Keith X Reader

By B0omers399

123K 3.2K 1.4K

(Y/n) has waited so long to get into college, but what will she do when her friends find out who she really i... More

The news
Hopes and dreams
The anticipation
It begins
Team Voltron
Am I really ready for this?
Getting to know you
Red and (f/c)
Team plan
New enemies
Who now?
Secret trip
Night out part 1
Night out part 2
Virus part 1
Virus part 2
Flight challenge
Challenge accepted
Separate paths
Past time
Let's Go!
For the win
The truth
What we both need
Will you...

Paladin training

3K 85 68
By B0omers399

"Keith can you log on please, time to get to work." Allura said pushing her books away and smiling brightly.

"So we need to chose armour and ships." Shiro said looking at the group leaning back on the table.

"Well I think we should choose something that makes us stand out something new and different." Pidge shrugged. "I can program something if needs be."

"Yeah, we should make it cool and agile." Lance said leaning forward smiling at his friends.

"Something that proves us to be true paladins." Keith said smirking and looking at (y/n).

"I like this one." She said clicking on a ship and showing Keith on her screen. "What do you think?"

Keith and (y/n) smiled to themselves before looking at the group who were waiting in suspense.

(Y/n) span it around to show Pidge and smiled when her eyes lit up brightly. Lance leant over and nodded before smirking at Shiro.

"Can someone please just show me what it is that you seem to have chosen." Shiro said crossing his arms gaining a laugh in response.

"There it 6 robotic lions that can be accommodated in the castle." Pidge smiled brightly while she showed Allura, Coran and Shiro.

"They are all different colours and have a weapon each which is called a Bayard." (Y/n) read off her screen tilting her head in confusion.

"So we get to design and choose our weapon and it's portable." Keith read off (y/n) screen nodding as he looked at the speed of the ships.

"I have heard of these ships, but I believe that they are impossibly hard to use, you will need a lot of training." Matt said reading a book in the corner.

"So let's start with the Bayard's and the armour and see how we go." Shiro said choosing, to no one's surprise, the black armour.

Keith chose the red, Lance blue, Hunk got yellow, Pidge green and (y/n) got (f/c).

"Matt do you want to tag in?" Pidge asked looking at her brother.

"No I'm good flying robotic lions sounds too complicated for my liking." Matt shrugged pulling a chair up next to her. "But I won't mind watching."

"Ohhh I like this." (Y/n) smiled as her Bayard turned into a sword, then a blaster and then a whip.
"So (y/n)'s becomes anything that you need." Pidge commented. "That's really cool."

"Yeah look at this." Keith held up his sword and span it around flicking it so it sliced perfectly theough the air, he accidentally hit his wristband and a shield appeared. Keith's eye's widened looking at (y/n) who looked just as surprised.

"How did you do that?" She asked pressing the same combination and making her shield appear. "Sweet."

"Ok let's start with something basic, how about the drones." Allura said as Coran began tapping away frantically.

"All set Allura." Coran smiled his finger hovering over the enter button as she grabbed a stopwatch.

"Ready... Set... Go." Allura shouted as she hit the start button on the stopwatch.

Several small drones appeared firing small blast's at them all, they were all backed into a circle where they would have to protect eachother before even attempting to get rid of them.

One blasted hunks leg and he was out, with Hunk gone Pidge was blasted in the back. (Y/n) was then hit because everyone was distracted by a yelling Pidge. Lance, Keith and Shiro were still going strong, until one caught Keith's foot and then shot Lance and Shiro.

"Well that was... Interesting." Coran said looking at Allura who had lost her famous smile and it was replaced with a completely shocked face.

"Interesting?! No it was awful. You really need to work on that." Allura said looking at the stopwatch. "You only lasted 1 minute 20 ticks."

She sat down defeated rubbing her temples. She then span her chair around a few times before whispered something to Coran.

"Of course we can do that." He smiled at her before tapping away on his computer.

"Do you ever feel like Allura's a soccer mum?" (Y/n) whispered to Keith who just shrugged it off, but smiled at the comment.

They were all re-energised and now slightly more prepared to go. Lance had his blaster and Pidge had her electric spade at the ready. Keith held his sword up while Shiro stood just waiting for death.

[He has no Bayard....

... Not yet.]

(Y/n) and Hunk were side by side looking clueless and hungry. (Y/n) got her Bayard out but didn't activate it, not entirely sure what she would need. Hunk got his cannon ready preparing to shoot.

"Alright guys you will be split up into teams Lance Pidge and Shiro Vs Keith Hunk and (y/n)." Coran said happy with his plan.

"Wait we have to go against each other?" Hunk asked frowning not really wanting to fight his friends.

"No you will face the gladiator." Allura said with an evil smirk appearing on her face.

The training bot appeared and charged at Shiro who blocked the attack with his shield and then his characters prosthetic arm. Pidge launched her grappling hook and caught the robots legs making it fall over. Lance then shot it in the head finishing it off.

"Yes. Another win for blue, black and green." Allura said marking it out on the white board, giving them a score of 20 to 19. "Can red, (f/c) and yellow catch them."

"Alright let's do this." (Y/n) said smirking as the bot appeared on the screen. She rolled out of the way and used her shield to block the blasts that it had fired.

Hunk covered her by hitting it with repeated rounds of fire. He managed to knock the bots weapon away leaving it to do hand to hand combat.

Keith ran at it kicking it in the chest and knocking it down before (y/n) drove it's own weapon through its chest disabling it.

"And a win for your team as well, and all players standing... Look at the time! You all need to get some sleep before school tomorrow, go." Allura yelled making them all jump slightly.

"Ok, ok." Shiro said calming her down slightly by logging everyone off and starting putting his things away in his bag.

The others followed suit and grabbed their things and headed off to their rooms, feeling proud of what they had accomplished.

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