Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

By camrenkordied

911K 29K 11.5K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... More

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21K 566 218
By camrenkordied

"I think it's gonna rain soon, fuck, it was just sunny yesterday." I grumbled lowly as I poked the small bonfire we made.

"I feel like I'm in a tv show about to be eaten." I looked around the trees and I caught Y/N's smirk as she ate a slice of pizza.

We had really driven back into the city to grab a pizza and a few snacks just to come back.

"It might rain, but it's okay, we got that tent." She nodded her head towards her truck where we just set up our nice ass tent on the back of it.

It was cute, she tried to make it so perfect and I could see she had just boughten it. The very top of the tent had a little plastic window that we could cover up; when I first saw it I geeked out. The first night we spent was looking at the stars as she fell asleep rather quickly. We had literally every blanket that was in our rooms and we just bundled up through the night.

"Unless you wanna go and it's okay if you do." She asked me as she walked towards the fire.

"No, no it's okay, I do wanna be here. Despite the mosquitoes attacking every inch of exposed skin. I like this." I genuinely meant it too, I just didn't like bugs- even in Miami there was a shit ton of mosquitoes.

"I think I'm gonna head to the lake." She stuck up her chin cutely and I stood up with her ready to walk with her.

"Finally." I sighed and she chuckled as she put out the fire just to grab my hand.

I honestly couldn't wait until we got the marshmallows out, I felt like a kid. All giddy and wanting every piece of junk around, all the while appreciating nature. I literally felt like I was gonna be turned into a vampire any second now.

"Are you a vampire?" I obviously joked as I looked at my girlfriend, "Is that why you brought me out here? To turn me."

She laughed deeply, " figured me out, Bello. You're too smart for your own good." She sighed loudly and shook her head.

"Is that what you want?" She played along to it as her eyes stared into mine.

"To be turned." She smirked and I wet my lips as the thought crossed my mind again.

"Uh duh." I held onto her tightly so I wouldn't fall down the slight hill.

"To be immortal with my lover, sounds amazing." I joked and I heard that laugh echo throughout the forest.

"Eh, I've been more of a werewolf kinda person." She hopped down onto a path which led up to the lake and the repair shop.

She planned this nicely, she knew where she was going.

"Ooh vampire werewolf babies." I hopped down with her carefully while she held out her hand.

I heard the large wave of branches sweep across the land and a breeze hit us. I obviously knew I couldn't get into the water but it was nice to look at. Don's shop had a good location.

"You want kids one day?" She asked me and I knew it could be a touchy subject since... well... no shining knight has entered this coochie kingdom.

"Yeah! One day, probably after college and after a couple years I've worked somewhere." I walked with her towards the weird shoreline.

It wasn't necessarily a lake but rather a huge pond- still wouldn't get in it. I'd have to make her drive down to an actual lake instead of this contamination. It was still pretty though and I liked the way the water shined in her eyes; the reflection of the waving water. She then leaned down to pick up a rock. I immediately picked one up knowing what she had in mind causing me to position my hand.

"Oh shitt..." She paused her own actions and watched me smoothly skip the rock against the water.

"Professional rock skipper over here." She stood next to me with a laugh and I giggled as I watched her throw the rock.

It made a nice thunk and it sunk to the bottom while she silently cursed to herself. I couldn't stop myself from laughing and she softly pushed my shoulder.

"Shut up." She chuckled and I laughed deeply as she tried to skip it again.

"Okay, what the hell- I can do it." She started to back herself up and I nodded silently teasing her.

"Trust me, I can. I used to all the time with Don." She defended and when she tried once more I cracked up.

My laugh echoing throughout the area along with her playful yell; I then walked up to her and gently wrapped my arms around her from behind. She groaned out a laugh and my fingertips ran up her arm then I tried to help her. Lifting her arm up and putting her in a stance- I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted an excuse to touch her.

"This is the gayest thing I've done." She commented and I giggled softly against the shell of her ear.

"That says a lot." I whispered and I caught her smirk while I tapped her hand to silently tell her to throw it.

It skipped and her posture hardened up, "Oh nah, no, that only happened cause you were feeling me up. I can do this on my own." She scoffed and I smiled to myself as I watched her again and again.

After a few more tries I started to throw pebbles at her back as I watched how fast her attention turned away from me. I pouted at her back as she suddenly skipped it on her own. It bounced about four times and she jumped up, "Fuck yes! Told you!"

Her feet colliding with the gray rocks beneath her and the wind blew again. I watched a couple birds fly over and into the trees while a few people started to walk down the trail. Most likely from Don's shop and I tugged at the hem of her shirt. She pulled me into her causing me to giggle loudly; her arm around my neck and she kissed the top of my head.

"How far can you throw though?" She challenged me and I remembered back when Donovan said she could get competitive.

He wasn't kidding.

I picked up a rock and pushed her softly away from me, "Watch out pal, you're gonna get beat." I positioned myself again and she laughed loudly and sarcastically.

"Oh no, no, no, Karla's already messing up." She started to innocently tease me as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

"Shut up." I giggled as I felt her eyes peering down at me.

I threw it with all my strength and it plopped about eight feet in front of me, I sighed turning my head to Y/N. She had the most annoying face upon herself with a tight smile as she was holding back a laugh. Her cheeks suddenly blew out and she over dramatically blew out a loud laugh. Her lips vibrating before her real laughter echoed around causing me to softly slap her arm. She screamed and bursted again with fits of giggles knowing her dramatic ass was cracking herself up. She breathed in deep as I watched her with my arms crossed.

"Okay baby, this is how it's done." She insulted me and I couldn't help but snort at her cockiness.

She and her cocky self smirked and got into position ready to prove to me she could beat me. But as she was throwing the rock I jumped up and messed with her concentration. The rock stumbled down and into the water three feet away and she yelled. I laughed at her as her arms suddenly wrapped around me.

"Why in the hell-" She continued to yell and I could hear some of the adults laugh at our antics.

Then that's when I felt her fingers softly dig into my side-

"Y/N, don't you dare." I firmly spoke, my laughter immediately fading, knowing what this meant.

"Oh... Oh, you don't like that?" She playfully whispered in my ear as her fingers started to make their way up and down.


"STOP!" I screamed as I bursted with laughter and her hands attacked my ticklish areas.

"Goddamnit Y/NN!" I yelled as I pushed her almost too hard and she laughed deeply.

She stumbled back and all too quickly she tripped over a larger rock and her body fell. She tried to catch herself and her ass fell into the water causing it to splash up against her back. Her heels dig into the rocks and she gasped with me. Time basically stopped and her eyes locked to mine while I started to back up as a chuckle bubbled out my throat.

"Baby... baby, I didn't meant to." I held back a hard laugh and I felt my stomach clench from trying to suppress it.

"Oh, you're dead, Cabello." She quickly tried to get up and her right foot inevitably submerged in the water.

I took off back towards the trail and she ran after me, I screamed while I passed the visitors. They laughed and made comments as I quickly climbed the hill as fast as I could. I could feel myself get weak since I felt the giddy bubble feeling take over my body. I was laughing too much, each step I took I was dying of wheezing laughter. And before I could go off trail I felt her hand snatch mine. I launched back into her with a scream and she silenced me with a kiss.

We breathed deeply and giggled against each other's lips, it might've sounded gross but it was normal. I didn't second guess her breath against my skin and I nipped at her lip before backing away from her. Another breeze swept through the trees and I shivered as her hand reached for mine again. But she didn't get to touch me again since I ran off once more, trying to remember where our tent was.

I could hear her footsteps right behind me and I knew then I was a dumbass. Why try to run from someone who literally ran for fun? She used to run everyday so I wasn't surprised she caught me again. She pushed me against one of the trees and I gasped softly when her lips found mine. Me being already out of breath tried to keep in the huge huff I was dying to let out. But I broke the kiss to do just that, my lungs burned and she kept me upright against the tall tree.

I caught notice of the front of her truck nearby and I suddenly felt her breathing get shallow. I looked down her body to see her still half wet and I had a battle within myself to keep myself from touching. Her hands still holding mine in a tight grasp and they slowly loosened up as we both realized the tension in the air. It was thickening, and it was happening quickly.

It wasn't just the humidity around but the more so the fact I felt the need to see her with less clothes. So, she let my hands go as her lips enclosed around my bottom lip. My fingers lightly trailed down her torso and just ended up on the hem of her jeans. I gulped as she backed up a bit leaving me once again longing for more.

She breathed in deep, her nostrils flaring when she exhaled and her jaw clenched. She looked away giving me a good sight of her side profile and I looked down at the rest of her. As she backed up even further her hands started to fiddle with the back of her shirt that was wet. Her skin was more exposed each time she tried to pull on her shirt and she then gulped as well.

Letting out a breathy laugh as she shook her head, "It's like, super cold-" I stepped further no longer containing my fast beating heart and her distance from me.

Always trying to change the subject or always trying to alter our situation that we were once in. I wasn't having that this time. I would not allow myself to be tortured any longer and I wasn't going to let her either. My lips had collided with hers again and I could sense she was a little shocked. She hasn't really experienced much forwardness from me- and maybe that was my fault to my own torture.

But it didn't stop her from taking ahold of my cheeks softly as I grasped at her shirt that was somewhat soaked. I took the lead for the first time and softly pushed her towards the front of her vehicle. Trying not to trip over anything that we had set up or was already there from nature itself. But once her back slightly tilted backwards from the small impact she knew I was serious.

My heart pounding with excitement as I tugged her shirt up as her fingers traced my jawline carefully. For a quick couple seconds we paused the kiss so I could slip off her shirt. Just for it to fall to the ground and her to lean more into the kiss. I felt her body again but against my own shirt fabric and I never in my life wanted all clothing off all at once.

All of a sudden I felt her lean down and her arms wrapped around my legs just to pick me up. We both knew I didn't weigh that much so I didn't know I was so surprised with her actions. It still spurred me on to think deeply of what was going to happen next. She then started to walk to the back of her truck as I heard a very loud boom of thunder. I gasped against her lips and she softly treaded her fingers through my hair; all the while she laid me down in our tent which slightly threw me off.

I couldn't believe it. Of all places. Of all the "perfect" opportunities she could've taken my pot of gold, we happen to be here. In a forest where it would rain in a few short minutes, in a tent on the back of her truck.

Y/N started to lean up again and I pulled her down despite her feet still being on the ground. I didn't want to give her a reason to stop again. I really never gave a shit about where it happened I just found it ironic. At least we were alone.

"Let me get up here." She chuckled against my mouth as I sucked on her lip.

"Sorry." I breathed out a giggle and she smoothly climbed up gently as she kicked off her shoes outside.

Those shoes would be ruined in the next five minutes.

As my fingers quickly trailed down to her jean button she grabbed my hand, "Okay, relax..." She grabbed my attention as we unintentionally stared at one another.

"We have all the time in the world. You don't have to rush this." She tried to reassure me and I could finally feel my body burning with want.

Or it could've been my body trying to find air that I desperately needed by now.

"Let me take care of you, just breathe and relax." She slowly started to lean down to my neck and kiss my hammering pulse point.

I wasn't trying to rush, I was just excited to finally get into it.

"I love you." She admitted once again after a few long moments.

Oh God, who knew I could get wet that fast?-

"I love you too." I breathed out not knowing how my body was reacting to all of this emotional and physical activity at once.

And at that she became much more soft and slow as her kisses became longer and gentler. Her colder hands started to raise my shirt- not too quickly but not too slowly. As this was happening my chest started to feel tight and it was like I was experiencing too much excitement. I didn't wanna die now- oh God not now! She swirled her tongue around my navel like one other time before and I closed my eyes.

My breath getting caught in the back of my throat as she lifted my top over my breasts. We both leaned up to remove the article of clothing. As I was going to reach for my own bra she stopped me with a small shake of her head and pressed her lips against mine. I leaned against my hands as her body situated over mine in a way. Her hands slowly making their way to my back goosebumps following behind. She pulled my hair to one side and kissed my neck as she unhooked my bra expertly.

It slipped from my shoulders and fell to my lap which ultimately led her to kiss my lips again. She softly pushed me up till I was laying against our pillows then retracted from me to turn away and zip up the tent. I met her half way with a heated but slower kiss and I whimpered lowly. She laid us down again and she expertly pecked down my skin. She was leaving a burning trail as my breathing became even more uneasy.

I let out continuous deep breaths into the space of the tent while her lips enclosed around my left nipple. Her tongue gently outlining my areola as her hands continued to caress my sides. I had no idea what to do so I had just laid there like a beach bound whale. In the time she was reaching down to remove my own pants she had taken off hers. Finally.

I tenderly grasped the sides of her head to pull her up and kiss my lips. I needed to feel them again, I couldn't go long without kissing her. She was really a drug. As her tongue slipped against mine in the most softest, sexiest manner her fingers slipped through the opening of my jeans. My hands shook as she pulled my panties aside once again. Her fingertips coming into contact with my heated center as my breathing got so deep and heavy.

"You okay?" She separated to ask me as she lightly rubbed at my clit.

I couldn't answer, I just nodded and my fingers hooked into her boxers. But I eventually just clutched onto the fabric as she got my senses to wake up even further. She didn't stop until I was a dripping essence of a person wanting more. All hairs were at a point while my stomach was clenching along with the inner walls of my center. Clenching around nothing, that was until she decided to boldly but slowly slip a finger down.

"You have to tell me what's wrong if you don't like something- I don't wanna hurt you." She whispered into my ear and I knew the sound of her voice would never leave my brain.

"Just go."

I didn't want to sound impatient but I was.

I had gone through months of unfortunate teasing that was never planned. I attacked her lips with mine while a finger slipped into me and I felt this overwhelming sense in my chest. I knew I wanted this but it was the irrational fear that my virgin self came up with. So as my breathing hardened she spoke up once again,

"Are you okay?"

I nodded anyway, it didn't hurt, at all, I was used to at least one finger in me since I wasn't new to self pleasure. She shortly added a second and she pumped slowly causing me to sigh out as I felt a weight. I opened my eyes to see her lower half leaning against me and visibly saw the girthy outline throbbing against her briefs.

"Y/N." I whimpered trying to let her know that I wanted to skip a few steps in her caring ideas.

"I'm just trying to help you." She whispered again and she kissed the side of my ear as she maneuvered another finger in.

I leaned back down feeling much more weak than before and after I let out a moan I could hear her breath hitch. I clenched around her pumping fingers and after a few minutes of turning me on to the full extent; she helped me remove the rest of my clothing. Maybe she had a thing for me being half dressed and still causing me pleasure.

When her fingers exited me, they entered her mouth as her own hand tried to situate herself. The sight alone made me feel as if I was flowing. She lowly groaned when I pulled her at her briefs wanting to see and feel more. It was now all new to me, this was new territory I had never experienced before. I had technically lost my virginity the minute she entered me. In my own sense. But, I just wanted this now. I wanted her to make me feel good like I had heard from friends and their partners. I wanted my own story to share.

Then that's when I heard another crackle and loud boom just for me to jump. My heart barely holding onto a beating rhythm with each second passing. She softly laughed at me before trying to calm me down with cute comments and kisses. When it finally came down to the last two articles of clothing that separated her from bare completely; I felt a foreign excitement.

Her sports bra apparently staying on as she leaned up a bit to push down her briefs. But halfway down she leaned over my head to grab her wallet that was underneath her pillow. She opened it up just to slip out of a golden packet causing me to bite my lip. I then realized where we were again and the fact she's had a condom in her wallet this entire time.

"You took me to the woods to seduce me?" I joked which caused her to laugh as she shook her head.

"No, of course not." She reassured me with a kiss, "I always have one just in case." She informed me as she ripped open the packet.

Maybe she did have a fuckgirl in her after all.

I watched her lay beside me to slip off her briefs the rest of the way causing her rather large shaft to make its way into view. I quickly looked up to the top of the tent and swear I saw God. Staring down at me with pride cause he knew I was gonna die today. So, as I heard her and watched her expertly slip her condom on, she turned to me. A little momentum faltered but it quickly started to build up again.

"If you don't come closer I will pounce like a Gorilla." I playfully threatened and she leaned into me with a giggle.

She gave me a deep, loving kiss and I wrapped my arms around her neck as she moved above me. I lovingly traced my nose down and across her jawline as I waited. I wet my lips as she softly marked up my neck and all my sweet spots.

"You're so gorgeous... so perfect." Her words were so low and light as if she were talking to herself and she trailed her member up and down through my folds.

"And I love you so much." She looked into my eyes at that and I was trying to refrain myself from moaning.

"I love you more." I almost gasped as my body was set on fire with the amount of love and affection she was giving me.

"Tell me." She mumbled in between kissing and I could feel the warm weight of her shaft against my core.

I didn't say anything at all and just tightly pulled her against me with her lips latched to mine. I trusted her and for a very small moment that virgin came back and was telling me to back out. But when Y/N whispered that she loved me again I wasn't so worried anymore. She finally poked herself in and I gulped deeply, immediately feeling myself stretch. A quick hot pain shot through me and I panicked a bit.

"Ow slow-" I cut myself off as my heart pounded with excitement while I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.

"Sorry, sorry... you're gonna be okay." She whispered sweet sayings into my ear as she repeated her movements.

Just the head- in and out, in and out until I breathed in deep and urged her to move forward. She leaned up against her hand to keep herself upright. She guided her thickness into me with her other and I closed my eyes at the feeling. It didn't necessarily hurt like I've heard but it was definitely foreign. I was glad I didn't make her skip those few steps. I had heard previous stories about blood but there wasn't any. I breathed in deep again as she worked herself into me with a few strides.

My leg bent at an angle as I pulled her down against me and she kissed my lips. I clenched around her as I closed my eyes tightly and her lips trailed down towards my ear.

"Y/NN..." I breathed out feeling a deep pressure when she fully entered me.

It was so uncomfortable and I think she knew that since her hand came up and softly rubbed at my bundle of nerves. I looked up and my eyes locked onto hers and I had felt so vulnerable. I had never in my entire nineteen years felt so vulnerable and open to someone. She ever so slowly pumped into me so I could adjust to her size and I involuntarily closed my eyes. I let out a harsh exhale and a small sound bubbled out of her.

Each time she pumped in she let out a soft breath and I kept overthinking everything. Would it never feel normal? Was I just simply not normal? I thought it would feel good soon? Why wasn't it-

"Bello... you okay?" She asked me as she leaned up again while my own hands clutched her sides.

"Yeah." I breathed out as she pulled my hips up slightly.

She watched me intently to see if I was in any discomfort and I looked down her body as her hands trailed up my legs. She lightly spread my legs apart just to slide into me again but even deeper. I let out a soft moan and grabbed her hands to quickly interlock our fingers. She wet her lips as she leaned into my hips and started to slightly fasten her thrusts. She continued to keep aware of each expression I made just so she wouldn't hurt me.

I clutched onto her hands as my leg came up again and she pumped in long, deep strokes.

"Jesus Christ." I sighed out loudly when I felt a nice little wave of pleasure crash through me.

It was overall uncomfortable but the pressure felt so good I didn't know where to begin. I didn't know how to take in all of this new experiences and I just settled on urging her on. I wanted more action or... speed- just so I could personally know how much I could take. She picked up her pace once more when she felt that it would be okay to do so. I grasped at her sides again as I felt another wave.

Tingles ran down my spine as my toes curled up and I gasped loudly as she grunted into my ear. I looked up just to see droplets of water hitting the tent. The shower of rain hitting the fabric and the metal of the truck. The rumbling of the thunder with the slick sounds of her slipping into me. My wetness making it easier for her to move and thrust deeply. I moaned freely which apparently spurred her on causing her to groan. She looked down at our connected centers and shakily breathed throughout the tent.

"Camila- fuck." She grunted and adjusted herself again until the top of head was almost touching the top of the tent.

I closed my eyes in ecstasy, my lungs burning as if I had been drowning all this time. Filling with air each time I gasped at my girlfriend, she was doing her best to control herself. Deflowering me was taking time and I could feel her throbbing harshly while she continued to slickly pump herself. I knew she could handle it, she had too much stamina to just give up.

Everything was so new and I felt a little bubble within my belly that felt like it was expanding. It was like a fire that had been ignited- or a very small series of tingles. I convulsed and clenched around her girth each time she pulled back. I was getting used to the feeling now, it was coming to me and I realized how people became so enthralled with sex. It was so good.

"Y/N." I called her name again and leaned myself up to harshly run my hand through her locks, "Deeper."

I crashed our lips together and the tent started to get hot and unbearable. It was just lips, bodies, and the rain above us, cliche maybe, but damn it was good. It was fulfilling everything I needed for my own personal gain. Feeling so open and bare made me feel a rush of confidence. I was the girl underneath this perfect specimen getting loved throughly just by her.

I couldn't imagine holding back any longer, I didn't even know how Y/N handled all the times she's been hard and left in the dust. Luckily I could change that now.

"Fuck." We both quickly jumped when a loud ass crackle of lightening shot down somewhere close to our little camp.

We ended up letting out breathless giggles as we tried to keep up with our sexapades.

"It decides to storm when we finally get to it." I chuckled as I felt her lips softly make their way down to my chest.

She laughed against my right breast and I had felt a lot more comfortable than I did when she first entered me. Y/N made eyes at me as her lips smirked before mouthing at my erect nipple. Her hips grounded against mine which caused my torso to bounce lightly. Her mouth sucking and nipping at my heated skin as I felt my actual nerves start to tingle. My body was thriving, she was making me feel things I didn't even know was possible.

I slowly started to maneuver my hips to meet hers in a nice wet slap while I heard her start to lose breath. My wetness embraced her tightly as she focused intently on my whimpers. I caught onto her eyebrows and how they furrowed as her hips stuttered. Her hands tightly gripped the pillows next to my head as I started to feel her start bottoming out.

"Baby!" I suddenly arched in pain not liking the way her member hit the beginning of my cervix.

"Slow, slow." I shakily breathed out and she purposely slipped out of me.

"I'm sorry." She gulped and I tried to help her guide herself back in but she just grabbed my hand.

She rubbed herself through my folds instead as her breathing slowed down a bit. Her eyes squeezed shut as her muscles visibly tightened. I leaned up to kiss her and as my lips touched hers I let out an involuntary moan that was followed by a shiver. The tip of her thickness pressed against my throbbing clit and she sighed out. She then lowered herself again to enter me once more and I clung to her as if I'd fade away if she pulled from me.

She whispered sweet nothings into my ear as she prodded her hardened muscle. It was so weird and I couldn't typically explain it- I just knew she was mine. That's all I needed was her to be with me or around me for the rest of my life. I was getting overwhelmed from the amount of love I felt from her. She truly fucking loved me and she tried to show me physically and mentally.

As she continued to whisper softly, I was a writhing mess and I clawed at her back. I needed her closer. I needed her to hold me together. I had tears in my eyes and I didn't want her to know. I loved her so much and I didn't want her to stop. I groaned into her shoulder that was slick with a screen of sweat and she slowly sped up. I moaned her name ever so softly back into her own ear as I sucked at her earlobe.

I felt as if my tingles were rising, from my ankles all the way up my spine to my head. I had never felt this amount of tingles before and I never heard about it in my friends' stories. Was this normal? I gasped loudly and repeatedly as I felt as if I was standing on nothing but rope in the sky. I was gonna fall. I was tipping. I couldn't hold on.

"Y/N-" I stopped myself when I felt her twist in a certain way which caused me to finally break.

Something just... snapped. I let out the loudest moan I've made accidentally as I squeezed her in place. My body felt as if every single little hair was rising as I was flushed away with this overwhelming sense of pleasure. Tingles everywhere but the only source of pain was of how sore I was already feeling down there. I opened my eyes to see the rain pouring down and Y/N's arms gave out.

Despite them giving out, her body had tightened as my hearing dimmed out. I blinked away the lightheadedness as I felt her pump a couple more times until she froze. I breathed heavily and loudly as I realized what just happened.

"Oh fuck." I breathed out as she dug her head into my heated neck.

I'm not a virgin anymore.

"Thank God." I randomly said out loud and she lifted her head to look at me.

"What?" She whispered breathlessly and I blinked up at the tent where I could see the rain coming down.

"You snatched that v-card." I tried to make the situation a little lighter and she suddenly started to laugh.

I smiled at the sound as she pulled out of me to lay next to me and gulped. I could instantly feel the colder air attack the sweat covering my nude body. I shivered which caused her to bring me into her as my mind was just racing with thoughts. But before we could get even more comfortable she leaned up and unzipped the tent. She looked out and sighed before leaning back and leaning up on her knees.

I was curious what she was doing so I looked over at her and she carefully took off the used rubber hugging her shaft. I wonder how many inches she was. I couldn't help have that thought cross my mind. I mean, her hitting my wall scared the shit out of me and I really didn't wanna die over a big penis.

"You okay there?" She interrupted my thoughts with a giggle and I quickly nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry- didn't mean to just... stare at it." I felt my cheeks heat up causing her to laugh again as she slid over me.

She had a happy goofy smile causing me to replicate and she giggled leaning down to kiss my lips.

"In a forest." My thoughts still came out in a way and she laughed against my lips.

"I know." She groaned against my swollen lips and my hands rubbed her back softly.

"I'm sorry if this wasn't necessarily your dream of losing it." She gently laughed against my neck and leaned up again to look at me.

"Oh no, I never cared about the location. I just wanted you." I caressed her cheek and she tenderly pressed her lips against my palm.

"I love you." She mumbled and I watched her with my eyes shining in admiration.

She had no idea how in love with her I was.

"I love you." I reciprocated and she stared down at me.

I felt my heart start to race again and as we ended up talking more about the last hour I could feel myself start to get more riled up again. I kept stealing glances and grazes against her thickness which she obviously felt. Hearing and watching her express how she doesn't wanna hurt me and how much she cares for me; it had me feeling that new feeling. Love was strange powerful thing.

So, as we got into another small conversation about loss of virginity; even if I felt a little sore I still asked,

"Do you have another condom?"


Boom 6K words whores, it was shit smut but idc you get what you get🤷🏻‍♀️ tbh I was gonna try and post it on Valentines Day but the first plot sounded like ass so I deleted it

I hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then

Have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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