The Torn Sins

By SlimJimSem

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"Greetings to you all across the nation of The Castle. I, your Queen, come today, bearing sad news. Your prin... More

The Torn Sins
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXV

Chapter VI

113 17 0
By SlimJimSem

Natham's POV

The Castle is a city which I have feared for many years, it is tarnished by evil, corruption, and pain. Yet here I am, returning to it. Why, you may ask? Because I have a plan, Cybil doesn't know about it, but she will soon. It involves her. She's my best friend, and it's wrong for me to manipulate her, but that is exactly what I plan to do. I will spend my years by her side, and somehow we will get humans the rights they deserve.

I've always been an adventurous and reckless boy, but this is a new low even for me. Tricking friends, dividing loyalties, putting myself in extreme danger...okay, I've been doing that last part for years now. But still, what would you do if you were in my shoes and you had one chance, one golden opportunity to free your friends and family from eternal bondage? You'd take it, you'd snatch it up so fast because you'd be terrified that it might disappear at any second.

That's another concern of mine, Antoinette. Technically I am her property, a runaway slave. And she has the right to do with me as she pleases. Which is a bone-shaking thought. I can't live without Cybil, and I definitely can't go back to being a vampire's sex slave, I won't. I'd rather be dead. Cybil knows this, she knows everything about me, and so part of me thinks she may already have a plan in mind.

As we ride in the carriage, her father sitting across from us, I am anxious and wish to hold her hand, but I also fear what her father might think of it. He understands that I have helped heal his daughter, but I'm not sure he knows how I did it. The last thing I want is for him to get the wrong idea about our relationship. Finally, someone speaks, the ride has been silent for the past hour of our journey.

"Father, what are we going to do about Natham? Antoinette will try to take him back, she's evil that way you know," Cybil points out my thoughts exactly and I smile a little bit. This time, I do take her hand just to reassure her.

"All she'll receive is a corpse if she tries to take me away," my voice is strong and Cybil clenches my hand in response while still gazing at her father for reassurance.

"She won't take him Cybil, I am King, and my word is law," is all he says, and we both know in that moment that it is settled.

Suddenly, we are all distracted as the trumpets sound. We have reached the gates of the Castle. My heart pounds frantically in my chest and I'm assuming the vampires hear it because both of them look at me. "Are you nervous?" Cybil asks with a small little smile. I nod, unable to speak. "It's okay, me too," she whispers and then she releases my hand so that she may turn and look out the window. I do the same, taking in the Castle and all its glory.

The tall golden gates sparkle as the morning sun beams over them, it is not even noon yet. Guards sit upon towers and one pushes a button, allowing the gates to open. The carriage stops for a moment and Mortimer rises up, stepping outside, his black sunglasses protecting all from the color of his eyes.

"Tell the kingdom that their princess has returned," is all Mortimer says to the guards before returning to the carriage. We continue through the gates and my heart aches immediately. When anyone passes through the outskirts they feel the sorrow, wrath and destruction that lies within the place, but for the Princess it must be so much worse. Sure enough, Cybil reaches over and clenches my hand again, this time much tighter than before. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to live with her gift. To feel all the pain that echoes throughout every human being.

I look over at the king and notice something a bit bizarre. His hands are clenching the seat, worry lines stretch across his face, almost as if...and then it hits me. Cybil inherited her gift, her father feels the pain as well, but he hides it far better.

"Are you alright sir?" I ask him kindly, wondering if I can get him to admit to such a thing out loud.

His poker face returns immediately as he looks up at me, "I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"You just look a bit stressed, hungry perhaps?" I smile at him, and Cybil looks between the two of us as we speak.

"Natham is a great feeder Father, I'm sure he wouldn't mind serving you," Cybil chimes in, concern etched on her face for the king. She had not noticed his reaction to the outskirts.

"Yes, I'm sure he is, but I can hold out until we get home, Natham is yours, never to be shared. The bond the two of you carry is almost worthy of...sireship," he says slyly and Cybil audibly gasps. My own face goes pale at the thought of becoming a vampire and I clear my throat quickly to cover up my shock.

"But the only reason a Royal sires is for a mate your highness," I remind him.

"I know."

The awkward silence settles in quite quickly and I chew on my lip for the rest of the ride. But eventually, our silence is disturbed because as soon as we pass through the outskirts we are greeted by a massive crowd of vampires and humans alike. They are screaming words of praise to their princess, tossing flowers upon the carriage, red roses of course. They beg to catch just a glimpse of her and to my surprise, Cybil is actually smiling.

I guess I shouldn't be so shocked, she is a princess after all, born and raised with attention and care. After being away so long, it is only right that she would enjoy such a grand return. And then, suddenly, she sticks her head out the window. The crowd goes insane, their screams cause a ringing in my ears. She waves and blows them kisses, and I remember why we'd all loved her so much.

"She's quite the charmer isn't she?" I tease the king and he chuckles.

"Yes, that she is, always has been. should consider my proposal," he says in a lower tone even though Cybil's vampire ears can definitely hear our conversation.

I frown and respond, "Sir, I don't think it's my proposal to consider. It would be Cybil's decision of course."

"We both know that's not true, she cares about your opinion, if you wanted to be changed, she would do it for you, she would make you her prince, and what a fine one you'd be. I'd prefer you over any of these vampire nobles that can't wait to sink their teeth into my daughter, pardon the expression. You serve her, and a good ruler is always a servant," he explains.

"Well then mother must be a terrible ruler," Cybil tosses in as she returns to her seat and I flush red, she overheard our conversation. "Natham and I will talk about him being sired in the privacy of our own room, and I'd prefer it if you didn't pester him Father," Cybil says with more authority than I've ever heard her speak with.

King Mortimer merely chuckles, "Welcome back Princess Cybil, nice to see your bossiness has returned with you," he teases. "She's a feisty one Natham, I'm not too sure how you've dealt with her all this time."

I wink at him, "I'm a servant remember." He laughs again, and I must admit, these two vampires have grown on me.

The offer being proposed is quite a dilemma. I love Cybil, hell I'm nearly in love with her , I'm sure it could grow into that. To be by her side forever would be quite the grand scheme. As King...I would have so much authority, we could truly change the world together. But would I be betraying my species? It was definitely something I needed to think about. For now, there is no time for such thoughts. We have just reached the Royal Headquarters, and my mind is occupied by that.

The home of the Royal family resembles the Victorian castles found in the age of man. Mysterious dark stone, towering columns with guard posts at the top of them, and breathtaking stained glass windows. When the sun shines down on them, the lights dance upon the courtyard like lovers lost under the moon.

As the carriage comes to a stop, the crowd outside becomes rampant. Thousands of people are here, waiting to see the return of the princess. And then, as if death has cast it's shadow across the land, everything and everyone grows silent. The front doors to the headquarters creak open, and out walks the Queen.

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