I'm Sorry // 5sos sister

By bxbwrites

665K 17.8K 3.7K

Jessie's parents had given her up when she was only four years old and she had been living in a orphanage eve... More

1. A Miracle
2. Leaving
3. Getting Home
4. Movie Marathon and Telling a Story
5. A Brother and The Start of a Gig
6. A New Friend and Crushing
7. Slumber Party and A Blessing
8. Hanging Out and Revealing a Secret
9. An Agreement and The Start of Something New
10. Living With Guys and Luke's Friend
11. They Can't Know and A Date
12. Date and It Happened Again
13. He Knows and Going Out
14. Brother Time and A Secret
15. Sleepover and Luke :)
16. Shopping Day and Hospital
17. Going Home and Cuddle Time
18. Holiday and Betrayed
19. Telling Luke and Protected
20. Meeting Fans and A Brawl
21. Leaving and Time Away
22. Regret and Waking Up
23. Home and Apology
24. Confused and Michael
26. Time with Mikey and Tattoos
27. Concert and He Likes Me
28. Concert Day and Hate
29. Locked Away and Twitter
30. Sashton and Fan Account
31. School and Double Date
32. Hockey and Great End of a Date
33. Last Gig in Australia
34. Plane Ride and L.A Craziness
35. Music Lesson and Facetiming
36. Marshmallow War and A Question
37. Mama Liz and The 1D Boys
38. Adventuring and Hate
39. Calling for Help and Secrets
40. Hospital Trip
41. A Surprise
42. Hidden Identity and First U.S Gig
43. Concert and Telling Michael
44. Drunk Michael and Almost Gone
45. Hospital
46. Explaining
47. Released and Arguments
48. Calum and Walking In
49. The Talk and Michael
50. Cuddling and Those Three Words
51. Too Much Excitement
52. The Start
53. Canadian Hockey and The Truth
54. Lunch
55. Arguing and Giving Up
56. The Ending

25. Movies and Late at Night

9.8K 320 123
By bxbwrites

** Trigger warning for this chapter **

I heard my floor creak and a voice whisper.  I buried myself further underneath my comforter as I heard them coming closer.  All of a sudden they stopped and my comforter was being ripped off of me.  I sat up as quickly as I could and I saw Luke and Michael's hair poking out from beside my bed.  I grabbed Luke's quiff and Mikey's hair and pulled them up.  

"What the fuck are you guys doing?"  I asked as I let go of them and pulled my comforter back onto my bed.  

"We wanted to wake you up because MOVIE MARATHON!!!!!" Luke yelled as he climbed on top of my bed and starting jumping next to me.  Michael and I soon joined and we were all jumping on my bed.  I heard Ashton yell that the popcorn was ready and we all sprinted down the stairs to get to the butter first.  

"I win!!!!!" I yelled as I grabbed the butter and ran away with popcorn. The guys came running after me and Michael picked me up by my waist.  He carried me back to the kitchen and set me on the counter.  He pouted his lips as I crossed my arms hiding it from him.  I eventually handed it over to him while he walked away with a big smirk on his face.  What could I say? I hated seeing him look sad.  He made us both a bowl of popcorn and grabbed sodas.  I walked into the living room with him right behind me carrying our snacks.  

I sat down on the couch next to Luke and Mikey took other spot next to me.  Ashton was sitting on the chair beside the couch and Calum was on the opposite side of the room.  I saw Calum looking at me so I just snuggled into Michael's side.  Michael wrapped his arm around me and rested his cheek on the top of my head as 21 Jump Street started to play.  I knew Ashton had chosen it because he had a huge grin on his face as it came on.  

By the end of the movie Luke had gone and sat down on the floor and I had moved over so that Michael was laying down and had his head in my lap.  I was pretty sure that Michael had fallen asleep so I tapped Luke on the shoulder and realized he was also asleep.  I quietly called to Ashton who turned to look at me and saw I was boxed in by Michael and Luke.  He crept over and helped me to slowly lift Michael's head up off my lap as I stood up and went past Luke.  

"They will be fine down here.  Just go up to bed." He whispered to me.  He walked to the chest where we kepy extra blankets and I helped him put it over them.  He told me Calum had gone up a an hour before so I just nodded and turned the TV off.  I went upstairs with Ashton behind me and tip toed to my room careful not to make too much noise and wake up Calum.  

I climbed into bed but I wasn't tired at all.  I usually stayed up very late and my sleep schedule had been very hectic lately.  I decided that I would read some of my favorite stories on Wattpad.  It was one of the only things that actually could keep me calm.  I logged on and searched for some new stories to read.  I found a good mystery and started to read.  

I read for about two hours when my eye lids started getting heavy.  When I put my laptop away, I layed in bed  thinking.  Thinking at this hour was never a good thing and most people know that.  It's when your demons come out and start telling you to do things.  Mine were telling me to cut yet again.  Flashes of Calum and the dream kept going through my mind.  They were telling me to cut, and I knew that was the only way to keep them at bay.

I went into my bathroom and pulled out a razor, taking it apart.  I held the blade in my hand looking at the way it glinted against the light.  I brought it up to my wrist and sliced once.

"Jess!"  I turned around and saw MIkey staring at me.  He rushed over to me and threw the blade in the toilet flushing it.  He took my wrist in his hand and ran it under water from the sink to rinse away the blood.  He bandaged the cut up and leaned down to kiss my other scars.

"Michael you didn't have to I would of been fine." I said as I went back into my room to grab a long sleeve shirt.

"But when I would have found out, I wouldn't have been."  He said as he came over and wrapped me in his arms.

***** I REALLY LIKED THIS HOW ABOUT YOU????????? Anyway comment and vote and yeah *******

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