Do you love me? [Victuri]

By BLoveKia

108K 3.8K 1.9K

Victor was the most popular boy in school. He had the perfect life, the perfect girlfriend and everybody love... More

Thank You
You're Not My Friend
I Don't Need Your Help
I See You
Your Fault
You'll What? Hit Me?
Behind Closed Doors
I Care
Every Word...
He Kissed Me!
Night at the Movies
I Am
He Was Your Friend
Suspicious Minds
If Only He Knew
Before He Cheats
Beyond Belief
Better Without Manners
Bring It On
Kisses Don't Lie
Ice Cream
Step Down
Bad Boy
A Touch

It Wasn't Me

1.9K 68 87
By BLoveKia

"Don't you have football practice today?" Yuri asked as they strolled down the corridor, the last bell having had rung a few minutes prior.

"I don't really feel like dealing with JJ and his clique at the moment. I'm sure they can live without me for one day," Victor smiled.

Yuri nodded in understanding as Victor tried to subtly snake his hand into Yuri's.

They had been together for a while now and it finally seemed as though everyone at school had begun to move on. Their relationship was 'old news' as many might put it and the gossip had moved on. Like when people had whispered behind their back, making snarky comments and giving dirty looks, now it was all focused on which guy Sofia had slept with at Kira's party. 

Victor knew that Chris had just been putting up a front when he said she had moved on. Despite all her flaws, she was at least faithful and wasn't the type to skip from guy to guy. Behind the facade she wore, she was still hurting and Victor could see it with every swish of her hair as she strutted down the corridor, her friends in tow behind her.

He was at least glad that people had the decency to shut up when she was actually in earshot of them. He hadn't been so lucky.

Yuri's hand tightened around his as Sofia neared them both. Needing to reassure Yuri, Victor squeezed back before Sofia was right in front of them both. She wasted no time in shooing away her friends before she turned to Victor. Her eyes glanced down momentarily, catching sight on their intertwined fingers before she sucked in a deep breath.

"I need to talk to you," she said softly. A smile somehow forced its way onto her face and Victor just stared at her blankly.

"Then talk."

"Alone," She detailed, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth in the smile as she sent Yuri a look.

Yuri gulped before turning to Victor, "It's fine, I need to grab some books from my locker so I'll meet you there?" He mumbled. He was trying to keep the words just between the two of them and was unsure if Sofia had heard until he looked up and saw her slight scowl.

Clasping the straps of his bag, he pulled it tighter over his shoulder and prepared himself to walk away. But before he could, he felt a slight tug on his sleeve. Looking back, Victor smiled, returning an 'ok' before placing a chaste kiss on Yuri's lips, right in front of the now seething Sofia.

Victor just watched silently as Yuri wandered away. He could feel Sofia's presence still in front of him and he didn't really like the idea that he was now left alone with his ex.

"Let's go somewhere quieter," Sofia offered, tugging of Victor's arm as she led him a couple of metres into the nearest classroom.

Once they were both inside and the door was firmly closed, she finally let herself go. Her strained expression fell back into the seductive smile Victor had seen many times before and she perched herself up atop one of the wooden desks.

"What did you want to talk about?" Victor asked, he could feel the scepticism flowing through his voice and every now and then his eyes flicked back to the closed door.

"Victor, I get it, it's ok," she grinned she ran her fingers through her long brunette locks, ruffling it a little at the top to add more volume. Her head tilted to the side as she stared at Victor and he could have sworn her eyes almost held...pity.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows as she continued smiling and shaking her head.

"How's he doing it, is he blackmailing you?" She asked, almost genuine concern in her voice as she slid off the table. Her boots clicked against the hard floor and she raked her fingers through her hair again.

"What are you on about?" Victor questioned.

Was she talking about JJ, did she know that he had caught a video of Chris touching him inappropriately and was using it against him?

"It's ok, you don't need to be embarrassed," she reassured as her boots clicked their way over to him. Her hand rested delicately on his as she spoke, "just tell me what it is that little nerd has got on you. I can help you."

Victor's breath stopped short as she ran her hand up his arm, resting her fingers on his shoulder. He tried to pull away but the door was right behind him.

"You've got it wrong," He stated bluntly, taking her hand between his fingers and dropping it once it was a good distance away from touching him again, "I like Yuri and he's my boyfriend."

Sofia snorted in amusement, "You're not gay, Victor."

Victor huffed and stepped closer to Sofia, pushing her back a little as he continued to walk forwards.

"You should go back and tell that to me when I was making out with Yuri last week on my bed."

That shut her up and Victor smirked before turning and opening the door. He stepped out into the hallway that was full of the chatter of students who were standing by their lockers with friends, gathering up all their things.

Suddenly Victor felt a hand on the back of his shoulder, he looked over to see Sofia's eyes downcast and her lips pushed into a pout. It was unbearable, she and Chris were the most spoilt children he knew. He learned quite early on their relationship that if one thing didn't go her way, she would turn into this.

"Look, I'm sorry ok?" Victor grumbled but she didn't say a word, just looked like a five-year-old about to burst into tears or go on a screaming fit.

"Sofia, you're the one who broke up with me!"

She clung on tighter to his shirt, burying her face into his chest. Victor sighed, placing both hands on her shoulders and just about to shove her away when she finally looked up. Her hazel eyes sparkled, accented by the mascara and wings of eyeliner. For the first time, she actually looked vulnerable and Victor didn't have it in his heart to push her away, especially with the whole school whispering about her behind her back.

"I know you're not gay," she mumbled almost incoherently.

Before Victor knew it, her hands were on his chest, pushing him back until he was trapped flush between her and the lockers. His was completely off guard and his heart was pounding a million miles an hour in his chest.

Without warning, she took it the final step, gripping his chin between her fingers and pressing their mouths firmly together. Victor's eyes were as wide as saucers, his body was frozen in pure shock and his mind was racing. 

Slowly Sofia's hands worked their way up into his hair and Victor's eyes flicked around the corridor. Other students had immediately realised what was going on and he saw several phones taking pictures and videos of the event.

However, his whole world stopped when he caught sight of broken chocolate from across the corridor. Feeling rushed back into his body at the speed of light and he shoved Sofia away with as much force as he could.

She landed with a massive thud on the floor and gasps erupted from around them. Tears began to brim her eyes but Victor didn't look twice. His attention was focused on Yuri who had already begun to back out of the crowd.

"Fuck you, Nikiforov!" Sofia cursed as she pushed herself back up.

She stormed towards Victor with more anger lacing her features than had ever been seen before, but just at that moment Yuri finally turned and began to run away.

Following in his footsteps, Victor shoved his way through the hoard of students, completely ignoring Sofia and the whispers of 'I can't believe he pushed her' or 'Fucking psychopath' as he took off after Yuri.

A.N. I'm sorry this took so long. And I'm (not) sorry that I just keep hitting you with angst after angst. See you soon and don't forget to vote if you're enjoying ;)

Thank you! xx

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