Touch (Jerrie Fanfiction)

Galing kay jerrie-is-my-otp

1.1M 23.5K 11.4K

Little Mix has finished the Get Weird Tour and was enjoying a short break until the promotion of their fourth... Higit pa

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Translations of Touch:)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 73

10.7K 201 88
Galing kay jerrie-is-my-otp

A/N: I think there is something wrong with Wattpad, it keeps lagging and has problem saving my work...took me a very loooooooooog time to finish this one.\/. 

Jade's POV

22 February 2017

Gosh I am so nervous.

I have been for a while, actually, ever since I knew we only got a couple days to rehearse for the Brits since we were touring in the US, and what made it worse was we got the wrong backing track. We barely had time to practise our dance routine and there is another thing we had to worry about...great. The dread of not having enough time to pull out the best performance was too much and was getting to the point where I was having a breakdown at rehearsal, but luckily things got better and we got the track and choreography right before the actual performance.

However, I still feel under-rehearsed and the fear of messing it up is huge, and the fact that we are opening for the show doesn't help at all, not even me being dressed up like Beyoncé could boost up my confidence...I am soooo scared

I didn't realize I was shaking until she was holding me, her strong arms wrapped me around like a comfort blanket, momentarily soothing my frantic heartbeats that caused by the anxiety and uncertainty, the same way she helped me recovered from my breakdown days ago.

"Don't stress yourself so much, you can do it babe."

Her voice was so calm and encouraging. She might always be the most childish and enthusiastic one in the group, but she could be so mature and reliable at times, especially when she knew I need her. I knew deep down she might feel uneasy too, considering how nervous she was last year, but she is considerate enough not to show it and be the stronger one when I was in this state

"I just hope it will go well Pez"

I whimpered and buried my face in the crook of her neck, taking in her intoxicated sweet scent that eases every nerve inside my body.

"It will go well Jade...just like last time, remember?" She whispered and softly rubbed my back.

I smiled, recalling the same conversation we had last year, only with our roles reversed.

"Thank you" I muttered, feeling my usual confidence coming back

"Anytime" She kissed my head.

I spent another minute relishing her warm embrace, then reluctantly pulled away because I knew the longer I stayed in her arms, the more difficult and unwilling for me to do so, time clearly didn't allow us as we were about to go on stage so it would have to wait. I cupped her cheeks and peered into those beautiful blue eyes that I would forever admire

"I love you" 

I breathed out, and soon I felt her soft lips against my own making my heart leaps

"I love you too"

She mumbled before our lips detached, with a goofy toothy grin on her face, my thumb brushed at the cute dimple that had made an appearance


I turned my head to see Leigh was watching us in awe.

"And you told me not to interrupt the lovebirds..."

Jesy rolled her eyes at Leigh, but her expression quickly changed when she turned to look at us with a genuine smile, which rarely happened because she always seems to be disgusted at our affection.

"Are you ready to smash the performance now Beyoncé ?" Jesy asked me with a lopsided smile

"Hell yeah" I flipped my hair cockily, feeling like the queen herself and ready to deliver a killer performance

"Yeah our sassy Jade is back!" Leigh exclaimed and engulfed us in a tight hug

"Hey what about me you bitches!" Jesy scolded and immediately joined in

"Let's go get it girls!"

We changed our outfits and sat at our table after the performance, that we absolutely slayed. I feel incredible with the big weight finally off my shoulders, but it could have been better if my baby was sitting next to me, which unfortunately wasn' the case because Jesy insisted on dividing us, saying she had to prevent something inappropriate from happening, which was total bullshit to me because we would never have sex with thousands of people around and several cameras surrounding us to broadcast the award show. 

She had been picking on us ever since she found out we didn't follow her strict 'no-sex rule', which we still had absolutely no idea how, given the fact that I was fully recovered on the day of rehearsal and we had covered up all the evidence with our make-up...but somehow she just knew, which was really weird and even creepy if you asked me, she better not be spying on us... 

Perrie and I exchanged glances and rolled our eyes when Jesy took another huge gulp on her drink, getting drunk already when only one award had been presented, screaming and dancing like a fangirl while Bruno Mars was performing on stage.

Actually, she is the one that needs to behave herself...

And then here comes the first award we got nominated for, which was the 'British Group', and we really want it. It's not only because we think we deserve it, as we had been working our butts off, but also if we won, we would be the first girl group to win this, and we would have broken two curses together with the X Factor.

"And the winner is..."

We all grabbed tightly on each other's hand, tensely waiting for the result, and hopefully a good one...Please Please Please...

"The 1975"

Of course, it's not us

"I am so sick of this!"

Jesy groaned and downed another drink, expressing her disapproval and protest. I was disappointed too because I think we totally deserve it, but at the same time I kinda expected it...we are always the underdogs. It is really difficult to get credit for your hard work when you are in a girl group, the complete opposite of the number of critics we got for what we wore...Why is it so fucking hard to be rewarded for our hard work?  

"So unfair" I mumbled and took a sip of my drink, not only to drink my sorrow away but also the irritation on the inequality

"Why did I spend all night practising our winning speech when we don't even have the chance to say it? Silly me!" Leigh threw her hands in the air, clearly feeling equally defeated as I was

"Hey we still have two noms, the 'British Single' and 'British Video', and even if we end up don't win one tonight, I am sure one day we will so your speech is not going to be wasted"

Perrie heartened us, being the optimistic one like usual, the ray of sunshine we can't live without. She is right, moping around didn't change anything so why don't we just enjoy ourselves and had a good chinwag instead? I flashed her a grateful smile and grabbed Leigh and Jesy's hand to get their attention.

"Perrie is right, not winning doesn't mean we aren't amazing right? We still own that freaking stage tonight!"

"Hell yeah we did!"

Jesy exclaimed, finishing her sentence with a burp that had us all burst out into laughter, and it seems to be what we needed to get our good mood back. 

It might be hard for us as a girl group, but I would never regret being put in one when I have these three

Leigh smiled and squeezed my hand, before letting go of my hand and turned her attention to the stage, while Jesy did the same and pouring more wine into her glass, but not even a second passed I felt another hand covering mine, one that I wish could forever hold on to. I turned my hand over to lace our fingers together, smiling at our interlocked fingers before looking up, getting lost in those sparkling blue orbs like I always do

"Cheer up baby" She cooed and brushed her thumb gently

"I am, thanks to you"

I grinned and blew her a kiss which she quickly caught with her free hand and placed it on her heart, making me giggle. She gave me a wink and raised our joint hands to her lips and kissed the back of mine, I smiled bashfully at the cheesy but extremely cute gesture.

"You are blocking my view!"

Jesy pushed our hands down on the table and detached them, I whimpered in lost

"WTF Jesy"

Perrie protested and quickly reached for my hand again, but only stopped by Jesy once again

"Nope. Keep your hand to yourself, I know damn well the slightest touch could lead to sex with you two horny shits, and besides, you are interrupting me to get my drink"

We groaned as Jesy grabbed the bottle and filled up her empty glass the million times tonight, I flashed Perrie an apologetic smile, knowing there is nothing we could do to go against a drunk Jesy as she would and could do whatever the fuck she wants...

"And she has the guts to ban me from alcohol, she is way worse than me..." Leigh grimaced

"She is definitely the worst" I agreed, Perrie nodding her head frantically

"Hey! I heard that!"

To be honest, we all knew nothing good happens when Jesy and alcohol gets too close, so we exchanged knowing glances, telling each other it's time to start pouring water into her bottle to slowly sober her up, sneakily though, because whoever got caught would have to deal with a pissed drunk Jesy and it is immensely terrifying...

"And here are the nominees for British Single..."

It was the next award we were nominated, but unlike the last one, we weren't edgy at all, knowing how slim our chances were watching who we are going against, but still, we couldn't help but cheer when it was us on the big screen.

"And the winner is..."

I am ready to put on my best humble face and clap for whoever wins...

"Little Mix - Shout Out To My Ex!"


My head was still processing what I had just heard but it couldn't have been clearer when I heard the booming scream from the girls. I jumped, yelping in surprise as I hugged Leigh Anne who looked just as shocked as I was.

We all were

God this is unreal

Leigh took my hand and led me to the stage, with Jesy and Perrie following behind, and now I found it actually a good idea they segregating me from Perrie, if not, I am sure I would be kissing her senselessly right now and forgot about going up on that stage to accept the award...although it still took us forever to get there as we literally got lost.

Leigh was supposed to speak first so when she pushed the mic in front of me it caught me off guard, not completely though because they always did that when they were lost for words...(and fortunately Jesy was sober enough to not grab the mic to say anything embarrassing so I guessed our plan did work). I don't really know what to say as my mind was still a blur and I was trying so hard to hold back my happy tears, so I just thanked everyone who made 'Shout Out To My Ex' possible, which of course, including ourselves, and when my eyes met Perrie's, I knew exactly what I want to say next...

"And then lastly, cheers to our exes, who helps us doing an amazing song..this is for you lads!"

I decided to end it this way and gave a cheeky wink at the end, then Leigh took the mic and wrapped up the speech beautifully. I would love to say more, to thank them for being so dumb to let Perrie go so I could be with her now and soon married to this amazing woman, but eventually I chose not to, knowing the media would use my words to point directly to one specific guy and blow it out of proportion...

Tonight is not about that, tonight is about us finally won a fucking Brit 

"WE DID IT!!!!!!"

Jesy shouted once we went backstage and that's when the news started to sink in. Suddenly I felt a wave of emotion hit me, that I had tried so hard to hold in when I was on stage in order to be able to give a proper speech, I feel...overwhelmed, and now I allow myself to be, my vision started to get blurry

"Hahaha what the fuck is life! Don't cry, babe"

The excitement on her face was quickly replaced with worry once she saw a tear rolling down my face, arms instantly wrapping around my lower back to pull my body against her, letting me cry on her shoulder while she continued stroking my hair gently and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I let out a loud sob and cried even harder because I couldn't help but realized how lucky I am

Not only do we have a Brit...I also have this incredible woman

"Aw it's alright love...we just won a Brit, it's no big deal" She joked, and I couldn't help but laugh at her irony

Yep. She is definitely, and will always be my biggest win 

Once we got back to our seats, we celebrated our victory by consuming all the alcohol left on our table, well Jesy drank most of it to be exact as Perrie remained sober and stopped me when I started to get a little bit drunk, which I protested at first but obeyed immediately when she pulled out those baby blues, Leigh Anne tried to stop Jesy too but failed miserably because a drunk Jesy was unstoppable

Yeah, she was drunk again.

Actually no...worse, she was pissed

"Careful babe"

Perrie wrapped a protective arm around my waist to steady me, as I almost lost my balance when we were heading backstage after the show, my hand grasped tightly on the precious award we had just won, the only one as we lost 'British Video' to 1D again, but it was enough to make my day. 

"Hey Jade be careful, don't break the award!" Jesy shouted from behind

"Shut up Jes" Perrie growled, her expression softened when she turned to look at me

"You feeling ok babe?" Her sapphire eyes stared at me concernedly. 

"I am. I just can't walk straight...can you hold me?" I smiled bashfully. I blamed the alcohol for not allowing me to walk properly, but I certainly don't mind having her arms around me

"You don't have to ask my love" She cooed

"Thank you" I smiled and pecked her lips

"Gosh I miss this"

"Me too baby"

I was about to lean in to capture those lips but stopped by the one and only Jesy Nelson, again

"Fucking move won't you?!" She scolded

I sighed and pulled away, Perrie let out a groan of frustration.

"Let's head back quickly so we can continue?" I asked hopefully. 

Even though we have made it official and had no problem displaying public affection, we prefer not to do that whenever it involves work, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention on our personal lives when what we wanted to focus on is our hard work, where Leigh and Jesy are also a big part of. Although they don't seem to mind, since they are the one clarifying what really happened at the beach whenever we got asked if Perrie and I was actually married, and they are the one gathering the crowd, causing a commotion and won't stop until Perrie and I shared a kiss on stage whenever we finished performing 'Secret Love Song...they are really our biggest supporters just like family

She nodded and hurriedly leading me back, but luck wasn't on our side because we were forced to come to a halt again

"Hi girls, congratulations on the win! How do you feel?"

"We can't believe this! We..."

And so we did interview after interview, telling the hosts how shocked we were and why we took so long to get on the stage, laughing our asses off when Jesy constantly saying and doing crazy things, like yelling and swearing and even licking the award...

It's time like this I wish I wasn't associated with her in any possible way...

But to be fair, I was a bit drunk too, being slightly possessive over the award and laughed at almost everything they said, everything seems funny to me when I was drunk. I gazed at Perrie dreamily as she was now the one talking, my eyes focus mainly on those soft luscious lips that were moving so deliciously. I also find it very difficult to not drool over a certain blonde, with the alcohol lessened the self-control I have. 

"Baby that's not a mic, that's the award"

I snapped out of my thought and that's when I realized I was holding the award inches away from her lips, she smirked and reached for the real microphone

"This is the microphone, I'll continue"

I laughed and turned my head away to hide my blush from the camera, and I tried not to stare at her pretty face when she continued her speech, knowing I would get lost in those gorgeous features easily.

"You alright baby?"

She cooed and wrapped her arms around my torso once she finished, I looked up but immediately regretted it, looking anywhere but her and nodding instead. I couldn't bear to see her staring at me like fondly and full of I am the only thing matters...I knew if I peered at those loving eyes any longer I won't hesitate to crash my lips on her.


She asked again in that tender and smooth voice that melts my heart, I blushed and nodded, fixing my gaze on the award like it was the most interesting thing to me, making sure she couldn't see my eyes and the emotion behind it as she could easily read my mind if she did.

No, I am not alright when you are looking at me like that...

I purred happily when her lips smashed on mine, finally having the chance to actually devour those sweet plump lips after a long night of celebration, instead of stealing some quick pecks here and there with tons of people around us

Grasping the collar of her shirt, I pulled her closer and pressed my lips firmly against hers. Feeling a bit eager, my teeth scraped against her bottom lip, earning a low growl from Perrie but she quickly turned the table around by squeezing my bum, making me moan and she took the opportunity to slide her tongue in my mouth before I could do so, I groaned in disappointment but reciprocated her action anyway, not caring about me losing and just let them danced in perfect harmony.

Our lips parted when air became crucial, feeling her forehead against mine, I smiled and opened my eyes, the curve on my face widened when she peered at me earnestly, pure love brimming from those captivating blue eyes. I just stared back as lovingly, none of us speaks a word as we held each other's gaze, allowed silence to fill the room even though we had regained our breathing 

There is no need for word, the emotion we harboured in our eye said it all.

It's moment like this we feel like words are no longer adequate to fathom the depth of our love, so we show it instead, even if it was just a stare, a light peck on the head or a stroke on the arm, it felt much more intimate and connected because only the two of us could decrypt the infinite meaning behind these all-seem- so-insignificant gestures

That's why my brows furrowed in disenchantment when she broke our eye contact, as I thought we were having this 'thing' going on, but my frown disappeared instantly when she raised a hand to catch a loose strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear, my cheeks tainted in red as her thumb stroked the skin so gently, and when her gaze met mine once again, my breath hitched and my heart felt like it was going to explode

Somehow the unfathomable affection that held in her eyes together with the tender caress was too much for me

So I closed the gap and clung to her warm body, trying to calm my unhealthy frantic heartbeats and hid the crimson on my face. I hummed and closed my eyes when her arms encircling my waist right away, brushing the tip of my nose against her neck and let out a contented sigh to let her know how much I love being wrapped in her arms. My lips curved up when she pressed a lingering kiss on my head and held me tighter in response.

But then I felt her arm left my back, even just for a second, it was enough to disconcert me as I immediately clutched at her shirt wanting her to stay, I smiled when she moved her hand up to the back of my head, brushing my hair gently and shaking her head to reassure me she is not going anywhere. We remained in the same position for what seems like forever until I felt like I wanted to do more than just hugging, dying to let her know how much she is making me feel right now, so I slowly pulled away and removed her left arm from my torso, placing her palm on my chest, to where my heart is, finger brushing at the half heart on her ring

I love you

She flashed me a bright grin that could light up the whole room. She took my left hand and copied my gesture.

I love you too

And gave my hand a squeeze

So much

My heart swelled at her unspoken sweet words. Noticed my quicken heartbeat, her thumb started to move, softly drawing small circles on my chest through the thin layer of clothing. I smiled bashfully, curling my fingers to interlock our fingers, loving how easily to slide them in and how fitting they were. I slowly removed my hand that was underneath her, only to raise it to place on her cheek. She dropped her hand and placed it on my waist instead. I caressed her cheek gently and gazed at her blue eyes longingly, started to feel overwhelmed once again

You have to stop making me feel like this's too much

Her lips curled up into a cocky lopsided smile

I can't help it, it's only fair because you did the same to me

Her beautiful face suddenly became blurry. I shut my eyes when I felt her lips pressed on the spot under my eye and delicately trailing it down to my jaw, kissed away the tears I had no idea when started to form and fall down. 

"Don't cry baba"

She rubbed the tip of her nose up and down on my left cheek, loving the adorable contact, I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck to pull her closer, smiled when I felt her nose nudging at the crook of my neck

"You remind me of Hatchi..." I giggled and pat her head like she was a lost puppy.

"What a way to ruin the moment" She scolded

"Sorry babe" I laughed  

I squealed when I felt my feet off the ground all of the sudden. She emitted some evil laugh and carried me in bridal style, walking towards our bed and lay me down carefully on the soft mattress, I gulped when she looked down at me with a playful smile on her face.

"Saying I'm like my dog huh" I yelped in surprise when she began licking my face

"Stop!" I cried out and tried to push her face away, but she grabbed my hands and pinned them besides my head, interlocking our fingers

"Ah gross!" I shrieked when she continued washing my face with her tongue, she stopped and raised a brow

"Gross? I thought you like it when my tongue was down in your throat, love it even more when it was in your I was wrong all this time huh? I guess I should stop doing that..." She smirked

"You wouldn't dare!" I quickly protested

"Hmm I am you want my tongue or n-"

"Girls please stop...I am trying to sleep" Leigh pleaded

"Sorry Lee-lee"

I quickly apologized. Perrie whined and released my arms, rolling off me to lie next to me. I completely forgot about the girls, who were just sleeping in the guest room next to us cause we are going to fly back to the US next morning, and there is no way we would leave Leigh Anne alone to take care of a dead-drunk Jesy...who must had passed out already since we didn't got yelled of

"You" I pointed an accusing finger at the blonde next to me, who pulled out an innocent face

"You are the one making noise..." She shrugged

"You are the one making me scream" I countered

"It's always the case isn't it?" She beamed at me arrogantly and wrapped her arms around me

"You are an ass you know?" I pinched her nose

"Your ass" She grinned cheekily

"Why do I love you again?" I feigned to gasp in disbelief

"Because your ass is perfect"

She wiggled her eyebrows, I rolled my eyes but failed to contain my giggles at her silly joke. I squeaked when her hands sneakily made their way to my bum and gave it a squeeze

"Stop and go to sleep now. We have an early flight to catch tomorrow morning" I reprimanded, she moved her hands up and rested them on my lower back instead

"Not until you give me a goodnight kiss" She pursed her lips

"Should I?! You have been mischievous all night..." I raised a questioning eyebrow

"I am sorry...Pretty pleaseeeee" 

She pulled out her best puppy eyes and the cutest pout ever. I sighed and leaned in to press my lips against hers, earning an adorable grin from her once we pulled away.

"You sure you can sleep tonight? Anything bothers you still love?" She cooed and rubbed my back, knowing the gesture helps me relax and make me drowsy.

"I am sure. Don't worry babe"

I flashed her a genuine smile and pecked her lips. My heart warmed at her thoughtfulness, as I was having trouble falling to sleep the past few days because of my overthinking on the performance today, which ruined her sleep too because she was staying up to console me with sweet words and soft kisses, refused to sleep until she made sure I was asleep...

She takes care of me the best way possible...I truly have nothing to worry about for the rest of my life 

"Great. I love you my beautiful wife. Goodnight" I hummed happily when I felt her lips pressed on my forehead

"I love you too my naughty wife. Nanite"

She chuckled and held me closer so my face was buried in her chest, unaware of the sheepish smile crept up on my face whenever she called me that. I pressed a light kiss on her collarbone, closing my eyes with a huge smile on my face, awaited to be taken to the perfect dreamland...

Where I am her wife, literally

A/N: Oh I can hear the sound of wedding bells :D

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