss my wolves, I was very happy to see family waiting for me on the other side. After talking with them for some time, Nate had pulled me to the side.

Although I was nervous, I felt like I could trust this chief because he seemed to actually care. He led me back to his home with a somber look on his face.

I didn't say anything to him until we were inside. "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, my dear," he replied, "I'm just dealing with old memories is all. You and your brother must have had it hard, living alone and all."

"For a while," I admitted, sighing softly. Looking back, it was hard for either of us to function. Almost a month after our parents disappeared, everyone ruled them out for dead and started treating Matthew like a grown adult, even though he was too young to be considered one.

And yet he put on his work boots every day for me. When I turned twelve was when I started running around looking for work. No one wanted to hire a child, especially a girl, but I turned out to be an entertaining server at small pubs and bed and breakfast houses.

I'd smile, dance, sometimes sing, and would repeat jokes I'd heard others say. It got us by and made us connections that we needed to stay alive. Eventually we stopped thinking about our dead parents.

"Did you ever find out what happened to them?" he asked, turning to me.

I shook my head. "No, although many ruled it to be a werewolf attack, so..."

"Just like humans," he muttered, shaking his head. He then gave me a hard look. "Ms. Stan, your parents did not die from a werewolf attack. I know because I've met them."

I stared at him wide eyed, barely keeping my jaw from dropping. "You knew them?!"

He nodded, smiling at me softly. "Lyra, sit with me for a moment." I nodded briskly, following him to the living room before sitting across from him.

He smiled warmly at me before relaxing his expression. "Melinda and Jaune were kind people. They left the village in search of medicine for you during one of the worst winter we'd seen, if I can recall."

I smiled weakly. "I always had a terrible immune system."

He chuckled softly and said, "They told me as much. They had already come across East Mount peacefully, coming in contact with their late alpha before making their way here. They were pale, cold and determined, and I told them as much. Jaune insisted they needed the medicine and would trade whatever they had for it. Luckily, I didn't see it as necessary."

He smiled fondly at the memory. "I made them stay overnight and gave them the medicine the next morning. They left shortly after with the promise to return. They, well...they never did."

I grinned, though it wasn't a happy grin. "To think they came across you years ago... I never would have known."

"I know," he said softly. He hesitated before sitting himself beside me, rubbing my back gently. "We found them asleep in each other's arms in a cave nearby. The weather that night took many a wolf from our pack, so we had them and your parents buried at a nearby cemetery. When the weather eases up, I would love to show you their resting places. It...seems only right."

I smiled weakly, wiping my eyes as I said, "Thank you, Nate."

He gave me a genuine smile and said, "You deserve closure, little one." He then sighed and frowned, glancing up at the clock. "Unfortunately, that may be the only closure I can give. I have a meeting soon but I doubt there is more I can say to defend the brothers."

I sighed softly, unsure of what to say. Nate smiled bitterly before sighing and standing. "Come, I'm sure your brother wants to be with you longer before you return to the prison cell." I nodded, standing up with him and following him out.

My fingers continued to pick at my shirt in worry. I couldn't help but wonder if tonight would be the last night I'd be able to see them, touch them, and kiss them. I wish I could've pulled them away and disappear from the rest of the world.

It was a hopeless wish, but a wish all the same.


Hanging out with Matthew and Nick in the guesthouse took my mind off of the situation for a time. It felt so natural to hang out with him again and mess around. We played chess and I lost, I watched Nick and Jericho playfully fight each other, and when I had a moment to rest, Matthew and I shared a book together. I could keep up with his speed, reading what he read and ready to turn the page when he was prepared to do so.

Nick had decided to turn on music at some point, pulling me up and asking, "You know how to dance?"

I smiled shyly and shook my head. "No, sadly. Lead me?"

"But of course," he replied, beaming as he pulled me onto the middle of the living room floor. "How you holdin' up?"

I smiled a little and said, "As well as I could be, Nick. I wish there was something I could do to help them."

"I know," he muttered, spinning me around. "Ain't much you can do for 'em aside from bein' there, ya know? But don't worry, I'm sure things will turn out a'ight."

I nodded a little, hoping for hope from his words. "I'll take your word for it, Nick." He smiled at me as he continued to pull me around on the floor. I giggled and let him pull me about on the floor. "I'm just tired of feeling so helpless is all...everyone's been taking care of me, but what am I doing other than just being here?"

"Ya givin' those boys a' yours a reason to keep livin'," Nick noted with an eyebrow raised. "You're alive, you're here. If you can't sense the change in those boys from before to now, then what kinda mate are you?"

I blinked a little before huffing. "Give me a break; I'm still new to all of this."

He chuckled and said, "That's what I thought you'd say." He spun me around a bit more before allowing Matthew to take over.

My brother smiled at me and continued where Nick left off. "It looks like you aren't as bad as you thought." I giggled a little, leaning up against him as he lulled me about. I could tell Matthew was smiled from the gesture. "I was thinking about something during this entire trip."

"Oh? What about?" I asked.

"Well...I figured after everything finishes up and settles, maybe I could move up here with you and your new family."

Surprised, I leaned back to look at him. "Wait, you want to move into the East Mount?"

"Of course!" He was smiling a little, although his brown eyes looked pained. "There's nothing left for me in the village anymore. Everyone was quick to turn their backs on you and...if they aren't willing to listen to reason, then I don't want to be there anymore."

He stopped dancing to hug me close. "I made a promise to our parents that I'd watch out for you, and I still stand by it. I owe you after turning my back, and I figured this would make up for it and keep us close."

I smiled softly, rubbing his back as I rested my cheek on his shoulder. "I would love nothing more, Matthew. Thank you for doing this."

"Thank you for not pushing me away," he muttered, hugging me tighter. "Because I know damned sure that I deserved otherwise."

I giggled a little and practically clung to him. If I lost my wolves, it would hurt; I would hurt. But I knew Matthew wouldn't abandon me again. I had all of my family back now, and he'd be there if things got worse.

I just hoped that I wouldn't come to that. 


I need more Nick/Lyra friendship in my life.

Until the Next Update!


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