City of heavenly fire. The af...

By Cara_Blackwood197

134K 2.8K 348

if you thought the world was safe for the shadow hunting family think again.......... this is an all new grip... More

Mortal instruments, clace.(authors note)
what time can't forget(1)
morning after.(2)
how to tell them ? (4)
the perfect wedding? (5)
Love is strong ? (6)
The baby (7)
Life is good, or is it? (8)
Didn't see that coming (9)
Baby on the way (10)
The house and the clave (11)
Were not going (12)
Idris (13)
The clave (14)
Can't give up (15)
I won't let you go (16)
Preporations (17)
Queen of the seelie court (18)
I have news (19)
Back in idris (20)/ the scan
The clave's meeting (21) pt 1
The clave's meeting (21) pt 2
Getting back whats yours (22)
More than we bargained for ? (23)
The darkness around us (24)
The worry begins (25)
Time to wake up (27)
Back on your feet (28)
Ready for home (29)
Home sweet home (30)
birthday boy (31)
What a birthday (32)
The funeral part one (33)
The funeral part two
The funeral part three
She's coming (34)
Extending the family (35)
Charlotte (36)
The secret (37)
The talk (38)
The party not to be forgot
Together we shall hail (40)
Through our perils darkness shall rise (41)
The escape (42)
The wait (43)
He's alive (44)
When he's grown up (45)
Not again (46)
In the time of need (47)
Fight at first sight (48)
Fight until the end(49)
Quick note.
The spark (50)

Sleeping beauty (26)

2.1K 40 17
By Cara_Blackwood197

Jace wiped his face roughly as he stood up awkwardly and cleared his throat. "Ok you tell no one about this, if Clary found out, well lets just say that would be me done until i was eighty, she likes to wind me up" he said with a small smile. He was still worried about Clary but he needed to shift his mind onto something else, he had already spent the whole day with simon, after they took Clary away and he had nearly broken Everything in the place trying to find her he was dragged off with izzy and simon, they were nice and didn't press the matter or show him grief, they were just them, and he appreciated that more than anything. "Don't worry, secrets safe with me, i don't want to pry but did they say when she would be out of theatre? Because Jake really wants to see her?" She asked shyly as she looked to the floor, Jace smiled, she was still about eighteen and was so pure and innocent. She of course had gone through a lot like Jace had, but she seemed to have taken it better than he had, or so she had on the outside. But Jace knew how easy it was to hide your true emotions. "They haven't told me anything, they say it is supposed to calm you down and stop you from worrying, but my heart is going insane right now, all i know is that the doctors said the warlock was the highest the clave had and that her name was rue, they said she was in safe hands, but i thought that when i agreed to let her come, she lost so much blood, and drained herself of everything when she drew the portal, i don't think i even understand how she survived it" he said all in one breath, as though he couldn't keep the thought in any longer. "I told you" Emma said scoffing, "your family is pure fight Jace, i mean Jake reminds me so much of you, this sounds weird but you have always been my idol, i have and will always look up to you as a shadow-hunter, but you as a dad i mean that is something completely different, you and Clary together as parents, well i don't think i have ever seen a more beautiful family, your all so passionate and love each other more than anything could ever imagine, Clary is going to be just fine, because your going to be there with her" she said as she looked into Jace's eyes, he could see the love and care in her eyes and he smiled at her words. "I know she will, she's a herondale" he said proudly, as though the name alone was worth more than anything. Jace was about to step back into the room to go and see how Jake was when he heard someone clear their throat down the hall. Jace turned to see an almost blue skinned woman with multiple piercings all over her body signal to him, she was thin and looked as though she had been working for too long. "Are you mr.herondale?" The woman asked quizzically. "Yes!" Jace said as he rushed over to her, his heart now in his shoes. "I have some good news" she said with a smile as she beckoned for him to follow, he turned and looked at Emma who simply smiled and wondered back into the room she had come from before he set off after her down the hall.

"I'm not going to lie to you sir, it was touch and go for a while, but she will be fine" rue said as she poured out a cup of tea from her office chair and offered it Jace. He took the offer and set the cup down on the table. "When can i see her?" He asked rudely, as though she hadn't spoken at all, "when she is stable enough" rue said whilst stirring her own cup. "She won't be able to do anything with her leg for a while, i suggest she takes it easy for a couple of weeks. That blade though, it was an interesting cut, i have never seen a pointed blade for impaling quite like that on a fairy blade" she said whilst thinking to herself."the baby?" Jace asked with a sudden breath, he wasn't ready for the answer but he needed to know."is perfectly fine, though if she'd of lost anymore blood it would probably be dead right now" this made Jace grit his teeth, how could she even talk about the possibility of the baby's death. "Oh" she added as though she had forgotten. "She will most probably want to sleep for a couple of days, she nearly died after all. I mean it took everything i had to get her some energy back, and i'm the best the clave have" she said with a laugh "imagine if i hadn't of been here, you'd be planning a funeral right now" she said whilst chuckling. This set Jace over the edge, she was laughing at the thought of Clary dead, this woman had a lot of nerve. Jace rose from the table sharply and dropped the cup to the floor, taking satisfaction at hearing it smash on the wooden floor, and the liquid running out all over the floor, "whoops" Jace said with a smile as he headed for the door, "where do you think your going?" Rue said as Jace opened the door. "To find my wife!" Jace said whilst slamming the door shut behind him.

"Excuse me" Jace said in the waiting room to clave's infirmary. "Yes" the woman behind the desk answered without looking up, "umm i needed to know which room Clary herondale was in?" He said whilst awkwardly looking to the floor, after about half an hour of searching Jace had resided to asking for help. "It depends who's asking" the woman said whilst searching through a file. "Her husband" Jace said proudly, and this time the woman looked up from the desk. "Ohh the famous Jace herondale. Sorry sir i will find out for you right away" she said whilst pushing her chair back and practically running out the room. Jace waited patiently for about five

Minutes before the woman returned with another file. "Let me see" she said whilst opening a book that looked to be records of in and out patients. "Hmm" she said whilst skimming the pages. "Ahh" she said as she rested her finger over a page. "Sir it says she isn't allowed visitors at the moment. She is still critically injured" the woman said with a frown, Jace put on his most persuasive smile. "She's my wife, and i have been worrying sick, just me cant hurt, it might even make her feel better, please" he said whilst smiling sweetly at her, she seemed to think about this for a while"fine but i didn't tell you" she said as she showed him the book. "Floor two, room eight" she said with a smile before heading back out the room. Jace set off running to the stairs and leapt up them two at a time.

Jace stood still outside the door and swallowed hard. He needed to see her but now he was here he didn't know if he could face it, what was he talking about of course he could. Jace slowly opened the door as though not to wake her and smiled when he looked over to the bed, apart from the bandage over her left leg and upper thigh and loss of colouring she looked like she was just sleeping. He walked over to her and pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes before he retreated to the corner

Of the room for a chair, he didn't know what they had done to save her life and he didn't ask. He was scared that if he brought up the matter that it might all seem real again, and he didn't want that. He pulled a chair up to her bedside and sat down just next to her, he pulled his legs to his chest and watched her steady breathing, once again she had saved their lives, and this is what she got in return, he watched her breathing for about three hours before he felt the pull of sleep. And he closed his eyes ready to spring however if anything happened. He stayed quiet listening to the sounds of Clary breathing sweetly before he finally fell to sleep.

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