Parental Discretion Advised

بواسطة Riverslegacy

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"It might not be now, or even a year from now, but trust me Taemin--YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. You just better h... المزيد

Fuck This Shit! I'm Out.
This Is It
Karma Is A Bitch
A Change Is Gonna Come
A Conversation In The Making
Bonding & Binging
And So, It Begins
A Day In The Life
O' Romeo
For The Culture
Meet Evaine'
The Weekend
The Comeback Kids
Home Coming
Under The Cherry Moon
She Tried It
A Mother's Juggle
Something In The Mist
The Great Cross Over
She Tried It, AGAIN!
Monsoon Season
Wicked Ways
The Under 25 Club
A life After Idolism
All In The Family
A Day For Mothers
What Dreams May Come
A Closeted Surprise
Under The Sea & Through The Mountains
Adventures In Everland
More Adventures In Everland
Two For The Road
Party's Over
There Can Only Be One
Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Iron In The Fire
Something To Protect
Two If By Sea
Paying The Tribute
When A Stranger Calls
Highway Blues
Manic Panic: Part 1
Manic Panic: Part 2
Making Money Moves
The Promise That It Gives
And Away We Go!
Promote Yourselves Queens & Kings!

The Good Ship Friendship's sailing

820 52 71
بواسطة Riverslegacy

3rd person POV:

Jonghyun never knew there were so many types of pregnancy tests. The differing brands and necessities boggled his mind and grated on his already frazzled nerves. He had spent almost 20 minutes just trying to figure out which kind Kikah would need. Whether she needed early detection, the kind with a plus or minus, or one that actually said pregnant not pregnant. He was almost in tears before he just googled to see which was highly rated and got that one.

He had decided he was never going to do this again, after a woman looked at him strangely when she saw what was in his cart.

Hastily, he made his way from the nosy woman before she could ask him any questions.

Zipping down the aisles, Junghyun loaded his cart with anything he could find in an effort to cover up the pregnancy test down at the bottom. Even though his face mask had obscured most of his face, the part that could be seen was bright red in embarrassment.

Randomly, he grabbed things with unseeing eyes, anything and everything that was within reach as he raced down each aisle. There were steaks, woman's panty hose, one potato, a small watermelon, triple A batteries, the newest edition of Cosmo, a pair of flip flops, rice flour, a bottle of soju, lychee juice, 2 cartons of banana milk and 6 small tubs of Gochujang (hot pepper paste).

Basket full, he dashed towards the self-check out. Only, when he got there, he found that there was a line. Even at this time of night, the grocery store had a considerable number of shoppers. Reluctantly, he made his was to a regular check out line. Luckily, there was only one person ahead of him and for that he was grateful. He wanted to get the hell out of this place as fast as possible.

Nervously, he shifted from foot to foot. Eyes darting from the cashier--to his basket--back to the cashier.

He tried to calm himself down when the cashier glanced at him suspiciously. He didn't blame the guy, Jonghyun knew he was acting shady as hell. Like he had been in the store stealing or was about to rob the place---just mad suspect.

Finally, it was his turn.

He placed his items onto the conveyor one by one, but when he got to the pregnancy test he placed it under the magazine. He watched as the cashier scanned each item on bated breath.

He had just scanned the magazine and placed it in the bag, so the test was now visible.

Quickly, Junghyun looked around to make sure no one was really paying attention to his items. Everyone behind him, seemed interested in their own world. Some were on their phones, while others talked among themselves.

He watched as the cashier picked up the test and scanned it.

Sighing, he finally relaxed. Thinking he was in the clear. Then started to panic when the cashier scanned it again, and again. The price apparently wasn't coming up for it. Jonghyun became alarmed when the cashier held the test in his hand and picked up the phone.

"I need a price check on clear blue easy." Echoed the cashiers voice over the loud speaker of the store. "I repeat, price check on clear blue easy."

Jonghyun watched as the lady behind him smiled. He tried to look away and focus on his phone so that he wouldn't have to answer any of the questions he knew were coming, to no avail.

"So," she beamed. "Have you and your wife been trying long?"

Shaking his head, he answered politely. "This isn't for me."

"Well, who is it for?" she asked probing curiously.

Coughing, he replied lowly. "My little brother's wife."

"Why in the world are you buying your brother's wife a pregnancy test?" Asked the cashier having heard their unwanted conversation.

"Probably because he's banging her." Laughed a man in the line.

He watched as the lady looked disappointed and the cashier looked amused.

"Is that why you're wearing a face mask?" Interrogated the woman. "Do you even love your brother?"

Horrified, Jonghyun vehemently defended. "Of course, I love him."

"Just not as much as you love his wife." Joked the man in the back. The other customers and the cashier laughed at that.

Fed up and embarrassed, Jonghyun shouted. "I wouldn't even be here doing this shit if he would've just pulled out or used a damn condom. I'm being a good hyung right now and doing something he should be!"

At that, they all stopped laughing, as he huffed in frustration. He watched as another employee came with the price for the pregnancy test and the cashier quietly imputed the information.

He quickly paid and grabbed his bags and headed for the door.

"Congratulations on becoming a father-uncle!" Shouted the same annoying asshole, now a little closer to the front of the line.

"Fuck you!" Fumed Jonghyun, as he lifted his hand and gave the man a middle finger.

"Save it for your brother's wife, buddy." Came the man's smartass reply.

Mumbling curse words, Jonghyun left out the grocery store and jumped in his car headed to Taemin's parent's. Pissed at himself that he had really volunteered to put himself through such embarrassment and vowing never to do it again.

This was a job that had been better suited for Key.

Kikah's POV:

The house was quiet, everyone except me had gone to bed. I sat up waiting for Jong to pull up. After what felt like forever, I got a text from him letting me know he was outside. Slipping on my house shoes, I crept down the stairs trying not to wake anyone.

I could hear him grumbling about some asshat at the grocery store through the closed door. I tried not to laugh. Already knowing what more than likely happened when he went to grab that test for me. It never failed that things like that always happened to him. As quietly as I could, I unlocked the door and opened it. Even in the dark I could tell that Jonghyun's face was red.

Whatever had happened must have been pretty bad, pretty embarrassing, or both. Silently, he handed me a bag, as he held onto the other two and walked passed me.

Not uttering one word.

"Well, hello to you too." I grumbled, locking the door. We both headed up the stairs to the guest room. I immediately opened the bag and scanned through the weird items before finding what I needed and disappearing into the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet slightly confused as to why in the hell Jonghyun had bought steaks and gochujang, but happy that he had bought me the latest edition of Cosmo. Unwrapping the test, I took it out and peed on it. Then placed the cap over the top and set it on the sink counter. Getting up, I flushed and washed my hands.

After leaving the bathroom, I found Jonghyun sitting in a chair by the window. Looking up at me, he smiled. "So, how long is it supposed to take?"

"Five minutes." I answered, coming to sit on the guest bed facing him. I watched as he set the alarm on his phone, then gave me a thumbs up.

"Are you scared?" He asked quietly.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "No, not anymore. I talked to Taemin about it and I can tell he's happy. He pretty much told me that he was."

"Okay," began Jonghyun slowly. "That's great that he feels that way, but how are you feeling about it? Are you happy?" He asked carefully.

I thought about it. I wasn't mad at the situation or anything like that. Maybe the timing could've been better, but my dad always said that babies always come when God felt you were ready for them, not when you feel you were. I thought back to how I felt that day in the hospital when Dr. Johnson told me that I was pregnant with Aurora.

Even though I was scared and still heartbroken, I was excited. I couldn't wait to see her little face, to hold her in my arms and protect her with my life. At the time, protecting her had meant from Taemin's stupid ass accusations but this time it was different. With this child, I felt at peace. Even though there was all this bullshit going on with NaEun, I wasn't afraid.

Taemin and I were in a good place. Aurora was thriving under the influence of her father and being around her favorite aunts and uncles. Not to mention the relationship she now had with her paternal grandparents.

My business was doing better than our numbers had projected it would and I got to walk the runway again. This child was entering into this family at the right time and already I loved him or her.

Looking at Jong, I smiled as brightly as I could and as happy and blessed as I felt. "I'm happy." I beamed. "More than happy. I can't wait for this new baby to get here so that I can spoil him or her."

Laughing, Jong agreed. "I can't wait either. Honestly, you're probably going to have to get in line though. This kid has about a million and one people that want to spoil him or her rotten. This time around, you have Taemin's mom and dad. Plus, Minho and Onew and then there's Kai too. This kid will probably have an entire Gucci nursery, if it's left up to any of them---and Key. Especially, Key." He chuckled.

I laughed and got ready to say something, but his phones alarm went off. It was time.

I already knew what it was going to say but for some stupid reason my legs would not work, and I sat my ass at the edge of the bed.

Frowning, I looked at Jong---and he at me.

"So, are you not going to go and see what it says?" he asked amused.

"I can't." I whined. "Jong, you do it."

I watched as he scrunched his nose up at the idea. "Hell no," He laughed. "You pissed on that. I'm not touching it."

"Seriously?" I questioned disbelievingly. "It's just pee. It's not like I have rebids or something. Stop acting like you've never touched pee before." I argued, crossing my arms and waiting for his response.

"It's your pee and your kid, so you go check it." He countered nonchalantly.

Seeing that he had a valid point and I had no argument, I got up and went to the bathroom. Carefully, I pick up the test and sure as the sun shines, it was positive.

It's official, I was pregnant.


Taking my phone, I had Jong snap a couple of pictures of me holding up the test and some close ups of its positive results. After sending them to Taemin, I helped Jong put up the random ass groceries that he had bought. I took out some extra blankets and a pillow, handing them to him as he laid down on the couch.

Before I headed off back to my room, intent on getting some rest. I had just sat down and was getting ready to get under the covers when a shadow at my door caused me to look up.

Kyungsoon stood in my doorway wrapped in her robe, with a pleasant smile on her face.

"So," she smiled. "Find out any good news?"

Laughing, it dawned on me that I should've known that she would already know. She had probably known even before I did--just like the last time.

Nodding, I smiled. "Yeah, I did."

"Good, now I can ask your opinion on what color hanbok you want her to have." Grinned Kyungsoon.

At that, I smiled but quickly as it came it left. Not because I wasn't happy, but because Taemin's mother believed I was having another girl.

Before I could even ask her about it, she commanded gently. "Get some rest Kikah. In the morning I'll make you a big Korean breakfast. It's easier on your stomach."

Then left the doorway to head back down the hall to her own room. Leaving me to wonder if she was some sort of psychic.

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