I'm Sorry // 5sos sister

By bxbwrites

665K 17.8K 3.7K

Jessie's parents had given her up when she was only four years old and she had been living in a orphanage eve... More

1. A Miracle
2. Leaving
3. Getting Home
4. Movie Marathon and Telling a Story
5. A Brother and The Start of a Gig
6. A New Friend and Crushing
7. Slumber Party and A Blessing
8. Hanging Out and Revealing a Secret
9. An Agreement and The Start of Something New
10. Living With Guys and Luke's Friend
11. They Can't Know and A Date
12. Date and It Happened Again
13. He Knows and Going Out
14. Brother Time and A Secret
15. Sleepover and Luke :)
16. Shopping Day and Hospital
17. Going Home and Cuddle Time
18. Holiday and Betrayed
19. Telling Luke and Protected
20. Meeting Fans and A Brawl
21. Leaving and Time Away
22. Regret and Waking Up
23. Home and Apology
24. Confused and Michael
25. Movies and Late at Night
26. Time with Mikey and Tattoos
27. Concert and He Likes Me
28. Concert Day and Hate
29. Locked Away and Twitter
30. Sashton and Fan Account
31. School and Double Date
32. Hockey and Great End of a Date
33. Last Gig in Australia
34. Plane Ride and L.A Craziness
35. Music Lesson and Facetiming
36. Marshmallow War and A Question
37. Mama Liz and The 1D Boys
38. Adventuring and Hate
39. Calling for Help and Secrets
40. Hospital Trip
41. A Surprise
42. Hidden Identity and First U.S Gig
43. Concert and Telling Michael
44. Drunk Michael and Almost Gone
45. Hospital
46. Explaining
47. Released and Arguments
48. Calum and Walking In
50. Cuddling and Those Three Words
51. Too Much Excitement
52. The Start
53. Canadian Hockey and The Truth
54. Lunch
55. Arguing and Giving Up
56. The Ending

49. The Talk and Michael

7.5K 230 69
By bxbwrites

After Calum had calmed down a little bit, Brenna, Calum, and I all went back into the house.  I called for Ashton and Sam too afraid to go up and get them.  Calum was hugging me, still in shock a tiny bit from what he had witnessed a few minutes before.  Brenna was standing next to me trying to hold in laughter and keep it togther.  

Sam and Ashton came slowly down the steps and Calum cowered behind me.  It was pretty awkward since Ashton was my older brother and I was the one talking to him about sex.  The moms, Luke, and Michael all came into the room after Sam and Ashton.  I told them to sit down on the couch and Calum grabbed onto my hand.  Sam and Ashton started to look really nervous and I could tell that Ashton probably knew what I was going to say already.  

I looked at them and said, "Ashton and Sam, could you guys please just make sure that you keep the door locked next time.  I have a traumatized Calum now.  So, yeah.  Just make sure it's locked."  I felt so awkward saying it and their faces immediately turned a bright red and Calum squeezed my hand tightly.  

I could tell that Ashton was about to say something but Luke interrupted and said, "Yeah Ashton get it!"  He said while clapping and laughing his head off.  Brenna went over and slapped his arm and started laughing too.  I gave Calum a small smile and I could tell that the moms were really uncomfortable with it, especially Anne Marie.  I saw as she walked over to Sam after everyone calmed down a tiny bit and saw Sam nodding as Anne Marie talked to her.  Yup, she was definitely getting the sex talk.

I went with Calum into the kitchen as the moms went back to their house, and Michael, Luke, Brenna, Sam, and Ashton all decided they were going to get in the pool.  I was mad at Michael and I didn't want to be anywhere near him.  I hopped up onto the counter and Calum got us out a box of pizza.  He got up and sat next to me and we both started to eat our pizza.   "Are you gonna go back with Mikey again?"  Cal asked me as we continued to eat.

"I mean, I don't know.  I'm not one to just forgive and forget.  He will have to earn my trust back over time." I said to him as I finished my slice of pizza.  I hopped down from the counter and walked into the gaming room.  I sat down in one of the bean bag chairs and turned on the gaming center.  Calum came in and sat down in the bean bag chair next to me.  I loaded Mario Kart in and we started the game.  I was of course, Princess Peach, and Calum decided on Toad.  

Calum was the master at FIFA, but he was horrible at Mario Kart.  We played on three different courses and he lost on every single one.  At the end of the third race he threw his controller onto the ground and got up in a huff.  I stood up and did a little celebratory dance before sticking my tongue out at Calum and running outside to where everyone else was.  "I'm so going to get you now!"  Calum yelled as he chased after me.

I ran out to the pool and hid behind Luke since he was the tallest and could conceal me the best.  He understood and stayed completely still when Calum came outside.  I peeked around Luke and saw Calum looking for me in the pool where Sam and Brenna were.  I made myself as small as possible behind Luke and waited.  I peeked again and I saw Calum right in front of Luke.  I saw Luke's hands come to the sides of him and I jumped onto his back.  He sprinted off towards the studio with me on his back and Calum close on our heels.  

We got to the studio and Luke told me go and hide in the closet where I had hidden with Mikey during the marshmallow wars.  I sank into the corner as Luke closed the door.  I heard Calum's and Luke's voices right outside the door and it seemed to me that Luke had convinced Calum that I wasn't in here.  All of a sudden the door opened and closed and I was a little stunned by the light that had come in a second earlier.  I heard someone next to me and I pulled out my phone and turned on the flash light.  It landed on a pair of bright green eyes.  

"Hey Jess."  Michael said as I cowered away farther into the corner.  I wrapped my arms around my knees and tried to calm myself down.  I was trapped in a room with the person I didn't like at the moment.  It was all a set up.  Luke purposefully brought me here.  I was going to kill Luke and Calum when I got out.  I stood up and tried to open the door but found it was locked from the outside.  

"Michael I told you, I'm not ready to fully talk to you right now.  I thought I made that pretty clear.  I need some time because what you said really hurt me and I think it's pretty obvious since I tried to commit."  I said as I backed into the corner again afraid of how he was going to react.  

His expression seemed to soften and he opened his arms to me.  I reluctantly went into his arms and laid my head on his chest.  He was very gentle with me because Ashton had told him because of the stitches and bandages on my stomach.  "Jess I never meant to hurt you that badly.  Yes, I admit I was a little jealous because Luke was the one that was there for you and I wasn't.  It made me feel like a horrible boyfriend.  You could have come to me and I would have understood.  I'm sorry if I made it seem like I would be mad at you if you cut again.  I'm just glad I didn't lose you."  I looked up at Michael and saw that he had tears forming in your eyes.  

I sat in between his legs and wiped his tears away.  "Michael, I don't hate you.  I actually really, really, like you.  And yeah, I should have told you earlier.  It hurt me not to tell you it truly did."  I said as I looked at the ground in front of me.  Michael lifted my chin with his finger and leaned in giving me a soft kiss.  

"I really like you too."  

*** TRIPLE UPDATE YAY my friend Sam made me so..... yeah hopefully you like this comment and vote ***

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