More than just a friendship

Da Stydia_Vanessa10

91.7K 1.3K 3.1K

Stiles is your best friend, not to mention your older brothers best friend as well. Ever since your early tee... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N Please Read
New fanfic Left Unspoken ANNOUNCEMENT

Chapter 10

3.6K 54 56
Da Stydia_Vanessa10

Don't play song now

Your POV 

As I walked out of the door I noticed the familiar pale blue jeep that I adore too much. I soon heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me as I looked off to to the side I notice Stiles opening the passenger door for me to enter, in which I walked towards quickly. And as I quickly got into the car Stiles quickly walked to his side and drove off. 

"Where are we going?." I asked after minutes of silence

"Our place." Stiles whispered. 

Our place was near a beach in a little cave like thing that was surrounded with trees. Whenever we went there it was usually to get away from every one else and have our own private conversations. We have always kept it a secret because ever since finding it we never wanted it to be exposed to any of our family or friends, It was like an escape from reality. 

"Do you even remember where it is?" I questioned as I looked over at Stiles driving.

"I mean it's been so long since we've been there, the last thing I remember about our last visit there was when I told you- " I cut myself from releasing old memories that didn't need to be returned. 

"Stiles?" I questioned out of nervousness, wait why would he bring us back here after what I had told him when I was younger? 

"(Y/n) can I explain when we get there." Stiles shifted his gaze from the road to meet my eyes for a quick moment until settling his gaze back on the road. 

"What do have to tell me anyways? You sounded weird on the phone" I gazed down at my feet that were hardly touching the floor as I bit my bottom lip out of habit. 

"I just told you that I wasn't going to say anything until we got there, it has too be said there" Stiles huffed in annoyance, but his mood shifted slightly as he turned towards me and smiled. 

"Why does it have to be done there...ugh!!Stiles please please please just tell me! the anticipation is killing me!" I spoke louder now as I gently laid my head onto his shoulder. 

He laughed at my stupidity until responding with "Can't you wait a few more minutes?"

"Nope!, tell me Stilinski!!" 

"(Y/n)!" Stiles now yelled in which led me to take a deep breath before leaning my head onto the jeep window. 

It was about 15 minutes later when we arrived at our place. And another 2 minutes went by of complete silence until Stiles spoke up 

Play song now!

"(Y/n) the last time we were here you told me you liked me. At the time I never felt the same way so I tried to let you down easy. I told you I only thought of you as Scott's little sister. But I don't think that anymore. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you ever since that day in the coffee shop. Earlier Lydia had agreed to be around me because I needed her help to impress you.  Everything started to come together as my feelings for you started tin increase. I have never been so sure about something besides this. When I look into your eyes I see perfection and beauty. Everyone kept pushing me to tell you how I felt but I couldn't bring myself to because I was scared of rejections, but now as I look into your eyes I don't really care about that. All I care about is you and me. So (Y/n) McCall I like you and I hope you feel the same way about me. " Stiles spoke and I couldn't help but cry happy tears. 

I never knew this was going to happen and it sure as hell wasn't expected as well. I was smiling with teeth and all ,right now, just staring at the boy who just confessed his feeling towards me. 

"Oh my gosh." I covered my mouth with both hands 

"Please say something." Stiles pleaded as he looked at me 

"It's funny how things work out in the end. All theses years Scott told me to give you a chance. I always told him that I only considered you as a friend. Until I was 8 and something made me like you more than I expected. You turned me down and I understood why. This year everything started to change for me and my feelings towards you started coming back. But ever since you got stood up by that girl and I noticed you alone. I sat next to you, we started talking and then Lydia came in. You didn't want to see her so I told you to look at me. You did exactly as I said and I had the opportunity to kiss you. At first it was to make her jealous but once I kissed you that's when I knew everything changed. Thats when I realized I never stopped liking you." I spoke as tears started forming in my eyes 

We looked at each other for what seemed like minutes, our eyes never leaving each others. The silence was overbearing and started to make me nervous. 

Slowly Stiles started leaning in as his eyes slowly fell shut. Oh my gosh he's going to kiss me, Oh my gosh! my first kiss is going to be with Stiles. My face slowly leaned into his as our lips met. Our lips moving together as his hands went to my cheeks and my own went around his neck. I couldn't get enough of him, it seemed like I was high off of Stiles lips and no matter how hard we both tried to pull away it wouldn't work. I needed to feel his soft but cracked lips on my own. I needed to feel more of his hands wrapped around my frame. As Stiles slowly pulled away I felt my whole world spinning in circles and myself smiling. The first genuine smile I have had in months. 

We both looked insane but neither one of us seemed to care. I felt my cheeks heat up as I lead my head down to look at my feet that were covered by white flip flops. I slowly felt myself touching my swollen lips with my index finger. I couldn't stop smiling and I guess he couldn't either because as I looked back up at him, he was smiling too. 

"So...Um can we think of this moment as our first date?" I questioned with a smile. 

"Ya I would love that." He smiled at me as he gently brought his soft hand back up to my cheek and caressed it slowly. 

" I brought food if you want." Stiles whispered 

"Oh my gosh food sounds amazing!" 

"Good because I am starving." Stiles spoke which made me laugh along with Stiles

As Stiles left to get the food, I sat in silence taking in everything that just happened and all I can do is smile.

As he returned with a picnic basket full of food we started digging in and devouring the amazing chicken parmesan that Stiles made. We started talking about nonsense but that nonsense was always my favourite part of the day. As the night went on and we finished eating I found myself laying on his chest as we looked up into the dark sky and as silence took over us Stiles would nudge his nose into my neck and place light kisses onto it. 

When it turned eleven we decided to call it a night and head over to Stiles's house quickly to get him more of his clothes and other belongings. 

When we made it back to my house I walked up to Scott's room as Stiles walked into my room. 

"Scott could I come in." I spoke as I covered my eyes so I can prevent another incident from happening. 

"Yes." Scott spoke through the open door that was open seconds ago. I walked into his room as I closed the door behind me. Scott pulled on the chain of his lamp so more light can take over his room. The closer I got to his bed the clearer I saw around his room, like Allison sleeping on my brothers chest as she embraced him.

" What happened tonight."Scott smiled at me. 

"Stuff" I shy responded 

"And that stuff you talked about, did it change everything between the two of you?" He raised an eyebrow at me making me shake my head side to side as I silently giggled. 

"Maybe..." I looked down at my feet before looking back up at my brother as I heard him laughing.

"Awe! look your blushing!...Stiles!" Scott silently yelled and immediately I slapped his arm, making him wince like a sissy.

"Bye Scott!." I spoke as I exited his room. 

 As soon as I entered my room I was greeted with my favourite sight ever. Stiles shirtless in his grey sweat pants.

"Stilinski put a shirt on." I teased as I looked at his semi toned chest.

"Don't act like you don't love it." He teased back with a laugh which made me step towards him and kiss him gently. But as I was going to pull away Stiles pulled me back in for more. This time the placement of our lips were more aligned and perfect as ever. My hand slowly traveled down his smooth bare chest as his hands ran through my (h/c) hair. I smiled into the kiss as I started pulling away but not before Stiles pulled me back in. 

"Stiles" I spoke as I tried to release myself from his hold but the more I kissed him the more I didn't want to leave and the more I wanted to kiss him.

"hmm." He groaned against my lips. Oh my gosh this man is going to be the fuckin death of me.

"I have to wash." Each word was cut by a peck to his lips.

Another minute goes by and were still kissing. Oh gosh! I've got to stop this before I can't get out of this. As I pull away a noice of disagreement comes out of Stiles mouth. 

"I'll be back in five minutes okay" I pecked his lips one more time before running towards the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. 

Five minutes later and I made it out of the bathroom. I excepted Stiles to be awake and looking at the bathroom door as it opened but nothing. All I saw was him sleeping, I smiled to myself as I made it towards my bed and under the covers. I wasn't quite tired yet so I put on F.R.I.E.N.D.S and started watching from whatever episode I left off on. I make sure the volume is low so Stiles can have the peaceful sleep he deserves. As I started the next episode I heard whimpering from beside me. I paused the show before I adjusted my body so I could turn to see Stiles's body to my right. I stared at him for a minute to see if anything was wrong and as I realized he was fine he started whipping his body around, making me having to hold him by his arm. 

"Mom no it's not my fault. Mom please don't die I need you...Dad needs you. Mom stop it wasn't my fault that you died. MOM!" Stiles yelled as I tried to get him to listen to me. Tears escape his eyes as I hovered over.  

"Stiles! Hey! Hey wake up listen to me...Stiles!" I yelled and as if on cue his eyes opened as more tears came out. "Oh thank God!" I cried as I cuddled into his chest and held onto his semi sweaty chest. 

"What are you doing." He whispered as he looked at me 

"You were having a night terror and I you started screaming and...I..I got worried for you." I wiped my tears that still kept coming back.  

"Hey look I'm fine don't worry, but thank you." He kissed my head softly. As I readjusted my body that was on top of his so I can lay on my side he grabbed my body making me go back on top of his once again, making me giggle. "Why are you still up?" Stiles looked at me as his hands never moved from my body

"Couldn't sleep had a lot on my mind."I smiled in which made Stiles smiled in return. 

" Get some sleep." Stiles said as he placed me back to his side and kissed me on my forehead. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I laid my head on his chest. Every touch is literally new and exciting and I love it so much!  And just like that we fell asleep in each others arms again, but now as something more then friends. 


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! or HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! if you don't celebrate Christmas

Hope your holidays treated everyone well. I'll see you guys tomorrow hopefully with a new chapter!

Oh speaking of which! Stiles and (Y/n) finally have something going on! Stay tuned to see more to come! 

I literally can't stop smiling right now! I'm soo happy to show everyone everything I have already written that is unpublished!! 

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