Forever And Always Wolfstar F...

By SiriuslyLupinn

519K 9.8K 12.1K

Here are my fluffy wolfstar one shots. Some of them are really sucky, this was my first attempt at fan ficti... More

Bad Days
Harry gets caught.
when we fight
wolfstar wedding
Quitttitch jerseys and jumpers
I Missed You!
Some Preferences
DADA Class: Werewolves
Relax Baby
Your Perfect Imperfections
Please Stay With Me Baby
Waiting For You
Damn Snakes
With You Here Everthing's Perfect
Talent Show
If He Got The Trial He Deserved
Love Bites
Hope Lyra
Pet Names
Hospital Wing
New Year, New Relationship
Our Cub
20 Questions
DAMN IT JAMES, but thanks
Severus Snake
Damn Love Potion
When Padfoot's In A Bad Mood
Kissing In The Snow
Mary McDonald
murauders stick together. no matter what.
Road Trip
Boyfriend Tag
Outed By Another
Silver Spoons
Thoughts and Cuddles
Bad Days (remake)
Telling The Bros
Sickness Sucks (like a youre sick remake)
The Hunt
I Want You, Not Her
Summer Nights
Storms (Remake)
Without You
Jily Wedding (oh just wait for the wolfstar!)
Detentions Will Haunt Us (Harry Gets Caught Remake)
Kiss or Dare
Manipulative Moony
Instagram 2
Our First Time
Sleepynes leads to French speakingness
The Afterlife
I've Got You
Ive Been Tagged. (AN at the end)
Single Dads
Untitled Part 93
What Did You Do?!
It's always normal, until it isn't.
Treasure Hunt
We Love you, Rem!
Untitled Part 101
... 'Happy' Birthday...
How Could You?
I missed you
Emotionless.. Right?
Wow... Emotions.
Getting older
Untitled Part 116
Lying Low
The Musician
Offer pt. 2
Offer Pt. 3
Offer pt. 4
Hurt: 12 Years Later
Happy new year
My Secret Valentine
Long Day
Late Night Ramblings
First Christmas

Our Cub (Remake)

5.4K 96 244
By SiriuslyLupinn

~Sirius POV~

Three years. I've been in this place three damned years and Dumbledore just got me a trial.

Two aurors come into the room.

"Mr. Black, if you would not struggle it will make your life a whole lot easier" One of them says, hand cuffing me. I don't like hand cuffs, they freak me out but I don't struggle. I just follow the aurors down this giant Hall to a big set of steel doors. A bit of a bummer, really. I look around the room, searching for a pair of molten honey eyes. There. He's sitting there. As his eyes lock with mine I manage a small, weak smile. I put all the love I can muster in it, but I can tell it doesn't reach my eyes. Remus sends me a small smile as well. The Aurors set me down in a chair, tying my hands behind my back. I look down at my shaking knee until I'm spoken to.

"Mr Black, you are charged with the murder of pe mkter pettigrew, twelve muggles, helping to plan the murders of James and lily Potter, as well as their son, Harry Potter. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty" I say quietly, deciding not to correct him about my last name. I play with the ring of my finger, like I do when I'm nervous.

"We would like your story from you under the influence of verttiserum," Fudge says.

"I consent" I say quietly, I haven't spoken much in three years, give me a break. An auror presses a small vial to my mouth and I drink the potion, cringing at the taste.

"Alright, Mr black. A few easy questions to start. What is your full legal name?"

"Sirius Orion Lupin" I say, smiling lightly.

"What is your significant other's full name?" He asks. My expression softens, as does my smile.

"Remus John Lupin" I say, a bit louder than before. Some of my confidence is returning.

"Alright, tell me what happened on October 31st, three years ago"

"Remus and I were planning on spending the evening with J-James and Lily, because we hadn't seen them in a while and J-James was getting a bit antsy, not being able to leave the house. Remus was running a little late at his work, so I left a bit before he came home. When I saw the door busted down I stopped and drew my wand. I walked into the house and the first thing that caught my eye was, J-J-prongs, sprawled out across the ground, his eyes lifeless. His wand was on the couch. I dropped to my knees for a moment, I swear I forgot to breathe. I closed his eyes before composing myself and getting up. I heard crying from upstairs, so I headed up to the nursery. Crook shanks, their cat was balanced with his back paws on a chair and his front paws on Harry's crib, he was trying to figure out why the little one was crying. I looked down and saw, l-lily. Her hair was framing her face like a fire halo. I bent down and closed her eyes, then focused on Harry. He had a lighting bold shaped cut on his forehead, and he was screeching. I picked him up and soothed him until he calmed down. I knew from the moment I saw prongs, that wormtail had betrayed them. They were going to make me their secret keeper, but we knew that Voldemort would suspect me, not p-pete. I walked out of the house, holding Harry close. I was still crying, but they were angry tears. Hagrid was outside the house. He wanted Harry, and I needed to find pettigrew. I told Harry that I would be back for him, before going after pettigrew. I found him behind the house, and I chased him into a muggle town. He told me that he did it to save his own life. And I lost it. Because why kill your two best friends and try to kill their son, just to save yourself. I would've died for them. He was going to obliviate my memory of seeing him. I tried to disarm him, so in a matter of seconds he cast a blasting spell, chopped off his finger and turned into his animagus form" By the time I'm don't talking I have a few tears rolling down my face, my eyes fixed on my lap.

"Who are 'prongs' and 'wormtail'?" Fudge asks.

"Please don't make me say it" I mumble, my voice just above a whisper, borderline on a whimper.

"Prongs is James, wormtail is Peter" I hear the love of my life call from behind me.

"Thank you, Remus" Fudge says.

"Mr. Black, what is Mr. Pettigrews animagus?" He asks

"A rat. And my last name is not black" I say, a bit annoyed. I told him my name, he sure as hell should use it.

"Yes, very sorry mr lupin. If we could get your consent to look over your memory, of the night, that would be great. It will take no longer than let's say, ninety minutes?" Fudge says.

"I consent" I say. The two Aurors come back and untie my hands, leading me out into the Hall. They lead me to a cozy room with Royal Blue walls, a desk with a chair, and a small cot. I sit down in the chair and lay my head in one of my hands. My thoughts drift to Remus, his soft smiles and gentle hands. Those amber eyes, his soft, light brown hair. The scars that he hates, that I know exactly where every one is. I can trace them under his shirt.

The door opens, breaking me out of my trance. Albus Dumbledore is standing there. Remus is standing beside him, his head down.

"Sirius, I believe this young man would like to see you" Dumbledore says, walking out.

"Remus," I breathe, standing up. Remus looks up, actually down at me. I make the first move, laying my hand gently against his cheek.

"Hey, baby" I whisper.

"Hi," Remus whispers back. After a few moments of silence Remus wraps his arms around me. I wrap mine around his waist, laying my head against his chest.

"I missed you so much," Remus whimpers, I can hear the tears in his voice.

"I missed you too, don't cry, sweetheart" I coo. I guide Remus over to the bed, sitting us both down. I pull back slightly and frame remus' face in my hands.

"Remus, baby you look like you haven't slept in days" I say, concerned.

"I really don't think I've slept since I heard Dumbledore got you a trial. I was too excited, and nervous. And it's still hard for me to sleep with out you" Remus explains. I lean up and place a small kiss on his forehead.

"Lay down, get a little sleep, okay?" I say softly, laying down. Remus lays behind me, burying his nose in my neck. His arms protectively wrap around my waist. I rub patterns on his arm absentmindedly. I hear his breath even, he's out like a light. I lay my head backwards against his chest, breathing in his comforting scent. Books, chocolate, the woods, wild wolf, mint.

A while later the door opens again. Dumbledore walks through, closing the door behind him. I bring my finger to to my lips, gesturing to the sleeping Remus behind me.

"Sirius, I would like to talk to you about something" Albus says quietly, sitting down.

"I actually have something to ask you. How's Harry?" I ask.

"He's with his aunt and uncle"

"What?!" I whisper shout, trying my hardest not to wake Remus. He stirs and snuggles closer to me, but says asleep.

"It was the safest option, Sirius"

"When I get out of here, what will it take for Remus and I to get him? I know petunia won't treat him right" I say.

"When you get out of here, you'll have to make up a room for Harry and get some things, after that you can come to my office and we'll get some paperwork for Harry to be your legal adopted son" Dumbledore says, that familiar twinkle in his eye.

"That would be amazing, professor" I sigh.

"Now I suggest you wake Remus, it's time to resume your trial" Dumbledore says, heading out of the room.

I wriggle around in Remus' arms. He hums and pulls me closer to him.

"Reeeeemus" I sing, spattering kisses all over his face and neck.

"Go to sleeeeep" Remus whines.

"Wake up, sweetheart. We can cuddle later. And I have a surprise. But I need to get cleared first" I whisper. Remus opens his eyes. We get up and Remus wraps his arms around my waist for a moment.

"Goodbye kiss?" He asks, his eyes hopeful. I place one hand on his neck, the other in his hair. We both lean in. Our lips connect in a slow kiss. My eyes flutter shut. We break apart and I kiss Remus' cheek, pulling away from him.

"I love you, sweet boy" I say, a smile playing at my lips.

"I love you too" Remus says, walking out. The aurors come in next.

"You can just follow us," One of them says. I follow them back to the big room. My eyes immediately find Remus'. I smile at him. The aurors lead me back to the chair, not tying my hands up. I lay my hands in my lap, twisting my ring around my finger.

"Well, Mr. Black, it seems that you are innocent. There is one more thing that we would like to check. As you know, we have your wand in custody, and we would like to check the last spell cast from it" Fudge says.

"I consent, and Mr. Fudge, my last name isn't black" I say the last few words, getting really annoyed.

"It is your given last name, Mr Black" A woman dressed in all pink with her hair in stupid curls says. I grit my teeth, looking down at my lap.

"That is enough, Dolores. I am very sorry, Mr Lupin" Fudge says, sending a glare at the pink Lady. An auror hands Fudge my wand. He checks the last spell cast from it, it was expelliarmus, the disarming spell.

"Well, all in favor of letting Mr. Lupin walk free?" Mr. Fudge asks. All of the people raise their hands, except for the pink Lady.

"Mr Lupin, you are free to go. Come get your wand" Fudge says, smacking the gavel on his desk. I get up from the chair and walk to Fudge, taking my wand and shaking his hand.

I run back to Remus. He goes to hug me and I stop him.

"Give me a sec" I say. I wave my wand and my clothes change from the prison outfit to a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt. Then, I twist my hair into a bun, sticking my wand in it.

"Okay" I say, opening my arms. Remus picks me up by my waist, spinning me around. He kisses me in the process.

"You're free, Sirius, you did it" Remus breathes. I wrap my arms around his neck, planting a loving kiss on his forehead.

"Let's go home" I whisper. Remus and I break apart. He takes my hand in his. We walk to the nearest floo and say our address, stepping out into our 3-bedroom house. I didn't want to move back to 12, grimmauld place after my parents died, so we moved here.

Remus pulls me to the couch. I lay down and Remus lays beside me, his head is on my chest. I run my fingers through his hair.

"You said something about a surprise" Remus mumbles.

"Remus, I talked to Dumbledore while you were asleep. He said we need to get some stuff for Harry. All we have to do is go to his office and sign some papers, then we can go get Harry" I say, my words rushed.

"Wh-what?" Remus asks, lifting his head up to look me in the eye.

"We have to go to diagon alley, then we have to go to Dumbledore office. Then we can go get Harry!" I say. Remus tackles me into a hug. I rub his back, happy tears stinging my eyes.

"Well let's go!" Remus says, jumping up.

"Babe, maybe you should take a nap first? You seem really tired and the full was two days ago" I suggest gently. Remus lays back down.

"You're right. I'm just excited" Remus whispers. I rest my arms lightly over his back.

"I know, love. Me too. But I don't want you to be tired" I say. Remus snuggles his head into the crook of my neck.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you too" I whisper back. Remus is out within five minutes. I lay my head on top of his, quickly falling asleep myself.

~3rd POV~
Little did Remus and Sirius know, Harry is being tormented and beaten at #4 private drive.

~Harry POV~

"GET UP BOY, AND MAKE BREAKFAST!" Aunt Petunia screams. Wake up with a start, climbing out of my cupboard. I run to the kitchen and begin making bacon, eggs, and toast. As soon as I set the three plates down, unca Vernon comes downstairs in his pajamas. Dudley isn't far behind.

"Get my coffee, you freak" Unca Vernon spits. I hop to it, making the coffee. I carefully carry the mug to unca Vernon, handing it to him. He takes it and pushes me. I fall backwards and bump my head on the counter. I reach to the back of my head and run my finger over the bump. I feel something sticky, blood.

"Get back in your cupboard before you contaminate my little duddy, freak!" Aunt Petunia commands. I scurry back to my cupboard. There is a spider making its way to the door. I grab a small peice of paper, scooping the spider onto it.

"I wouldn't do that, little friend. They'll squish you the first change they get" I whisper, setting the paper beside me. I let the spider walk onto my hand. After I hear everyone leave and go upstairs, I set the spider down.

"Go on, little friend. There's no hope for me, you can make it" I whisper to the small creature as it scurrys away. I lay down on the cold floor, covering my whole body with my blanket.

"BOY! GET OUT HERE!" Unca Vernon yells. I come out of my cupboard.

"CLEAN UP THE KITCHEN, NOW!" He screams. I run to the kitchen and begin cleaning up the dishes, washing them by hand then using my step stool to put them away. My hands are shaking from the blood loss earlier and the lack of food. A plate slips out of my hand, landing on the floor and breaking.

"YOU USELESS FREAK!" Unca Vernon screams. He slams me to the ground and I whimper, closing my eyes. He picks up a peice of glass, slashing my arm open. He leaves a few cuts all over my body. He then stands up, kicking me in the side.

"GET IN YOUR CUPBOARD!" He screams. I stand up and limp to my cupboard, collapsing on the ground. I soon pass out from blood loss and lack of food.

~3rd POV~

~Sirius POV~
"Let's style his room first, then get stuff to match" Remus suggests, walking upstairs. We get to the room across from ours and I take my wand out of my hair, carving the letters 'HP' on it. Remus and I's has R&S on it.

We walk in the room and Remus changes the walls to a maroon color with a gold trim.

"Perfect" I say, wrapping my arm around Remus' waist. I change the bed sheets red. There are little golden snitches flitting about on the comforter.

"Let's go now" Remus says, placing a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Wait, I have one more thing that I can't make with my wand" I whisper, walking out of Harry's room and into ours. I walk to my night stand. There are three pictures there. One of my little brother smiling and flipping me off, one of all the marauders laughing. And one of James and Lily holding little Harry. I pick up the last picture and hold it to my chest for a moment.

"I'm sorry prongs, but we're gonna get Harry and it'll be okay again" I whisper. I walk back into Harry's room and place the picture on his nightstand.

"Now it's perfect" I whisper. Remus wraps his arms around me from behind. I lay my hand on his arm, leaning back into him.

"Let's go to Diagon alley" Remus whispers.

We walk downstairs and floo to Diagon alley.

"Where to first, Mr. Moony?" I ask, grasping my husband's hand in mine.

"Flourish and Botts!" He says excitedly.

"You and your books, sweetheart" I chuckle fondly, shaking my head. Remus pulls me into the bookshop. He grabs a lot of books, muggle and wizard fairy tales. We pay for the books and head to Madame Malkin's.

"Boys! What can I get for you today? Anything specific?"

"Umm, toddler variety?" I say, scratching the back of my neck. Madame Malkin leads us to a section of the store with toddler clothes.

"Come to the counter when you're done or if you need anything, boys" She says, walking off.

"Okay, how many outfits?" Remus asks.

"Well, for right now, like, seven?" I say. We pick out some shirts, shorts and jeans. A few pairs of jammies too. After a while we're all done.

We walk to the counter and pay for the items.

"Okay, toys next" I say, pulling Remus into the next shop. I walk to a row of stuffed animals while Remus walks down another aisle. I grab a basket and throw in a few stuffies. A doe, a stag, a black fluffy dog, a wolf, and a lion.

Remus and I meet in the middle a few minutes later. Remus has some toys, a couple of puzzles and a pair of slippers that look like fuzzy dogs.

"He's going to be wearing me on his feet" I laugh. Remus puts his stuff in my basket and we pay for everything, heading out.

"All set, baby?" Remus asks. I nod. Remus wraps his arm around me, apparating us home. We walk up to his room. I take out the stuffies first, setting them up on the bed. The doe and the stag next to eacother. The wolf and the dog next to each other, and the lion in the middle. Remus puts the clothes in his dresser, setting some of the toys and things on top. He sets the books on the bookshelf, then walks back over to me.

"Dumbledores office?" Remus asks, holding his hand out for me.

"Let's go" I smirk, taking his hand. We walk back downstairs and floo to Dumbledores office.

"Boys! I've been expecting you!" Dumbledore greets. "Have a seat"

Remus and I sit down.

"Alright, so these are the adoption papers. All you have to do is get Vernon and Petunia to sign them, and you have to sign them. Then Harry is your legal son" Dumbledore. Says. Remus and I stand up. I grab the papers. We walk to the floo and Remus throws the powder in. We floo home and Remus wraps his arm around me, apparating us to the end of private drive. As we walk to the fourth house I hear screams.

"GET IN YOUR CUPBOARD, YOU STUPID FREAK!" a loud, booming voice screams. I tighten my grip on Remus' hand.

"You're hurting me, you have claws" Remus says.

"Sorry" I say, loosening my grip on his hand. We walk to the door and Remus knocks. A woman with a long neck answers the door, a smile on her face. Her smile falls, replaced with a look of disgust when her eyes see our intertwined hands.

"Who are you?" She asks, her tone bitter and hateful. I almost cringe, she sounds just like my mother. Remus rubs the back of my hand, noticing my facial expression.

"Um, we're Harry Potter's godfathers" Remus says pleasantly. He's so sweet, it almost hurts me.

"There is no Harry Potter here" Petunia says too quickly.

"Petunia, just let us see the boy" Remus sighs. I can tell he's sore and irritable from the full moon. He hasn't exactly looked all the way up to meet her gaze yet. "How do you-?" Her question is cut off by Remus looking up. I know why he hasn't looked up, because of the scar going across his face.

"You" Petunia spits, her tone hateful.

"Heya, tuney" Remus says, grinning.

"Listen, just let us see our godson" I say, finally finding my voice again.

"Fine" Petunia snaps, letting us inside.

"Where is he?" I ask, my tone cold as ice.

"Kitchen" Petunia smirks. Remus and I walk to the kitchen. Rage boils in my veins at the sight before me. A large man is bending over a very little boy, slicing his skin with a blade. It looks like the boy is bleeding from his head, too.

"STUPEFY, PATRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Remus shouts, his voice tight with controlled rage. I drop to my knees beside the bleeding little boy.

"Harry?" I question softly. Harry just whimpers and gets up, running to the stairs. He opens the door to a cupboard, climbing in. I clemch my jaw, sharing a look with Remus. He leans over and kisses my forehead.

"Get them to sign the papers, I'll get Harry. You're angry and it'll just scare him" Remus whispers. I nod.

~Remus POV~
I stand up and walk to the stairs. I knock on the door gently, then open it. There is a little lump in the middle of a ratty blanket.

"Harry, Harry can you look at me sweetie?" I ask in a soothing tone. Harry pops his head up over the blanket. He crawls all the way out, curling up in a corner with his knees against his chest.

"Harry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm your godfather. Sirius, in there, he's your godfather as well" I explain.

"You aren't gonna huwt me, sir?" Harry stutters, curling further into himself.

"No, little one. I'm not trying to scare you. I would never hurt you" I reassure, deciding to forget the fact that he called me sir.


"Promise" I say, smiling.

"Harry, Sirius and I want to take you home with us. We have toys and books, just for you if you want to come" I explain.

"A-are you sure you have the wight child?" Harry asks.

"Is your name Harry James Potter?" I ask.


"Well, then you are the right little boy"

"But I'm just a no-good fweak" Harry says. I feel tears collecting in my eyes.

"No Harry, you are not a freak. You are a little boy and they had no right to treat you the way they did. Sirius and I would never hurt you, or call you anything but your name, except for pet names, I guess" I say, choking back tears.

"Okay," Harry says.

"Can you come over here? I want to look at your owies" I say, holding one of my hands out. Harry reaches out a tentative hand, grasping it with mine. I smile encouagingly at him. Harry crawls over to me, sitting just inside the cupboard.

"You can come out, little one" I say.

"But unca Vernon said not to, and if I come out when he says not to, then I get beat" Harry says, tears collecting in his big doe eyes.

"Well, I don't care what he thinks. He'll never hurt you again, sweetheart. You can come out" I whisper. Harry steps out of the cupboard, so he's standing right in front of me. I take a minute to look over his appearance. He's wearing a shirt three sizes to big for him that's covered in blood. A pair of old shorts, also covered in blood. His hair is sticky and matted. His face is dirty. The only part of him that still looks alive are his piercing Green eyes.

"Harry, how old are you?" I know how old he is, but he looks about three.

"I'm four, sir" Harry says, holding up four fingers. I take his little arm in my hand. There are cuts and bruises all over it. I take my wand out from behind my ear.

"Harry I'm gonna clean and heal some of your owies, alright? It won't hurt, it's just magic"

"But magic isn't real" Harry says

"Well, then what's this?" I ask, levitating a flower pot.

"Good point" Harry says. I smile and run my wand over his arm, healing the cuts and bruises. I do the same with the other arm.

"Feel better?" I ask.

"Yes, thank you sir" Harry says.

"Harry, you don't have to call me sir. You can call me Remus, or moony" I say, smiling.

"Okay, Moony" Harry says. I smile and kiss the back of his hand.

"Turn around for me, I need to the the back of your head" I whisper. Harry turns around and I inspect the back of his head. This is too bad for me to heal. I wave my wand to clean the wound, but I can't heal it. I turn Harry back around and clean up his legs, some of the cuts that are infected can't be healed, and there are bruises everywhere

"Harry do you mind if I pick you up? You're hurt and I don't want you to hurt worse" I ask.

"I don't mind" Harry says. I stand up and lift him up, setting him on my hip.

"Okay?" I ask, rubbing harry's back.

"Okay" He says, laying his head down on my shoulder. I sway from side to side, lightly bouncing him. He falls asleep after a few minutes. I walk into the kitchen. Sirius is getting petunia to sign the papers.

"Pads I'm gonna go outside" I say.

"Okay" Sirius says back, pointing his wand at Vernon to cast the counter curse.

"For the love of Merlin don't hurt anyone" I call over my shoulder.

"Have faith in me, babe. I got this" Sirius calls back, I can here the smirk. I walk outside, Harry still resting against my side. I sit down and set him in my lap. He stirs, opening his eyes.

"Shh, little one. Get some rest" I whisper. Harry lays his head back down. I stroke his hair with gentle fingers. He falls asleep after a few minutes, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck.

Sirius walks out of the house a few minutes later, sitting next to me on the step. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, allowing me to lean against him.

"Oh Merlin" Sirius breathes.

"We need to take him to poppy, he has a wound on the back of his head that seems like it's been re opened a few times. His legs have infected cuts on them that I cant heal. And I want poppy to check for any broken bones, just in case" I explain.

"He could also use a nice bath" Sirius murmurs.

"Yeah, and a new set of clothes" I stand up and Sirius stands beside me. I settle Harry back on my hip, jostleing him awake. He sees Sirius and shys away, wrapping his arms tighter around my neck.

"Hey, it's alright. This is Sirius, he's your godfather too. He's not gonna hurt you" I explain to the scared little boy. Harry lifts his head up, peering suspiciously at Sirius.

"Pwomise?" He asks.

"I promise" Sirius says. Harry makes grabby hands at Sirius. I pass him over, Wapping my arm around Sirius' waist.

"Harry, we're gonna apparate, it's gonna feel funny but it won't hurt, alright?" I say. Harry nods, laying his head on Sirius' shoulder. I wrap my arm tighter around sirius, apparating us home. We end up in the living room.

"You okay harry?" Sirius asks, rubbing Harry's back.

"Yeah, m' okay" Harry murmurs. Sirius sits down on the couch with Harry in his lap. I sit next to them.

"Harry, some of your owies are too bad for me to handle, so we're gonna take you to a doctor. She helped me a lot in school, and we'll be right next to you, alright?" I say, laying my hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Okay.." Harry says after a few moments.

"I'm gonna go owl poppy" I whisper to Sirius, planting a small kiss on his forehead.

~Sirius POV~
I'm so fucking angry right now I could kill people. Do you ever have that feeling where you want to squeeze someone's head off with your fingers? That is what I am going to do to albus Dumbledore. He left this sweet little baby in that environment. For. Three. Years.

Harry laying his little hand on my chest snaps me out of my thoughts. He pushes himself up so he can look me in the eyes. I feel my expression go soft when I see him.

"Do I have to g-go back?" Harry asks, his bottom lip trembling.

"No, no, no, never. You are never going back there Harry. Moony and I love you. We'll never treat you like that, puppy" I assure quickly.

"Puppy?" Harry asks, cocking his head to the side.

"Oh, let me show you something" I say, smiling. I set Harry on the couch beside me, standing up. I turn into my animagus, padfoot.

"Woah!" Harry squeals. I jump up on the couch and lay my head in his lap, seeking cuddles. Harry pats the top of my head. I roll over onto my back, exposing my stomach. Harry rubs my belly. After a moment I roll back over, nuzzling Harry stomach with my snout. Harry giggles and kisses the top of my head. I crawl so I'm halfway in his lap, resting my head of top of my paws. Remus comes back a few minutes later, chuckling fondly.

"I see you've met padfoot" Remus says, sitting beside Harry. He pets behind my ear and I nuzzle his hand affectionately.

"I owled poppy, she should reply within a few minutes" Just as he says that a silvery goose comes flying into the room.

"Wow.." Harry breathes.

"Get him as cleaned up as you can, get him a new set of clothes and come strait here" The goose says, dissolving.

"What was that?" Harry asks quietly.

"That was a patronus" I explain after turning back into my human form. I draw my wand and cast my patronus, making the wolf fly into Harry's lap.

"Cool!" He squeals. I let it dissolve then stand up, picking Harry up.

"Let's go get you a bath, yeah?" I say. Harry whimpers and hides his head in my neck.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" I ask.

"Taking a bath is the wowst punishment, what'd I do?" Harry snuffs, crying lightly. Then it dawns on me. When I was little my parents would put me in scalding water, or ice cold water. I sit on the couch again, cradling Harry to my chest.

"You didn't do anything wrong, little one. I'm not punishing you. It will feel good to get all of the dirt off of you, I promise" I reassure the shaking boy in my arms. He looks up at me.

"Really?" He asks, his big green eyes full of hope and tears. I wipe away the tears from his cheeks, kissing his forehead.

"Yes, pup. I'm not going to hurt you" I whisper. Harry cuddles into my chest and I smile, wrapping my arms tighter around his too-small body. I stand up.

"Okay, little one. Let's try this again" I walk up the stairs, Harry still leaning against me. Once were to the bathroom I set Harry on the counter. I walk to the bathtub and turn the water on, getting it to the right temperature. I let the tub fill up before turning the water off and walking back to Harry, setting him down on the ground. I help him slip his shirt off and turn him around. There are welts, scratches, bruises, all over his back.

"Harry cover your ears" I whisper. He does as a say.

"REMUS!" I shout. He walks into the room a minute later.

"What is it?" He asks, worry written clearly on his face.

"Come here" I mutter. Remus crouches beside me. His breath hitches in his throat.

"Harry sweetheart does your back hurt?" Remus asks.

"Y-yes" Harry stutters.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I ask.

"Not spo'sed to tell, I'll get beat worse" Harry whimpers. I turn him around and pull him to my chest, being careful with him.

"Harry you can tell us anything. We aren't going to hurt you for being hurt" I whisper. After a moment I pull away from him and help him out of his shorts. I set him in the bath water.

"See, not so bad, right?" I ask. Harry nods his head. I grab a washcloth and put it under the water for a moment, then put soap on it. I lightly scrub Harry down, starting with his arms, then his face.

"Close your eyes, don't want to get soap in them" I instruct gently. Harry closes his eyes and I clean his face, getting all of the dirt and grime off of him. I then get the soap off with some water.

"You can open you eyes now, Harr" I say quietly. Harry opens his eyes.

After I wash his body I decide to work carefully on his hair.

"Tell me if I hurt you, okay? I'm not trying to hurt you" I mutter.

"Okay, si'rus" It's adorable how he says my name. I gently knead the soap into his hair, being careful not to touch the back of his head. I cover his eyes with my hand and pour water over his head, rinsing the soap out of his hair.

When I'm done washing Harry's hair, I help him out of the tub and drain it. Remus is sitting on the counter, watching us.

"Grab me a towel, babe?" I ask. Remus levitates a towel over to me. I accept it and wrap Harry up in it. I dry him off, gently wiping his face and body. After that I ruffle his hair carefully. I wrap him back up and pick him up, carrying him to his room.

After setting Harry on the bed, I walk to his dresser and grab a pair of jeans, boxers, and a quittich T-shirt. I walk back over to Harry and unwrap the towel from him, slipping the T-shirt over his head.

"Stand up," I instruct softly. Harry stands up, I help him into his boxers and jeans. I straighten and pick him up.

"This is your new room, little one" I say.

"I get my own room?" Harry asks, astonished.

"Yes. The way your aunt and uncle treated you was not right. Moony and I love you, and we'll will do whatever it takes to make you comfy, okay? I was raised by mean people too, so I know how you're feeling" I explain, rubbing the small boy's back. Remus walks in, leaning against the doorframe. He lightly knocks on the wall, capturing my attention.

"Ready to go?" Remus asks. I nod my head and walk out, following Remus downstairs. We walk to the fireplace and Remus throws the powder in.

"Hogwarts hospital wing" Remus says clearly. He steps through and I follow him. I brush the soot out of Harry's hair, and off of Remus' shoulders. Madame Pumphrey comes out of her office a moment later.

"Oh my goodness I haven't seen you boys in ages!" He says, pulling Remus into a hug. I give her a side hug, being careful of Harry.

"And you must be harry!" She says, pinching Harry's cheek. He giggles and snuggles his head into my neck. I smile and rub his back. Poppy leads us to a bed. I set Harry down and he looks to at me, his big eyes shining in the light. I sigh and turn into padfoot, jumping up on the bed. Harry giggles happily and scratches behind my ear. I lay my head in his lap, licking his little hand.

Poppy walks into the room a few minutes later. She knows I'm an animagus, so I just stay the way I am.

"Sirius, move" She sighs. I move off of Harry's lap and jump off of the bed. Remus sits down and pats his leg. I jump up and lick his cheek before turning around so I can look at Harry. He looks a bit uneasy, shifting around and not talking. I bury my snout in Remus neck and whine. Scared. Then I gesture to Harry with a flick of my tail. 

"I know, I can smell it" Remus whispers, petting my back. I jump off of Remus and back onto Harry's bed, laying behind him. He leans against my ribcage, sighing.

"Sirius, I told you to move" Poppy says. I whine at her and bare my teeth.

"That isn't as mean as it looks, it just means he did" Remus translates. I swish my tail in response. Harry pets my head and I lean into the touch. Madame Pomphrey sighs, going back to working on his cuts. She gets done with his legs.

"I need you to lie down on your tummy for me, love" Poppy says. I move so I'm laying beside Harry, my snout on his shoulder. Pomphrey casts a few spells. Harry shudders, I can tell the sensation of the magic over him is scaring him. I nuzzle his shoulder to reassure him, burrowing into his side. Harry runs his little fingers through my fur, trying to relax himself. Poppy finishes after a few minutes.

"You can sit up now, sweetheart" She says. Harry pushes himself into a sitting position and I playfully nudge his belly.

"Thank you, si'rus" Harry murmurs, kissing the top of my head. I lick his hand.

"That means 'you're welcome" Remus says. Harry pets my back and I sigh, laying my head down in his lap. Madame pomphrey walks back in the room a few minutes later, carrying 3 potions.

"I need you to drink these, love" Poppy says, handing the bottles to Harry. He smells one and scrunches his nose up. I sit up and turn back into my human form.

"Don't smell them, makes it worse" I inform. Harry plugs his nose and downs the first one, shuddering at the taste. I chuckle and pull him into my lap.

"That, is gwoss" Harry groans, leaning his head against my chest.

"I know, it sucks. But you have to drink them, they'll make you feel better, little one" I say, rubbing his stomach. Harry downs the second one, then the third one. He then places the empty bottles on the bed, curling up in my lap. I wrap my arms protectively around him. Madame pomphrey takes the bottles.

"Bring him back in a weeks time, so I can check him over" She says.

"Hey, poppy?" I ask before she leaves.

"Yes, sirius?"

"Can he stay here for a bit while Remus and I talk to albus?"

"Yes, he could use some rest anyway. Just inform me before you leave"

"Of course" I say. Poppy turns and leaves the room. I stand up and lay Harry in the bed, pulling a light blanket over him.

"Harry, we're going to talk with someone, but we'll be back in just a little bit, I promise" I say, bending down to kiss his forehead.

"Okay" Harry says. I take his glasses off and lay them on the table beside the bed.

"Get some rest little one" I whisper before heading out of the room with Remus. Once we're outside Dumbledores office Remus stops me, gently putting his hands on my shoulders.

"What?" I ask, my tone slightly sharper that I intended it to be. It doesn't seem to phase Remus, who just looks down at me. After a few minutes he pulls me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his waist, laying my forehead against his chest. We break apart after a moment. I feel Remus brush his lips against my cheek.

"I didn't mean to snap at you, love" I murmur.

"I know, Siri. You get mad and it's hard for you to control. I've known you for what, twelve years now?" Remus says, wrapping his arm around my waist. I lean up and plant a small kiss on the side of his neck. He says the password and the gargoyle opens.

We get to the door and I knock. The door magically opens.

"Boys! I was expecting to see Mr Potter with you" Dumbledore says, smiling. It takes all of my willpower and Remus tightening his grip on my waist for me not to lunge at him. I turn into padfoot and start pacing back and forth, growling lowly every so often. Remus sits in an armchair in front of albus' desk.

"Is he quite alright?" Albus asks.

"Not really, no" Remus sighs. He proceeds to tell Dumbledore everything that has went on in the last few hours. In the middle of the story I stop pacing and jump into remus' lap, curling into a ball with my tail over my eyes. Remus strokes the fur on my side, still talking to albus. He finishes the story and albus sighs.

"There is one thing I really don't understand. Why is Sirius effected worse than you are about this?" Albus asks. I let a low growl escape my throat and Remus scratches behind my ear, trying to reassure me.

"That, isn't my story to tell" Remus says softly. I climb off of his lap and turn back into my human form, beginning to pace again.

"I'm reacting like this because, I was abused as a child as well. I know how he is feeling and that just tears me to pieces inside because he's a four year old little boy! He shouldnt be afraid of taking a bath, or telling us if he's uncomfortable. He is my godson, my best friends son and it kills me that he had to go through the same thing I went through as a child. When I promised prongs that I would keep that boy safe I meant it. I broke that damn promise and it hurts me. It hurts me seeing that broken little boy that looks just like his father, being beaten by the people who are supposed to love him. That's why I'm reacting like this" My voice comes out low and angry, tight with controlled rage. I have my back to the desk, I can't even look at the man sitting behind it. I turn back into padfoot, pacing furiously.

"I've never seen him that angry" I hear Remus whisper. I lay down by his feet, resting my head on his foot. I hear Dumbledore sighs.

"I am so sorry boys. I had no idea that Mr Potter was being treated this way. If I had any idea he would've sent strait to you, Remus. I suggest you take the little one home for now and let him get used to his new surroundings. Sirius, for you I suggest a warm cup of hot chocolate and lots of affection" Albus says. Remus gets up and I follow him out of the office and into the hallway.

"You know, when I talk to you like this in public, people probably think I'm crazy" Remus chuckles. I turn back into my human form. My eyes are filled with angry tears and I'm shaking. Remus turns to me. He lays his hand against my cheek, making me lock my eyes with his.

"I know that youre angry, and I understand that. But Harry needs us right now. I need you to calm down, alright?" Remus says, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I breathe deeply and nod, leaning into his hand. Remus leans down and kisses my forehead, pulling me into a loving hug. I feel his gentle hand against my back and it makes me feel so protected, loved. We break apart after a few moments, our hands still intertwined. We get to the hospital wing and Remus opens the door, letting me walk in first. He walks over to talk to poppy, and I walk to Harry's bed. His little body is curled up in a ball, his little chest rising and falling in a comforting rhythm. I sit down beside him and lay my hand on his side, just starring down at him. He's so little. So, so much like me when I was little. He has the scars to prove it and I have them too. I hate that I have to share that in common with him. He's so sweet, and lovable and I barely even know him. How could anyone hurt a little tot like him?

After a few moments of just looking down at harry, I scoop him up into my arms so I'm holding him in a loving embrace. He's sitting in my lap, laying against my chest with my arms surrounding him. His big eyes open and he sends me a sleepy smile. I smile back and bop the end of his nose.

"Hey, little one" I whisper.

"Hey, Si'rus" Harry whispers back.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah" Harry says. I stand up and settle him on my hip, one of my arms around his back to secure him in place. I walk out of the curtain. Remus and poppy are talking and laughing. Remus spots me and he walks over to us, wrapping his arm around my waist. Harry has his head securely tucked into my neck, his hair tickling my cheek.

"Ready to go, babe?" Remus asks. I nod and we walk to the fireplace. Remus throws the power in and says our address, stepping through. I step through shortly after. I sit on the couch and set Harry in my lap. Remus sits beside me, laying his arm across my shoulders. I lean into his warmth.

"I have a question" Harry says.

"We most likely have an answer" I chuckle. Harry pushes himself up so hes leaning his back against the arm of the couch, still in my lap.

"I was wondering, if I could call you guys Dada and Papa" Harry says, looking down. My breath hitches in my throat and I tilt Harry's head up.

"Harry, yes, you can, but. I need you to know something, alright?" Harry nods his head. "We are not your dad. We would never try to replace your real dad, and I need you to know that" I say.

"Okay, I understand, Papa" Harry says, smiling. I smile back and pull him to my chest, leaning more against Remus. He lays his chin on top of my head. We stay like this for a while.

"Who wants lunch?" Remus asks.

"Me, I didn't eat breakfast" I say. "You hungry, pup?" I ask.

"Yes" Harry says after a moment. He sounded surprised. I stand up and hold Harry close, following Remus into the kitchen. I set Harry down in a chair and walk to Remus, who is making pasta. I wrap my arms around him, standing on my tip toes to lay my chin on his shoulder.

"You're a bit short to do that, love" Remus chuckles, smirking. I whine and nuzzle his shoulder blade. Remus switches our positions so he's making the pasta around me. I sigh happily and lean backwards against him.

"Are you alright?" I ask, planting a small kiss on his jaw.

"I'm okay, Sirius. Just a bit sore and shaken, but I'm okay" Moony says, trying to reassure me.

"After lunch we can put in a movie and take a nap, sound good?" I suggest. Remus smiles and kisses my forehead.

"You're so thoughtful, my love. That sounds perfect" Remus says. I stand here and lean against him until he's done making lunch, then I shoo him away.

"You cooked, I'll serve" I say. Remus walk to the table and sits across from Harry. I put pasta on three separate plates and take two in my hands, levitating the other one. I set the two in my hands in front of Remus and Harry, then set the levitating one down in my spot.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask. Harry looks to at me, his eyes wide.

"How bout orange juice?" I ask, walking to the fridge. I grab two bottles of water for Remus and I, and pour a glass of orange juice for Harry. I set the drinks in front of the right people and sit down. Remus starts eating and Harry just sits there, looking confused. I understand why and it makes me furious.

"You can eat, little one" I say softly. Harry starts eating and I let out a breath I didn't know I have been holding. Remus grabs my hand under the table as I begin eating. Remus finishes first, then Harry, then me. I levitate all of the dishes to the sink.

"Ill do 'em later" I mutter at Remus before getting up and scooping Harry into my arms.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Harry. He nods his head. Remus follows us into the living room and sits down. I set Harry in remus' lap, going to put a movie in the player. I bend down and Remus wolf whistles at me.

"Remus John Lupin" I hiss, sending a glare at him over my shoulder. I put a movie in the player and get back up, walking to the couch. I sit next to Remus and lightly smack his arm.

"What?" Remus asks, faking innocence. I glare it him.

"Dickhead" I mutter. Remus clucks his tongue at me.

"That's a bad word padfoot, we don't want to teach the little one anything bad" Remus says, covering Harrys ears.

"Like you don't cuss like a sailor" I snort. Remus smiles and wraps his arm around my waist. I sigh happily and lean against his side.

After a while, we get into a more comfortable position. Remus lays on his side. I lay on my back and Harry lays on my torso. Remus snakes his arm around my waist. I rub Harrys back. He yawns and snuggles closer to me. I chuckle fondly and kiss the top of his head. Remus snuggles his head into my neck and I sigh, leaning further on him.

"Love you," Remus whispers. I turn my head and kiss his jaw.

"Love you too," I whisper back. They both fall asleep and I smile, resting my head against my husbands, letting myself fall asleep.

~That night~

"Let's go to bed, pup" I whisper. Harry is tired, I can tell. Remus is passed out on the couch, I'll deal with that later. My eye lids are heavy with sleep.

I pick Harry up and walk upstairs.

"Dada and I will be right in here if you need us, okay?" I ask, motioning to Remus and I's door. I walk into Harry's room.

"Papa, I'm not tired" Harry whines. I smile and chuckle lightly. Then I get an idea. There are photos hanging on his walls of the marauders. I walk over to one of them. It's James and I, laughing. I point at the picture.

"That's is your dad and I. Dada took it when we were thirteen. You look just like your dad, you know? With your momma's eyes" I whisper. Harry smiles sleepily and lays his head against my shoulder. I rub his back and point to another picture. It's lily and Remus.

"That's you momma and Dada. Your dad took it in our last year of hogwarts" I says softly.

"Whats hogwarts?" Harry asks. I smile and lay down on the bed, Harry curled up in my arms.

"Hogwarts is the wizard school. You'll go there when you're eleven, to learn magic. That's where I met Dada, your mum and dad, and so many other people. Moony, your dad, and I would play tricks on the teachers and other students. We called ourselves the marauders"

"Aunt petunia said my mummy and daddy died in a car crash, is that true?" Harry asks.

"No, your parents we're killed when you were very young. They were amazing people, and they loved you more than anything. They trusted that if anything happened to them, that moony and I would take care of you. But my temper got the best of me and I was sent to jail, over something I didn't do. You probably don't understand, but that's what happened" I explain, stroking his hair.

"I understand, papa" Harry says, cuddling closer to me. "Can you tell me more about my dad?" He asks.

"Of course, pup. Your dad was an animagus, like me. He could turn into a big deer. We called him prongs. He had this cloak, that when he put it on, it made him invisible. We would go under it and sneak into the other boys' dorms to play pranks on them. He met your momma in our first year, and he had a crush on her forever. She didn't like him at first, but eventually she found out she loved your dad. When they got married, I was your dads best man, and Dada was your mommas, sort of maid of honor. I proposed to Dada at their wedding, too. When your momma found out they were going to have you, your dad was so happy. He would drag me out to shop for your momma. When you were born your dad was too scared to even go in there. Moony had to go in with your mummy when she was having you. Your dad had a panic attack, and I had to help him get over it. He was scared, of what I'm not sure. But when moony came out holding you in his arms, your dad held you for the first time. He looked, so proud, and happy. And he cried, because the emotions we're so much. When prongs was done holding you he went in to go see your momma, and I got to hold you. I looked into your big green eyes and I saw your mummy, and when I saw your black messy hair I saw your dad. I'll never forget the moment I first saw you, little one. The intelligence and life in your eyes. The way you held onto my finger like you were never gonna let go" When I'm finished speaking Harry smiles, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"Thanks, papa" Harry whispers.

"For what, pup?" I ask.

"Helping me, making me feel loved" Harry whispers. I wrap my arms tighter around him.

"Harry when you're with us you'll always be loved. Moony and I love you more than anything, so if you're ever uncomfortable with anything we need you to tell us, alright? We don't want you to ever feel that you aren't loved" I say, rubbing the small boys back. Harry yawns and nods his head. I stand up and lay him under the covers, taking his glasses off. I set them on his nightstand and bend down, kissing his forehead.

"Love you, papa" Harry murmurs, turning on his side.

"I love you too, puppy," I wait until he's asleep before exiting the room, closing the door halfway behind me. I walk downstairs and peer over the couch at my husband. He's still passed out, his lips slightly parted and his hair a mess. I walk to the front of the couch and brush his hair of of his face, bending down to kiss his cheek. I pull a light blanket over him before heading to the kitchen, starting on the dishes. I like to wash them by hand, just makes it feel cleaner, you know?

After washing the dishes and putting them away, I walk back into the living room. I turn into padfoot and jump on the couch, curling up against remus' warmth. He wraps his arms around me, scratching behind my ear. I lean up and lick his nose, trying to wake him up.

"M' awake pads, quit" Remus groans. I lick his cheek, moony.

"Mmm, padfoot" Remus hums, his words slurred with sleep. I change back into my human form. I snuggle my head into remus' neck, wrapping my arms around his waist. He winds one of his hands into my hair, the other rubbing my back. I sigh and kiss the side of his neck gently.

"Eventful day, huh?" I joke.

"Yeah" Remus agrees.

We talk for a while before falling into a comfortable, blissful silence.

"Im glad you're home," Remus whispers after a while. I smile against his neck.

"Glad to be home, sweetheart"

"I missed this, you"

"I missed you too. I missed being in your arms, I missed this warmth and the contentness" I whisper. Remus tightens his arm around me. I lean up and lay my lips on his, closing my eyes at the feeling. Remus moves one of his hands down to my hip, slipping his hand under my shirt. I moan lightly and nip at his bottom lip. Remus opens his mouth against mine, meeting his tongue with mine in the middle. Our tongues dace together, exploring the familiar territory thoroughly. After a while we both come to for air, resting our foreheads together.

"I love you" Remus whispers, kissing my forehead. I smile.

"I love you too" I whisper. We lay here for a while. I feel Remus falling asleep and I chuckle, nudging him.

"Let's go to bed, baby" I say, getting up. I reach my hand out for Remus to take. He takes my hand and gets up. We walk upstairs and to our room. We both get ready for bed, Remus climbs in first. I sit down beside him and bend down, placing a small kiss on his forehead.

"I'm gonna go check on Harry, be back in a minute" I murmur, getting up. I walk to Harry room and peek in. He's still curled up under his duvet, holding the stag and the wolf plushies against his chest. I smile and walk back over to our room, laying down beside Remus. He possesively wraps his arms around me. I lay my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around him.

"You're so perfect," Remus whispers, his soft lips brushing against my forehead. I blush.

"You're the perfect one, I'm the temperamental one" I whisper back.

"I love you, baby"

"I love you too, Re"



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