Young Ones

By TheWitchOn5thStreet

118K 4.4K 3.3K

A regression Sanders Sides au for my sister because she's the one who convinced me to write fanfics. More

Well Then...
Papa Patton
Mommy Lo
RoRo's Lullaby
Virgil's The Dad Now
Logie's Flower Crown
Adventures With Romie
Daddy Pat Is Sick
Virgey, Come Play!
LoLo The Healer
Dada Vee
Pat Bakes Cookies
Ro Likes The Stars
Y'all tis the end, so make some requests
My Child Is A Snake
There's Four Now... (Part 1)
There's Four Now... (Part 2)
A Christmas Carol
Come out
Potty Training
Trouble Is Brewing
Bonus Fun
Pat, The Cat, And Chitchat
What's In A Lipstick?
Bonus Fun Pt.2
The Cat And The Snake
Him and Them
Have a Slice of Gay Pride
It's Suspicious, Damnit!
The Teenage Years Suck
Teenagers Care About The Kids
The Cheshire Cat
Bonus Fun p3
Toddlers are weird, man
Teens, Toddlers, and Tea parties
The Agency
Cookies, Puzzles, and Disney Movies
Halloween Special

FamILY Dinner

2.6K 81 67
By TheWitchOn5thStreet

"Virgie!" Patton called.

A tiny Virgil ran down the stairs, tongue sticking out in concentration. Jumping off the third to last step, he giggled and hugged the little Patton waiting at the bottom. 

"Merry Chr- Crus- Cris? Merry Chist-mase!"Sqeaked the excited Virge.

"One more day buddy," corrected Romam.


The two kids went back to playing and cuddling. Baby Patton and Virgil definitely got along well.

Suddenly, Remy walked in with Starbucks in their hands, "Got hot chocolate for y'all!"

"Yay!" Pat gasped.

Logan appeared from the top of the stairs and coughed, "Prehaps we should have dinner first?"

Small aw's were heard from the children, and Roman turned off Rudolph. They sat at the table as Logan got their plates.

"Where is Dee?" Logan inquired.

"Went to bed early, something about too much Christmas spirt," Roman said.

"Scrooge?" Pat asked.

Logan raised an eyebrow to Roman, "Christmas Carol?"

"It's a classic!"

"This Grinch, scared V into his room with that movie."

"Ghosts are scary..." Virgil whispered.

In response, Patton hugged him telling him it's okay. Virgo hugged back and promised to protect the fatherly side. 

The famILY ate their mac n'cheese in peace, giggling and having fun before settling into bed.

The next morning, they all woke up in joy, and boy was Deceit happy it was Christmas. They opened presents, and the Little's were happy to see Santa's cookies were eaten. It was peaceful in the mindscape. They watched Christmas movies, ate good food, and thanked each other. Deceit had gotten everyone some of their favorite cookies. Logan had got Roman and Virgil some books, Patton a Whinnie the Pooh stuffy, Remy some fancy decaf coffee from France, and Deceit new gloves. Remy got Roman a leather jacket with "Prince" written in a curvy red font, Deceit a snake stuffed animal and snake skin heels, he gave Virgil some band merch, Patton a dog onesie, and Logan some fun teas. Roman got Logan a Shakespeare book, Virgil new headphones, Remy white and black pajamas that say "Runs on Coffee", Deceit a slitheren robe, and Patton a Hufflepuff sweater. Patton got Deceit some makeup, Roman got three different prince crowns, Virgil received a new hoodie and a blanket, Logan scented candles, and Remy rainbow aviators. Virgil got Patton a mug that says "best dad" and fuzzy socks, Roman a gold tutu and a mug of Mickey Mouse, Remy concert tickets and a mug that said "Sleeping Beauty", Logan a Sherlock mug and some crystals, Deceit a snake mug and a gay pride flag.

Santa had brought fairy lights for Patton, fake fangs for Deceit, new ties for Logan, a rainbow sash for Roman, a travel mug for Remy, and cat stuffed animal for Virgil.

Then, a tiny Pat said while hugging the still tiny V, "Bless us, every one!"

(Sorry for the horrible grammar this was written on my phone!)



Author-Chan has taken the day off, decidedly sneaking out of the closet hours ago. She walked home, gift in hand, and tea in the other. Once she opened the door, her sister ran up, engulfing her into a hug.


"Where have you been?"

"Top secret mission."

Sister-Chan was not impressed.

"I made you a Christmas gift."

Sister-Chan gasped and ripped open the box to reveal a replica Virgil jacket.

"This looks just like the real one! How did you pull this off?"

"I had good source material." Smirked Author-Chan.

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