Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

By camrenkordied

911K 29K 11.5K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... More

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14.1K 478 148
By camrenkordied

"Oh! Hi, Camila, it's good to see you again." Donovan smiled our way and I could visibly see how tired he was.

"The baby taking a toll on you? You okay, buddy?" I laughed softly as he wiped his greasy hands.

"You have no idea- and you better not have any idea for a few long years." He warned us both and Y/N leaned up as she patted the cars roof.

"Don." She quickly hissed and I chuckled taking everything lightheartedly.

"What? I'm being serious." Don then crossed his arms and I glanced around him.

I saw a few guys talking by the entrance of the open garage with a cigarette in between their fingers. I guess Don and Sam did have a team on their hands. How dumb of me to think Y/N was the other person they had. He probably had her working more since he knew that we had plans this summer. Or he just trusted her more.

"Maybe you should fill out the paperwork instead?" Y/N suggested as she looked him up and down.

"I'm fine, Y/NN." He waved her off but I was with my girlfriend on this one.

"You look really tired D, I don't think you should be around any heavy machinery." Y/N crossed her arms and I saw him very slightly start to tip over.

"Y/N." He hardened up a bit and I nervously spoke up.

"You really don't look too good. Take a break, get some food in your system, take a nap." I backed my girlfriend up and he looked around before rubbing his eyes.

"I'll make you a coffee? I've been doing it all day." I chuckled as I patted his back while Y/N leaned against the wine red car.

"Yeah, I guess. Just for a little though." He mumbled to himself and I lead him to the office while Y/N got to work.

It was a super easy fix, the car needed a new belt, I guess it kept slipping off. A few months around Y/N and her family and I knew a lot more about cars than I ever wanted to. Don sat at his desk in front of the window with a loud sigh and checked his phone. Texting back who I assumed was his wife while I stepped to the cheap coffee machine by the restroom.

"How's the baby?" I asked him and he just closed his eyes with a deep breath.

"He's really a pride and joy but he's a pain in my ass." He leaned back into his chair comfortably.

"I really wished he would be like Y/N. She never cried, she was such a precious, quiet little thing. But, Dante... is so annoying." He complained about his baby and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Like, how is it possible for a baby that small be so loud?! It's so crazy, he's a blaring siren that never stops." He started to laugh to himself and he sighed deeply.

"These spurts only started a few days ago but it feels like a lifetime. I don't know how Sam does it, she's the one who has to get up and feed him." He just kept talking to me about his problems of the new baby.

Which I somewhat understood the struggles, Sofia was brought into the world when I was ten. Her room was right next to mine so I would hear her literally scream bloody murder. It would keep me up as much as it kept my parents up.

"Ima get him a little hamster water tank and fill it with tit milk." He mumbled and I laughed deeply knowing where Y/N got her humor from.

"I wonder if that would actually work." I stopped and he chuckled softly while I continued to pour water into the coffee machine.

I heard a honk out in the garage then a series of laughs of the men while Y/N cursed them out. Don grumbled to himself as he kicked up his feet, "Damn boys always fucking with her. If it wasn't for the extra help and lower pay I would've fired them a long time ago." He clenched his jaw and I glanced out the window of the door that lead to the garage.

"Want me to say something?" I smirked as I leaned back against the wall next to the restroom, "I don't work here."

"Say what you want." He opened his eyes and smiled my way, "But they have a way with harsh words and that doesn't settle well with Y/N. Especially if she cares about you."

I didn't like conflict but I hated seeing these assholes get their way without anyone saying anything. They just got to live their lives carefree thinking they're the best thing in the world. I heard another honk and another series of laughter.

"You got this?" I nodded towards the coffee pot and he nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry, I like to pour in my sugar anyway." He smiled and it resembled Y/NN's, "Thank you though, sweetie."

I gave him an appreciative smile and walked out of the office into the garage. Feeling the breeze sweep through the garage while the guys stood around some other truck. I walked my way to Y/N ignoring their stares and Y/N stepped back from the car. Her eyes connected to mine and her lips slightly quirked up.

I liked how one glance of me I could make her happier than she was five seconds ago. I grabbed her hand softly when she finished putting down the hood and pulled her close.

"What do you have to do now?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Oxygen sensor needs replacement in a truck out back." She sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Wanna help me?" She smirked cutely and nudged her nose against mine, "Since these assholes aren't doing anything for me."

"I might fuck up but I'll try." I giggled softly and glanced towards them to see them still watching me.

"Let's go now, I don't wanna waste any time." I cleared my throat feeling a bit uncomfortable with a group of men eyeing me.

"Time for?" She then eyed me and I could see the immature part of her brain come out.

Good to know she was antsy like me.

"I mean we could try a couple things out." I went along with it and she giggled deeply before picking me up with a small grunt.

"Let's go." She smiled up at me while I let her lead us outside while I laughed.

"Drive out the car, guys, it's done." Y/N's voice echoed through the garage and the guys started mumbling around.

"Why aren't any of them here?" I asked looking at the amount of cars lined up.

"They probably went to check out the lake down the way. Don made a pathway down there so none of his customers would get bored." She dropped me off at the front of an older but newer truck.

"Is that where you plan on taking me?" I smirked and she shrugged as she looked around.

"We'll figure something out." She opened up the door to pull the vehicle into the garage.

"So..." I got into the truck with her so she could maneuver it into the garage.

"Yesss?" She batted her eyelashes with a small chuckle and I bit my lip.

"The story." I hinted and she looked away with a deep sigh.

"Yeah.. well-" She stopped with a small laugh and she just shook her head lightly.

"Look, I don't know Shawn all that well so don't think I've known him forever and kept it from you. It's not like that, that's definitely unrealistic." She then honked the horn for a long period of time when we saw that the red car wasn't moved.

"Okay! Okay! We got it!" One of the guys yelled out as he stepped back from his friends.

He got into the car and pulled the car through the garage while his friends stared at Y/N.

"They really have a staring problem, geez." I mumbled, I really felt uncomfortable and upset.

From what I knew they obviously didn't like Y/N and didn't wanna do their job.

"If they bother you I will not hesitate to say something to them." She immediately looked my way with a scowl and I shook my head.

"I just want you to feel good in your own surroundings. I'll try to ignore them if you do." I grabbed her hand and she just continued to move the truck forward.

"I've been doing just that." She got the vehicle into the red cars previous spot.

She got out and set the keys on the front seat while I followed her around. I still wanted that story even if she was working; I also didn't wanna distract and upset her. I watched her set everything up then she pressed against my side to get me away. She raised the vehicle up until it was towering over us and she walked right underneath with no problem.

"Please be careful." I whispered and she chuckled shaking her head.

"Trust me, I'm fine, I do this almost everyday." She bit her lip as she grabbed a breaker bar and leaned up.

She expertly popped a socket over a weird looking thick wire and bit her lip again. I watched her muscles retract harshly against her skin and I couldn't help but lose my concentration. She let out a loud breath and worked the wire loose. Oh God, those hands were talented.

She wiped her forehead with her forearm and leaned up again to lightly twist the wire out. She then raised her arms up causing her shirt to rise with it. I felt my own breathing become uneasy as she unhooked something from above the transmission. Once she did that she backed up from underneath the truck and looked around.

"Where's the-" She stopped and wiped her hands with a nearby rag before marching over to one of the main tool stations.

I had totally forgot about any story while I watched her work; I always remembered when my dad would get his car checked out it would be the most boring thing in the world. Now... now I loved watching it, just because of her, knowing all these things that I might not ever need to. Only because I didn't know how to drive and don't plan on to any time soon.

Then suddenly she appeared again with the same hose looking thing and went back to work. She then sighed looking over her shoulder, "Come here." She nodded her head towards me and I nervously started to walk to her.

"Don't be nervous, I won't let anything happen to you." She let out a soft laugh and my heart fluttered.

"What's up though?" I asked and she started to work again with me next to her.

"Shawn had come down to Portland to check out the campus the previous summer. That's why he knew the place when you showed up." She grunted as she twisted the cap back onto the missing area.

Yep, totally forgot because of some skin. Skin!

"I was a freshman becoming a Sophomore at the time, I didn't know much about Portland in general. I knew the campus but yeah. I met him first on a tour downtown and I heard he was from Canada. I guess he was taking a small college trip out with his friends to see everything."

I watched her speak as she worked at the same time.

"I get that immature guys feel weirded out or feel defensive if, like, a gay man were to hit on them. It's wrong, but it happens. So, I don't really know how it all happened but uh- well, I started to feel more comfortable in my own skin in a bigger city. There's so many different people how could they possibly know what I was if they weren't purposely looking?" She chuckled softly and I really didn't like where this was going at all.

"I wore some basketball shorts one day." She started to laugh again and she shook her head.

"Oh how ridiculous this is- so I'm wearing them and I sit on a bench with Willow and we're just talking. We had just finished running and as the campus tour finally starts to walk past us, I see Shawn and his friends again. I didn't know them like that anyway so I stayed quiet and continued with Will." She took a small break and backed away with a shake of her hands.

"Then they start to recognize me and they picked up a conversation with me; but the more they started looking my way the more they saw, little me." She then snorted at the name and I would've laughed if I wasn't so wrapped up in the suspense.

"What happened, Y/N?" I mumbled and she just looked at me as her smile faded.

"Nothing... just high school kids never gonna grow up. Typical shit. Something I've always dealt with." She shrugged nonchalantly and I could physically feel this wasn't the whole story.

"Y/N. Don't you start lying to me now." I whispered and she let out a very small breath as she leaned up to hook the other end of the wire.

"They almost immediately started to back away and I didn't care, I didn't know them. It didn't really bother me as much you know? But then Shawn had said this one thing about me wanting to be around him on the last tour and that he wasn't gay. Then his friends started to call me a tranny? I don't know. It was like a switch flipped with them."

"To this day I don't hold a grudge on that specific day. That was until someone in his little bitch group found Don's shop." She then clenched her jaw and I listened intently.

"Like, they really went out of their way to come up here and spray paint a bunch of dicks on the walls and windows. Someone even fucked with some of the cars that were waiting to be picked up for the next morning. We were sued and had to pay almost ten grand to one of the car owners."

"That simple incident put us in so much debt, and now we just started to get our customers back. That's why I've been so busy, people are coming back to the shop. I didn't wanna say anything to you because I can see he's a good friend to you. He doesn't judge you for liking other genders. I really don't know who he is, I just know enough about how he acts with his friends." She grabbed my hand and I really didn't care about the dirt or grease that was now on my skin.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but... I don't know, I didn't want another reason for conflict." She leaned back and looked at me with those puppy eyes.

"You deserve to be protected at all costs." I mumbled and her eyebrows quirked up briefly as she giggled.

"I'm being serious, you should've never had to go through anything like that. Even if you're used to it- you shouldn't be! It's so wrong and I am so ashamed of myself for trying to make you guys get along. You're so amazing, I'm sorry you had to go through this."

"Hey, don't put yourself down. You didn't know and that's my fault along with Shawn's. One of us should of mentioned that we were somewhat linked." She tried to comfort me and I sighed, I didn't feel angry with her.

Maybe in the real world a normal person would be? I didn't know but I didn't have the heart. I was much more angry at Shawn than anything. He should've been the one to tell me this, not her. He was in the wrong, not her.

"And no more keeping stuff from me, let me be the one to judge my own opinion. I won't ever call you names or anything that demeans you. I wanna know you and what you've gone through and where you come from. All of you. With no shame, baby." I stepped close to her and pulled her by her waist and she wet her lips.

"I would never do that to someone I love." I whispered as my eyes nervously flickered up into hers.

Her face straight and serious while her eyes stared into mine as my heart literally started to beat me to death.

"Yeah... I said it." I took a turn and made it easy going as I shook my head playfully.

Her eyes twinkled from the brightness of outside and the corners of her lips perked up.

"I love you." I admitted proudly and I chuckled as my hand rested against her taut stomach.

"Deal with it." I whispered and she broke into a smile as her hand rested against my cheek to pull me into her.

She kissed me softly and I knew she loved me too, she didn't have to say anything at all. If she didn't she wouldn't have shared so much with me. I couldn't believe I said those words in the most awkward place. Underneath a truck that could literally fall and kill us both with a group of lazy workers outside. But I did. I love her.


I hate feeling like I'm dragging shit out cause I know y'all want smut BUT EYE feel this is going in an okay pace. Finally DOIN SOMETHING RIGHT. BUT!!!! We need a birthday for y'all. Give me dates in between April - August

I hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then

Have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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