Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

By camrenkordied

911K 29K 11.5K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... More

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15.1K 518 178
By camrenkordied

Typing away on my laptop as I listened to the professor explain what exactly was on the board. Keeping up with my good note taking skills and eventually started to get lost. The subject almost switched immediately and I was making a new page for another explanation. I wanted to maintain my grades in college I didn't wanna slack off like anyone else. But.. it was fucking college and it was much easier than high school. Well, sorta. Attending classes were much easier but the assignments were a little more difficult for me to bare.

As I grabbed my notebook to write down something I felt someone hover over my shoulder. I glanced towards the girl next to me and she copied my notes. I kept back a snort and let that boost my ego, all the while I looked back at the professor. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee and I smiled to myself. That small action made me think more about Y/NN. She was everywhere, I couldn't stop thinking about her, she was in everything I saw.

My heart felt really light and I started to drift off once again when the thought of her appeared. Those eyes, that smile, that laugh and don't even get me started on the way she looks at me. As I started to think more about her I started to hype myself up. When I see her I'm just gonna kiss the hell outta her. I'm gonna make her mine faster I didn't wanna wait, I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait for her to call me hers, I was such in a deep admiration for her that I don't think it would ever change.

Crazy what a couple months can do to your life.

Then ironically, I felt my phone vibrate my butt and I looked around to see everyone moving on with their assignment. I cleared my throat knowing I probably missed five minutes worth of notes and information. I slipped my phone out anyway and let a face eating grin grow across my lips.

CoffeeCutie😍: Good morning gorgeous, you in class?

Camila🤤: i'm in the english thingy rn, why?

CoffeeCutie😍: oop maybe you need to pay attention since it's an English thingy💀💀

Camila🤤: nah, i'd rather talk to you what's up?

CoffeeCutie😍: you in the annex building? Next to my place?

Camila🤤: yess👀

CoffeeCutie😍: sweet, I'll see you when you leave, pay attention now❤️

"She is so fucking cute." I mumbled to myself but immediately heard a small snort from beside me.

"Thanks." She finished copying down the notes I had written so far.

Then quickly looked up at the professor to see a whole new topic and my stomach dropped. My jaw slacked open and the girl chuckled before tapping her MacBook.

"I got you, I needed the first half of the notes. You can have the second." She tilted her laptop towards me and I felt the need to say,

"I love you." I blurted out towards the shorter latina and she giggled.

"I'm Ally." She introduced herself as I copied down her notes.

"I'm Camila." I then looked up to smile at her and checked the time.

"Hot date?" She giggled again and I smirked playfully.

"Hopefully." I leaned back and flipped a page in my note book as I wrote something down that I didn't want saved on my laptop.

I heard everyone start packing up their things as the clock hit twelve and I started to rush my typing.

"You don't have to rush, I can email you the notes if you want? Copy and paste?" Ally suggested while she stood up and packed up her purse.

"That would be beautiful, Ally. Oh my God, you're amazing." I felt extremely grateful for her existence right about now.

"Trust me, I'd rather go on a hot date than copy some notes that we might not need later." She joked and I quickly wrote down my email for me to give her.

"You literally deserve the world." I gasped as I quickly shut my laptop and shoved it nicely into my bag.

"Good luck." She giggled as I passed her the piece of paper.

I hoped she could read my handwriting, no one ever really could. I couldn't even read it sometimes. I then started to panic inside when that thought entered my mind. But it was too late I was already out of the class and I didn't really wanna go back. While I second guessed myself, I looked back to see her walking the other way. Then I cursed at myself as I walked out of the building completely.

Suddenly all my panic faded away when I saw the one girl that had been invading my thoughts. She whipped her head around when the door opened and that smile shined underneath the shade.

"Hi!" She breathed out cutely as she rubbed her hands together.

"Hi." I giggled as I stepped closer to her and she smoothly grabbed my hand.

"You're free right?" She asked me as her eyes literally burned right through me.

"Yeah, I'm not going into work today either so... yeah." I nervously spoke and she rubbed her thumb over the top of my hand.

"Great." She bubbled up with a cute smile and she looked down at my bag before sliding the strap off my shoulder.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to take you somewhere?" She asked me and I wondered where that confidence from her texts went.

Maybe she was just trying to be polite?

"I don't mind." I couldn't help the smile on my face and I felt like my heart was trying so hard to cling to hers.

I just felt like I needed to be closer to her and she looked down the street.

"The vehicle is by my dorm building, so we uh gotta walk over there." She suddenly looked away and itched her head which caused me to smirk.

"Come on, cutie." I giggled as I tugged her hand and she smiled widely while she followed my lead.

We walked hand in hand as she asked me about my day and I noticed the sun beaming. Usually it would've been raining due to the season. When we arrived to the spot all I saw was a pickup truck that was probably from the 1990's.

"Uh it's my brothers." She quickly spoke up noticing the small halt.

"We are from Texas so.. yeah, kinda bound to have a truck." She chuckled softly, "Amarillo is filled with these." She lightly joked and opened up the passenger side for me.

"I promise it's not dirty or anything." She insecurely sweared and I subconsciously slid my hand across her jawline.

"It's fine, I don't care if it's a BMW or a hooptie from the eighties. I won't ever judge you." I shared and suddenly got in without thinking much about it.

Then she leaned into the truck and swiftly pecked my lips before backing up. She closed my door softly and I knew her face was probably heated as hell right now. Mine definitely was. I don't think I'd ever get used to the feeling of her lips on mine. When she got into the white and red truck she turned to me with keys in her hand.

"Are you ready?" She playfully wiggled her eyebrows and I smirked.

"I was born ready baby." I winked back and we both giggled as she cranked up the engine.

Suddenly we were off to wherever.


Ten minutes of picking up some pizza and snacks then another ten minutes to our destination. I didn't exactly know what I was expecting but I knew it was going to be cute no matter what. She never disappointed me. So as we got out of her truck with the pizza and snacks she led me through a nice spacious park. It wasn't as packed as Washington Park would probably be right now. It was nice.

My stomach was an endless supply of butterflies right about now and the way she kept looking at me was driving me crazy. She was so gentle and soft I was in love. I was in love with falling in love with her. Maybe it was too fast or something but it was still the best feeling I had ever experienced. It was only gonna go up from here. Hopefully.

"Beautiful day and a beautiful girl." She smirked cutely and laid down a sheet then set down the food.

She looked around and wiggled her feet as she nodded me over as she leaned back on her hands, "Boring?" She asked and I squinted my eyes at her as my heart felt light.

"What did I say." I hummed and she looked away bashfully.

"Come on, I know you're hungry." She reached for my hand and tugged me down softly.

When I rested my knees against the sheet I just let go of any anxiety I had. Any negative thoughts washed away and I immediately rested my head against her chest. I felt her laugh and she let me get comfortable against her body while she slid over the box of pizza. She wanted me as much as I wanted her and I knew I should stop thinking so much.

Wondering if I'm doing too much or saying too much, if I should kiss her now or never. Thinking that maybe I should let her make the move so I can make the second. I needed to stop that. I needed to be bold like she was at times. I mean my brain played tricks on my like no other, like come on, I slept over on our first date. Without any sexual intention.

"I like you." I breathed out as I clung to her and she hummed.

"I like you too." She tried to say as she took a bite of pepperoni pizza.

"Yeah?" I asked as I looked up at her and she briefly stopped chewing to toothlessly smiled.

"Oh yeah." She nodded with her pizza grease coated lips and I softly pecked them.

My heart exploded and she smiled before pecking my lips again while I started to sit up. I reached over to grab a slice of pizza and loved the way the cheese melted off the sides.

"Ugh, but I like pizza more." I groaned out as my tongue captured the taste.

I looked around to see some preteens running around with a sports ball. I breathed in the fresh air and took in the moment, my heart light, my stomach fluttering, my mouth watering, and it was just a great damn day. Once I got to the crust of this amazing pizza and I felt her hand.

I looked towards Y/N when her hand softly brushed my bangs to the side. Her eyes trailed over my features and once they connected to mine she smiled again. Her ankles were crossed and her feet wiggled while she sighed.

"You make my day, you know that?" She mumbled and I blindly picked up another piece of pizza.

"You better start eating cause I will unapologetically eat this entire pizza." I whispered after swallowing the bite I took and she started to laugh.

"Yes ma'am." She chuckled and picked up another piece before looking at me again.

I felt my heart start to beat faster and faster as I felt her gazing eyes on my side profile, "You have a staring problem, don't you?" I looked back up at her and she lowly laughed again.

"You're damn right." She gave me a look and I tried so hard not to blush.

"So.. how's your classes going?" I asked as I scooted closer to her and she shrugged.

"Eh, they're going." She sucked her pizza sauce stained finger and bit the inside of her cheek, "There's one class that's just driving me insane though. Work overload."

"Do you work? I never asked you that." I asked as I took another bite and she tilted her head while she closed her eyes.

"Uhh kinda? I help my brother out sometimes and he pays me. Regularly." She bobbed her head and I suddenly frowned.

"One of your brother's live here?" I asked and she nodded as she reached for the bottled soda that was in the plastic bag.

"Yeah, he's a professor at our school. I think he teaches one of your classes too." She nonchalantly shrugged again as she twisted off the cap of a Mountain Dew.

"What?! Really?" I gasped and I watched her tilt her head back to take a gulp.

"Yeah, some Liberal Art class I think. I don't know, it's something like that. He studies many things and wants to do more, I guess. It's a lot." She waved her hand as she moved to lean against her elbow to take the weight off of her hand.

"Wait... then what do you guys do? You're like the opposite of majoring in English." I chuckled softly and she bit her lip as she looked away.

Oh? Maybe she is a sexy drug dealer-

"It's nothing bad." She started to laugh when I quirked up an eyebrow.


"He owns a repair shop on the outskirts of the city with his wife. He can't always be there, that's where I come in, and she can't necessarily do all the work since she's pregnant." She raised her eyebrows as she looked up at me.

"Aww I love babies!" I blurted our without thinking much and she kept back a smirk.

"How far along is she?"

"About five months." She answered and laid down as her head rested against her arm.

"That's so great." I thought about her soon to be niece or nephew and looked down at her.

"You? You want kids in the future?"

"Yeah." She answered again and cleared her throat as she looked away. "One day."

Then almost immediately she switched the subject and with my absentminded ass I didn't think much about it. And for hours upon hours we sat there on the grass talking and laughing. I got to know her even better than the last time we were together. She briefly tested me on my studies when I told her I forgot some notes. We ended up getting even more comfortable with one another.

We had even lightly wrestled around for the last piece of pizza and I was really starting to convince myself. Convince myself that I was already falling for this young woman. She had woken something up inside of me and it was not gonna end any time soon. She made me forget about everyone else in the park and it was just us. Don't even get me started on the kisses.

Her lips, oh God her lips. They were perfect. They were so, so perfect and I wanted to kiss them forever. I never wanted this feeling to stop, ever. She was bringing that something I always dreamt of having in my life. She was it. She was gonna be the death of me I swear.

"Let's get you home." She mumbled softly as the falling sun started to hide behind a new build up of a cloud.

When I looked at her, she gave me those eyes as her hand stayed against my cheek. I got lost. I got lost in that love haze once again.

And we ended it with a kiss.


I got back into this story again oof

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then I hope you get shit on by a bird

Have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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