Do you love me? [Victuri]

By BLoveKia

108K 3.8K 1.9K

Victor was the most popular boy in school. He had the perfect life, the perfect girlfriend and everybody love... More

Thank You
You're Not My Friend
I Don't Need Your Help
I See You
Your Fault
You'll What? Hit Me?
Behind Closed Doors
I Care
Every Word...
He Kissed Me!
Night at the Movies
I Am
He Was Your Friend
Suspicious Minds
If Only He Knew
Before He Cheats
Beyond Belief
Better Without Manners
Bring It On
Kisses Don't Lie
Ice Cream
Step Down
It Wasn't Me
A Touch

Bad Boy

1.9K 70 11
By BLoveKia

The dense crowd around Victor was almost impenetrable. He kept trying to worm his way through the students but none of them seemed to want him to pass. In the end, he completely gave up trying to be nice. He could see Yuri's head about to turn the corner and the last thing he wanted was to lose him like this - Sofia had been the on to kiss him, not the other way around.

"Move!" he growled, pushing peoples shoulders harshly to get them out of the way. A slightly smaller boy stumbled from the shove and fell into the boy behind him. It was almost like dominos as one by one people surrounding lost their balance.

It did, however, create a small gap in front of Victor. He didn't waste a second as he pushed through the last of the students that had surrounded him and Sofia and took off down the hallway. But he could no longer see raven hair or one of his hoodies, oversized on Yuri.

Victor slammed his fist into the wall, a string of curses slipping from his tongue.

He could hear a commotion going on behind him as his eyes wandered down the corridors in hope. Suddenly he heard his name. He turned to face the source and saw the smaller boy he had shoved talking to one of the teachers. He was holding his right arm close to his chest when his eyes locked on Victor's. He nodded his head at him and suddenly the teacher's eyes were also on him. Sighing heavily, Victor watched as the teacher started towards him, the younger boy trailing behind.

Stone cold eyes fixed on Victor's as the man stopped in front of him, "I think you should follow me," he advised, but his tone implied it wasn't optional.

"I have something I need to do," Victor argued, however, the teacher had already started walking away, only turning to glare when Victor didn't follow.

He led Victor all the way to the other end of the school and it didn't take a genius to figure out he was taking him to the headmaster's office. By that point, the halls had already cleared and Victor knew that Yuri had undoubtedly already started his walk home. He sighed in exasperation, earning himself another look from the teacher in front. Someone needed to teach that kid that snitches get stitches.

Outside the office was a row of chairs, all lined up against the wall. After being firmly instructed to do so, Victor slumped himself into the one furthest from the door. The teacher knocked twice before he nudged the door open a crack, peering inside.

"What is it?" Came the low rumble of a voice.

The teacher slipped into the room, closing the door behind himself so that Victor could no longer hear anything that was going on inside, just faint murmurs which didn't amount to much. He turned off, blankly staring at nothing in particular as he folded his arms over his chest. After minutes passed, Victor decided he couldn't just sit there and do nothing. He stood up, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

Sliding into his texts with Yuri, it brought a slight smile to his face.

Yesterday, 22:44
I miss you too, see you tomorrow x

They had been texting in the night, just stupid flirting back and forth. Running his fingers through his hair, Victor thought about what he would say to Yuri. It would probably be better to speak in person?

Yuri, I need to talk to you, to explain, please?
It's not what you think.

All he had to do now was wait - but not there. He picked his bag up off the chair where he had set it down and slung it over his shoulder. Just as he was about to take his first step away, the door creaked on its hinges. Victor cringed internally as a loud cough resonated from behind up. He sneaked a peak over his shoulder to see a very unimpressed teacher adjusting his glasses on his nose. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Victor's phone just had to go off right then.

"Give it to me," the teacher sighed as Victor drearily trudged his way back to the office.

Intending to just comply and get this over with, he drew his phone out of his pocket but not before turning the screen on and trying to catch a glimpse of the screen before he handed it over. He saw Yuri's name. It was only for a second before the teacher snatched his phone out from his clutches but now he knew he had to get out of there so that they could talk.

"I just remembered," Victor protested, quickly snatching the device and backing away, "I've somewhere I need to be."

"Victor!" The teacher shouted after him as he began to take quick strides away, "Come back or else we'll get your parents involved!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Victor mumbled, he knew they couldn't lay a hand on him and he was too preoccupied with finding out what Yuri had said to care about his threats.

By the gate, 2 minutes.

Victor was already late so without hesitation, he broke into a run. His sneakers slapped against the floor and he breathed heavily with the exertion of the sprint. As he turned the last corner and flung himself through the doors, he saw Yuri leaning awkwardly against the side of the school gate, hood up to shield himself from the less than desirable weather.

"Hey," Victor panted as he approached.

Yuri looked up, meeting his eyes, but his lips were turned down into a frown and the usual sparkle in his eye had taken another vacation.

"Hi," Yuri returned, but Victor could tell he was upset. Idly, Yuri tugged the sleeves of his hoodie down over his hands. He fiddled with the fabric and nibbled his bottom lip. All signs of him being uneasy. Victor knew this.

Victor stepped forwards, his arms wrapping snugly around Yuri as he pulled him into his chest, "You should wear my hoodie more often, it looks nice on you," Victor complemented, whispering into Yuri's ear. A ploy to break the tension.

Yuri pulled back, "You said you wanted to explain, so explain..."

"Sofia kissed me, I swear it, I wouldn't kiss her, not now that I've got you."

"But you didn't push her away," Yuri fiddled with the straps of his bag - another distraction. "Not until you saw me. You just let her kiss you."

"It didn't mean anything, you got there just as she kissed me."

Yuri looked down at his phone, ignoring Victor and scrolling through Instagram feeds until eventually, he found what he was searching for. He held the phone up for Victor to see and right there with the caption 'Here we go again' was a video one of the other students had taken of the kiss.

His heart sank.

Yuri was right.

As Sofia's lips had pressed against his, at first his face was one of complete shock, eyes widened, but it was longer than what it had felt like at the time. He had just let her kiss him. For half a minute he had just let her kiss him.

Victor winced. In the video, he had abruptly shoved Sofia away. He hadn't realised quite how hard he had done it. The video then came to a very abrupt end with Sofia screaming 'Fuck you, Nikiforov!' in the background.

Victor's eyes trailed down: 423 likes.

He was going to be the school's laughing stock. Anyone who hadn't been there would have seen it online. 'Here we go again' wasn't even a good caption. He and Sofia were never one of those couples which were always on and off, breaking up for no reason and getting back together for even less of a reason.

"I'm sorry," Victor finally apologised as Yuri just stood in front of him, shuffling from foot to foot, "I know the situation sucks but please, believe me, I want you - not her."

"I believe you."

Victor all but lunged at Yuri, capturing him in his arms and littering his face with kisses. Giggling, Yuri pushed Victor's face away. Victor laughed too. He laughed until he didn't and sheepishly he scratched the back of his neck. He didn't want to be keeping stuff from Yuri and if he could take the public humiliation that came from today's events, he could deal with this too. At least that was what Victor thought.

"There is one more thing I should tell you..."

A.N. Sorry this took longer than I thought it would. As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote if you're enjoying x

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