Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

By camrenkordied

893K 28.7K 11.4K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... More

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14.3K 485 143
By camrenkordied

"Agh! There's my girl." She stuffed her face into my neck as she twirled me around.

I giggled as I breathed her in deep loving the feeling of her arms around me. Her scent taking ahold of my senses and I sighed loudly as I felt that lightness come over me again.

"God, I missed you." I breathed out as my hands rubbed up and down her back.

"You tired? Or you wanna catch that movie?" She smiled and I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"I'm dead tired and I had like two panic attacks just being in a different state other than Florida or Oregon. So, I'd really just love to head back to your dorm and just... lay with you." I hinted and she looked away as she tugged at my waist.

"Let's go to your dorm instead." She brought me in and pecked my lips which confused me.

"You sure?" I let her kiss my lips again and she hummed.

"Shawn might be there." I hinted again and she tugged at my waistband.

"So?" Her eyebrows raised which made me reciprocate and I smirked lightly.

"You have a lot to catch up on." She added and took my hand just to lead me down the airports corridor.


"Camila." She softly laughed as I kissed down her throat.

Her back was now pressed against the door on the inside of her truck and her hand gripped my thigh. As I leaned in my hand pressed against her lap and she let out a strangled breath. Her hand gripped a bit harder and I nipped at her bottom lip. She groaned out a painful laugh and I could see her pupils wide as saucers. She was struggling not to have her way with me in front of my own dorm building.

But I was waiting for that, can't she just give me another move when I always make the first one? My heart was racing and I wanted to make one little but bold move to get her going. I looked at her through my eyelashes and sucked in her bottom lip. Her hand rested on the steering wheel and as my hand felt for her girth she gripped the wheel.

"Okay." She leaned back and gulped down her nerves.

"What? You don't like?" I trailed off and she just shook her head.

"No, I do.. and that's the problem." She closed her eyes and she kept her fist tightened around the wheel.

"What does that mean?" I leaned in my own seat confused and she opened her eyes as she looked around.

"We're outside of your dorm which is in downtown Portland." She laughed in embarrassment as she wanted to say something else.

"You don't want my first time to be like this." I questioned as I caught on rather quickly and she nodded.

"Yeah, exactly. Your first time should be special. It's cheesy, I know, but still." She sighed as if she were battling with herself and I kept back a laugh.

I thought about her fuckgirl self fighting against her sweet, sensitive self; who would win? I chuckled and she looked my way with her eyes still dilated. The atmosphere was tense and quiet while she clenched her jaw.

"I mean..." She lead on and I perked up an eyebrow as I tilted my head.

"What's your definition of losing your virginity? What would it mean if I didn't have what I currently have?" She asked me suddenly without any hesitation and I instantly felt shy.

I was caught off guard by that question, I didn't really know. I mean what would the difference between her fingers and mine? I subconsciously considered anyone entering my gateway to heaven would be losing my virginity. But, did I also subconsciously think it was just for a dick? What would've happened if she had a cooch-

"You don't have to answer, I'm sorry." She rubbed her face in embarrassment and I quickly grabbed her arm.

"Stop, it's fine, you should know these things, I guess." I interlocked our fingers and I looked her way, "I don't... normally, you know.. probe myself." I shyly admitted and she let out a cute laugh as she moved her eyes out the front.

Oh Jesus fuck, why couldn't I be normal for five fucking seconds?!"

"That's so gross, why the hell did I say probe?" I softly face palmed myself and she laughed again as her eyes trailed across my face.

"But.." She paused and I could see her keep her smile to herself.

"What?" I whispered as my own lips curved into a smile.

"You do?" She asked in a low voice and I knew what the silent question was.

Did I masturbate?

"Sometimes." I looked away so I wouldn't have to see her eyes staring me down.

In the shower, when I had privacy... all the time.

"And you?" I felt the courage to ask and looked into her eyes.

She then ran her tongue across her lip as she smiled those pearly whites; she let out a laugh and shrugged, "Well... it is the reason you found out about my dick." She confidently spoke and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Why in a condom anyway? Tissues exist." I shrugged thinking back to an empty grocery bag of used tissues on Shawn's side.

I wasn't stupid, he never got sick.

"Easier clean up, you can't always trust tissues." She opened up her door and I liked how comfortable she was talking about herself now.

I didn't really like talking about myself that way, I never talked about sex. Like, ever. It was weird talking about something I had never done... with someone that I would eventually do it with. Confusing but valid. At least she made me feel a bit more comfortable due to her own mellowness.

I remained silent thinking more about touching myself and her knowing about it. She knows I do it, does Shawn? He was my roommate for God's sake and I tried my very best to keep it a secret- Why did it have to be? It was normalized for men to do it? Why was it so bizarre when women talk about it? I got so wrapped in my head that I started to literally hype myself up.

It happened rather often and as we finally hit my floor I tugged on her hand. I leaned into the back of her ear and watched the way her breath hitched and her jaw clenched.

"How often?" My fingers lightly gripped at her belt loops.

She stood up tall and straight as she let my lips linger against the shell of her ear. Maybe, I was gonna start soon, I felt very turned on all the time. She turned her head so my lips softly pressed against her cheek. I felt the clench of her jaw and I breathed out before she grabbed my hand. She maneuvered her way until her arm was wrapped around my shoulders.

Her lips pressed against mine and I smiled to myself as her hands trailed down my back. She pushed me against the wall and I laughed lowly. I pressed my hand against the back of her neck as I deepened the kiss for a few seconds... just before backing my head away.

"You sure you want it to be special?" I challenged her and she groaned playfully loud which caused me to laugh.

"You're gonna fucking kill me." She stared me in my eyes and I realized I was against a door.

"It's your decision." I spoke and she quickly opened up the door.

But her hands delicately held me by my lower back so I wouldn't fall into the room. I happily giggled against her lips and she smiled softly, "I'll get your bag later." She whispered and she closed the door behind her.

She gently pushed me against my bed and I pulled her down with me. To be surrounded by friends and family twenty-four seven for almost a week was enough. I showed my love and family oriented side, now I wanna explore a new me. I softly but passionately kissed my girlfriend as her hands came up and interlocked with mine.

Fucking cute yet hot- how does she do it?

"Uh hello there." I heard a female's voice and I separated from Y/N with a wet smack of our lips.

I looked around hoping I was in my own dorm and I was, "Camila, you hoe!" I heard Dinah say and I gasped as her head peeked around the computer desks.

"Guys! Hi!" I lightly pushed Y/N up and she let out a low unheard frustrated huff.

"Shawn said you were coming back home today so he thought it'd be nice if we were all here when you got here. Surprise." Ashlee bit her cheek and Hailee snorted to herself.

"I guess we were the ones who got a surprise. You can continue if you want." Hailee commented jokingly and Y/N sat up with a small laugh I've never heard before.

"Of course." She whispered ever so lowly that I almost didn't catch it.

"You know what? Actually we were talking about going to a movie. You all wanna join? Since we're throwing out good ideas." She disregarded my past answer and I lightly frowned.

I wanted to sleep... and kiss.

"Thank God y'all are here, she has missed you girls so much. She wouldn't stop talking about you guys when we were on the phone. She wouldn't hang up for the life of her." Y/N made conversation with the girls and chuckled softly as she stood up.

"And you gonna pay for our tickets?" Dinah crossed her arms at Y/N and she shrugged.

"Only if you pitch in on the snacks."

"Nice, we love a wealthy queen." Dinah smirked at my girlfriend and she just waved her off.

"Anything for my girlfriend's best friends." She cheesed and I giggled smacking the side of her thigh.

"You're lucky they're here right now." I commented as a joke while she looked down at me.

"Or am I?" She winked quickly and I sighed sitting up.

"I guess, we're going to a movie." I crossed my arms and they all rushed to hug me.

I giggled as they started to express how much I missed at work when I knew I didn't miss shit. Work brought me a lot of good things but the people were always kinda negative. I knew what I missed.

I looked up to Y/N and saw her standing there hard as a rock while she smirked down at me. She grabbed my hand to pull me up and I loved how gentle she was. I knew there was a rough person in there somewhere and I knew I had to explore a bit more. I then looked to Shawn's side and saw him patiently waiting there for his turn.

"Come here you big hunky goof." I giggled as I let go of Y/N's hand and wrapped my arms around him.

"Good morning my little Cuban." He groaned lowly as he softly shook us side to side.

"Five days felt like forever, how was the flight? Did you breathe like I told you to?" He rubbed my shoulders and I nodded.

"Yeah, I called Y/NN, she took care of me until I was okay. Terrified but okay nonetheless." I smiled up at him and smacked his arm, "I missed you bud." I giggled and he sighed out a laugh.

"So.. what movie we watching?" Y/N called out and I kept the displeased look to myself.

I really just wanted to lay down and have her wrap up with me.

"Why don't you choose?" Shawn directed his words to me and never once looked her way.

"Uhh I don't know, maybe you guys should pick? I'm okay with anything, I guess."

I didn't like picking or choosing, it put me on the spot. Plus, no one ever liked what I usually picked out anyway.

"We can just choose when we get there." Y/N slid her hand against my back gently to guide me towards the door where the girls were already piling out.

And it happened so fast, I was already walking away from my comfortable bed that was calling for me. Goddamn it, Y/NN.


"Oh thanks guys! It was so much fun." Hailee smiled down while Dinah ate the popcorn Y/N bought her.

I liked how she treated my friends, she knew they were important to me. I was still upset at her for ignoring my answer of not wanting to go out. I had a bad case of jet lag and she just dragged me along for a movie with even more of my friends. I just wanted cuddles. I gave my group of friends a tight smile as Y/N kept the truck running.

"You not gonna hug us goodbye?" Dinah sneered sassily and I glared up at her.

"I'm tired, I'll see you at work tomorrow." I leaned back against the small seat in the middle.

Y/N looked my way while Shawn lifted his arm and patted my head playfully. I was right between Y/N and Shawn, it had been like that since we left. I guess, they missed me as much as I missed them. My best male friend and my girlfriend, I was happy they were getting along now. I smiled to myself and rested my head on his shoulder while my hand rested on Y/N's thigh.

"The best of both worlds." I heard Ashlee sing while I cluelessly kept my position.

"Shut up." Hailee giggled deeply as she pushed Ashlee to their dorm building.

"We'll see you, Mila." Dinah smirked for some unknown reason and I looked toward Y/N.

"Take me home." I sighed tiredly and she nodded as she glanced above my head at Shawn.

She remained silent as if she felt my irritation and we drove not even two blocks back to my dorm. It took a few minutes to find a parking spot around the building and she stopped the truck on the side. We couldn't park out front anyway since it would've been in the way of the streetcar. I followed Shawn out and we all walked back to my dorm as Shawn talked about the movie we saw. I kept my eyes straight and just tried to keep to myself.

I was gonna sleep for hours upon hours when I finally could get to my bed. I hated when my plans didn't go through and I just felt cranky. Shit, maybe my period was coming.

"And here we are.." Shawn softly sang and smiled down at me.

"I hope you had a good time." He smiled cutely and I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, I hope you had a good time too Shawn." I chuckled at his goofiness and he slid his hoodie off.

"What we doing now?" He asked me- or us- and I heard Y/N snort to herself.

"Nothing, I'm going to bed." I sighed out a small laugh as I peeled my own jacket off.

It was winter and the first snow fall was coming soon, that's all I heard on the news. The west was gonna have a big cold front and January was the coldest month so it was coming. I hated the cold so much.. I'm from Miami, I didn't do the cold. So, as I sat down, my back facing the desk and Shawn's side I sighed tiredly. I felt Y/N's weight dip down beside me and I turned my head to the side.

She lightly snaked her arm around me and her head rested against my thigh.

"Now you wanna lay with me?" I whispered as I felt the irritation get the best of me.

She then lightly laughed to herself and I narrowed my eyes at her, "Oh, you're serious." She mumbled and I wanted to caress her jawline but I was tired, cranky, and sexually frustrated.

"What's wrong?" She asked me and it was like adding fuel to the fire.

"Because babe..." I sighed as I got up while Shawn was getting his stuff ready for a shower.

"I'm tired, I'm jet lagged, I have a right to be cranky." I crossed my arms as I made my way in front of my desk.

"I'm sorry-"

"I just wanted to lay with you today. I missed my girlfriend, Y/N." I frowned at her and for the first time I really felt upset with her.

Stupid reason but I was just frustrated in general.

"I wanted to be at your dorm away from everyone. No offense Shawn." I called out and I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Baby, I missed you." I expressed my frustration and she wet her lips as she nodded.

"I know, I'm sorry." She leaned up and grabbed my hand.

All of a sudden I was melting into her and my eyes softened as she stared up into my eyes.

"I shouldn't have ignored what you wanted, I won't do that again. I just... needed a little distraction from you in the car earlier." She admitted and I then understood why.

"You're difficult to stay away from." She bashfully chuckled and I just shook my head looking away.

I was gonna start to smile, I had to look away, I had to clench my teeth so I'd be forced to not smile. But, she softly tugged on my hand and I let her wrap her arms around me. She pulled me on top of her and she softly pressed her lips against my chin.

"Lay with me now, I'm all yours." She peppered soft featherlight kisses against my neck, "And you know what... how about we take a nice long warm shower tomorrow?" She nudged her nose against mine and I perked up a little.

I get to see her naked-

"Or better yet, a warm bath at my dorm?" She added onto the package of delight and I wondered if this was the special she was talking about.

"Damn you." I sighed and she smiled charmingly as I wrapped my arms around her.

She chuckled as I kissed her lips and laid her on her back as I curled up against her. I closed my eyes against her chest after I broke away from our kiss. I listened to her fast beating heart and for the time being I had totally forgotten my roommate was in the room. He had heard everything and I tried my best not to dwell on it. Other people overhearing my conversations made me anxious.

"You're perfect." She whispered against the top of my head and I breathed in deep.

This is where I always wanted to be wether I was frustrated with her or not. Listening to her heart and feeling- knowing I had such an impact on the way it beats. It made me feel so much so dramatically that I wanted to be closer in a way.

"I'm ready to hit the ground now." I whispered out half jokingly and she laughed lowly.

God, that laugh.


I was gonna put in some semi smut in this?? But it turned a different way. Maybe I will next chapter and then... maybe... actual smut the next, next chap??? Who knows? Who has ideas?

I hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then

Have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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